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Season 26 Live Feeds Discussion

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Maybe Ainsley’s twist will just be a DE announcement— to us, presumably not the house. 

Julie announced that on last week's live show so that's not it.

35 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Poor Leah - stuck in the jury house with Quinn at least it’s a DE so she won’t be there alone with him. 

She actually likes him now so she'll probably be happy. At least for awhile.

Since there's literally no chance Chelsie goes in the DE, I will at least take pleasure in MJ probably going instead. Fucking idiot. 

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25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Since there's literally no chance Chelsie goes in the DE, I will at least take pleasure in MJ probably going instead. Fucking idiot. 

The only kind of sad thing about Makensy is that, deep down, I think that she knows that Chelsie's played her very badly and that she did everything wrong that she possibly could've done this week.  Unfortunately, this is still on her, because she was so desperate to believe that she's Chelsie's bestie, and thus did she do her dirty work for her rather than do what was best for her own game.  And now there's a strong chance that, unless she wins the Veto during the Double Eviction, she's going to follow Leah right out the door this Thursday.

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25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She actually likes him now so she'll probably be happy. At least for awhile.

If there is any chance of Leah and Quinn happening, it'll be because they ended up in jury together. We shall see.

What infuriates me every season is these people play terribly, then leave the house and intentionally avoid anything that attempts to set them straight about where they went wrong in the game. As a result, I am deprived of the satisfaction of them realizing their own idiocy. They just blissfully go on to sell their McDonalds filet o'fish and hair gummies without ever having to confront how badly they erred. 

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I lost interest this week but just checking in with y’all. Looks like the veto is being used just for the sake of keeping the trend now and with the jury phase also began the trend of backdooring. Shame that I felt Leah was the only one smart enough to take down Chelsei but alas. I liked Chelsei’s game although I detested her mean girl side and her ridiculous drama with Cam but I’m not investing my time to watch her coast to the win. I’ll probably check in here once a week and just watch the Wednesday and Thursday episodes for any interesting veto comps and the formality of evictions. ✌️ 

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They've been backdooring all season lol. I mean, not technically. Even this isn't a true BD. But just using the veto to get someone else out, even if that wasn't actually your initial plan, has happened. And that's been a good thing. Even now, it's at least a little excitement in what would otherwise be the usual boring ride to the finale. It just sucks it's at the expense of 1 of the only players I'm personally rooting for.

I do think Production pushed MJ to use veto because they like the trend of it being used every week. I also think they are probably good with Leah going since they're trying to make Chelsie into a mastermind for the casuals and her winning makes the show really easy for them to edit. 

With Leah gone, my preference for winner would be Angela-Kimo-Cam-Rubina-MJ-Chelsie.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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What's hilarious to me is if somehow Kimo or Rubina wins DPOV and gets rid of Cam, I think both Kimo and Rubina would MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE still take Chelsie over each other to the finals.

They can't be THAT dumb, though, can they?

And what's funny is that Makensy fucked Angela over so much that if Angela wins DEHOH, she'll probably send Makesny home, and I couldn't even blame her. 

3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

What's hilarious to me is if somehow Kimo or Rubina wins DPOV and gets rid of Cam, I think both Kimo and Rubina would MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE still take Chelsie over each other to the finals.

They can't be THAT dumb, though, can they?

And what's funny is that Makensy fucked Angela over so much that if Angela wins DEHOH, she'll probably send Makesny home, and I couldn't even blame her. 

Kimo will take Rubina but I don't know about Rubina. I do think she would probably take Chelsie. Rubina has fallen so far for me. I basically hate her now.

If Angela gets DE HOH she'll want Chelsie gone but the votes won't be there so it won't matter what she wants.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It seems that there is a pattern emerging of the current HOH being the next one out the door. I don’t understand when they have their “one on ones” why they don’t make deals to keep themselves safe the next week?  I seem to remember that used to be a big part of the game.  Back before “voting with the house”. Maybe they are and I’m just missing it. But it seems that now their talks are always “like.. I have a good feeling about you… like. “. I think last week if Leah had set Mak and Chelsie down and said I will keep you off the block if you keep me off the block next week. They would have honored it. 

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This really was the worst possible week for Leah and Angela.  They're both on the block against each other, at the hands of a woman under whose HoH, in theory, they should've been totally, completely safe, because they had her back.  Now one of them (likely Leah) is gone Thursday, because the woman in question played the worst game that she possibly could've played this week.

And to make it worse for the woman in question, she's going next if she doesn't win the Veto during the double, and she's likely going to see just how badly she's been played by Chelsie into tanking not only her game, but Leah's and Angela's.

1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

It seems that there is a pattern emerging of the current HOH being the next one out the door.

In ten weeks, only four times -- Cedric, Tucker, Quinn, and now (unless something saves her) Leah.  Five if Makensy goes during the double.

3 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

I think last week if Leah had set Mak and Chelsie down and said I will keep you off the block if you keep me off the block next week. They would have honored it. 

I'm pretty sure Leah and Chelsie did make that deal but obviously Chelsie was lying like she always does and literally never planned to keep Leah safe. Leah and MJ were working together so there was no need to make a deal, it should have just been obvious. And it was, until DR got in MJ's head.

Edited by peachmangosteen
Just now, peachmangosteen said:

And it was, until DR got in MJ's head.

Yeah, that's the fucked up thing. Makensy pushed back on Chelsie BIG TIME on putting Leah up, until the DR got in her head about saving Angela. I don't think the DR really cared about getting rid of Leah specifically, but I think they really want Angela to stick around, and, well, that sucks.

To be fair, though, most HGs, even the dumb ones, are not dumb enough to be swayed by the DR, as the DR is always trying to sway HGs. So Makensy has to own this stupidity, but it still sucks that the DR put its thumb on the scale this week. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Since there's literally no chance Chelsie goes in the DE, I will at least take pleasure in MJ probably going instead. Fucking idiot. 

This is about the only thing that will make me happy on Thursday.   I want Chelsie or Cam to win HOH and nominate MJ and then have MJ go home by unanimous vote.   Because that may be the only way she figures out she's been played like a violin this week.  

I liked Chelsie earlier in the season, but her constant jealous tirades about or at Cam have worn thin, and I just don't have any interest in watching her win.  The only worse winner, IMO, would be Kimo.  

Putting aside this week's nominations/vote, the two remaining that I like best are Leah and Rubina.  Rubina has played a good social game but that's about it, so I would vote for Leah.   Since Leah is going home, my preferred final 2 would be Angela and Rubina.   And honestly, I would probably vote for Angela.  

But I suspect the final three will be Chelsie, Cam, and Rubina.   With Chelsie the winner as I don't think the other two would vote her out at F3 even if they have the chance.  

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MJ, Chelsie, Angela, Kimo, and Rubina are talking in the living room.  They are wondering whether Julie's absence was something game related.   Specifically, MJ pointed out that Julie was missing the same episode where Ainsley went off to visit the world.   They are also fairly sure a double eviction is coming.   Now they are talking about Ainsley being angry. 

I don't see Cam.   Leah is in the bathroom playing with her.   Sometimes they give hair dye to the blondes whose roots are growing out; I've been expecting that for a week or two.   But I guess now Leah can ask for them to give it to her in the jury house.   I'm sure Quinn will help her.  

Did T'Kor like Quinn or did he get on her nerves?   I have trouble imagining the two of them spending time alone in the jury house.   He's bouncing off the walls and she's going "mmm." 

ETA Cam showed up in the living room 



Edited by Thalia
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I like MJ and hope she can survive the DE but it’s gonna be tough. Chelsie is probably the best player left and would be a worthy winner. I am looking forward to Angela leaving but I was hoping it was going to be more of a blindside because I think she already knows she’s DOA. I think the only way this season could end up horribly is if Kimo were to win. I think there might be rioting on the BB streets if that was to happen. LOL!!!!!

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Well, not a lot's been going on till now.

Leah is finally confronting Makensy on her move today.  They're having the "You're a fucking idiot"/"I know that, and I accept that" conversation.  Makensy's babbling, and Leah's shooting it down.

Unfortunately, Leah is not committing to badmouthing Chelsie in this talk as she should be.  She's blaming Kimo and Rubina, and because she's doing that, Makensy keeps coming back to her brainwashed "You should talk to Chelsie."

Nothing is really being gained in this conversation for either person.

Leah says that if she goes home this week, so be it.  She’s not going to beg or share her life stories to make people feel sorry for her.

Makensy keeps urging her to talk to Chelsie.  She and Cam could give her two votes to stay, and she can break the tie.  But Leah knows that that won't happen.

Finally, Leah is flat-out telling Makensy that she made a stupid move and got tricked into getting a number out for her: "You got got.  I watched the same thing when Quinn put Joseph up.  I'm like, 'Are you an idiot?!'"

Leah breaks things down for Makensy and said that she was concerned about going after the T’Kor trio instead of Chelsie and Cam, as at least T’Kor never lied to her.  And now her paranoia became reality.

Leah: The shot didn’t need to be at me this week, but I guess she wants someone other than herself to take the shot.  And she got you to take it perfectly.

And then came this exchange:

Makensy: I didn't want to put you up.
Leah: - Yeah, but you did.
Makensy: I understand that.

And then, Makensy tries to make excuses that she is twenty-two and felt cornered that she had to.  But Leah's having none of it.  She brings back her excuses of "I was a twenty-two-year-old who was cornered" to the jury house, saying that with this terrible move, Makensy is officially a goat.  Which might save Makensy with Chelsie.  I don't know.

Makensy is a moron.  There's nothing to be had from this conversation, because she doesn't understand the "sides" in the house.  Nor does she understand that Chelsie manipulates her and lies to her.

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I thought about turning on feeds but I can't even bear it. And with Leah gone, it will get even worse. It's not even the boredom of it all that I can't stand, it's the cowering subservience. For awhile, everyone was playing crazy reckless and messy, and while it was fun, I knew it couldn't last. But this has gone just too far in the other direction of everyone being afraid to do anything. Anything that hasn't earned the Chelsie stamp of approval, that is.

I know she hasn't really done anything, but that's kind of the genius of Chelsie's gameplay, right? Why make moves when you can mist everyone else to make them for you? So I do think she deserves to win.  But what a slog to the end that will be. The only thing that may return this season to its previous glory is if Chelsie somehow goes in DE (not happening)*, and we end up with a messy goat for a messy winner. As long as it's not Makensey or Cam. They're not messy, they're just boring.

*Alternate acceptable scenario: Chelsie makes it to the end, but everyone has washed off the mist in the jury house and come to their senses, so Chelsie ends the season making shocked Paul faces for my amusement.

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25 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Alternate acceptable scenario: Chelsie makes it to the end, but everyone has washed off the mist in the jury house and come to their senses, so Chelsie ends the season making shocked Paul faces for my amusement.

And I will make it even better; MJ and Cam are evicted and Chelsie learns live on finale night that MJ and Cam have become a couple in the jury house so she starts ranting instead of answering questions and presenting the reasons she should win so she gets zero votes.

Now that would be sweet..

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So I’ve been re-reading last year’s live feed thread, as I sometimes do when I’m bored. I’m at the same point last year (I’m in the midst of a four hour layover). It was a Double Eviction week except that no one was evicted. Cameron and Jared got to come back in the house for a week, played in some challenges which Cameron won, and then NOTHING HAPPENED! No other HOH, nothing. And the talk in the thread was how both Jared and Cameron were misogynistic and creepy, and we’ve pretty much had none of that nonsense this season, so yay! 

I’ll be fine if Chelsie wins, and I would love a Kimo/Rubina final 2. Angela has been feeds gold but I don’t want her sniffing final 2. Cam is furniture, which is usually a term applied to women. Regardless how this ends, it’s been a hell of a ride. That’s how I feel right now (did I mention the 4 hour layover?)

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54 minutes ago, Thalia said:

For once I'm happy about the Battle Back.   I'd like to see a reset with an enraged Quinn or Leah.   It is hard to imagine T'Kor doing much more than saying "mmm mmm," but I suppose anything is possible.   

I don't think there will be a battle back because they have shown them the goodbye messages.

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42 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

I don't think there will be a battle back because they have shown them the goodbye messages.

They've had battlebacks after showing goodbye messages before. But yes, I think there isn't enough time for a battleback. I suspect it will instead be some nonsense like Ainsley will "kidnap" them for a competition. 

5 hours ago, Thalia said:

I was just reading the Joker's recap of the MJ/Leah talk.   At one point Leah more or less told MJ that Quinn would vote with Leah, and that after this Leah will never vote with MJ and "that's two votes."  I don't know if that registered with MJ, but -- well, it should.  

"Ha! You think I'm worried about your vote in the end? I'm obviously not MAKING it to the end, so THERE!" 

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Not a lot going on right now.

Angela has been playing wisely since the Veto meeting.  Listened to Leah and cried with her for a bit, but has been socializing with others and just making herself a barely-noticeable member of the group.  She's currently in a blanket shooting the shit with Rubina.  They're having a nice talk, actually.

I think, with two of the most most anti-Angela houseguests (and by that, I mean Quinn and T'kor) now gone, everyone seems more comfortable with Angela and actually seem to like having her around.  And she, in turn, seems more comfortable with them.  I think that Quinn and T'kor really drove and fueled a lot of the ire against her, so without them there, she's been able to integrate with the others a lot better and so much more easily.

Edited by Rodney
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2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

It was a Double Eviction week except that no one was evicted. Cameron and Jared got to come back in the house for a week, played in some challenges which Cameron won, and then NOTHING HAPPENED! No other HOH, nothing.

I can't imagine they would redo that horrible twist but also I can so now I'm afraid that's the trick Ainsley has up her simulated sleeve. Watch there be a miracle and everyone grows a brain cell on Thursday and evicts Chelsie during the DE and then she just comes back. Honestly, that would be so BB lol.

Next Thursday's episode is 2 hours so it feels like there's definitely something going on. I feel like it would be weird for Ainsley to, what, announce it to only the audience on the Wednesday episode though.

I just wish I could find more info on what exactly they've heard. My sister just said she read that they were given videos to watch last night and that they talked about Ainsley saying she kidnapped the jurors but I haven't been able to find any summary about it or anything. Granted, I only read here and skim Reddit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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56 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just wish I could find more info on what exactly they've heard. My sister just said she read that they were given videos to watch last night and that they talked about Ainsley saying she kidnapped the jurors but I haven't been able to find any summary about it or anything. Granted, I only read here and skim Reddit.

Damn CBS for taking away the rewind option on the feeds, lol.

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Eesh.  Latest Jokers rankings show a huge drop for one of the houseguests:

#1. Leah
#2. Tucker (evicted)
#3. Angela
#4. Quinn (evicted)
#5. Cedric (evicted)
#6. Rubina
#7. Matt (evicted)
#8. Kimo
#9. Joseph (evicted)
#10. Kenney (evicted)
#11. Cam
#12. Lisa (evicted)
#13. Makensy
#14. Brooklyn (evicted)
#15. T'kor (evicted)
#16. Chelsie

Makensy has plummeted toward the bottom after spending most of this season up near the top.

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Popped in to feeds long enough to hear Leah and Chelsie whispering about next week plans. Leah prefaced it by saying she's frustrated with Kimo and Rubina refusing to work with her because Tucker poisoned them against her way back when. She says they're still playing Tucker's game.

Chelsie agrees and says she knows exactly what she's doing next. She's putting up Angela and Kimo. Leah: "But... Angela?" Chelsie: "... Oh! I forgot. She's getting evicted this week."


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