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Nicolle Wallace: Have You Heard, She's a Republican!


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BTW, the MJ group also interviews entertainment industry types, including many who would be considered "stars" b/c they drop in (same day) after completing their Today Show gigs.  


Yes they do, but generally late in the third hour when there are coordinated appearances (after Nicolle is long gone) or they are pre-taped generally with just Joe, Mika and maybe Barnicle. (Her current schedule on Morning Joe seems to be the first hour on Tuesday mornings.)


I get it, you can't stand her lots of people can't, that's how she comes by the nickname Cackles.  I just don't have the same opinion at all, when I think of being stuck with Rachel Campos, someone like Bitsy, S.E. Cupp, or even ditzy Meghan McCain - I think we won the lottery with Nicolle as "THE REPUBLICAN" at the table.


I've found her to be sort of adorkable for now in what seems to me, her being out of her element and starstruck at times.  I reserve the right to change my mind, especially after her shout-out to Joni Ernst yesterday - but I don't mind her one bit and she has not been rabid in this lead up to the mid-terms as many "predicted" she would be.  I full on expect her to take on the Republican point of view, and I know it annoys the bejeepers out of some folks, but I think she's very smart in how she presents things, like the "Panetta Betrayal" because it gets under some folks skin - but it was the truth, and it was smart.  I can't begrudge her for calling out the obvious.


"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see".  I can appreciate an intelligent argument from any side of the aisle, as long as it is presented well, it helps me to better form my own opinions and beliefs to look at things from many points of view.  If we had someone as shrill as S.E. Cupp - I'd just turn the show off and disengage.

Edited by NextIteration
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I really like Nichole, in spite of the fact I spell her name differently every time I comment on her. It's kind of refreshing to see how star struck and tongue tied she gets when she meets a celebrity.

Just a little tip .... when I REALLY want to remember how to spell someone's name like Nicolle's, I say to myself, "No H & 2 L's".  For Whoopi, it was "2 O's & No E".  YMMV.

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Yes they do, but generally late in the third hour when there are coordinated appearances (after Nicolle is long gone) or they are pre-taped generally with just Joe, Mika and maybe Barnicle. (Her current schedule on Morning Joe seems to be the first hour on Tuesday mornings.)

I get it, you can't stand her lots of people can't, that's how she comes by the nickname Cackles. I just don't have the same opinion at all, when I think of being stuck with Rachel Campos, someone like Bitsy, S.E. Cupp, or even ditzy Meghan McCain - I think we won the lottery with Nicolle as "THE REPUBLICAN" at the table.

I've found her to be sort of adorkable for now in what seems to me, her being out of her element and starstruck at times. I reserve the right to change my mind, especially after her shout-out to Joni Ernst yesterday - but I don't mind her one bit and she has not been rabid in this lead up to the mid-terms as many "predicted" she would be. I full on expect her to take on the Republican point of view, and I know it annoys the bejeepers out of some folks, but I think she's very smart in how she presents things, like the "Panetta Betrayal" because it gets under some folks skin - but it was the truth, and it was smart. I can't begrudge her for calling out the obvious.

"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see". I can appreciate an intelligent argument from any side of the aisle, as long as it is presented well, it helps me to better form my own opinions and beliefs to look at things from many points of view. If we had someone as shrill as S.E. Cupp - I'd just turn the show off and disengage.

Hey! Get out of my head! You expressed my thoughts exactly, right down to her rather surprising Joni "I grew up castrating hogs" Ernst endorsement, and almost certainly better than I would have.

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When I heard her say that, I immediately thought, "Oh, so that's the right-wing talking point on Panetta." I thought that was what all the right-wingers were saying in their echo chamber. If you Google "Panetta betrayal," you see what she said was repeated by others on her side of the road. Not that she necessarily had to have originated the concept, but I'm a little less impressed when I see the same argument repeated by all the usual suspects. 


The RNC sends out their talking points to every Republican around the country first thing every morning. That's why they all parrott each other, all of them saying the exact same thing. I suppose you have to give them credit though because they've certainly got the media all buying in to the idea that those talkings points and lies are thus the news of the day.



So does Nicolle talk out of both sides of her mouth? When she's on "Morning Joe" does she sound as reasonable as she does on "The View" or is it a whole other ballgame?


Whole nother ball game. Both Cackles and Bloviatin' Joe could be on Fox and you wouldn't notice any difference. I've been amazed that so many people have fallen for her View personna because it's all so phony.



I don't buy for one minute that she's all THAT moderate a Repug, though.


Your skepticism is well placed.

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The RNC sends out their talking points to every Republican around the country first thing every morning. That's why they all parrott each other, all of them saying the exact same thing. I suppose you have to give them credit though because they've certainly got the media all buying in to the idea that those talkings points and lies are thus the news of the day.


I notice this so often. I live in a very conservative area and I'm one of the few who don't watch the Fox morning show. It took me a while. I would go here and there to meetings or lunch and people would characterize an event using identical language -- people who didn't know each other well. I genuinely was mystified as to how this could happen. Finally I found the common source. Now there are many things that liberals are equally guilty of, but we don't all watch the same morning show -- I'll give us that. Well, a lot listen to NPR I suppose. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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When I heard her say that, I immediately thought, "Oh, so that's the right-wing talking point on Panetta." I thought that was what all the right-wingers were saying in their echo chamber. If you Google "Panetta betrayal," you see what she said was repeated by others on her side of the road. Not that she necessarily had to have originated the concept, but I'm a little less impressed when I see the same argument repeated by all the usual suspects. 


So does Nicolle talk out of both sides of her mouth? When she's on "Morning Joe" does she sound as reasonable as she does on "The View" or is it a whole other ballgame? 


I think she, and the rest of the gang on "The View" look like they are having a great time and are engaged and interested and pretty smart. I don't buy for one minute that she's all THAT moderate a Repug, though.

She d oes talk out both side of her mouth.

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I think a lot of people forget or have forgotten that Nicolle worked for the Bush Administration THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION. The same one that sold the idea that if you questioned the war, you were unpatriotic. That if you questioned going to war, you were un-American. They sold us the war on Iraq, saying there were WMDs and mushroom clouds . They created an illusion that we were safe so long as we did not take water or lotion bottles on airplanes, and they perfected the art of making us scared with the daily terror alert color chart.

This woman learned a thing or two from that time. She is no dummy and has mastered the art of selling herself without letting her mask slip. She's savvy in how she can change from being overly maniacally political on Morning Joe and then slip into a more demure act on The View, making herself seem more sane and moderate. But make no mistake; she is very partisan and ascribes to the same views as the crazy people in her party. She's let it slip with certain comments she's made already, but she's wise enough to pull it back when necessary. I think when we have a yardstick in comparing her to Coulter, or Campos or Hasselbeck, Nicolle comes wayyyy out ahead. But I do believe in time she will get rabid and it will be on full display.


Nope, I'm not sold on her.


ETA: I think a lot of people think she's cool because she has gone after Palin and actually expressed her dislike for the woman. Which is fine; she called her out, yay. That does not erase the fact that she was team McCain and was more than willing to groom and shape Palin for VP. And it's only when Palin went after Wallace that she turned on Palin. Wallace is as cunning as she is combative - she was not going to take what Palin said about her lying down. However, had McCain won, I strongly believe Wallace would have rode that horse back into the White House, and rah-rahed Palin every.single. step of the way.

I  mean, she endorsed Jodi Ernst, who is a fucking kook. And a Palin prodigy of some sorts.

Edited by Stacee
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DWTS is an ABC show, so we're stuck with them.


I do not believe Rosie is "muzzled."  I believe she has grown and changed, and the Rosie we watched a few years back is gone.  Nicolle is still a cypher to me.  I still can't see who she is and don't know what she is passionate about.  I can't see her "losing it" over anything; she's too measured and intellectual.  I have NO interest in watching her on Morning Joe.  If TPTB wanted sparks this time around, I doubt they'll get them. 

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Her presentation about Panetta was going on all over the media, the Right-Wing media was going to exploit this rift and criticism for all it's worth to make Obama look bad, on the other side, there was much hand wringing, gnashing of teeth and accusations of a betrayal.  This was the third book, Gates, Clinton and finally Panetta making a lot of the same observations about Obama's foreign policy and military mistakes.


Personally, I've known of and watched Nicolle for the better part of eight years and what I remember about her appearances as a surrogate for McCain was that she was nowhere near as caustic, abrasive or annoying as Nancy Pfotenhaur or Carly Fiorina.


I'm not hoodwinked by her, she clearly gets the Ailes memo daily but again, her presentation of the talking points is much more subtle, which I guess to some makes her more dangerous.  She's a Republican and I expect her behave as one.  And for the record, I like to look at things from different points of view, as long as they are not presented in an obnoxious and insulting manner.

Edited by NextIteration
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Ya know... I get tired of hearing about Obama's Foreign Policy and military mistakes......(This is not directed toward you NextIteration, but to our Corporate Media)


Lets be clear... the Foreign Policy/Military Mistakes came from George W Bush.... Obama cleaned up the mess that was made by those mistakes... he ENDED THE IRAQ WAR...... The President of Iraq is responsible for the mess that HE made..... his political policies kept the other side out of government activities and they rebelled using the ISIS group. Obama may not have handled it like John McCain or Mitt Romney would have..... but that doesn't make them mistakes.... It makes them leadership decisions.

  • Love 13

Ya know... I get tired of hearing about Obama's Foreign Policy and military mistakes......(This is not directed toward you NextIteration, but to our Corporate Media)


Lets be clear... the Foreign Policy/Military Mistakes came from George W Bush.... Obama cleaned up the mess that was made by those mistakes... he ENDED THE IRAQ WAR...... The President of Iraq is responsible for the mess that HE made..... his political policies kept the other side out of government activities and they rebelled using the ISIS group. Obama may not have handled it like John McCain or Mitt Romney would have..... but that doesn't make them mistakes.... It makes them leadership decisions.

THANK YOU, Roger. I agree.

What I also love is how he is pressuring other nations to get involved and help do their part in fighting the people in their own backyard. We can't be expected to pay the cost (money and lives) while they just sit back and don't do shit. He's holding these countries responsible too.

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I think a lot of people forget or have forgotten that Nicolle worked for the Bush Administration THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.




ETA: I think a lot of people think she's cool because she has gone after Palin and actually expressed her dislike for the woman. Which is fine; she called her out, yay. That does not erase the fact that she was team McCain and was more than willing to groom and shape Palin for VP. And it's only when Palin went after Wallace that she turned on Palin. Wallace is as cunning as she is combative - she was not going to take what Palin said about her lying down. However, had McCain won, I strongly believe Wallace would have rode that horse back into the White House, and rah-rahed Palin every.single. step of the way.

I  mean, she endorsed Jodi Ernst, who is a fucking kook. And a Palin prodigy of some sorts.

I'm not sure any regular viewer has forgotten it - she mentions it all the time.  And I haven't forgotten it;  I spent seven long years actively and unsuccessfully working against the invasion of Iraq and to have George W. and his gang (Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice) face accountability for what they did over there in our name - the consequences of which we are still dealing with today.  




Yes, Nicole used to work in politics.  Then she probably realized with her resume and her looks she could make far more money working in the private sector  -  especially on TV.    Nicole held similar  positions to George Stephanopoulos, both were Communications Director for presidential campaigns (Nicolle - Bush/Cheney 2004 and Stephanoplous for Clinton/Gore 1992.  Both worked similar appointments in the White House.  Then they became political correspondents for networks (Stephanopolous for ABC and Wallace MSNBC) etc.  And both careers have been featured in films.    I recently read that the man who crafted Obama's 2008 presidential campaign now works as director of communications and public policy for Uber.   My point is, it's all pretty much the same skill set - different sides of the same coin. 


I've decided that most [smart, educated] people are more than their politics and that includes Nicolle.  She seems like someone I wouldn't mind  having a drink with while sharing our love of Homeland or go shopping together and chastise some texting nannies,  or maybe even talk some politics because she seems to be able to do that without screeching.  I like that she isn't afraid to say something isn't politically smart even if it's her party doing it.


The part I love about the Nicolle/Palin story -  the part I think makes Nicolle cool in that specific scenario - is that after Palin went after her Nicolle didn't just walk away -  her second novel is about a [fictional] presidential campaign where the v-p candidate is crazy.   Ha!  


I've seen her described as being able to attack without snarling - something I see missing in today's politicized landscape.   I like that.  It doesn't mean I agree with her politics but it does mean I will listen to what she says. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I'm not saying she's not more than her politics. (I also think people who are not considered smart and who don't have much education are capable of being more than their politics. I've seen that.) I don't care if she is or isn't since I will never know her personally to find out.


I'm saying I think it's possible we aren't seeing the full monty with Nicolle on The View and an unleashing of the snarling attacker that others have said she can be on other shows is possibly going to occur. She could be a hoot to have drinks with, but if she is snarling on a show I'm watching  and / or if she's just repeating talking points (however nicely) that have been regurgitated, I 'm less than impressed. 


The comment that she brought intelligence to the topic because of her Panetta comment drew me up short because she was merely repeating a talking point and I thought, how is that adding something intelligent or a unique viewpoint? 


She was Johnny-on-the-spot (as in this was the day the news about Panetta's book and interviews was breaking) and it was clear that she'd heard both sides, the hand-wringing "betrayal" claims of the left and the "this is what we've been saying all along" of the right.  She was also about a bit of trouble making inferring that it's pretty clear that Panetta intends to be a surrogate for Hillary if she chooses to run.


Her "full monty" is bloviating with Joe Scarborough from time to time and her repeated assertion that Obama had huge majorities in both houses and didn't accomplish a thing


The only time I ever saw her anywhere near snarling or attacking was in the last throes of the McCain campaign.  I've also seen her make an idiot of herself on Real Time, so there's that as well.

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I about threw up when I heard her [Nicolle] just now (am watching today's episode replayed on In Demand) say (I'm paraphrasing) that Shrub has conducted the most dignified post-presidential life of all time (okay, maybe she didn't say "of all time"). And then Rosie P. says she heard Shrub on NPR and was suddenly struck by how "human" has is. I love Rosie P, but that was ridiculous. I was so angry at Shrub for so long, for reasons many of you here relate to and understand, but never for a minute did I not think he was "human", with love for his family, etc., etc., etc. That wasn't the point.  [Emphasis added]


No, I think you're right ChristOnACracker - I'm pretty sure she did say "of all time."    Yet another Republican rewrite.   I hope President Carter's family doesn't watch The Spew.   I was offended on their behalf.  


That whole segment was ultra ridiculous - Rosie P's comments, Whoopi the Great's dumbass comments, and Nicolle's read aloud of an excerpt about Clinton and George H. like it was some kind of literature.   That whole thing about getting to know Shrub as a man irritated me.  I don't care if he is a good son or loves his family because I assume he does.  It doesn't negate the tens of thousands of Iraqi and American families his policies destroyed.    

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Okay, I suspect I have come close to beating my horse to death, so I will now ride off into the sunset and let others carry forth......


The horse is dead.  My point is and always will be, this is the View we are talking about, not some cable news show.  And place S.E. Cupp in the cast and see how you feel.

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Do you think that whoever is behind the new “View” wanted to revisit those times (for ratings) by choosing Nicolle for the same kind of reason? “Big, supposedly 50 pounds lighter, lesbian, loud Rosie attacks perfect-haircut, personally appealing, heterosexual wife and mother Nicolle, etc.”

Just occurred to me and wanted to ask....... And I think it's relevant to talking about Nicolle on The View, and one reason why she might have been picked.


No, I don't think that's the reason. New producer Bill Wolff came from seven years of producing Rachel Maddow's show so I can't imagine him thinking discriminatingly about lesbians or gays. Nicolle was on Rachel's show a number of times so Wolff knew what she could bring to the table and there's no doubt Nicolle can present herself as attractive and moderate and well spoken. I just happen to think that's a phony facade constructed to earn her big bucks after she gained some fame for the Sarah Palin debacle. I've seen enough of her on other shows to know what she really thinks and how she acts when she's free to drop that facade.


I don't doubt the producers were hoping for more pizzazz than they're getting from this new panel but it befuddles me why they're letting Whoopi and all her nonsense have free rein and why when anything political in nature comes up, be it left or right, they're allowing Nicolle to be the spokeswoman and they're muzzling the two avowed left wingers on the panel.

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I don't know much of Nicole Wallace outside of the View, I haven't seen her other appearances to know if this is a facade or not.  If this is all smoke and mirrors currently, I really think the one way to get the real Nicole to take place would have to be for her to say something so completely right-wing that it pisses off the other co-hosts.  You just have to remember that Rosie and Elizabeth got along until one or the other came out flying w/their supposed "truths" then it was all gloves off basically and the friendship outside of the show was over and the animosity was there.  If something big happens and Nicole let's her true feelings known that contradict w/everyone else, or Rosie specifically, then we might get the type of show we had during Rosie's first run, unless she really has mellowed out.

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 I really think the one way to get the real Nicole to take place would have to be for her to say something so completely right-wing that it pisses off the other co-hosts.

You mean like pimping her autographed copy of Bush 43's new book and saying she thought he had the "most-dignified" post presidential life?    To which Rosie P stammered out that she used to have a problem with some of his policies but then she realized he was human?  Then Nicolle gave Rosie P a hug and thanked her for that?   


I don't want some sort of Crossfire redux, but I wouldn't mind if the co-hosts challenged  one another once in a while, although Whoopi does seem to feel free to disagree with everyone, give her word as the final word, and remind us she doesn't care what we or anyone else  thinks.  


All in all, I don't think Nicolle is going to intentionally provoke anyone on this show - she's got a gig as a political commentator to do that if she wants to play it that way.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Did anyone see Nicolle on Rachel Maddow last night (Thursday night)?   Earlier Rachel and Chris Hayes both had noted that they could not get one Republican strategist or Congressperson to come on at all last night.  I'm guessing that's why Nicolle was invited. 


Anyway, it was just her and Rachel for about four minutes talking about George W. and the Republican party's failure to pass any kind of immigration reform ever.    At the end Rachel thanked her for coming and told her she, "liked talking to you about this" and congratulated her on The View - something Rachel said she first thought was "super weird"  (Nicolle doing The View) but she thinks Nicolle is "making it work."   Nicolle thanked Rachel for giving them Bill Wolff (Maddow's former producer) and Rachel laughed and said, "Okay, now I'm mad."      I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the whole segment and I agree that Nicolle is "making it work."  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Rachel and Nicolle have always had really good chemistry in the past, finding commonality on some things and agreeing to disagree on others.  That's why I thought that Nicolle was a decent fit for the View.  Can you imagine Rachel ever inviting Elisabeth Hasselbeck on her show?  For any reason?

  • Love 3

Nicolle"s comments regarding parenting today and needing to be aware of current and new social media platforms and how kids may access and use the. was well spoken and presented. Elizabeth would have tried to address the same issue and her word salad "explanations", justification and points would have been a garbled mess!

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Did anyone see Nicolle on Rachel Maddow last night (Thursday night)?   Earlier Rachel and Chris Hayes both had noted that they could not get one Republican strategist or Congressperson to come on at all last night.  I'm guessing that's why Nicolle was invited. 


Anyway, it was just her and Rachel for about four minutes talking about George W. and the Republican party's failure to pass any kind of immigration reform ever. 


I saw it. Nicolle was really letting her Republican flag fly. It was the first time on Rachel's show that I saw the both of them get a little heated and raise their voices. I don't think Rachel was very impressed with Nicolle even though she said nice things at the end. I wasn't impressed and I wouldn't have said nice things! :P 


As per the Republican talking points, Nicolle was following the script and badmouthing President Obama and blaming him for the Republicans lack of action and of course she had to fall back on her old trope of Bush being so great. She avoided Rachel's questions and just motor-mouthed her way through and around them. I might even watch The View on Monday to see if the subject is brought up and if she gets as frothed up as all the other Republicans have been all weekend. I just hope the Rosies are up to snuff to bark back at her.

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Did anyone see The Daily Show last night? Jon covered Nicolle's remarks on torture that she made on another show.

I just watched it after reading your post GiveMeSpace!  That was great.   I loved the inclusion of the John McCain too - I wonder if Nicole remembers him? 



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I like Nicole, but I am cringing every time she mentions that she's a Republican. Like it's some badge she wears proudly. Believe it or not, Bitsy hardly referred to herself as a Republican! I appreciate that (most of the time) she sounds reasonable and does her research, but the panel ALWAYS defers to her on any and everything political. And you can tell she loves that!

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Did anyone see The Daily Show last night? Jon covered Nicolle's remarks on torture that she made on another show.


Jon used her as an example of Republican idiocy. She was lumped right in there with the nutjobs on Fox as an example of the ridiculous and hypocritical things the right wing is saying about the torture report. Must say she deserved the ridicule.

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I just finished watching the HBO movie Game Change and then re-watched the recent Sarah Paulson interview on the View.  When they said that Sarah and Nicole never met before the movie b/c they wanted to keep Nicole out of more hot water and trouble, to protect her basically, does anyone have any more info as to why?  Is it b/c she shared insider information about Palin and their tumultuous relationship for the book?

Edited by CMH1981

I just finished watching the HBO movie Game Change and then re-watched the recent Sarah Paulson interview on the View.  When they said that Sarah and Nicole never met before the movie b/c they wanted to keep Nicole out of more hot water and trouble, to protect her basically, does anyone have any more info as to why?  Is it b/c she shared insider information about Palin and their tumultuous relationship for the book?

Well someone shared it, not necessarily Nicolle.   When the movie came out McCain and Palin denounced it and refused to watch it - which cracked me up because how can you call something 'based on a false premise' if you don't even see it?  However, both Schmidt (played by Woody Harrelson) and Nicolle gave interviews calling the film credible.   At the time Nicolle was a political hack and Palin was a rising star - big deal moneymaker for the RNC so there was probably some backlash about that.  Inside (and probably outside) the campaign Palin blamed Nicolle for her brilliant interview with Katie Couric among other things so that relationship had already ended badly.    

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Nicolle was on WWH last night and was a little awkward. Over talked everyone there too. They did a poll on the favorite hosts of the View ever and #1 was Joy, #2 Whoopie, #3 Barbara.

I caught the show (I'm a frequent watcher anyway, but someone posted a heads up about it on the show thread) and I  thought she did pretty good.  Nicholle is super smooth though, which I like.  For instance, when Andy asked her if Whoopi and RO really hate/like each other, Nicolle sidestepped the issue by saying she thought they both respected each other as people in the same industry and then flipped it back on Andy,  citing a disaster that happened live on Andy's show the night before as an example of "sometimes things happen on live TV."  Ha!  Good one.  I loved that she at least caught the show the night before - probably in preparation.   Andy told her she is his favorite Republican.  


Other highlights for me: 


  • A caller asked which was a harder job, working in the Bush Whitehouse or The View?   Nicholle said, working for Palin was the hardest, then the Whitehouse, and that her job on The View was "like winning the lottery."   She knows it's an easy fantastic gig and appreciates it. 


  • She had her Real Housewives tagline all ready to go when asked and even stood and delivered it ho-wife style; which means, she's familiar with the show(s), which is a good move because those are Andy's shows. 


  • When asked how she feels about being compared to Elisabeth Hasselbeck, she said she is complemented whenever anyone talks about her at all, lol.


  • She's pro-choice, pro gay-marriage.


  • Her drink of choice (guests all drink on WWHL) was a glass of wine and by the volume of her giggle/cackles I'd say it wasn't her first one of the night. 


Oh, and her simple black pumps had red soles = Louboutin, although her top looked like an unfinished sewing project. 


All in all I thought she was a great guest.  One of Andy's better shows. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I watched the WWHL with my uber lefty feminist, all women's college attending daughter who is home on break.  She, loved her and became mildly obsessed about her asking all kinds of questions about her googling all the way.  She didn't know her Palin story but quickly found all kinds of her quotes, Game Change stuff and looked at her wiki and was immediately impressed with her education pedigree.  Laughs, she even tweeted about her.  I found that reaffirming about my opinion of Nicolle, like I hadn't fallen into a rabbit hole since I actually enjoy her.


The lass also thoroughly enjoyed The View yesterday and remarked what a "breath of fresh air" it was from all former co-host configurations of mostly stupid silly women.  She's 20 so she was mostly talking about Sherri, Jenny and Bitsy.  The lass also remarked about how incredibly quick, smart and perfect Nicolle's answer was about comparisons to Bitsy.


We had a fun couple hours dissecting The View, mom and kid time watching the two shows.

Edited by NextIteration
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I agree Cosmo, I can only fault her top.


I know there is a lot hate for Nicolle, but I like her.


She's smart, she's cute and she's moderate.


Broken record time, but she's the type of Republican that I hope brings the unreasonable back from the brink.

I just watched WWHL and also thought she did a great job -- was a great guest for that format. Democrat here, but I also wish there were more Republicans like Nicolle even though it would make them more difficult to beat. (lol)

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She's smart, she's cute and she's moderate.


Why is she considered moderate by so many on here? Because she personally supports gay marriage and the right to choose? If you watched her on some of the right wing shows, you would see that she's as rabidly right wing as anybody and she blindly supports any Republican who is in office or running for office. Those people that she supports are the ones that are passing state laws (and attempting to pass federal laws) which ban gay marriage, shut down Planned Parenthood and other womens' health clinics that provide so much more health care than just abortions, are blatantly and openly taking away voting rights for millions of people, plus don't support mimimum wages or equal pay or health care, etc etc etc. I could go on and on about all the non-moderate policies that she backs.


I know she made her fame and fortune on dissing Sarah Palin but what doesn't get mentioned is that even while she was privately disillusioned with her, she publicly made a great effort to get her and McCain elected. I would have some measure of respect for her if she had quit mid-campaign and told the media and the public that Palin was crazy but she didn't, she worked her little buns off trying to put her in a position one step away from the presidency of the country! Nicolle only disowned Palin when it was convenient and beneficial for Nicolle to do so. I have no respect for her whatsoever.

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I understand your concern, I really do, because it's mine as well.  But at some point, you have to give credit where it's due, and you also have to be hopeful that a different shade of Republican will once again become prominent.  You have to recognize the potential in someone that will probably compromise for the greater good so that our country can once again get back to it's normal slow pace of progression or progressiveness.


The Congress is completely deadlocked and not much is happening because of recalcitrant Republicans who were ideology driven which then was exacerbated by the rise of the lunatic fringe in the Tea Party.  When Dick Lugar gets primaried, there is a terrible problem.  Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch used to find ways to work together and move forward all the time; now?  Orrin Hatch sounds every bit as awful as the Tea Party faithful... because he has to in order to stay in office.


Refusing to acknowledge that there are two parties, and two ideologies and that our system is built to compromise to move forward accomplishes nothing.  Again, see the deadlock in DC which just gets worse and not better as the country becomes more polarized.  I know that there has been a lot of right pulling tension that's occurred since the 70s and that it would be great to snap that back, but I am a realist.  We have to work with what we have.


I've said it so many times, I am a broken record, but Republicans, like Nicolle, Steve Schmidt, Mike Smerconish (Colin Powell) are not the bad guys, that's where we want all Republicans to be.  But they are Republicans, so they will support Republican candidates even with their flaws.  I personally, am as deeply disappointed in Obama as I was Clinton, and should she be elected eventually trust that I will be with Hillary - but it doesn't matter, we all make the choice of one against another and hope for the best - it's just that some people are Republicans and some people are Democrats.  Better that they are the type that can work together and not just stare across the room and accomplish nothing.


eta:  I've watched Nicolle for years, I have never seen her articulate support of voter suppression nor bans on female reproductive rights. I have  seen her spew GOP talking points mindlessly like she has a morning mind meld with the daily Ailes fax, but only as a general cheerleader and not in a destructive way like someone like Bitsy does.  I was shocked when I came here after years away from TWOP to see all the hate for her.  This in not Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin we are talking about - women who are actually dangerous in their beliefs.  It is all a matter of which lens you view things through or what perspective you look at things with.  If she were in Congress, I sincerely believe that she wouldn't be like Marsha Blackburn, introducing bans on abortion over 20 weeks for all - it's pretty clear that she isn't that person, for me anyways.  I also don't hear her representing herself as a "conservative" (as Fiorina did last night on Maher) ever, which seems to be some new freaking test for all Republicans in order to sit at the table.  Finally, what scares me more about her support of McCain is that he's a war monger, but you know what?  If we end up voting for Hillary, there is little difference on that particular subject.

Edited by NextIteration
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Well said @NextIteration, and far more concise and cogent than I could have done.

@Shok, you have made your feelings about Nicolle abundantly and repeatedly clear. We get it, you don't like her. I too understand your concerns and share them. However, I don't think anyone has any delusions about where Nicolle plants her political flag. After all she was an integral part of the Bush administration and is still a loyal Bush apologist. Before Dubya, she worked for Jeb in Florida. She is a card-carrying proud Republican. However, within the scheme of the current far right GOP platform she is indeed moderate in many of her views. All of them? No, but some, and she's certainly more moderate and generally reasonable and pleasant than the other right wing candidates who were up for the slot on The View. She is also a professional political nerd and communicator for the right and that is a job that she has been doing for a very long time. When she goes on a show like MJ or Real Time, that is the role she is there to play and she plays it. I have no doubt that you are correct and if you plunked her down on FOXNews she would sound very much like most of the other foxbots because that would be what she was getting paid to do. She could have quit the McCain campaign and then publicly ripped Palin apart before the election, but as much as the left would have loved to see her do that, the truth is it would have been unprofessional and professional suicide for her. I don't envy the professional and personal position she found herself in because of that campaign. She wanted McCain to win but she couldn't avoid the fact that her boss made a disastrous decision in his choice of running mate in the 11th hour of what had been a very long campaign. Personally, because of Palin, Nicolle ultimately decided that she couldn't vote for the man she had just spent a big chunk of her life trying to get elected. I can't imagine that was an easy decision. Professionally, she was in a horrible position. Ethically, she really had only two choices - quit and go away quietly or try to make the best of the horrible job she was being paid to do for the last few months of a very long campaign.

The bottom line is this forum is essentially about her performance on The View. It is not mutually exclusive to disagree with Nicolle while at the same time find her far more tolerable and generally moderate in her tone and demeanor, and yes, some of her views, particularly when compared with the alternatives like Bitsy or SE Cupp etc.

To borrow from RO's current movie obsession, let it go...

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Everyone, including Nicolle, knew she was being auditioned because she's a republican. Since a republican was inevitably going to be hired, I'm glad it was Nicolle. The country is a two party system so both sides should be represented. And as was said above, not all republicans are tea party freaks. Abraham Lincoln was a republican. And no I'm not one, I'm a life long democrat. I just think some people dislike her solely based on her political affiliation and that's just wrong.

Edited by Bronzedog
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To borrow from RO's current movie obsession, let it go...


So I should not express my opinion on why I think Nicolle is phony as hell but long screeds on why Nicolle should not be held responsible for her actions and decisions is just fine? Okey dokie. She's better than Bitsy seems a very low bar to set for her or anyone else.

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So I should not express my opinion on why I think Nicolle is phony as hell but long screeds on why Nicolle should not be held responsible for her actions and decisions is just fine? Okey dokie. She's better than Bitsy seems a very low bar to set for her or anyone else.


Your opinion counts as much as anyone else's!


I'm just curious, who would you have chosen for a female Republican co-host?  Because as stated above, a Republican was inevitable as one of the co-hosts.

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