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I knew it, Gizelle was pissed Karen kept filming with Candiace & Wendy.

Everybody did the Mute Challenge when Candiace & Wendy came over.

Karen told Gizelle right at the pool: If you feel they were attacking your kids, you as their mother should open up your mouth and blast them yourself.

Robyn & Nneka trying to work Keiarna over Wendy.  Nneka has nothing else going on except Wendy and it's sad seeing her try to get a moment with Keiarna over Wendy.

Candiace backtracked on her Robyn statements at the table because Robyn mentioned defamation and slander (and when this was filmed, Michael's lawsuit against Candiace was still ongoing).

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley...

First of all, this episode looked like the beginning of Ashley's farewell from the show. It's actually concerning & disturbing to me that Michael cut off the FaceTime with the children when Ashley mentioned the cameras were there and that he would threaten to sue ASHLEY if he was shown on camera.

Ashley's situation is giving financial abuse. We've seen throughout the years how Michael punishes/controls Ashley with money. And now he's going to sue his own wife if BRAVO shows him on camera? He thought he could bully Candiace with a lawsuit and now he's bullying Ashley with the threat of a lawsuit?

*If* Ashley is back next season, the next step for Michael is going to be not allowing Ashley to show the children on screen.  Because he didn't have to close down the FaceTime with the children ...HE wasn't on screen, just keep the FaceTime on the kids.  You know he's dangling that house over Ashley's head to keep her in line.

Candiace knows what a vile piece of trash Michael is, he's financially abusing Ashley (in my opinion and from what has been depicted on the show) and that's why she doesn't go in on Ashley like she could or should.

I don't think Ashley will be back as  full time cast member (or at all) for Season 9 and after tonight's episode I don't know if that will be production's decision or Michael's.  

Edited by drivethroo
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I also thought  this was maybe  Ashley's last season,  the flashbacks are why I came  to that conclusion. 

Talking of a season, does this one seem extra long to to you, maybe  because  it's just not interesting. 

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Wendy stomping up to the others demanding to know what they were talking about when she knows damn well it was her and Candiaces stank faces at dinner. Since she doesn’t speak she really has no business rolling up on them. They did not owe her an explanation. Then her and Candiace claiming their cockeyed scrunched up faces weren’t about Grace. Please. 
Gizelle is mad that Karen is friendly with Candiace and Wendy. If she could flip Karen she might get rid of them. 
Ashely sure does love being close to naked and dancing for whatever audience there is. I think the fake boobs she bought are too big for her small frame. She looks disproportionate now.  
Robyn was a good friend to that turncoat Candiace. She defended the unemployed stank beard having Chris against her best friend’s allegations. Candiace is really mad at Gizelle but doesn’t have the balls to take her on since she’s kind of the boss of the group.
Candiace should not be allowed to sing anything! Not even the end of the k i s s i n g  chant. She is beyond awful and not a singer. Viewers have suffered enough! Make her stop. 


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Michael will always control Ashley because she is still using his money, she needs her own money and those leggings are not going to bring the big bucks she needs. 

I think once Ashley decided not to participate in Michael's sex games with others that's when things started to go south but now Ashley wants to throw a party where everyone is wearing as little clothing as possible and have Bravo film it. Also, the air quality was bad so she canceled the party instead of moving it indoors?  Was that ex football player going to be invited? LOL.

Speaking of leggings, all of the ladies are talking about how hot it is on their trip and Mia will not give up on the leggings, long leggings at the tennis court in the heat...I was sweating for her. At dinner Mia tells the ladies that she and G are not divorcing and nobody sniffs at it?! They all believed her?

Karen does not participate in anything. Karen is having that ex football player train her and Ray has nothing to say about it? Karen, you are full of shit, we are all more than ever convinced you two live separate lives.

Gizelle is looking for anything to be pissed off at, that is her story line and I do not believe for one minute she cares what Wendy or Candiace think or what makes them scrunch up their faces at although in the real world why worry a mother sending her first baby off to college out of state about the horrors of being black or brown in any city.

Robyn "The Victim" Dixon is so good at being the victim in everyone's stories but her own marriage, that is the one she refuses to admit she is a victim.  The other issue with Robyn is her beef with Candiace is just not there, she is grasping at straws.

Gizelle as the strangest posture when she is wearing high heels, that night she wore that orange dress and walked thru the living room she looked like she was walking like a bird.





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Gizelle needs a life ..Robyn girl lets talk about your stank faces you and Gizelle make anytime Candance or Wendy are around then compare to this clutch of the pearls they made a face when i was talking about MY daughter ... the fact Gizelle tries to use Children as a shield is so full of shit ...


So you had a lot to say till Wendy actually walked over then it was Crickets cause you know it was a pile of nothing ... ONE of those two has to go next season cause tweedle dee and tweedle dum sharing a brain is OLD

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Wendy stomping up to the others demanding to know what they were talking about when she knows damn well it was her and Candiaces stank faces at dinner.

Like Karen said if they had such a problem with it, they should've opened their mouths and said something to defend the children's honor. Instead they gathered up in the corner talking big and bad but cosplaying like Beyonce when Wendy walked up.

4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Then her and Candiace claiming their cockeyed scrunched up faces weren’t about Grace. Please. 

They weren't.  Because nobody cares about Grace except Gizelle. Gizelle didn't even care because if she did, she would've checked Wendy & Candiace at the table for "disparaging her child." 


3 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Michael will always control Ashley because she is still using his money, she needs her own money and those leggings are not going to bring the big bucks she needs. 

Michael will always control Ashley because of the children. The biggest mistake Ashley made was having those children with him, because he told her from the beginning he did not want to have children with her because she was going to be a shitty mother like her mother.

And he's going to use Ashley's struggle childhood and shitty mother to (threaten to) take those kids from her and she knows he will do it.

Ashley needs a good lawyer and a forensic accountant.

Ashley is a cautionary tale.  You can marry a rich man for his  money but you will be sad, as Karen said. Ashley is scared of what Michael will likely do to her if she actually leaves him and she's scared she will end up on the streets like her mom if she goes it alone. So she's decided to stay and be sad...

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Candyasses chest piece on her white bathing suit was 3 inches off her body, waiting for some boobs to fill it.

Kern got super sour over ex-nfl dude hitting up on Assley. As if this younger, hot guy is into your old dusty offerings! 

Steamy heat and heavy makeup are a bad combo. Everybody's face is melting off.

I forgot how young Assley is. Her relationship with the groper has always been a twisted exchange built on money, control and sexcapades. No way I believe she'd of gave his nasty ass the time of day if she met him when he was taking her order at Mickey D's.


Edited by J80134
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11 hours ago, drivethroo said:

First of all, this episode looked like the beginning of Ashley's farewell from the show. It's actually concerning & disturbing to me that Michael cut off the FaceTime with the children when Ashley mentioned the cameras were there and that he would threaten to sue ASHLEY if he was shown on camera.

Ashley's situation is giving financial abuse. We've seen throughout the years how Michael punishes/controls Ashley with money. And now he's going to sue his own wife if BRAVO shows him on camera? He thought he could bully Candiace with a lawsuit and now he's bullying Ashley with the threat of a lawsuit?

*If* Ashley is back next season, the next step for Michael is going to be not allowing Ashley to show the children on screen.  Because he didn't have to close down the FaceTime with the children ...HE wasn't on screen, just keep the FaceTime on the kids.  You know he's dangling that house over Ashley's head to keep her in line.

I disagree. Michael is not dumb. Ashley's non-HW's income is negligible in comparison to her HWs salary. Let's assume (for the sake of argument) that she is making a modest $250k per year from the show. That puts her firmly in the middle in terms of Potomac incomes. It means she is making enough to pay her own bills. is able to put money towards nanny/daycare/school for the boys, can pay for her glam and her HW related expenses, break off her mama and them from time to time and Michael doesn't need to support her day-to-day living. When the show goes away what does she have - influencer/yoga instructor/see-through-legging Etsy business? It's going to be a hard hill to climb to get an additional quarter million dollars out of that annually. Michael knows that every HW dollar is one less dollar he has to pay, and her working means his total support for his family may end up being 1/2 the mortgage and 1/2 the kids' expenses - far less than if he divorces a woman with no real income. Trust me, Michael wants her on the show for as long as possible. He wants 529 plans set up, IRAs put in place and Ashley to have enough money to worry about tax shelters and charitable donations. He may threaten her, but that's only because she's not smart enough to know that he's better off with her making money than not.

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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Ashley is a cautionary tale. 

This. Nobody is forcing Ashley to make the choices she has made. She's living with the consequences, but she's living pretty well. Probably better than if she had never met Michael or been selected for the show. Ashley is never gonna take the straight job route.

She's very crafty and canny, but her big error was assuming she could manipulate Michael. Oops.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Michael would want Ashley to have independent income and stay on the show as long as possible if they were actually getting divorced.

They're not getting divorced.  It's cheaper to keep her especially since they have children now.  Michael is not trying to pay 16 more years of child support.  There's no reason Ashley should be going halfsies on child care and maintaining her home and expenses when her husband is a millionnaire.

$250,000 Bravo paycheck < Husband worth $20 million dollars.

Ashley will get nothing in a divorce because Michael will not have one penny of HIS money going to Sheila's grubby little hands and if Ashley protests, he will threaten to take the kids.

Should Ashley survive to film Season 9, that will be next: she can't show the kids or he will take legal action against her.

But whether Michael wants Ashley to stay on the show or not, it may not be his decision because BRAVO/production may decide he's too much of headache to deal with now, so Ashley thank you for your services.

Ashley's not going anywhere because she would rather be sad in the $2 million rental property she's in now than happy in a $3000/month rental property that she gets on her own without having to report to her overseer. If she has to do it on her own, she may fear failing like her mother did.


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I don't see how Bravo can possibly keep this particular group together for another year. The two factions dislike each other so thoroughly that they're not even willing to fake camaraderie or good times for the camera.  

Plus, they really do seem to be doing their damnest to make the DR look like the worst vacation spot ever.


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7 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Like Karen said if they had such a problem with it, they should've opened their mouths and said something to defend the children's honor. Instead they gathered up in the corner talking big and bad but cosplaying like Beyonce when Wendy walked up.

They weren't.  Because nobody cares about Grace except Gizelle. Gizelle didn't even care because if she did, she would've checked Wendy & Candiace at the table for "disparaging her child." 


Michael will always control Ashley because of the children. The biggest mistake Ashley made was having those children with him, because he told her from the beginning he did not want to have children with her because she was going to be a shitty mother like her mother.

And he's going to use Ashley's struggle childhood and shitty mother to (threaten to) take those kids from her and she knows he will do it.

Ashley needs a good lawyer and a forensic accountant.

Ashley is a cautionary tale.  You can marry a rich man for his  money but you will be sad, as Karen said. Ashley is scared of what Michael will likely do to her if she actually leaves him and she's scared she will end up on the streets like her mom if she goes it alone. So she's decided to stay and be sad...

They don’t need to explain shit to Wendy. She won’t speak to them so they don’t need to speak to her. She had a fit when they suggested she bought her new tiddies and booty because Happy was liking that type on Insta. You know she went up Happy Eddie’s ass during that time and now he has to bow down to her on camera.
Wendy was cross eyed and Candiaces eyes were rolling out of her teeny head during the Grace conversation so unless editing is at play, they were eye rolling at Grace who hasn’t done shit to them but I do believe Wendy gave Grace her stank eye. She is one bitter woman and hates everyone. She’s only nice to Canderass cause Canderass  isn’t a threat to her.

What number wife is Ashley in Michaels line up? She may do okay placating him but as she turns more into Shelia looks wise, I can see him turning on her even more. Plus he may want to marry again. I don’t see her keeping this job for another season. Her journey has kind of played out.

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I’m no Giselle fan, but she wasn’t looking at Wendy and couldn’t see Candace so I’m not sure she would’ve multitasked talking about Grace, listening and responding to questions about her and reacting to mean mugging all at the same time.  I mean the reason it even enters the chat is because cause Robyn makes her aware.  Now what is completely inorganic is having standing beef with someone and walking up to them like whatchyall talmbout? Y’all not slick, production.  Karen needn’t  have said shit.  If you’re Switzerland, hush until you’re asked for your opinion.

Miss Ashley needs to be a wanton woman in peace and quit talking about a divorce.  She signed a pre nup, then a post nup (the infidelity clause of which he violated) so if she doesn’t have stacks in that account, ain’t no helping her.  She’s the primary caretaker for two back to back babies, there’s not one reason she can’t sue him for child support, right now.  it doesn’t have to be an issue decided with divorce.  One of my closest sued her husband (bf at the time) for child support whilst living with him.  Made dinnertime tense as hell, but when there’s nothing to lose, bet the house.  Michael might want visitation weekends but he damn sure doesn’t want custody.  Between the show, child support, moose knuckle pants and the yogi workout she should be releasing, she bullshittin.  Porsha’s on her second divorce, 1st millionaire baby’s father and whole ass weave line and still don’t have to get outta bed before 10.

I’m lost at Candace trying to articulate what the issue with Robyn is.  Weren’t they just co-crying barside over Robyn’s hairdressers sister passing?  By the time they explain for real, I won’t care. 

Karen’s body is fierce, for any age.  But I need her to tighten up the fit of those Fire Marshall Bill-ass teeth.  

How old is Mia?  I never noticed this before but she has a booty-do.  Peri-menopause?  I’m on the middle pedestal raising my fist gurl, them hormones is whole muffucah. 

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On 3/4/2024 at 5:03 AM, Chatty Cake said:

Ashely sure does love being close to naked and dancing for whatever audience there is. I think the fake boobs she bought are too big for her small frame. She looks disproportionate now.

I noticed this and thought the same thing. Are they bigger than her previous implants? I don't recall her breasts being this large. 

Michael didn't have a problem being on the show for a few seasons. I guess he doesn't like it when he can't control the narrative (not that he did a good job of it previously).

Was Mia a stripper or not? Why is she dancing around it? Excuse my pun. I couldn't resist. 


On 3/4/2024 at 9:04 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Karen does not participate in anything. Karen is having that ex football player train her and Ray has nothing to say about it? Karen, you are full of shit, we are all more than ever convinced you two live separate lives.

It is weird how they make comments about Karen being with other men. If she and Ray were in a monogamous marriage, I don't see how those remarks wouldn't really upset him. Yet they have persisted for a few seasons. What is the deal with these two? 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 3/4/2024 at 11:40 AM, pasdetrois said:

This. Nobody is forcing Ashley to make the choices she has made. She's living with the consequences, but she's living pretty well. Probably better than if she had never met Michael or been selected for the show. Ashley is never gonna take the straight job route.

She didn't even look that upset when Mia called her a gold digger. She knows it's true. Same for Mia. 

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2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I noticed this and thought the same thing. Are they bigger than her previous implants? I don't recall her breasts being this large. 

Michael didn't have a problem being on the show for a few seasons. I guess he doesn't like it when he can't control the narrative (not that he did a good job of it previously).

Was Mia a stripper or not? Why is she dancing around it? Excuse my pun. I couldn't resist. 


It is weird how they make comments about Karen being with other men. If she and Ray were in a monogamous marriage, I don't see how those remarks wouldn't really upset him. Yet they have persisted for a few seasons. What is the deal with these two? 

I think Ashley bought the bigger pair after the boys were born and after she left Michael. I think prior she had a small set. She also mentioned awhile ago that Michael didn’t like her pregnant body. 

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On 3/4/2024 at 10:50 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

 Now what is completely inorganic is having standing beef with someone and walking up to them like whatchyall talmbout? Y’all not slick, production. 

Not really. We know production probably told Wendy go over there however if Gizelle and Robyn were talking loud enough and Wendy heard her name being mentioned, she would go over there to be like "Whatchall talking bout?" (knowing they were talking about her)

21 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I noticed this and thought the same thing. Are they bigger than her previous implants? I don't recall her breasts being this large. 


19 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I think Ashley bought the bigger pair after the boys were born and after she left Michael. I think prior she had a small set. She also mentioned awhile ago that Michael didn’t like her pregnant body. 

Ashley got some basketballs and nary a cast member asked her if she was insecure about her looks or if she felt looser now.

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56 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Not really. We know production probably told Wendy go over there however if Gizelle and Robyn were talking loud enough and Wendy heard her name being mentioned, she would go over there to be like "Whatchall talking bout?" (knowing they were talking about her)

Maybe I’m personalizing.  Nonetheless, this is messy and Zen Wen is a bunch of different things.  I don’t get messy from her.  Now Ashley, yeah she’ll poke a bear all day.

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I don't get why Robyn always has to speak for Gizelle. When Candiace and Wendy were just coming to discuss what was going on Gizelle starts freezing up and acting like a mean girl again. Ashley just can't help herself,she always has to say something against Candiace. I noticed Gizelle never comes after Ashley. I really don't like that Gizelle wants Karen to be mean to Wendy and Candiace. She was being very immature in that scene. Robyn must be really mad with Wendy and Candiace. Both women have let Robyn know they want her friendship back. Mia says such weird stuff,men were asking her to put her foot on their chest. She reminds me of a drag queen and I think she would be good on Basketball Wives. I like Keira. She seemed really sweet and she's pretty too. I thought Robyn looked really pretty in the blue in her TH. My favorite TH look of hers this season. I think Ashley still does like Michael in some intimate way. Nneka is a little too arrogant for me. But her confidence is good. 

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On 3/4/2024 at 10:50 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

I’m no Giselle fan, but she wasn’t looking at Wendy and couldn’t see Candace so I’m not sure she would’ve multitasked talking about Grace, listening and responding to questions about her and reacting to mean mugging all at the same time.  I mean the reason it even enters the chat is because cause Robyn makes her aware.  Now what is completely inorganic is having standing beef with someone and walking up to them like whatchyall talmbout? Y’all not slick, production.  Karen needn’t  have said shit.  If you’re Switzerland, hush until you’re asked for your opinion.

Miss Ashley needs to be a wanton woman in peace and quit talking about a divorce.  She signed a pre nup, then a post nup (the infidelity clause of which he violated) so if she doesn’t have stacks in that account, ain’t no helping her.  She’s the primary caretaker for two back to back babies, there’s not one reason she can’t sue him for child support, right now.  it doesn’t have to be an issue decided with divorce.  One of my closest sued her husband (bf at the time) for child support whilst living with him.  Made dinnertime tense as hell, but when there’s nothing to lose, bet the house.  Michael might want visitation weekends but he damn sure doesn’t want custody.  Between the show, child support, moose knuckle pants and the yogi workout she should be releasing, she bullshittin.  Porsha’s on her second divorce, 1st millionaire baby’s father and whole ass weave line and still don’t have to get outta bed before 10.

I’m lost at Candace trying to articulate what the issue with Robyn is.  Weren’t they just co-crying barside over Robyn’s hairdressers sister passing?  By the time they explain for real, I won’t care. 

Karen’s body is fierce, for any age.  But I need her to tighten up the fit of those Fire Marshall Bill-ass teeth.  

How old is Mia?  I never noticed this before but she has a booty-do.  Peri-menopause?  I’m on the middle pedestal raising my fist gurl, them hormones is whole muffucah. 

Mia is 39.

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Gizelle finally said it openly: She is annoyed Karen still talks to Wendy, and Candiace. 

How many times Robyn is going to accuse Candiace of dissing her and her husband on social media?

Candiace was on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live with Chris (who lost a lot of weight). She was asked if she regretted about 10 things she said on the show. She regretted none. 

Edited by ZettaK
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All Ashley has to offer is looks and ass. She is not funny, smart, kind, educated, well read, wordly or interesting. She probably realized at a very young age that she would sell her only and most valuable asset. She is not about to attract some hot young international banker whose family tree dates back to the Founding Fathers. She overplayed her hand with Michael. Let's all pretend Michael never came on the show. All we know is that he is middle aged, at one point very handsome and very rich. Ashley has coochie sweat. She is not a catch. The marriage was a business arrangement. I'm not mad at that. Not many people could sell something and get to keep it, so shootout to her ass. The real MVP. All this daddy issues, financial abuse, threats. I'm not buying it. Until she decides she is worth more than her ass she will continue down the same path. If not with Michael with someone of equal or greater value. I have not one ounce of sympathy on reserve for her. 

Love or hate the other ladies but every last one of them (except Mia) has their shit together. Point. Blank. Period.

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