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She reminds me of Anna Nicole.


YES!  But without the actual beauty.


I would not be surprised if once this show ends, she is texting up a storm to him.  I think she likes the comfort of an online relationship where she can be whomever she wants to be.

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That spray tan made her face look dirty, not a good look. She's a woman who thinks that she's hot just because she has big tits and blonde weave. And that frosted lipstick, gahhh! What an airhead...


She has that vocal fry down pat.

Edited by peaceknit
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I hope Lawrence and Billy will live happily ever after.


I kinda did a "Billy"?  


What did surprise me is that he was so big into his own workout I figured he'd see her and feel like he was duped.  I don't know who that woman in the bikini was with the flat stomach, but that was here maybe 20 years ago.  But he seemed to think she looked great, it was her attitude he didn't like.


I don't blame her for being grossed out by the nakedness.  But I do think he genuinely tried and for the most part, seemed like a decent guy.  

That spray tan made her face look dirty, not a good look. She's a woman who thinks that she's hot just because she has big tits and blonde hair. What an airhead...




Her face really lit up when the talk turned her her boobs.  It seemed like the only thing she enjoyed talking about with him.

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When he talked about Billy, his man corset, I kept thinking of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer and George's dad were trying to sell the Manziere.

Lawrence didn't bug me so much. If I'd been in an online relationship with him and he wanted to get naked in the lake... if it bothered me, I'd just laugh it off. I wouldn't make him feel like he'd committed a crime. She was far more uptight than her wardrobe suggested, I think.

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When he talked about Billy, his man corset, I kept thinking of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer and George's dad were trying to sell the Manziere.

Lawrence didn't bug me so much. If I'd been in an online relationship with him and he wanted to get naked in the lake... if it bothered me, I'd just laugh it off. I wouldn't make him feel like he'd committed a crime. She was far more uptight than her wardrobe suggested, I think.


And you know no guy is hanging in a six month online relationship if she isn't doing some sexy talk as well.  He even said, in the most delicate way, that he got the impression she was "adventurous." 

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She's 30 and I'm the Queen of England. I don't know what possesses folks to tan/fake tan to that level, dye their hair platinum and wear pastel lipstick. Not the first time I've seen the look, nor the last.


In the preview of the couples' shared texts, one of them would simply type "Awww..." or some sort of dull reaction. And meeting via a dating app? I know these are all the rage now, but seriously? I also don't think that because he's Captain ManCorset he ought to expect  the same level of "fitness" from a person he's dating. Some folks do it to be healthy, but it isn't their focus/interest/personal high. That said, Nicole was out of shape (and I do think she concealed it in photos prior). 


Lawrence losing his clothes was just...gross. When you do something like that around someone you've just met, there is like, less than zero chance that it's "funny." Read a signal, ManCorset. And when he said later, "I just thought you weren't paying attention to me!" Instead of telling him again that it was inappropriate, she should have started with, "We have no  entertainment in here, what else am I going to pay attention to?"  Showcase what an idiot idea it was to start with, if that's his whole point.


That said, wow, did Nicole lack personality. At least try to have a conversation. It highlights what's wrong with this show. I don't want to see prolonged awkward silences, from multiple camera angles. Or people just making each other uncomfortable. I want to see people meet each other and act like, I don't know, they're at least interested in the experiment. I'm already tired of "Oh my god, bunk beds. Oh my god, no radio! What does the TV do?"


I'm not a smoker myself, but it really bugs me when people refer to cigarettes as "cancer sticks". It's detrimental to one's health, and I know smoking is a deal breaker for some folks. Great, but people still smoke. Wonder of wonders. You're not them. She was smoking outside, well away from him. And so what, if she told him she was quitting? That doesn't mean she has quit, or that he has any stake in the matter.

Edited by ScullyInApt42
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Lawrence was a decent, honest, caring human being - I would have expected him to be much more into himself.  Quite the contrary! Despite Nicole's hostile and unfriendly attitude, he really tried to get her to open up, while keeping an open mind - for a lot longer than most men would have.  He was extraordinarily gracious with her.


I also laud him for finding her attractive; he was indeed out of her league, both in appearance, and in intelligence.  She looked like she had dunked her face in a bucket of undiluted spray tan and tried to get some of it out of her eyes with a wet facecloth.  Lawrence complimented her on her bright eyes... yeah... like stars in an orange sky.  She dressed terribly, smoked, she had no class at all, but as we discover at the end, she thinks herself really classy.  The guy really tried.  He was the one with class, wishing that she would find someone to love her, and sounding sincere saying it. 


With her previously abusive relationship, I think she was being a self-pitying sad sack, and it wasn't hard for me to imagine that whoever she dated before became frustrated with her negative attitude and that she was the instigator of a lot of unpleasant situations.


So what if he was naked on the first day?  It wouldn't bother me one bit.  I'm sure she had a picture of "it" on her cell phone, this is 2014.


At some point, Toaster Jr and I realized that she had the vocabulary of a cat.


Lawrence: So I wanted to ask you, do you like me?

Nicole: .... mmm... prewmeow

Lawrence: Sometimes I don't understand what you're saying.

Nicole:  rrrrrprrrr

Lawrence: I feel like I'm carrying the whole conversation.

Nicole: mew

Lawrence: And I'm not getting any energy back from you.

Nicole: hiss


Nicole was a huge chunky bitter pill, brimming with disappointment, displeasure, and loathing.  The eggs that she cooked looked terrible, Lawrence looked like he was politely choking on them.

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Yeah, I would be annoyed with his getting naked like that. No one wants to see your junk and it isn't funny. But I wouldn't be surprised if this woman engaged in some serious sexting with this guy and he thought it was okay.

Nicole can't seem to carry on a conversation either. She seemed angry from the get go.

I thought the same thing. She kept talking about him taking his clothes off on their first date, but this isn't your regular first date.

I'm sure there was a lot of sexting and sending sexy pictures to each other.

I could see his confusion but I kinda see her point too. He should have asked if she'd be comfortable with him doing it.

Cooksdelight, its the Bro! Lol.

Toaster Strudel, I have to tell you that my husband went to the store for me at midnight the other night because of you.

I was reading the forums here and saw your name. I told him "damn...Toaster Strudels sound sooo good right now". So he went and got some for me. I'm on a mission to gain 25 pounds so you may have helped my mission! I can't stop eating them now.

Edited by Maharincess
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Is skinny dipping that big of a thing?  Yeah, he should have asked first but he did apologize and they had a chance to move on from there.  If you can't even sustain a conversation though...you know your relationship is doomed.  Were they allowed to bring cards or board games or anything?  Not sure about that.


He really had no right to make a big deal about her smoking though....definitely her choice but it is also his choice not to be with somone who smokes if it is a big deal to him.  The 2nd round of nakedness in the house was his way of pouting but I guess at that point, he realized they would be going their separate ways anyway.

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Nicole is one of the most digesting, vile women ever on reality TV.  Hideous looking, gross fake tan, chubby, lazy, angry.  Awful person.  The "social butterfly" label is laughable.  There is nothing social about this skunk and calling herself a butterfly is an insult to all butterflies.   Chubby, out-of-shape with horrible fashion sense, hideous fake hair and disgusting fake tan. ICKY.

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OMG!!! I thought for sure Lawrence was going to swim back to shore the minute he laid eyes on the beached whale waiting for him on the island. What blew me away even more is that he actually complimented her when they met for the first time.

So many red flags!!! Ok, so maybe it was inappropriate that Lawrence got naked the second day, but come on. What's with the silent treatment even after he apologized not just once but several times.   And is it just me, or did anyone else notice the constant booze and red bull? The smoking was just the icing on the cake.   What a disaster. I love how she waits until they're standing on the dock waiting to leave to open up and start sharing her feelings. I wasn't even sure she could talk up until then.  Lawrence seemed like a genuine nice guy looking for a relationship. Nobody's perfect but this guy can do much better than tubby trailer trash.

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Nicole's mumbling reminded me of an ex-boyfriend. He'd do that when he wanted to check out of the conversation or situation. He was also painfuly shy. Might be part of Nicole's problem, without her realizing it. She may think she's a social girl, but the way her head was always down and her face hidden by her hair, I'm leaning more toward being shy and not being confident. Possibly from her previous abusive relationship.

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I'll be honest (as a former smoker), smoking would be a deal breaker for me.  In addition to the health issues, it smells bad, it tastes bad.  And it is very hard to quit.  If she told him she'd quit to keep his interest, I don't see why his displeasure over it was a big deal.


She was just a nasty piece of work from the beginning.  The only conversation she seemed interested in was about her boobs.  She had the emotional maturity of a preteen.


He was gross with the naked.  I would've been pissed to.  But something tells me that her online persona made him think she'd laugh.  I bet her online persona was all about sexy times.  


She may have had a lot of baggage, but maybe instead of carrying on online relationships, maybe she should seek a therapist to work out her issues.

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Ugh, she was disgusting. So immature and what was with the fake tan, iridescent lipstick and bleached hair? I was pleasantly surprised by how nice and friendly he was; he seems like a perfectly good guy looking for an actual relationship. She has the vocabulary of someone on life support. And if I'm not mistaken, she told him online she was quitting (had quit?) smoking, so his disgust over her smoking was justified, imo. Smoking is a deal breaker for a lot of people (for me included).


The whole skinny dipping thing was inappropriate, but something tells me she must have been projecting an entirely different online persona for him to do that. Were I in that situation, I'd laugh, call him an oaf and tell him to put his shorts back on and that would be the end of it. She literally pouted for a day and a half over it.


Once he realized it was over and started getting naked all over the place and "practicing his Spanish," I lost it. I couldn't stop laughing on the couch. A-1 trolling right there...

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The complete and utter awkwardness of these two made me think they didn't know each other at all and this was a complete set-up.  My first time watching so maybe that's already been the theory.  But they didn't seem to have one single bit of knowledge or reference point about each other at all!!  She was one nasty piece of work on the inside and the outside.  He was, as others have said, surprisingly nice.   

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Just a theory, but when people only have contact via the computer, they can be whoever they want to be. A shy person can become an exhibitionist or outrageously sexy, something they might be horrified to portray in person. He said right off the bat he liked a curvy woman, and she certainly fit the bill. I'm not sure what Nicole was expecting. Maybe Lawrence was a polite gentleman online and when he dropped his shorts, she wasn't expecting that. He seems happy in his own skin -- literally -- and she doesn't.

At least no one was wearing a shark costume.

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Oh my word, she was a NUT. He seemed like a perfectly nice guy. I was so proud when he stood up to her and I loled when she was all "purr, I like you and wanna be with you, like, like, like, like..." (ENOUGH WITH THE "LIKE") and he was all "no!" and then she was all "well, you're boring and I hate you!"


What a tool.


Amen to this!


This woman has the maturity of a 12 year old.  Same vocabulary too (like, like, like, like).  I'm glad Chris wasn't swayed by her "hotness" (and she ain't all that great).   He's a cerebral guy who deserves someone who can hold a conversation and has more depth.


And how old was this woman?  Not that "partying" isn't fun, but at some point, you realize that you can have fun without having to be in some loud club.  

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My husband said "She is not hot enough to be that crazy."  I agreed with him.  I actually cheered when Chris said "oh hell to the naw" to her (I may have paraphrased).


Other than having a great shape, her face wasn't anything special and her hair color was beyond bad.  She looked (to me) like she's done meth a time or two.  Her skin was horrible.


My guess with this one is that she wants that hot studly guy.  But she's really not attractive enough to get hot studly guy for anything more than a one night stand. Her parents pressure her to settle down so she thought Chris, who could look kind of cute, might work.  So while he's celibate for 2 years, she's still banging whatever moves.


He wasn't hot enough for her.  And like, he actually READ A BOOK! But after that phone call with mom and dad and that pressure to settle down with someone, she decided oh shit, better get back on Chris.


She's not hot enough for even a dorky guy to want what she has to offer: which is not much.

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She was very open and lively when alone with the camera, talking to herself.


But from the moment he brought up her heavy assed suitcase up the stairs, anyone could tell from her body language that she was already eager to be displeased and offended.


Maybe she had a tapeworm and a yeast infection.

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YIKES!  The hair!  The lipstick!  The ORANGE!  Man, this woman did herself no favors by forgoing a mirror.  He clothing choice on first day was an absolute no.  Those cutesy flared short skirts are not meant for those of us who have one ounce of flesh on our hips, ass or waist.  When will people learn that just because "Forever 21" sells it doesn't mean you need to buy it.  I'm not going to fat shame this woman - we come in all shapes and sizes and she has some great curves to show off.  She just needs a stylist...or a friend with taste to help her out.  Her personality however was shame worthy.

All these "prisoners" keep bitching about the house.  I'd KILL for that house! It's my dream cottage!  I know they're trapped in 4 rooms for a week, but looking at the outside of that place, it's definitely larger.  There's at least one other bedroom and maybe a 1/2 bath.  I bet the producers are squatting in the extra rooms. Anyone know where they film this?  I'm guessing West Coast.

I call shenanigans that some of these dolts "never met before".  These 2 latest fame whores live in adjacent states, not 3000 miles apart.  If I ever thought the person I was "dating" online was potentially THE ONE, I'd damn sure meet face to face within several months, especially if I lived a few hours drive down the NJ Turnpike.

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I thought there was something wrong with me, getting so irritated with her constant use of the word "like."  I found myself counting how many times she used it in each sentence--the most was 6 times in 1 sentence (I know, I need to get a life!).   I actually cheered when Chris told her to hit the bricks--who knew a nerdy guy like him could stand up for himself against a "hot" chick like her!  All in all, I think he would have been, like, sooooo, like, bored with her,  

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It looks like an East coast island to me, with those smooth rocks. The rocks off the west coast are mostly jagged. 


Another thing that bugged about Nicole is her constant hair, err extension, flipping. Ugh, I cannot stand that! Khloe Kardashian does it too.

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She looked like a barfly trying to look in her 20's and seemed to be hitting 40.  Besides dressing way too young, she did not dress to suit her body type.  Why would she think that a bodybuilder would find her attractive if she was chubby?  I get why she all of a sudden shut down.  She wanted to flee, but was trapped.  That is why a first date should always be for a drink or coffee with your own car!


He was so very immature and apparently thought it was going to be one long sexfest.  Also, "how in the world could any woman resist him once they say his sculpted body?" seemed to be constantly on his mind.  There was no intelligent conversation between the two.  The only thing they had in common was their shallow personalities.

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I have much to say about this episode!  She even pissed me off more than Rosie did in the last episode! She looks like a fat Tan mom at a younger age. Who is she kidding. She is completely a disaster. She appears either drunk or on pills. Constantly rolling her eyes!  He is a 10 and she is a 2. If I were her I would have jumped in the water and had fun with him. I would of slept so close and made that a week long party. These couples should be all over each other. I was completely shocked in the first place that he actually said he found her attractive. She has no personality, no class, and no ass!  He was nice, and that whole skinny dipping thing was just to break the ice. It wasn't that big of deal. She used that as an excuse because in the end she knew he wouldn't want her washed up nasty butt! That wasn't what I call a FIRST Date since they have already been talking for 6 months. I wanted to reach through the TV and rip out her frosted extensions and slap that dirt off her face. SHE SHOULD OF BEEN SO THANKFUL HE ACTUALLY FOUND ANYTHING ATTRACTIVE ABOUT HER. She totally ruined a chance of a lifetime. Hot younger men that are fit and healthy and looking for a long term relationship don't usually find women like her attractive. Zero personality and im disappointed they chose her for the show. She did dupe him that's for sure! She doesn't look like she has ever worked out, EVER! , that is not a fake tan either..., this woman lives in the sun and that's why she looks 45 instead of 30. I feel bad he spent 6 months of his time on her. Just be thankful it wasn't longer. Lawrence you are amazing and she didn't even compare. Totally different leagues.  yes he's bit into himself but that will change as he ages! i appreciate a groomed man! She is hopeless and I honestly think she will be single forever. NOTHING about her was attractive NOTHING! She has nothing to offer a man! NOTHING!  Geeees!! I hated how awkward she made the entire week. Id have so much fun getting to know someone playing games and just having a total makeout vacation! SO disappointing!!!!!!

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I think she was rude.

She was horrible. Passive aggressive. He was left hanging when he tried to keep the conversation going. She was angry and mean when she saw him naked. She lied about the smoking. He said he felt he was duped and I agree!!!

I don't understand why she was so grossed out by seeing him naked. If you're talking to someone in the romantic context, why keep it going for 6 months if you don't feel attracted to them? If you do feel attracted, then a guy's nude body shouldn't be the most offensive thing in the world! If she was attracted but felt it was too soon, laughing it off or tease him about it (ie, "wow, it must be cold in the water, huh?"). Instead, it seemed like she despised seeing a naked male body altogether. *shrugs*

Edited by Greyson
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What does it say about the offensiveness of Madame Orange that we haven't even addressed "Billy, the Manset"  (man corset???)  I kept thinking it was he had back problems.... or it was some new-fangled lifting belt. But no, it's a Man Corset. Named Billy. That made me smile. Unlike Madame Orange, who was just skanky.

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He was so very immature and apparently thought it was going to be one long sexfest.  Also, "how in the world could any woman resist him once they say his sculpted body?" seemed to be constantly on his mind.  There was no intelligent conversation between the two.  The only thing they had in common was their shallow personalities.


First off, I *hate* lunkheads.  Spending that much time for the perfect physique isn't something at all attractive to me.  So I expected to really hate this guy.  


I didn't view him as immature really.  It sounded to me like he had this 6 month relationship with a woman who seemed to really want him.  And then he gets there and she's completely opposite.  So of course you are going to sit there and think, why isn't she attracted to me?


And i didn't get the impression he thought it was going to be a sexfest.  I think what surprised him was her hostility -- and she was pretty much like that before the naked.   I think he expected to be able to connect with this woman he invested six months in online.  


Then there is also the fact that he really complimented her. Maybe he just had horrible taste but the guy tried to find the silver lining with her looks.  


To me an immature guy would've spent the entire time talking about how he was duped BY HER LOOKS! It was pretty clear looking at her that she wasn't into fitness, was a smoker, a drinker, and possibly a good 10 years or more older than him.  Instead, he tried his hardest to connect on some level with her. 

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I have much to say about this episode!  She even pissed me off more than Rosie did in the last episode! She looks like a fat Tan mom at a younger age. Who is she kidding. She is completely a disaster. She appears either drunk or on pills. Constantly rolling her eyes!  He is a 10 and she is a 2. If I were her I would have jumped in the water and had fun with him. I would of slept so close and made that a week long party. These couples should be all over each other. I was completely shocked in the first place that he actually said he found her attractive. She has no personality, no class, and no ass!  He was nice, and that whole skinny dipping thing was just to break the ice. It wasn't that big of deal. She used that as an excuse because in the end she knew he wouldn't want her washed up nasty butt! That wasn't what I call a FIRST Date since they have already been talking for 6 months. I wanted to reach through the TV and rip out her frosted extensions and slap that dirt off her face. SHE SHOULD OF BEEN SO THANKFUL HE ACTUALLY FOUND ANYTHING ATTRACTIVE ABOUT HER. She totally ruined a chance of a lifetime. Hot younger men that are fit and healthy and looking for a long term relationship don't usually find women like her attractive. Zero personality and im disappointed they chose her for the show. She did dupe him that's for sure! She doesn't look like she has ever worked out, EVER! , that is not a fake tan either..., this woman lives in the sun and that's why she looks 45 instead of 30. I feel bad he spent 6 months of his time on her. Just be thankful it wasn't longer. Lawrence you are amazing and she didn't even compare. Totally different leagues.  yes he's bit into himself but that will change as he ages! i appreciate a groomed man! She is hopeless and I honestly think she will be single forever. NOTHING about her was attractive NOTHING! She has nothing to offer a man! NOTHING!  Geeees!! I hated how awkward she made the entire week. Id have so much fun getting to know someone playing games and just having a total makeout vacation! SO disappointing!!!!!!




Because there ain't NO WAY I would not be banging his brains out that entire week. I mean, let's be real.


Also, she looked messed up like she was high or drunk the entire time. Lesson to you Nicole: if a hot younger man (because you know your ass isn't thirty) finds you attractive, is a decent person, is funny and seems genuinely interested in you... you ride him off into the sunset!


Bye, Felicia.

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What an unattractive couple. He looked dirty to me and I thought his behavior at the beginning with the slapping hands under his legs and whatever was bizarre. A shark suit? He was just completely unattractive and seemed to require liquor at all times.


She looked like she was in her 50s andseemed desperate, especially since after leaving, she decided to continue on with him from afar while he has a bevy of other local women who are just charmed to death by his sock stuffed skivvies. 


These two were white trash personified, although she was slightly less trashy.  


The one thing I don't get is how does this woman expect a grown man to not talk to anyone else and be celibate while she's on the other side of the US.  They never met, they were only basically friends who flirt online.  Why would you expect someone to be chaste?  


And the tattoos on both were ugly but the one on her stomach made her belly button look like a big gaping hole and it just drew your attention to her gut.

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I just saw a few clips of the episode on the a&e website.. I needed to know what the deal was with the naked :D


Oh man.. for one, he wasn't wearing underwear? Moving along.. he seemed like a sweet guy who tried to talk to her, complimented her and still tried to be nice after she shunned him for getting naked. That's got to hurt the ego a little. If I'd been in an online relationship with that guy and he decided to get naked I'd have been totally ok with that.. I'm not sure I'd have joined in with skinny dipping but I might have swam with him, with my clothes on. I love the clips where he's just wandering around naked, as outtosee said, seems like by that point he was just trolling and he liked 'naked time' because what else was he going to do :P


I think I'd have liked him.

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I'd have liked him. But Billy would have to go. That weirded me out worse than the nudity. Who names their mancorset?

Who HAS a mancorset he wears all the time?


He makes a living off of "physique modeling" right?  I guess if that is his major source of income I could understand having to wear something that keeps your stomach trained.  And I give him props for copping to it and not saying it was for his back.


But if you are going to wear a mancorset, shouldn't you have given it some sort of female stripper name?  

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I thought there was something wrong with me, getting so irritated with her constant use of the word "like."  I found myself counting how many times she used it in each sentence--the most was 6 times in 1 sentence (I know, I need to get a life!).   I actually cheered when Chris told her to hit the bricks--who knew a nerdy guy like him could stand up for himself against a "hot" chick like her!  All in all, I think he would have been, like, sooooo, like, bored with her,  


What's so interesting to me about this show is very few of them so far seem to have held any real meaningful conversation.  I guess Billy and the Minnie Mouse girl had more than the other ones, but that's because they at least seemed to have some chemistry and were pretty well matched in their white trashy ways.  I mean, you have six days with no distractions.  Seems like a great way to tell old stories and truly get to know one another.  Maybe it's just that the two most awkward couples -- Chris/Rosie and Lawrence/Nicole were couples in which the guy had more on the ball.  They actually brought books and read them while their counterparts just couldn't get over having no music in the house, no cellphone.  They were about as deep as a puddle of rain.


I'm kind of hoping that we see an older couple with some life experience and aren't going to be all that bothered that they can't go clubbing.

Edited by sasha206
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This is my new favorite show, but there was no preview for next week.  Does that mean that it's already off the air?  Or that they couldn't find any more dysfunctionalmatch.com couples?


Like others, I thought that Lawrence was going to be the schmuck but Nicole outdid him.  Way to go, Nicole!  Looks like she started drinking the minute she woke up.  I don't know, but what about having a conversation with the guy you've been talking to online for six months?  Pick a topic:  Your likes, your dislikes, your upbringing, your work experience, your inner demons, your favorite colors, etc.  Get the picture?


Frankly, as another curvy (read overweight but hey, I'm old enough to be Lawrence's or Nicole's mom) woman, I got the distinct feeling that Nicole was not happy about being filmed 24/7; she seemed uncomfortable about her size, didn't want to be seen in a swimsuit (or wearing less than five tank tops), didn't want to be seen working out (even though it appeared that she didn't know a dumbbell from a dimwit).  And why didn't we get to see who they each called and the ensuing phone conversations?  I think that would have been comedy gold.


Lawrence seemed to have tried.  He didn't look horrified by her appearance.  He looked like he wanted to make the best of it.  He wasn't quite as shallow as I expected him to be.  That being said, he needs some time alone with his corset and his pecs.  As far as the skinny dipping goes, my guess is that he was led to believe that Nicole was not the prude that she suddenly became upon setting foot on the island.


I don't know.  If I found myself in this position (being on the show, I mean) and not really wanting to be in a relationship with the other person, it doesn't mean that I couldn't be nice, considerate, friendly and interested (even if it meant I had to fake it).  But that would make for a boring show, I guess.

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