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S04.E12: Let Them Eat Cake

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Capt. Glenn notices the standards are slipping on Parsifal lll, as the crew is exhausted with the mid-season blues; distraught that Colin and Gary aren't speaking, Daisy takes initiative and forces them to hash out their problems.

Airdate: 06.19.2023

Episodes 12 and 13 are airing back to back on original airing; please be sure to comment in correct topic.

Like a witness to cake-gate, these comments are in the order of the slices of episode scenes broadcast.

Gary, you should have been named Richard, because you are a total Dick.

The guests were truly lovely with their heartfelt sentiment and appreciation of their stay.  They weren’t drunken yobbos and just seemed to have a good time.

Chase is absolutely correct for calling out Alex’ deficiencies when it comes to overnight cleaning of the deck.  Now, on the one hand, it’s dark and he may not be able to see everything, but Alex should also be aware of what needs to be cleaned and just do it.  The problem isn’t Chase.  It may not even be entirely Alex.  But as the “throwing your crew under the boat” deck lead, Gary isn’t looking too good.

Sorry, but I am done with the whole Daisy/Gary/Colin triangle.  Or triumvirate.  Or whatever.  You all deserve each other.  Gary, you’re a douche.  Daisy, you’re something involving douche (you can’t tell the difference between Colin and Gary in your bed).  Colin, you know you saw this coming and its consequences.  Can we please have more boaty things?  How’s the engine doing?  Oh, wait, I forgot – no one seems to check on that.

Meanwhile, as the crew do their thing on shore, Glenn plays chess.  With himself. 

A quick sidebar – Lucy and her family are from Wales.  It’s sad to see so many people in that circumstance lose their Welsh accent in favour of a more “BBC-esque” one.  I’ve heard her da in previous episodes/scenes and he is full-on from Wales.  My mum’s people are from Wales and I’m proud of how they speak.  And sing.  We’re a musical people.  (:

So… why can’t Mads “re-choose”?  If she’s all about casual sex, which she has repeatedly said, just make the switch!  So you used to drink Coke and now you drink Pepsi.  Done deal.

And now, halfway through the episode, BDSY has become “The Sex Boat”.  But I have to say, Chase, man, sorry for the unrequited love between you and Ileisha.

Gary (about Mads): “Maybe she does like me, I’ve affected her that much.”  Gary, you are the master of delusion.  Self-delusion.

Kudos to Chase and Alex for working out their communication and leaving Gary out of it.

I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.  That “preference sheet meeting” had “producer driven” all over it.  Not bad requests, but so all over the place I can’t believe one group requested it.

What will happen next week?  Will he have the usual “about to collide” drama that will turn out to be nothing?  Will the “triangle” turn out to be nothing?  Is there nothing else interesting?  Stay tuned, if you can suspend disbelief.

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3 hours ago, Tanukisan said:


Gary (about Mads): “Maybe she does like me, I’ve affected her that much.”  Gary, you are the master of delusion.  Self-delusion.

Kudos to Chase and Alex for working out their communication and leaving Gary out of it.


I wonder how Gary feels seeing the season play out on tv?  Mads has not been very kind in her talking heads or in conversations with others.  It must be a blow to his overblown ego.

Gary has been stirring sh*t between Alex and Chase since he walked onboard.  What a complete fail and First Mate.

I was kind of interested if Ilesha would have any interest in Chase, since he is so taken with her....UNTIL I saw the photo of her beau.  He is gorgeous. Let's get him aboard, stat!

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14 hours ago, Tanukisan said:

So… why can’t Mads “re-choose”?  If she’s all about casual sex, which she has repeatedly said, just make the switch! 

Alex knows it would put him in a very awkward position since Gary is his boss, and he said as much to her.

I'm over the whole Gary/Daisy/Colin triangle too. It's just all so consuming, clearly the show is obsessed and thinks we are too. It's not that interesting! And it's making everyone look bad. Gary, Colin and Daisy have been the staples of BDSY, why ruin them with this nonsense? Nobody is going to want to watch them anymore, they'll have to find a whole new crew next season.

I've probably commented on this before but when they pull up to the dock they throw two ropes down and it doesn't seem like two little ropes would be able to hold a ginormous boat like that.

Chase says he doesn't want to look like a tattler but that's kind of what he is. He already knows Gary threw him under the bus once, so why did he AGAIN go to Gary to point out the mistakes Alex made? He should have just gone straight to Alex. They seem to have worked it out, but we'll see if this happens again.

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6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Alex knows it would put him in a very awkward position since Gary is his boss, and he said as much to her.

Agree.  Plus, Alex is shown passed out at the end of every night out.  If he was at all sober I think Mads would make the switch.

6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Chase says he doesn't want to look like a tattler but that's kind of what he is. He already knows Gary threw him under the bus once, so why did he AGAIN go to Gary to point out the mistakes Alex made? He should have just gone straight to Alex. They seem to have worked it out, but we'll see if this happens again.

I give Chase a pass on this.  I think the first time he went to Gary was because Glenn said something to Chase so Chase wanted to make sure Gary was aware of the situation.  When Chase asked to handle it himself Gary told Chase not to talk to Alex and that Gary would handle it (which Gary did by telling lies and throwing Chase under the bus 🙄).  Plus, from other seasons we’ve seen the bosun get pissy if a deckie tried to train another deckie without being anointed super special double cheezy lead deckhand.  Gary sucks as a leader.

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27 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I've probably commented on this before but when they pull up to the dock they throw two ropes down and it doesn't seem like two little ropes would be able to hold a ginormous boat like that.

I'm sure there's a nautical term for them, but those "little" ropes are acutally attached to much thicker lines.  The small ropes just make it easier to toss to the dock.  The small lines get hauled but they're attached to thicker lines that actually secure the vessel.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I've probably commented on this before but when they pull up to the dock they throw two ropes down and it doesn't seem like two little ropes would be able to hold a ginormous boat like that.

Those are messenger lines, which are connected at one end to the actual dock lines, which are waaay too heavy to throw. Once the guy on dock catches or retrieves the messenger lines, he pulls them until the full-size dock lines are within grasp. Then he can secure them to a cleat or bollard on the dock.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I've probably commented on this before but when they pull up to the dock they throw two ropes down and it doesn't seem like two little ropes would be able to hold a ginormous boat like that.

55 minutes ago, dsteele said:

Those are messenger lines, which are connected at one end to the actual dock lines, which are waaay too heavy to throw. Once the guy on dock catches or retrieves the messenger lines, he pulls them until the full-size dock lines are within grasp. Then he can secure them to a cleat or bollard on the dock.

They're also anchored off the bow. You'll see them dropping anchor just before docking. 

Was Daisy asleep in Colin's bed and woke up confused that Gary was in her bed or were they hooking up and she called Colin Gary? She was topless and holding her boobs but sounded confused, like she just woke up and was shocked to find she wasn't alone.

This season has been a bit of shitshow with the cat hookups but aside from the one guest who accused the crew of stealing her jewelry, the guests have all been awesome. 

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4 hours ago, dsteele said:

Those are messenger lines, which are connected at one end to the actual dock lines, which are waaay too heavy to throw. Once the guy on dock catches or retrieves the messenger lines, he pulls them until the full-size dock lines are within grasp. Then he can secure them to a cleat or bollard on the dock.

Strange, it looked as though the guys on the dock were tying the ropes that were thrown to them, not bigger ropes they pulled from the boat.

8 hours ago, snarts said:

They're also anchored off the bow. You'll see them dropping anchor just before docking. 

Was Daisy asleep in Colin's bed and woke up confused that Gary was in her bed or were they hooking up and she called Colin Gary? She was topless and holding her boobs but sounded confused, like she just woke up and was shocked to find she wasn't alone.

This season has been a bit of shitshow with the cat hookups but aside from the one guest who accused the crew of stealing her jewelry, the guests have all been awesome. 

I got the idea that Daisy awoke in the middle of the night and was confused, calling Colin Gary and asking him what he was doing in her bed.  (They were actually in Colin's bed).  Also, it's important to note that it would have been dark in the cabin.  Those infrared cameras make it seem like there are lights on.  I don't blame Daisy for this mistake and Colin shouldn't take it personally.  

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Am I remembering correctly? After Gary learned that Colin and Daisy had a thing for each other, and he told the camera they slept together, didn't he drunkenly go in her bed to try something? But she ordered him out.

I wish when Colin became angry with her for confusing him for gary, she would just explain that when Gary found out she liked Colin, he drunkenly tried to sleep with her.

Collin's going to see it on TV anyhow, so he should better understand why she woke up angry, saying Gary get out of my bed.

Then again, maybe she blacked out and doesn't remember Gary trying to crawl into her bed?

14 hours ago, aghst said:

Wonder if it was a producer idea to have Daisy, Colin and Gary go by themselves in that van.

Awkward silence.


Glenn playing chess with himself, that's probably producer prodding.  Why would he just be by himself?  Why wouldn't he go to some bar for a drink or meal.

Or FaceTime with his gf?

Lol, I've actually played chess by myself, just like Glenn did. I didn't think anything of it.

22 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I give Chase a pass on this.  I think the first time he went to Gary was because Glenn said something to Chase so Chase wanted to make sure Gary was aware of the situation.  When Chase asked to handle it himself Gary told Chase not to talk to Alex and that Gary would handle it (which Gary did by telling lies and throwing Chase under the bus 🙄).  Plus, from other seasons we’ve seen the bosun get pissy if a deckie tried to train another deckie without being anointed super special double cheezy lead deckhand.  Gary sucks as a leader.

ITA.  Gary has been a shit Bosun this season.  And the 2nd time it happened, Gary was with Chase as they walked the boat and saw with his own eyes that it was not cleaned.  But when he brought it up he started with "Well, Chase is upset with you Alex........"  Huh? Then proceeds to stand there not saying a word or backing up what he forced Chase to tell Alex, stating he saw it too.  Nope not a word.  Probably thinking of shagging Daisy or Mads or whoever is willing to be with him at this point.

Very disappointed with Colin and his reaction to Gary and Daisy sleeping together.  I get the bro thing but Gary actually promised not to tell so like Gary said it was a no win situation for him.  Hindsight is a beautiful thing.  They all need to grow up and move on.

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7 hours ago, aghst said:

I was talking about all the shots of him alone when the crew is out.

We're to believe Glen does various things during these crew outings but some of them like the chess game look performative.

I get what you mean, and I hope that is not the case.  It brings to mind Captain Lee and his funny sayings.  We all loved them at first and then they became his "thing" and he sprinkled them everywhere (maybe at production's prodding).  It was too much of a good thing.  In this case, we all love the shots of Glenn doing his solo pursuits and now they seem to pop up liberally throughout the crew night out.  Hopefully, it's not staged for our pleasure...

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Okay, so I really do NOT need two hours of this nonsense for the next couple/three weeks. One hour is PLENTY. I am so glad I have aged out of this three-way romance drama. Gary is a dick. He is a spoiled manchild. I get Colin's feelings but get over it, man. If you "like like" Daisy, she's worth it; if she's too much trouble, move on. It's not rocket science!

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