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I was just comparing Tyler Crispin and Quinn.   And not just because of their Troy Polamalu curls.  Quinn's botching of the multiple final 2 deals he made shows how much more skillful Tyler was, at least at first.  He may have had even more F2s, remained faithful to his first alliance, and kept it all hidden for quite a while.   Of course, it ended up kicking him in the ass when he faced a bitter jury.   



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31 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Tucker lives for another week. I’ll be rooting hard for Rubina to survive over Makensy, but I generally can’t have nice things.

Although maybe Tucker will decide not to use it because…you know….Tucker.

Chelsie did a camera talk and confirmed that they're going to try to convince Tucker to not save himself, or else Rubina will go up.

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15 minutes ago, Thalia said:

 I like Cedric, but I kind of hope he's voted out this week.  At some point these people need to quit volunteering to be pawns and just make the HOH make the hard decisions.  

Tucker came within ten minutes of that fate last week, and I think a vote between Rubina and Cedric could be close. Certainly close enough that Cedric should be sweating a bit. He never should have volunteered knowing this situation was possible--I mean, he should never have volunteered at ALL, but it feels like the norm this season is that people keep doing this and getting away with it.

I think there's at least a shot that Tucker abstains from using the veto to protect Rubina. However, I see this as being complicated by two things:

1) He doesn't fully seem to believe that Quinn is in charge of replacement nominees as well--they apparently had a huge blowup where Tucker insisted Quinn was lying, though Quinn told him he literally can't lie about the power as per production

2) I think he realizes he almost went home last week and only saved himself by winning the AI comp. He might not be willing to chance it. 

But it's Tucker, so there's no real way to predict what he'll do two days from now. We don't even know what nationality he'll be tomorrow. 

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For as almighty as Quinn thinks that he is, he sure hasn't had a good past couple of days.  I love that for him.  Love, love, love. 

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T'Kor and Kimo are nervous.  Like to see it, and if it gets them off their asses to do something, then that'll be great for them.

Kimo and T'kor remind me of BB17's John and Becky.  Those two had the house dynamics down pat.  Unfortunately, they did the oddest things with what they knew.  But at least they tried to advance their positions, albeit in odd, almost nonsensical ways.  Kimo and T'kor barely do anything with what they know.

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Tucker and Rubina seemed to be having a bit of a falling out last night - he was quite snippy about her. Of course, he's snippy about everyone. So I'm not sure he's going to be the heroic save thing.

This is the funniest timeline and I love it so much.

Edited by Callaphera
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Well, Brooklyn has already tried to convince Tucker not to use the Veto, but he's not biting.  He's using it on Monday.

Now, whether it's on himself or on Makensy, I don't know.

Edited by Rodney
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It would be insane of Tucker to risk not using the veto again, which is exactly why he might do it. I think he likes living on the edge as much as he likes playing the Noble Warrior.

But I’m not sure Rubina would ever be a motivation for him to stay on the block. She is his only true ally, but he may not think he needs allies. He’s pretty confident in being a lone wolf badass. And since he told her he thinks of her as a sister,  he wouldn’t be saving her for romantic reasons. I mean, he’s not Makensey. 

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I’ll never understand why they didn’t backdoor Tucker. Quinn is not as smart a player as I first thought.  I understand you can’t completely backdoor someone with the AI arena thing, but at least take away his chance to win veto. Come on Quinn, what were you THINKING. This guy is going to win every comp and I’m not going to be able to handle his “muscles” and “voices” when he comes through the confetti 

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Eesh.  Rubina's father is in stroke recovery.  She told T'kor this while they were lying in the hammock together (they're still there now).  I get what that's like, because my father's been in recovery since 2004, and he had six strokes between 2004 and 2009.  He's never been the same since.

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Eesh.  Giggling and tittering about embarrassing Angela with Quinn's power must not have sat well other feedsters, because nearly everyone in the Pentagon has dropped on Jokers.  Cedric's dropped from fifth to sixth, and Chelsie, Brooklyn, and Quinn are down to eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth, respectively.  Even Matt and Kenney, two evicted houseguests, outrank them.

Joseph definitely seems to know where he stands.  He's telling Tucker that they need HoH next week.  Especially Tucker.  They hope for the wall, because Tucker could crush it.

Joseph congratulates Tucker on his Veto win, and Tucker thanks him.  He noticed that Cam was pissed that he won, which made him feel good.  If he wins the next HoH Competition, then he wants to go after Cedric, Cam, and Leah.  They're talking about this in the HoH room.

Tucker trusts Angela.  She's brought him great information about Brooklyn and Chelsie, suspecting that they're running things.  He agrees, but wants to go for the big guys around them first.  He wants himself, Joseph, and Angela to work together, potentially with Makensy if she can survive this week.

It's revealed that Tucker's real F2 is apparently Joseph, but they want Angela for a F3 ally.  After that, Joseph leaves to not be seen with Tucker, leaving him alone in the HoH room.

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. . . And now I wonder how tight Joseph is with Tucker, because he then went and spilled almost all of their talk to Quinn.  Ugh.

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Joe will never truly work with Angela after what she pulled week one. And he has no interest in really working with Tucker but he’d be stupid not to pretend to Tucker that he’s in. 

There really are no true alliances this year. The trust just isn’t there. Maybe twosomes, but I don’t think any of the 4,5,8 person alliances are really important to half the people in them. 

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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Joe will never truly work with Angela after what she pulled week one. And he has no interest in really working with Tucker but he’d be stupid not to pretend to Tucker that he’s in.

While that may be true, I do believe that he doesn't mind using Tucker and, to a lesser extent, Angela to do some damage to the Pentagon, at least.  Quinn apparently told him about it, and Joseph was not happy about it.

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36 minutes ago, Rodney said:

Eesh.  Rubina's father is in stroke recovery.  She told T'kor this while they were lying in the hammock together (they're still there now).  I get what that's like, because my father's been in recovery since 2004, and he had six strokes between 2004 and 2009.  He's never been the same since.

I'm so sorry to hear that (for both you and Rubina). Stroke recovery can be a vicious roller coaster of hope, frustration, and resignation.

1 hour ago, Rodney said:

While that may be true, I do believe that he doesn't mind using Tucker and, to a lesser extent, Angela to do some damage to the Pentagon, at least.  Quinn apparently told him about it, and Joseph was not happy about it.

He did, for no real reason. Joseph seemed to realize after that his position isn't great. But he now has the fact that Quinn spilled this to him in his back pocket. Interestingly, Kimo and T'Kor ALSO know about the pentagon and just like...don't care, I guess? It's amazing how much information people are just sitting on so far this season. Like, HOW has no one told Quinn, who is in charge of nominating people, that Leah hates him? 

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38 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I'm so sorry to hear that (for both you and Rubina). Stroke recovery can be a vicious roller coaster of hope, frustration, and resignation.

Thank you for the compassion.  It's been . . . all of those things for my family.  To see one of the strongest men we'd once known degenerate into, essentially, a sobbing mess virtually every day hasn't been pretty.

On to game stuff, Quinn was just talking to Joseph about how he felt being up on the block by America.  "I had a human moment," he said.  "There's a very good chance people just don't like me.  And that's all right."  He goes on to brag/speculate that down the road, some quirky kid will say that he (Quinn) was his favorite this season.  (Sad thing is that he's probably right.)

Joseph says he doesn't think it's that people don't like Quinn, it's just, uh, they just wanted a good competition.  Yeah, that's it!  Joseph is having trouble bullshitting this much, and the words are getting stuck in his mustache.

Seriously.  Joseph doesn't really believe that, does he?  If he does, then he's an idiot.

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Chelsie is playing dumb to Rubina.  Rubina has a pretty good idea that she’s going up, and Chelsie is saying, "Why would you go up?!“  Bitch, that was partly your plan!

I can't tell whether Rubina is having any of that or not.

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Angela is in the kitchen doing her spiel about how this is her dream and she sacrificed so much to be in the house, and this is one of those times I wish I could teleport myself into the house and ask her if all those other shows she was on were also her dream, and is it really a sacrifice for her or a compulsion? She gets on my last nerve, y’all. 

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Angela is in the kitchen doing her spiel about how this is her dream and she sacrificed so much to be in the house, and this is one of those times I wish I could teleport myself into the house and ask her if all those other shows she was on were also her dream, and is it really a sacrifice for her or a compulsion? She gets on my last nerve, y’all. 

Eh.  I'd still take her over newly-revealed mean girls Brooklyn and Chelsie, at this point, and most definitely Quinn, as well.

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So a few hours ago, Brooklyn, Chelsie, and Joseph were talking about who would be better to boot between Makensy and Rubina.  They say that Makensy is a better competitor, but completely out of the game loop, while Rubina hasn't really gotten a true chance to show her competitiveness in challenges, but is in more of the game loop and has secrets with which she can bury some of them.

They seem to be coming around to the idea it may be better to keep Rubina.

But what really gets me is the presumptuousness of those three.  Like, they're already presuming that Cedric will win the AI Arena.  Like, really?!  Makensy is just as capable as Cedric is, you tools!  And with the right competition, Rubina might have a chance, too!

I'm not a huge Makensy fan, but I almost hope that she wins the AI Arena and sends them all scrambling.

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7 hours ago, Rodney said:

I'd still take her over newly-revealed mean girls Brooklyn and Chelsie

Meh, they've been like that since the beginning, they just hid it in between Bible study verses (and I don't mean that as an anti-religious thing - they literally would bash her during their nightly Bible studies). Those two clutching their pearls and being all Helen Lovejoy over her is the reason I'm rooting for Leah.

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I have never been able to warm to Chelsie or Brooklyn and the more I see of them the less I like them. 

I wanna see MJ win AI Arena so the final noms are Rubina vs. Cedric. Watching Joseph, Kimo, and T'Kor just vote Rubina out when Cedric is right there will be infuriating but hilarious.


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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wanna see MJ win AI Arena so the final noms are Rubina vs. Cedric. Watching Joseph, Kimo, and T'Kor just vote Rubina out when Cedric is right there will be infuriating but hilarious.

T'kor has Cedric in her back pocket (and he, Cam, and Chelsie have her in theirs), so she'd never vote him out.  Joseph wants to vote him out if he's still on the block (and gladly will if they can get the numbers for it), because he wants to dent the Pentagon a bit now that he knows about it.  No telling of what Kimo would want to do, though.

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If it's Rubina vs. Cedric everyone will just vote out Rubina, someone with no real alliance and no idea what's going on, over Cedric who is a central figure in the alliance running the game. Absolute idiots lol.

But slightly in the defense of T'Kor/Kimo, the votes just wouldn't be there to save Rubina anyway so I guess it's no great loss that they won't even try. But, in general, it'd be nice if they'd realize talking about things does jack shit, you have to actually play the game lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently, they’re about to be locked down for 5 days. That’s a bit much lol. 

I feel sorry for them, but Bring on the Fireworks!  #TeamFunFeeds

Season 3 Netflix GIF by Stranger Things


PS I always wonder what they do about washing laundry during the lockdowns, particularly the long ones.  I wonder if they are given much advance notice. 

Edited by Thalia
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41 minutes ago, Thalia said:


PS I always wonder what they do about washing laundry during the lockdowns, particularly the long ones.  I wonder if they are given much advance notice. 

They can't do laundry during lockdowns. I remember last season there were long queues to do laundry before and after a long lockdown and the HGs would use their laundry bags to save their spot. This became an issue for Matt when America did not do his laundry (not that he asked her to; she was just supposed to know to do it because she was a woman). 

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On 8/10/2024 at 9:14 AM, peachmangosteen said:

I'm reading that Tucker admitted to playing a character and doing stuff for TV. Him and Quinn truly are the exact same lol.

Tucker dislikes people that are like him.

Hot guy=Matt=Tucker



Lisa/glitter/food = Tucker/ranch/milk


21 hours ago, Jillibean said:

1) He doesn't fully seem to believe that Quinn is in charge of replacement nominees as well--they apparently had a huge blowup where Tucker insisted Quinn was lying, though Quinn told him he literally can't lie about the power as per production

Geez, Tucker, not the first time you don't believe things people tell you. Remember angela last week.


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2 hours ago, Jillibean said:

and the HGs would use their laundry bags to save their spot. This became an issue for Matt when America did not do his laundry (not that he asked her to; she was just supposed to know to do it because she was a woman). 

Matt's Dream World:

Vintage Waiting GIF by Beeld & Geluid

I'm happy that he is stupid enough to be outspoken in his misogyny since last year and non feeders see him for who he is.   He had such a great story and was so photogenic he probably expected to use BB as a springboard to a Big Career.  Hopefully that is done now. 


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38 minutes ago, Thalia said:

He had such a great story and was so photogenic he probably expected to use BB as a springboard to a Big Career. 

I literally just had to Google “Matt BB 25” to see who you were talking about.  That’s how memorable he was to me.

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Not a lot going on today.

Only things of interest are that Rubina has gotten an inkling that she's going up, and indeed, she got it confirmed by Quinn.  She's not happy, but she knew that there was no way to talk him out of it, so she's just going to buck up and try to win the AI Arena.

On another note, Tucker's been considering using the Veto on Makensy and beating Cedric and Rubina in the AI Arena.  But Angela's been trying to talk him out of that.

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I thought Tucker was just trying to bait Quinn into nominating someone like Cam or Joseph in Makensy's place but then he was going to bait-and-switch and use the Veto on himself when he was floating the idea this morning. He didn't actually buy into his own fake plan, did he?

God, that's like Fessy level stupid.

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14 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I thought Tucker was just trying to bait Quinn into nominating someone like Cam or Joseph in Makensy's place but then he was going to bait-and-switch and use the Veto on himself when he was floating the idea this morning. He didn't actually buy into his own fake plan, did he?

God, that's like Fessy level stupid.

As of now, he's still on the train of thought of either using it on Makensy or not using it at all.

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Well, this is interesting.  During a talk between Kimo and T'kor, it seems that a lightbulb went off in the latter's head.

It sounds like T'kor and Kimo were just expressing displeasure at Quinn for not nominating Leah when Kimo and T'kor, who are supposed to be his F3, asked him to do that.  They're also not pleased that he's going for their friend and back-pocket ally, Rubina.

And now they're talking about possibly aligning with Tucker and Angela and breaking up the Collective!  T'kor is saying because they were pulled in at the last minute, their excuse will be that they didn't think that it was real.  And given that Quinn clearly values the Pentagon's input over theirs, they'll actually have that legitimate excuse!

They are going to have a conversation with Tucker about this and see how it goes, but that's their plan as of now.

Could be a good development if they go through with it.  But T'kor has been so displeased with Quinn for not telling her about his power, so I can't see her not wanting to do something about it.

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Oh, shit.  Tucker's now talking to Rubina about maybe not using the Veto on himself to save her.  She's eating it up.

But Tucker then says that he thinks she (Rubina) has the numbers more than he, but he worries that he'll be a dick if he doesn't keep himself on the block to save her.

He also told her that Angela wants him to use it, and Rubina wrinkled her nose and said, "Of course she did."

Credit where it's due.  Rubina is playing Tucker with all of her might.  She knows that she's the prime target for a replacement nominee if anybody comes off the block and is doing her damndest to make sure that that doesn't happen.

Now Tucker's hoping for a Battle-Back to win and come back in if he stays on the block and doesn't win the AI Arena.  Oh, good God.  He says, "Jury's not an option.  It's all or nothing."

And now Tucker's telling Rubina that he was strategizing with T'Kor and Kimo, which means that they did reach out to him during a time that the feeds weren't on him.  Too bad that he has so much trust in Rubina.  T'Kor and Kimo will not be happy.

Such a bummer that everything Tucker is telling Rubina will be shuttled directly back to Brooklyn (whom she believes is her F2), who will, in turn, shuttle it back to the rest of the Pentagon.

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A little later, Rubina and T'kor are talking game.

T'kor says that she wants Rubina safe.  She says that if Tucker decides not to use it and he wins the AI Arena, then it’s Cedric and Makensy left, and Cedric stays.

The camera then switched, so I missed some stuff.  But it gets back to them a minute later.

T'kor says she doesn’t have an alliance with Chelsie (not entirely true, as they're in each other's back pockets, at the very least), but they said that they wouldn’t put each other on the block.

T'kor is telling Rubina that if Tucker is on the block after the AI Arena, then he’s gone.

She asks Rubina what kind of plot she wants?  Rubina says that she doesn’t want to ride the coattails of a man.  But then she goes on a tangent of trying to come up with some excuse about why it’s okay from time to time.

T'kor says that if she tells him not to use it, then there’s a two-thirds chance that she will win and come back (as T'kor thinks that Rubina can feasibly survive over Makensy, but not Cedric).  But if Tucker is still up, then he’s going home.

Rubina says she doesn’t see a possibility of Tucker not winning, as he's just been so good at the competitions.

T'kor says that if she was in the position, personally, that she’d probably take the offer if someone gave it to her.

Camera flips away, so no more of that talk.

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12 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder if next HOH is wall comp or something else that takes a while to set up. Although it seems a little soon for wall comp.

If they're being locked down for that long, then it's definitely endurance.  Non-endurance competitions only require a one-night lockdown, beginning on Wednesday night.

I hope it actually is the wall, because as apparently the only one on here rooting for Tucker and Angela's kind of unlikely duo to survive for as long as possible, I feel like Tucker would crush it.  Though if they really do insist on working with him, then I could support T'kor or Kimo winning it, too.

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As it stands now, Tucker has regained his senses and will be saving himself tomorrow.  But if Rubina goes up, then he hopes to God that she can win the AI Arena.

I don't know.  I like Makensy's chances more.  And Cedric could take it if he can compete under pressure live.  Rubina seems awfully tiny.

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54 minutes ago, Rodney said:

If they're being locked down for that long, then it's definitely endurance.  Non-endurance competitions only require a one-night lockdown, beginning on Wednesday night.

I hope it actually is the wall, because as apparently the only one on here rooting for Tucker and Angela's kind of unlikely duo to survive for as long as possible, I feel like Tucker would crush it.  Though if they really do insist on working with him, then I could support T'kor or Kimo winning it, too.

My recollection is the Wall doesn’t make its appearance until right around/before Jury starts, so I think it’s still early days for that.  The Slip ‘N Slide, maybe…?

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36 minutes ago, Nashville said:

My recollection is the Wall doesn’t make its appearance until right around/before Jury starts, so I think it’s still early days for that.  The Slip ‘N Slide, maybe…?

The houseguests have talked about that being possible, too.

Although BB23 is proof that the wall can come early.  And BB19 had a very early wall HoH Competition that Alex won.

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1 hour ago, Rodney said:

If they're being locked down for that long, then it's definitely endurance.  Non-endurance competitions only require a one-night lockdown, beginning on Wednesday night.

I hope it actually is the wall, because as apparently the only one on here rooting for Tucker and Angela's kind of unlikely duo to survive for as long as possible, I feel like Tucker would crush it.  Though if they really do insist on working with him, then I could support T'kor or Kimo winning it, too.

Hello, I've been Team Tucker from the very start and wanted Angela to stay so chaos could continue to reign.  So why wouldn't I be in for the Couple of Chaos.

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I caught a bit of Tucker, T’Kor, Kimo and Rubina talking as if they had already formed an alliance. Angela is not in it, but she doesn’t need to be, according to Tucker, because she will do anything he says. He also thinks he can talk Cedric into voting with them if need be. 

He also kept talking about how he’s going to crush the “Ainsley comp” in a way that makes me think he’s decided to stay on the block. I don’t want him to be that stupid, but I also really want him to be that stupid. Also, it irritates me how he keeps talking over Rubina. He finishes a sentance, she starts to say something, then he just starts talking again like her words don’t matter. I don’t know what she sees in him. He’s not THAT pretty.

And then just as everyone started to pack it in for the night, Leah came outside all distraught that she had forgotten to put her clothes in the dryer and now would have to stay up while they finished. Rubina assured her that she could go to bed and “they” (production) would bring the clothes inside before closing off the yard. I kind of hope they don’t, because I’m just petty that way.

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I don’t think Tucker would win the wall comp. I think it is Chelsea’s to lose. Cedric would do well, probably Leah (might not have the core strength) and Tucker would do fine. Kimo, Joseph’s mustache, Cam and Angela are right out. Tkor , Makensy and Rubina are wild cards.  Quinn and whats her name the Dallas mom- probably off in the middle.  

lol my autocorrect keeps replacing Tkor with Thor. 

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