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Love After Lockup Season 6: Live Chat

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7 minutes ago, littlebennysmom said:

The pillow barrier she's got going 😄😄😄

That tells us everything.  She is trying to keep Andy's paws off of her.  I expect she has ninja pillow moves. 

3 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:


His missing teeth are such a turn on!

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Just now, Floatingbison said:

Mikey peaked in 9th grade...  that backwards baseball cap...  that chain.... this guy  is just so clueless.

It's pretty common that prisoners/ addicts and trauma victims are the emotional age they were when they started using, etc.

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Just now, kacesq said:

Why does Chelsea need him to go to her father? Is this 1898 Gilded Age Newport?

"Sir, before you're allowed to smuggle my muffins, you must attend to my Papa with all due haste. He will not countenance this forward behavior".

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

Total nonsequitur—I’m thinking about baking a sour cream coffee cake this weekend. 

You totally should. I made an applesauce cake and lemon zucchini breads this week. And we had an electrician friend come over and fix some outlets for us, so houseguest baked him some cookies. (He wouldn't take the money we tried to press on him.)

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"What has he done for me? In jail? I have a right to get my rocks off" Joynomi, probably.

3 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

IVF.    Please.  Spare me.  Adopt, please adopt

I cannot imagine a world that would let two ex cons adopt. 

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I feel bad for Joynomi.  She is getting skewered on social media for her sexual history.  I think her current situation with Redd is more concerning, at this point.  She can't change the past, but she can go forward with her adorable son and build a good life for him.

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3 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

IVF.    Please.  Spare me.  Adopt, please adopt

They're both felons so they likely would need to do a pricey private adoption.  

2 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Who's gonna get the IVF??  I thought Brittany didn't have the ovaries to do that?  Kerok wants to have more transition surgery, so now I'm totally confused.

The plan was for Brittany to carry the child using Kerok's egg.  However, Kerok would need to stop testosterone and start female hormones so his eggs could be harvested.  If he was willing to, they could do that now, then do IVF later from frozen eggs.  But it would be mentally detrimental for him to do that, so . . . . These are brutal decisions for these kids who are just out of prison and need to rebuild lives. 

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I think she's wearing a small chain across the tip of her nose that is anchored through a nose piercing on each side with those, um, droplets coming out of her nostrils.  That is a choice.  Not one I would make, but it is definitely a choice. A very unappealing choice. 

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