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S04.E09: Brazil

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This show — despite the plot holes and occasional inconsistencies, I am invested in these characters!

Cynthy Wu and Joel Kinnaman really sold their reconciliation scene, and while we thought it was coming, that was probably the most suspenseful use of a Big Mac that I’ve yet to see on TV… and we all knew how “interviewing” Miles was going to play out.

And oh no, Commander Cho!

How will it all end? Tune in next time!

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My comments just got eaten! Oh well, there goes my thoughts. 

I haven't cried over a tv episode in a long time. The final scene gutted me. Sergei and Margo finally acknowledged their feelings for each other. I so wanted them to go to Brazil and eat hamburgers together. 🥲

Good casting for Aleida's kids, the girl in particular looks just like her.

Star Trek in the FAMversese. Three series and The Wrath of Khan: https://www.inverse.com/entertainment/for-all-mankind-star-trek-shows

Edited by marinw
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16 hours ago, tkc said:

Cynthy Wu and Joel Kinnaman really sold their reconciliation scene

Joel K is a really good actor! Even though he's been a petulant dick this season, I still want him to win.

It gives me great pain to say this, but Dani is doing a less than stellar command job, Happy Valley is in disarray. She may have known about the black market for awhile, but let it go because folks need their creature comforts and Dani is focused on the bigger picture.

The Miles interrogation scene showed a hint of what the FAMVerse 24 might look like! Although it would be 24 plus 37 minutes because Mars.

Edited by marinw
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3 hours ago, marinw said:

I haven't cried over a tv episode in a long time. The final scene gutted me. Sergei and Margo finally acknowledged their feelings for each other. I so wanted them to go to Brazil and eat hamburgers together. 🥲

It's also not a great omen for everyone else's storyline that the episode in which they all looked forward to some nice, reassuring future was titled after the fantasy of a positive future that Margo and Sergei will never get to see.

An unrelated question: Was I misunderstanding (I'm not great at keeping track of all the tertiary characters involved in Dev and Ed's caper), or did Miles lead Commander Cho to the conspirators' lair by complete coincidence? Miles was summoned to the underbase by the CIA/KGB duo, who apparently just happened to set up their interrogation chamber a few doors down from the conspirators they were interrogating Miles to find. And then Cho followed Miles down there and happened to stumble on the conspirators instead. Unless I'm missing something, that seems pretty fussy.

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One interesting thing about The Great Asteroid Heist is that I'm not routing for one side or the other. Everyone (except maybe the ever-virtuous Kelly) is being greedy and short-sighted, and perhaps overestimating the value of Goldilocks.

So I gather the issue with Lee's wife is getting her out of North Korea, not getting her to Mars. With Dev on board that part should be easy. Helios is a private company, Dev doesn't owe anybody an explanation as to the passenger manifest. I'm waiting for the reveal that the Wife is a genius engineer/scientist or evil mastermind or something.

Poor Margo is going to be devastated. If she and Aleida can salvage the Goldilocks mission in Earth’s favour, I can see President Gore granting Margo a pardon on the condition she leave the US for a non M7 nation and refrain from working for any national space program. Margo can follow Sergei’s example and teach engineering in Brazil, Canada, China or somewhere else. She would be a fantastic teacher and mentor.

Edited by marinw
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15 hours ago, Dev F said:

An unrelated question: Was I misunderstanding (I'm not great at keeping track of all the tertiary characters involved in Dev and Ed's caper), or did Miles lead Commander Cho to the conspirators' lair by complete coincidence? Miles was summoned to the underbase by the CIA/KGB duo, who apparently just happened to set up their interrogation chamber a few doors down from the conspirators they were interrogating Miles to find. And then Cho followed Miles down there and happened to stumble on the conspirators instead. Unless I'm missing something, that seems pretty fussy.

The security footage Cho was watching of Miles was not him going to the room where he was going to be interrogated. Cho knew abt Miles being in the NK section, he found the NASA device, so he was going through older footage to see if he could catch Miles in the act. What he did notice was sometimes Miles got on an elevator and never got off, because security cams aren't operational on the now off-limits 4th and 5th sub-floors. So Cho went poking around the elevator in question, saw the way Dev's group hacked into the elevator system, and it led him to Dev + Ed's command station on those levels where he got into a fight and Lee choked him out.


Also, I wish the very worst for Irina Morozova. I hope Margo gets out of this season alive and not in the USSR.

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So they didn't bother to peel off the sticker with the serial number from the bug, before they installed it in the north korean part of the base? These people are killing me... How convenient for the plot though...

I'm really annoyed how the astronauts keep blaming the people, who striked peacefully for fair wages, for their dumbass friends dumbass decision to bypass safety equipment and blowing themselves up. That might be human nature, but again, I'd expect more from astronauts. But I guess in a world where Ed and Gordo were first class astronauts something like this is to be expected.

Shame about Sergei. Guess he was spotted and KGB got him?

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1 hour ago, theartandsound said:

The security footage Cho was watching of Miles was not him going to the room where he was going to be interrogated. Cho knew abt Miles being in the NK section, he found the NASA device, so he was going through older footage to see if he could catch Miles in the act. What he did notice was sometimes Miles got on an elevator and never got off, because security cams aren't operational on the now off-limits 4th and 5th sub-floors. So Cho went poking around the elevator in question, saw the way Dev's group hacked into the elevator system, and it led him to Dev + Ed's command station on those levels where he got into a fight and Lee choked him out.

Ah, thanks, that makes a lot more sense. I knew I must've been getting something mixed up.

3 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said:

I'm really annoyed how the astronauts keep blaming the people, who striked peacefully for fair wages, for their dumbass friends dumbass decision to bypass safety equipment and blowing themselves up.

Interestingly, the tech who tells them "You can't just bypass a regulator!" just before the explosion is the CIA guy, Mike Bishop. To me that suggests that his "Nick Jennings was a friend of mine. Did you know his suit melted into his flesh?" outburst to Miles is more interrogation technique than genuine righteous indignation.

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17 hours ago, Dev F said:

It's also not a great omen for everyone else's storyline that the episode in which they all looked forward to some nice, reassuring future was titled after the fantasy of a positive future that Margo and Sergei will never get to see.

Or the episode is named after Terry Gilliam's movie of a hyper-bureaucratic dystopian future.

Poor Sergei, he should have stayed in hiding.

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When Sergei headed into his motel room I said to my husband “I bet there’s a Russian agent waiting in there for him” and then assumed I was wrong because he wasn’t immediately shot. Of course they waited until he settled in to eat his Big Mac…

RIP Sergei. I feel bad for Margo but even worse for his wife, who’ll probably never even know what happened to him.

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9 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

RIP Sergei. I feel bad for Margo but even worse for his wife, who’ll probably never even know what happened to him.

it's weird that he had a wife who he seemed just to be going through the motions with. The tragedy is Wife may have genuinely loved Sergei.  Sergei did seem to be living a good life though: a house, a wife, a job, a Prius. If not happy, he was a realist who accepted his life.

The only OG character that got a happy ending was Ellen: A two-term POTUS who settled down with her life-long love after advancing both Space exploration and Gay rights.

Edited by marinw
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As others have mentioned, one issue with this show is that most of the new characters aren't compelling, the exception being not-Elon Musk Dev. I also find Lee interesting and I'm glad he's getting a character ark this season. Miles and Sam are boring, and Kelly is more than a bit of a Mary Sue. Alex has the potential to grow into someone super-interesting depending on the casting of teen/adult Alex. He’s carrying the baggage of being the first Mars Baby. I am also intrigued by the undercover agents and their "Enhanced Interrogation" methods.

Irina continues to be shady AF. Is she really behind the assassination of Sergei, or was Sergei’s warning to Margo a misdirection?

Edited by marinw
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1 hour ago, Paws said:

Danni and Ed are both going to die in the next episode aren’t they? Danni was talking way too much about getting back to earth soon and the new Grandbaby. Ed can die in a fireball, that’s what he wants. But don’t take Danni down with you!

I thought of another possible ending that's more ironic than depressing: Ed and Dev succeed in redirecting the meteor to Mars, but Ed takes the fall for it and is forced back to Earth to face the consequences—sort of a Martian Moses who leads his people to the promised land but will never get to see it. And because Mars is now way more important but everyone else in power there has proven they can't be trusted, Dani's tour of duty is extended and she doesn't get to return to Earth after all.

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5 hours ago, Paws said:

Danni was talking way too much about getting back to earth soon and the new Grandbaby.

Misdirection. I thought Kelly was done for when she promised Alex she would be back in a few days, and she seems to have made it back just fine.

After Ed's shenanigans I think Dani will have had quite enough of Mars.

Edited by marinw
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That there were only three Star Trek series may be one of the best parts of this alternate timeline.

Anarchists? Nope, just greedy people who want to make Mars a wealthy and permanent place to live.

Well I guessed way wrong about who the undercover CIA and KGB operatives were. But I would've expected at least one of them to be a woman.

Ed sure sold Kelly a dark bill of goods when she confronted him regarding his suspicious behavior. He seriously believes in what he and Dev are doing and if he's  smart he'll only confess to the pot farm.

They're still calling the equipment fail during the strike terrorism. Is that a political cover story?

Miles can take a punch but he better hope the CIA and KGB agents don't waterboard him.

Dang, Lee seriously wanted to protect the asteroid heist if he killed Cho who accidentally discovered it. (Or was Cho only unconscious?)

Sergei! No! Stupid Margo got him killed for helping her. She better forget Brazil and stowaway on the next trip to Mars.

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On 1/15/2024 at 6:21 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

They're still calling the equipment fail during the strike terrorism. Is that a political cover story?

The equipment failure occurred because a striking worker deliberately stole a part, necessitating a workaround that literally blew up in people's faces. So calling the theft of the part terrorism is not so much a political cover story as looking at the theft in the worst possible light. Since nobody stepped forward to confess to the theft, the truth, which was that the union just wanted to stop the work from going forward, hasn't been vocalized. And there are people who would assume, until told otherwise, that the union didn't just want the work stopped, they wanted the explosion and people dead.

We see that again in this episode when Will and Eli and Irina all basically conclude that the reason why someone wants to communicate with Ranger is for malicious reasons that will endanger the Ranger crew. It doesn't occur to any of them that someone is just trying to grab the asteroid.

So now we have torture and murder happening in the Mars colony. Great.

On 1/15/2024 at 6:21 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Dang, Lee seriously wanted to protect the asteroid heist if he killed Cho who accidentally discovered it.

No, I think Lee killed Cho because Cho saw him there and knew he was involved in whatever was going on. If Lee had let Cho live, Cho would've in short order sent him on a one-way trip back to North Korea to live out the rest of his life in a prison. Or be shot.

It was sweet (pun not intended) to see Margo re-enacting her old candy routine with Javier and introducing it for the first time to Aleida's daughter. One thing that worries me is that Irina may have cottoned on to Margo's attachment to Aleida. Margo was quite careful in earlier episodes not to speak of any personal feelings for Aleida, but going to Aleida's home may have been a mistake. Assuming Russia was behind Sergei's murder, Irina may know that he was expendable because she has someone else whose life she can use to force Margo to do her bidding.

Goodbye, Sergei. I was surprised at how he really didn't seem to give his wife a thought. I'm not sure Margo was really behind his Brazil idea though. I had the impression that to her it was more of a whimsical fantasy. At her level of accomplishment, the idea of building up a fledgling space program wouldn't be that attractive, and first and foremost Margo is about the work. If she were going to defect anywhere, it'd be back to America. (I suspect the humiliation factor would make it palatable for the American government to strike a deal with her. And then they would just claim she'd been a triple agent all along.) But I predict she goes back to Russia to keep Aleida safe, and she mentors Tatyana there as she did Aleida. And Tatyana becomes the next generation of ROSCOSMOS on this show.

I certainly felt a bunch of anvils being thrown at my head during Dani's video, but I'm hoping that's misdirection. After all, this show spent a good chunk of last season's finale on the "Karen is going to be CEO of Helios" plotline, seemingly setting her up for big S4 story, only to kill her off.

On 1/7/2024 at 6:15 AM, marinw said:

The only OG character that got a happy ending was Ellen: A two-term POTUS who settled down with her life-long love after advancing both Space exploration and Gay rights.

I would argue that Molly Cobb also received a happy ending. Yes, she died. But any story that goes on long enough will have their characters die, of old age if nothing else. (In another time jump or two we might be hearing in the news montages about the funeral of Ellen Wilson, two-term POTUS and heroine astronaut who legalized gay marriage and enabled NASA's push to Mars.) Molly was in a loving marriage for decades, learned to adapt to her blindness, and found new fulfillment in art after her NASA career ended. And I suspect she felt very much along the same lines as Ed vocalized to Kelly here, that she'd rather go out in a blaze of glory, doing something meaningful, than die of dementia in a nursing home. Yes, I think Molly got a happy ending.

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The equipment failure occurred because a striking worker deliberately stole a part, necessitating a workaround that literally blew up in people's faces. So calling the theft of the part terrorism is not so much a political cover story as looking at the theft in the worst possible light. Since nobody stepped forward to confess to the theft, the truth, which was that the union just wanted to stop the work from going forward, hasn't been vocalized. And there are people who would assume, until told otherwise, that the union didn't just want the work stopped, they wanted the explosion and people dead.

Yes, the people calling it terrorism seem to have assumed the explosion was the point, not merely disabling the machinery. However, some of those who were present when explosion occurred know better. I think either they haven't relayed that info to TPTB or TPTB are choosing to spin it as terrorism because that pretty much gives them carte blanche in how they respond.

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On 1/7/2024 at 9:15 AM, marinw said:

Sergei did seem to be living a good life though: a house, a wife, a job, a Prius

Though this isn't as much of a "thing" as it once was since the novelty of a Prius as worn off a bit, but there has been a long line of TV episodes that used a Prius as a signal, or clarion for that matter, suggesting that the character driving it is virtuous and worthy of the audience's sympathy. Southpark did an entire episode about this years ago (they referred to it there as a "Pius" as I recall). Others that come to mind are Curb, Six Feet Under and Weeds.

Edited by ahpny
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On 3/25/2024 at 4:55 PM, Hanahope said:

No one will believe Sergie killed himself before eating his Big Mac and fries.  

It was the sloppiest “fake suicide” I’ve seen in a long time. He had a mouthful of Big Mac, they shot him in his left temple but put the gun in his right hand? And I guess in the FAM universe they don’t have gun residue testing. Worst assassin ever. 

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