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S25.E12: Power of Veto #4

Message added by Dustbunny,


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What’s with this only showing the top three scores of these timed events?  Who cares if these people are embarrassed by their shitty times, do better if you don’t want humiliation!

Painful to watch - Blue’s DR’s and watching America and Cory have any conversation.

Was Cirie *genuinely* mad that Cameron has another alliance on the side … just like she does?!?

Overalls without a shirt is so grody.

Those editors work SO HARD to make us think something completely wacky is going to happen, only for the hamsters to be chicken.

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The pressure cooker episode was the first one all season I didn't Fast Forward once. Tonight it was business as usual for me.

Don't sweat being backdoored Cirie. I'm sure production had a Hail Mary worked out long before the houseguests were flown to Television City.

TV history: Early 1960s major controversy on TV when someone said the initials WC...meaning Water Closet aka a bathroom. Flash forward to 2023 and it's a mad condom hunt in all its glory complete with a mama diary rooming about her son's sex life.

Thank god Jared didn't win so we were spared Cirie's machinations to convince her son to not save his booty call from the block.

Lastly, it seems Cody didn't watch the Aaryn Gries/Racist season because the original grade Dorky Guy/Beautiful Girl dynamic was already pioneered by the forever awesome Amanda and MacRae. That was such an interesting and unexpected pairing. Loved it!

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Haiku for episode:


Red could have saved Blue

But he and Cam are Yellow

Fuck! Now Izzy stays


In the Contestants thread, I've been posting hypothetical titles for if we still had individual contestant threads, since I had enjoyed making those.  Now that Matt has tipped off Cirie to Cam and Red's plans, I have one for him, based on the events of this episode

Matt Klotz:  He's Deaf to Me!

(Not because he didn't hear me talking about how much i dislike Cirie, but because I can't support anyone chooses to be Cirie's lackey.  So I made a pun on the phrase "dead to me"  Sorry, Matt.)

No idea how Jag survives the vote (he's a "threat", ya know!), but I hope he does.  No respect for Blue since she didn't try to save herself by exposing Jared as Cirie's son and trying to tempt Cameron into breaking up that pair.  I don't care if he's your shomance, you're supposed to be trying to win the $$$.

Boo, Blue.

(I mean, perhaps this is just cold-hearted game play and she's willing to be the pawn that helps Jag jog back to Omak.  But it smells more like resignation and not even considering playing the one card you hold.  Boooooo.)

Edited by Halting Hex

They seem to have quickly dispensed with "The Nether Region." It was probably dreamed up as a convenient way to pull Cirie out of the game if she was ever in danger of being nominated, but now they see that there's no danger of that ever happening.

They don't seem to be doing anything with "the multiverse" either aside from theme comps. It might have been interesting if they had been split up into groups of four and had to compete as teams and nominated as teams. You know, something different. But then that might have made it too hard to protect Cirie.

Cameron and Red seem to be the only two people to clock that Cirie, Felicia and Izzy are running the house, but Cam made the fatal mistake of "it's too soon" instead of making a move against them. Anyone but Red as HoH next week and his ass is going home.

I'll say one nice thing about Big Brother, they do manage to pull off some fun comps. I wish Survivor would take a page out of their book. I'm so tired of the tedious and stale obstacle course challenges Survivor keeps recycling. Why can't they ever do something that challenges mental acuity?

Speaking of mental acuity, it's painfully obvious they only showed the top three scores in the Veto comp to spare Jared the embarrassment. It's downright obscene how far this show is going to shield Cirie and her kid.

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53 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

They seem to have quickly dispensed with "The Nether Region." It was probably dreamed up as a convenient way to pull Cirie out of the game if she was ever in danger of being nominated, but now they see that there's no danger of that ever happening.

They don't seem to be doing anything with "the multiverse" either aside from theme comps. It might have been interesting if they had been split up into groups of four and had to compete as teams and nominated as teams. You know, something different. But then that might have made it too hard to protect Cirie.


Hallelujah! Multiverse and the Nether Region were two of the dumbest bits they've ever come up with. Your theory about protecting Cirie could be true but I also hope they read fan boards like this and saw how reviled the whole thing was.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Cameron and Red seem to be the only two people to clock that Cirie, Felicia and Izzy are running the house, but Cam made the fatal mistake of "it's too soon" instead of making a move against them. Anyone but Red as HoH next week and his ass is going home.

Episode 11…

CIRIE:  I set myself up so that I'm covered, front, back, and all sides.  The only wrench that could mess this up is if Cameron or Red wins HoH

Cam wins HoH

Episode 12…

Red wins Veto

CAM:  I don't want to pull the trigger so soon just to pull it.



Speaking of mental acuity, it's painfully obvious they only showed the top three scores in the Veto comp to spare Jared the embarrassment. It's downright obscene how far this show is going to shield Cirie and her kid.

An understandable thought, but they did the same thing with the timed Veto in Week 2 (Spin those records!), and nobody named "Fields" was in that field.

I'd think the change is for three reasons:

• save time in the episode

• If they read all six scores, the Veto winner is evident when the runner-up is announced.  ("Reilly, you took 1 minute and 3 seconds.  Therefore, Hisam, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!")  The old format also made announcing the winner's time awkward, since once we know that Felicia is the winner, we don't much care what her time was, but we still have to hear it.  This way, when the host reads "with a time of 58 seconds" we're still in suspense until the host goes "Kirsten, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!"  Better flow, IMO.

• the old way narrows the field to just the winner and the runner-up.  Here we have four HGs still as possibilities at the time of the announcement.  (Yes, Jared clearly flopped and Red was the likely winner.  But the edit allowed a glimmer of hope for Blue and Mecole, and other comps might legitimately have multiple contenders.)

It's true this way allows them to protect contestants


JASON: Kryssi, you did not finish and timed out

KRYSSI: My hands!  My bloody bleeding perforated amputated HANDS!!

…but it also prevents them from mocking contestants they want us to laugh at, so I'm calling that a 50-50. JMO.

Edited by Halting Hex
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4 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

If they read all six scores, the Veto winner is evident when the runner-up is announced.  ("Reilly, you took 1 minute and 3 seconds.  Therefore, Hisam, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!")  The old format also made announcing the winner's time awkward, since once we know that Felicia is the winner, we don't much care what her time was, but we still have to hear it.  This way, when the host reads "with a time of 58 seconds" we're still in suspense until the host goes "Kirsten, you have won the Golden Power of Veto!"  Better flow, IMO.

They didn’t used to though.  They would read the results in all sorts of random orders so you didn’t know if the sixth name they read had a super low time or maxed out.  The veto winner could have been the fourth name they read, you never knew.

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Oh cool, I can see this season will just be a series of formalities before Cirie's inevitable march to victory. It's disappointing, because I was so impressed with her after Traitors but it's really boring to watch a season with a predestined winner, as has seemed to be the case for the last four seasons or so. 

WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ELONDG JARED? OR AN ENDOGL? Holy fuck, that was painful to watch. Not shown: the PA standing off to the side who finally whispered "Pssst...it's GOLDEN, you dipshit" because they probably had to pee and Jared had been in there for approximately two hours. 

I hate, hate, HATE the lame ass acting they make the players do now, from the overly dramatic scared faces in the discount Demogorgon HOH to the looks of awed wonder descending into a set from some straight to DVD Mummy ripoff.

So I guess they now have to continue showing the top three scores only to make it seem like this has always been the case? Sure, Jan.

I fear this might be the end for Jag, which would royally suck.

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3 hours ago, mojoween said:

They didn’t used to though.  They would read the results in all sorts of random orders so you didn’t know if the sixth name they read had a super low time or maxed out.  The veto winner could have been the fourth name they read, you never knew.

True, sometimes they did.  But there were still only two possible winners at the end (America is in the lead, but did Aussie beat her time?), so it's not as open as it is now.

2 hours ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ELONDG JARED? OR AN ENDOGL? Holy fuck, that was painful to watch. Not shown: the PA standing off to the side who finally whispered "Pssst...it's GOLDEN, you dipshit" because they probably had to pee and Jared had been in there for approximately two hours. 

I assume Jared was going for "ELDONG", as in what he thinks America's male relations call a certain body part.  Too bad Jared didn't know there was a space required. (Kidding!)

Seriously, it's embarrassing because this isn't a word with a lot of natural anagrams.  I might have LONGED for a word like "Garden" where the HGs would try "Danger" and "Ranged" and "Gander" (and Frankie is at home screaming "GRANDE!!"), but this should have taken two tries, maximum.  

(Unless you have a friend named "Eldon G." or have just dropped acid and are imagining a young horse pleading "No Geld!"…but those seem less likely.)

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23 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

By the way, throwing condoms on a guy and a girl cuddling under the covers is really not much of a "prank." It just seems mean. 

And Izzy’s outright lies about Cory and Cuba weren’t???  “America was under him”, “She was nowhere to be seen under those covers”, etc. - IMHO those misrepresentations were (a) reprehensible, (b) indefensible, and (c) go WAY over the line of what’s considered BB-acceptable levels of gameplay lying, even.  And for what purpose?  Sophomoric humor?  Trying to malign an opponent’s character so savagely that nobody would consider working with her?  Fuck that shit.

Tell you what: from here on out, whenever you see my posts reference “the lying bitch”, feel free to assume I’m referring to Izzy.  I’m done with this twatsicle.

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Message added by Dustbunny,


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