aqusdealer May 13, 2024 Share May 13, 2024 "Dylan tries his luck with some attractive guests, but worries his job might be in danger if he pushes too far; Barbie and Kyle don't see eye to eye on his cheeky behaviour; the interior department continues to struggle with the galley." Airs: 05/13/24 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 Dylan has no game, asking for a girl's Instagram while on charter is a big no no, I remember seasons ago there was a kid that was after some Tilted Kilt girl, he took photos, got her number, etc...Capt One Season was not having it and gave that kid a donkey ride out of town...Dylan is lucky that Kerry did not see or know of any of that nonsense or he would be gone too. Chef No Sauce makes great looking food but cannot admit that some of his dishes would look better with a drizzle of something, his comments are not surprising, every chef acts like that or worse, it's not right but that is common behavior. Paris pushed too far so Kerry was right to shut it down considering the guests have been happy with the food. The beach picnics seem so unnecessary, all the set up to just eat lunch then go back to the boat, it seems that they do not really get to enjoy the beach and then they are short handed for service on the boat when the guest get back because of crew left behind to pack up and wait for pick up. Kyle flashing the camera was no picnic. He is a horny 13 year old discovering his dick for the first time, immature and crude...I would have reacted the same way Barbie did or worse. Has anyone noticed the rust on the rim of the hot tub? The last group of guests seemed so nice, I loved the father getting a tour of the engine room, both he and Kerry admiring the engine was such a real thing, just standing there looking and nodding, a real bonding moment, lol. I like Barbie, Paris and Sunny. 5 Link to comment
Uncle JUICE May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 Dylan remains a real fucking source of concern for me. He never interacts with anyone normally, everything with him is 'performing' in some way. It's unsettling, like it's the prequel to a Netflix true crime documentary. I feel like he's primitive AI, learning by observing others and then injecting himself into the situations, always getting it wrong by just enough to stick out. Like the whole "do a dance for us" scene, it was absolutely terrible, and uncomfortable to watch, and i'm positive the girls who witnessed it absolutely mocked him for it after. I'm kinda into Barbie and Kyle, I hate to admit. The weirdness of these group frolics at absolutely empty spots like the bowling alley, bars and restaurants, though, I'm not into that all. It's better when they're among the public. 11 1 1 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said: Dylan remains a real fucking source of concern for me. He never interacts with anyone normally, everything with him is 'performing' in some way. It's unsettling, like it's the prequel to a Netflix true crime documentary. I feel like he's primitive AI, learning by observing others and then injecting himself into the situations, always getting it wrong by just enough to stick out. Like the whole "do a dance for us" scene, it was absolutely terrible, and uncomfortable to watch, and i'm positive the girls who witnessed it absolutely mocked him for it after. 10000000% Agree with your post, it is a flawless take that I could never have written so precisely! 1 2 Link to comment
aghst May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 Paris seems like an assertive person, very opinionated and letting you know what she thinks all the time. Chef may be too dismissive and disrespectful, especially regarding Fraser and Paris' opinions on presentation. But at one point, was she telling him to use butter to make crepes? He should have handed her the spatula and told her to make them. I don't know, this clash between the new chef and the interior also seems fabricated. Last 2-3 charters and they want to stir up drama with a guy who just arrived at the tail end? Fraser went in on him on Nick's very first charter. Guests didn't have any complaints about the presentation so why should anyone care? Well they're not real guests and their tips don't really depend on the work they do, it's whatever the producers decide would be dramatic on a given episode. The cast may want to maximize their tips but another goal would be to raise their social media profile so they have incentive to participate in raising the drama. If they just want to make money in yachting, they could spend all their time on real charters but they chose to do a TV show. 2 2 Link to comment
snarts May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 (edited) Paris was obnoxious IMHO. In what world does a 3rd stew tell the chef how to chef? Captain Kerry rightfully put her in her place. On WWHL Paris alluded to acting that way with Nick because of unprofessional comments he'd made. While I agree the mayo comment might have been triggering for her it did not come across to me as targeted. She was drinking mayo straight from the bottle!! I think he would've said the same to anyone doing that. Unless there were other comments, it seemed like a weak excuse to hold a grudge and be so adversarial. She even stated that she still refuses to include him in group chats. Bottom line, I blame Fraser to directing & encouraging his team to ridicule the chef. That was the epitome of unprofessional behavior. Worse that Kate's dick blanket. Barbie's parents were in the audience for WWHL and her father was nothing like I expected. Smiling, laughing, not at all judgmental. Dylan is a cyborg. I am still cringing from his attempt at rapping. Edited May 14, 2024 by snarts 13 2 2 2 Link to comment
Uncle JUICE May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 28 minutes ago, snarts said: Dylan is a cyborg. I am still cringing from his attempt at rapping. More evidence that he is basically a John from Cincinnati type (DEEEEP cut there). I can imagine him computing "This is what humans enjoy, rapping, so I will now rap, and I will feature in my raps references to my sexual prowess and genitalia, because I know that female humans are reported to covet a large male reproductive organ, and by rapping about it I will clearly be advertising that this is what I have. A large genital. Commence rap in three, two, one..." but then got a 404 error on the 'rhythm code.' 2 2 1 13 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 14 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said: More evidence that he is basically a John from Cincinnati type (DEEEEP cut there). I can imagine him computing "This is what humans enjoy, rapping, so I will now rap, and I will feature in my raps references to my sexual prowess and genitalia, because I know that female humans are reported to covet a large male reproductive organ, and by rapping about it I will clearly be advertising that this is what I have. A large genital. Commence rap in three, two, one..." but then got a 404 error on the 'rhythm code.' Brilliant! I may need your advice in some of my personal life, are you avail for consults? 1 6 Link to comment
iMonrey May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 43 minutes ago, snarts said: Bottom line, I blame Fraser to directing & encouraging his team to ridicule the chef. That was the epitome of unprofessional behavior. Bingo. So these guests have their own (smaller) yacht, and then chartered someone else's yacht? For one day? I really want to know how the show recruits these people. Was it their idea to just do one day or was it the show's? And given that it's only a one day charter, why on earth would they want to get right back off the boat a mere hour or so after boarding to go sit on a beach and eat their lunch? The show really needs to stop with these mandatory beach picnics, especially when it's only a one day charter. If you go back and watch the first couple seasons, the charters were four days or three days. Now they're all two days or one day. I don't get it. I guess the show just wants to cycle through more guests. It's a big mistake IMO because you can tell half these rubes don't belong anywhere near a luxury yacht. And a 25K tip for a one day charter. Yeesh. It was good to see Kerry put Paris in her place and remind her to stay in her lane. (The bowling alley trip couldn't have been a coincidence.) He really should have said the same thing to Fraser, but I guess technically he and the chef are supposed to be working as a team. 8 1 Link to comment
Uncle JUICE May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: Brilliant! I may need your advice in some of my personal life, are you avail for consults? Is it about rapping about your genitalia? As you probably guessed, I get a lot of requests for that, but if it's another topic, glad to help :). 10 Link to comment
sugarbaker design May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: Dylan has no game, No game? Dylan has anti-game! Great to look at, but all bets are off once he opens his mouth. 29 minutes ago, iMonrey said: And a 25K tip for a one day charter. Yeesh. Jill Zarin and her asshole cheap friends should take notice. 3 4 7 Link to comment
AnnieBananie May 14, 2024 Share May 14, 2024 Who would have thought that yacht experts would have been better guests than a Housewife? (I mean, you all might have, but I was shocked.) Pleasant, thoughtful, lovely kids, too, not to mention great tippers - wish they'd stayed longer. 12 2 Link to comment
PaperTree May 15, 2024 Share May 15, 2024 Loving Nick, not taking any shit. Yeah whiney boy, my way or do it yourself. Paris goes all control freak at the beach and whines when chef says "OK, do it your way. I gotta go start dinner. Bye!" Then she whines to Kerry, and he slams her as Fraser plays coy LOL. Kerry seems on to him and put her in her place. Didn't know before chef comes with 3 stripes. Only Captain has 4. She has 1. He loved the dinner. Guests also seemed impressed which is all that's supposed to matter$ What happened to Paris when Nick showed up? Went total bitch. Garnish whining and now is going to lecture chef on how to make crepes? wow Dylan is a bad rapper, but shakin the booty for the young women. Why not. More $$ ? Sad Sunny. Doormat for life. Ben gets more cringe every week. Kyle/Barbie. Is the kilt thing production driven? Seems a bit far-fetched. Pissing off your squeeze to wag your dick around is really stupid. You're not in Scotland anymore. Is that a thing there? Awesome docking in those conditions Bang their heads together Captain. Nick handled it so well. Fraser was crapping his pants. He really is a legend in his own mind WWHL was unusually hilarious with Paris admitting she should have STFU (but she still despises Nick) and Barbie in some bizarre leopard outfit with her parents in the front row. Daddy wasn't upset at all. He seemed to be having a blast. Sex Therapist Mom was cringing. Go figure. Shocker! She and Kyle are no longer. 7 1 Link to comment
jcbrown May 15, 2024 Share May 15, 2024 34 minutes ago, PaperTree said: WWHL was unusually hilarious with Paris admitting she should have STFU (but she still despises Nick) and Barbie in some bizarre leopard outfit with her parents in the front row. Daddy wasn't upset at all. He seemed to be having a blast. Sex Therapist Mom was cringing. Go figure. Shocker! She and Kyle are no longer. That leopard outfit... took commitment? There, I said something nice-ish. 2 6 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 15, 2024 Share May 15, 2024 9 hours ago, PaperTree said: Kyle/Barbie. Is the kilt thing production driven? Seems a bit far-fetched. Pissing off your squeeze to wag your dick around is really stupid. You're not in Scotland anymore. Is that a thing there? Remind me to wear a blindfold if I ever go to Scotland! My thought was if Kyle keeps flashing is boy bits to the camera/public someone will slap a sexual harassment charge on him faster than he say Bob's your uncle. I liked Barbie's outfit on WWHL, I thought she and Paris looked amazing. Barbie's parents were way more chill than she led us to believe or maybe it was relief that Kyle is no more. If Barbie is looking for a nice Jewish boy with a good work ethic I have a single cousin that would treat her like a queen AND he is a jeweler AND he wants kids! 2 3 Link to comment
PaperTree May 15, 2024 Share May 15, 2024 5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: I liked Barbie's outfit on WWHL, I thought she and Paris looked amazing. Barbie's parents were way more chill than she led us to believe or maybe it was relief that Kyle is no more. I liked it too, she really rocked it, but it's still bizarre. I can't imagine my baby sister in anything like that😎 2 Link to comment
iMonrey May 15, 2024 Share May 15, 2024 15 hours ago, PaperTree said: Paris goes all control freak at the beach and whines when chef says "OK, do it your way. I gotta go start dinner. Bye!" This, too, was partly Fraser's fault. Fraser showed Nick which plates he wanted to use for the beach picnic, but Nick said he wasn't planning to plate everything he just wanted to lay out the sushi spread buffet style. But Fraser sent Paris off to the beach with the plates anyway, and she specifically asked if they were going to plate and Fraser said yes. This is the same thing Paris later told Kerry - she was under the impression the lunch was supposed to be plated. Now, she could have just said "Fraser told me it should be plated" but she kind of copped an attitude like she knew better than Nick so that's on her. She didn't handle this well, but she was misled. 4 1 Link to comment
SemiCharmedLife May 16, 2024 Share May 16, 2024 15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: Remind me to wear a blindfold if I ever go to Scotland! My thought was if Kyle keeps flashing is boy bits to the camera/public someone will slap a sexual harassment charge on him faster than he say Bob's your uncle. I liked Barbie's outfit on WWHL, I thought she and Paris looked amazing. Barbie's parents were way more chill than she led us to believe or maybe it was relief that Kyle is no more. If Barbie is looking for a nice Jewish boy with a good work ethic I have a single cousin that would treat her like a queen AND he is a jeweler AND he wants kids! Why would you do that to your cousin? Barbie is extremely materialistic and high maintenance. She only works to help buy extra baubles and designer crap. I'm sure your cousin deserves better. Regarding flashing while wearing a kilt, I can't believe they do they in Scotland, since it must be pretty common to wear a kilt. I don't see why they would be all a-flutter about kilt wearing, like Kyle was. I've loved Kyle's accent this season and thought he looked his best ever in the kilt with starched white shirt and silver sporran. I would have been proud to be his date... until he flashed his bits. 2 2 Link to comment
iMonrey May 16, 2024 Share May 16, 2024 (edited) 14 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said: Regarding flashing while wearing a kilt, I can't believe they do they in Scotland, since it must be pretty common to wear a kilt. I think it's only "common" in very formal, ceremonial-type situations. It's not everyday wear. And there was no practical reason for Kyle to wear a kilt to go bowling. He just seems to be an exhibitionist who likes the attention. Edited May 16, 2024 by iMonrey 4 1 Link to comment
PaperTree May 16, 2024 Share May 16, 2024 5 minutes ago, iMonrey said: And there was no practical reason for Kyle to wear a kilt to go bowling. He just seems to be an exhibitionist who likes the attention. I'm smelling some production shenanigans here 3 1 Link to comment
aghst May 16, 2024 Share May 16, 2024 Kyle apparently doesn't wear underwear with pants either. So it's mostly a Kyle thing. Yeah and producers probably, assured him they'd blur his bits. 1 2 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 16, 2024 Share May 16, 2024 15 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said: I'm sure your cousin deserves better. She would be saddled with a father in law from hell so there's that. 15 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said: Regarding flashing while wearing a kilt, I can't believe they do they in Scotland, I have seen the Trouping of the Colours, it is a fantastic show of bagpipers on horseback, none of them flashed their Amazing Graces at any time. The flashing was trashy, that would be a deal breaker for me. 2 1 1 1 Link to comment
psychoticstate May 21, 2024 Share May 21, 2024 On 5/15/2024 at 6:47 AM, Baltimore Betty said: Remind me to wear a blindfold if I ever go to Scotland! My thought was if Kyle keeps flashing is boy bits to the camera/public someone will slap a sexual harassment charge on him faster than he say Bob's your uncle. I I've been to Scotland (beautiful country). Seen some kilts but zero boy bits getting flashed. I think when Kyle gets some alcohol in him, he thinks the clothes need to come off. Not attractive. 5 Link to comment
Chalby May 24, 2024 Share May 24, 2024 On 5/21/2024 at 11:50 AM, psychoticstate said: I've been to Scotland (beautiful country). Seen some kilts but zero boy bits getting flashed. I think when Kyle gets some alcohol in him, he thinks the clothes need to come off. Not attractive. Kyle's a clothing optional drinker... It's gotta be the name. Summer House Kyle is always dropping trou. 1 Link to comment
RoseAllDay June 12, 2024 Share June 12, 2024 (edited) Catching this on the rerun as I wait for another show to start…and WTF did I just see at the bowling alley? That was perhaps the grossest scene I’ve witnessed on BD. Not only does it mock Scottish tradition, it was public indecency. Jeebus. No bar is apparently too low. The emotional maturity/IQ of the men on these shows is in -100 territory. Not funny. What happened to Lee’s rules of not embarrassing themselves and not embarrassing the boat? Did that retire with him, too? Edited June 12, 2024 by RoseAllDay 3 1 Link to comment
Chalby June 14, 2024 Share June 14, 2024 On 5/16/2024 at 9:30 AM, PaperTree said: I'm smelling some production shenanigans here I wonder about production as I seem to recall there was always one drunk fellow at any of the bigger parties who would be naked by the end. (Funny how these twits were usually single.) But I agree with the others who note that flashing is a turn off; he is not someone I'd seriously date or be seen with. 1 Link to comment
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