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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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why did they have a business meeting right before one or two pioneers are leaving?   the people leaving today shouldn't influence future spending plans




I think at the wedding, Cal told Jess one of his girlfriends is about her size and he thought the wedding dress would fit her, and he asked if he could have it.  I think (not sure) that Jess told him no. 


is the dress still in utopia?   odd question, I know, but the brief conversation was odd, too.

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Or a last desperate attempt at saving it by cleaning house.

It would have to be a really desperate attempt at this point. Bringing 4+ new people in when the writing's on the wall, rather than cutting their losses and shutting it down?

The only reason I could think of them wanting to keep going is to reinvent it as a YouTube show that won't be televised on Fox or other broadcasters at all.

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I voted for saw, but now I'm worried if Aaron stays, he will use it to cut his frozen pizzas (without cleaning the blade before or after use). At least with Bri gone, we won't have to worry about any"Table Saw Masacre" scenarios if someone pushed her too far.

I'd really like to see reactions from Mike, Bri and any other Cool Kids Quitters when they get a look at how they came across on this show, and how viewers of live feeds feel about their behavior.

Edited by BusyOctober
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Too much of a good thing?  Bri, Mike (maybe), Cal (maybe) and one or both of Aaron and Rob?  And just in time for the re-launch, 31 October!  (If I were Kristen or Taylor I'd be pitching some deal to Production.)  (Or hoping for my friends or relations to be calling in with an emergency.)


IMHO, I think it's more likely an attempt to re-tool and save some viewers rather than a gradual shutdown.  Possible indicator: how soon they send in replacements for those who left without being voted out.  Remember how soon Taylor showed up?


(ETA.  Was going to use the semi-nautical line about "A bunch of rats leaving a sinking ship" except I'm pretty sure that some (if not all) of the leavers think it's "A ship leaving a bunch of sinking rats.")

Edited by CaptainCurmudgeon
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The network is such a mess in general it sounds like this will be airing for awhile on Friday in spite of the awful numbers. I also suspect moderate retool to try to stabilize it a bit. I doubt it'll survive to February sweeps, but they have enough flops this is probably one of the cheapest to keep airing. The initial outlay was expensive, but I'd bet additional episodes are fairly cheap at this point.


We'll see what sort of folks show up to replace the quitters and ousted vote loser. With luck they won't be bully rage monsters.

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Big surprise -- production has postponed the elimination vote.  It was supposed to happen at 4pm PST.  


Probably regrouping to try and keep Rob and Cal from leaving after Aaron is voted out.

May the fail be strong with them.


I wonder how many replacements they have stashed in hotel rooms nearby. It could be more rats are threatening to jump ship than they're prepared to replace in a timely fashion.

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Rob, in between farting, spitting and belching, decided to turn the propane off.  Now people in the kitchen are trying to cook but can't get the stove to turn on.  Isn't this dangerous?  He is such a despicable little creature.  


I saw that the vote has been postponed, but no one seems to know when it will actually take place.


And now Cal is saying he's staying until Wednesday.  Suddenly, all my good feelings are disappearing.........

Edited by 4leafclover
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They should have had a cash prize for all those who stay for the duration.  This would increase their motivation to stay, but also to be more responsible so they don't get voted off.  

Not a "Survivor"  type where one person wins, just an incentive to stick around.  

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$#!!*^**...razzemfrazzem... I need to up my blood pressure meds.  I was resigned for Cal being there 2 more weeks, but once he said he was leaving my hopes got totally tied to that. 



They should have had a cash prize for all those who stay for the duration.

The feedsters and tv viewers deserve a prize for sticking it out.

Edited by DeLurker
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Rob, in between farting, spitting and belching, decided to turn the propane off.  Now people in the kitchen are trying to cook but can't get the stove to turn on.  Isn't this dangerous?  He is such a despicable little creature.


The continued threats by people to quit is just getting ridiculous now -- they are all turning into Red, just so that they get their way.


Rob -- leave !!  Cal -- leave !!!  Aaron -- please be voted out.


Cal's creepy manipulation of Nikki is just getting too creepy -- that guy has got to go or pretty soon they will all be converted into his minions and slave wives.

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I read on another site that Cal told people that he is working directly with Production to save the show. He apparently said that basically everything he does is perfect and that he is saving the other Utopians lives, not just the show. He really lacks self awareness, and if Production thinks he's capable of saving the show they are even more delusional than I thought. He would be one of the three up for replacement if he were eligible.


He is also claiming to have brought sexuality into Utopia. What does this guy know about sexuality? Does he think constantly answering questions with "It's 9 inches" and thinking that he's sexy and irresistible when he's running around wearing smelly, untreated deer skin and refusing to shower for weeks on end has helped bring sexuality into Utopia?

Edited by Rapunzel
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Grrr.  If Cal and Rob want to go, Production should just let them.  Immediately, and with no effort to convince them to stay.  Both of them are horrible in their own way.


I heard that Cal's latest conversation with Nikki included such lovely things as multiple reminders how Cal is perfect in every way, and that he finds it exhausting to teach her how to communicate properly.  I have no idea where she gets the patience to put up with that crap.  I'd have been booted for physical violence against him after that comment.  


I was listening to a clip from the live feeds from earlier this afternoon where Bella was talking to the others about the food budget - yet again.  I realize that's got to be irritating to the others there, but there's a point where the camera is on neither her nor Rob, and you hear her calmly ask, "Please don't throw wood chips at me while I'm speaking."  And seriously, if Rob is such an asswipe that he's throwing stuff at her, he should be sent out the gate.   Oddly enough Aaron sounded like the voice of reason during that discussion.  (Don't worry, he resumed his usual nasty plotting shortly afterward.)

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facing the loss of four or five in a week might cause them to cancel the vote-off.


PLAN:   one leaves.     REALITY:  three or four or five leave.


RESULT:  crisis

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Great.  Now Rob is telling people he wants to stay.  Does this mean Aaron is out?  Ok, I can accept that, as long as this little weasel is out the next time!


The only reason I'm waiting around tonight is to see the look on Aaron's face when he's voted off.  

Edited by 4leafclover
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Cal is telling Rob that he still plans on leaving. He said that his big issue is that they aren't really a collective and they have no vision and no idea what they are supposed to be. He really wants a Mission Statement, and without one he says they will continue to fail. Rob is basically agreeing and saying that he's frustrated that they don't have goal.  


Cal is saying he wants Bella to be a "sugar mamma" for the group and that they should just let her keep paying all the bills for the next few months and then the rest of them can focus on other things. He thinks Bella would go for it since it would make her feel so appreciated and needed. This guy is such a douche bag it's ridiculous. I really hope he leaves like he says he will if the group can't come up with a Mission Statement (which I doubt they'll be able to - at least not one they can agree on). He said "Mission Statement" about 50 times in a 2 minute conversation with Rob - shut up Cal.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Rob said he was told that 2 hours after Bri left, she was sorry she did.  He doesn't want to make the same mistake.  Boo-Hoo.  Get a tissue.


Had to laugh at this though.  He was buddying up to Cal, and Cal told him that they should use Bella like a "sugar mama. Let her pay all the bills" in exchange for some organic food and keep her happy.  As much as I dislike Cal, he has a point.  


ETA:  lol, sorry Rapunzel, didn't know you and I were posting the same thing!  Great minds and all that!

Edited by 4leafclover
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ETA:  lol, sorry Rapunzel, didn't know you and I were posting the same thing!  Great minds and all that!

No worries 4leafclover. I was glad to see that you heard the same "sugar momma" comment that I did - I almost thought I didn't hear it right, though shouldn't have been surprised as it was Cal talking.  :)


They are eating dinner, and they are having stuff in tortillas yet again. Every time I see them eat dinner (with the exception of pizza night) it's stuff in tortillas. These guys have got to be so sick of them by now. I can't understand why they can't make a bigger variety of dishes when there are so many easy things to do for a group that size (soups, pasta dishes, etc.).


The Utopians are so classy - they are talking about having a "fart off" while they are eating dinner. They say it wouldn't be the same without Mike there though.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Yes, Ernesto bought a huge package of tortillas and he's been sharing them with everyone.  


I'm sick of hearing their body noises--smacking, chomping, snorting, coughing up goobers, farting and belching.  If I never hear another of those gross and disgusting sounds again, it will be too soon.  


I think its amusing about Bella being the "sugar mama" because she does throw those paintings of hers into the conversation every chance she gets.

ETA:  I think its time to vote!

Edited by 4leafclover
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Rob said he was told that 2 hours after Bri left, she was sorry she did.

She must have been upset that there wasn't a ticker-tape parade held in her honor as soon as she arrived back in normal society.

ETA:  I think its time to vote!

For real? What was the delay for? I'm presuming it was so that Production could change the rule again to make the vote pointless.

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Yep, they are sitting down at the table now for the voting process.  


And I agree, that must have been a heck of a shock to Bri that she wasn't immediately booked on the Ellen Show and the Today Show for her exit interviews!

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Aaron is giving his "why he should stay" speech and he's basically saying that Rob should stay over him because Rob can cheer up the group and Rob's such a great guy but if Aaron does stay he has big plans for the kitchen. Kristen is all red faced and starting to cry. Aaron said he feels like his mission is complete, so basically he wants to go. If he still has big plans for the  kitchen, how can his mission really be complete?


He finished his speech and now I think nearly all the women are crying. I don't think he said anything moving or even that really came across as very sincere.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Wow -- could this vote be even more scripted by production ?  It's as bad as other shitty reality shows where the vote always seems to be a tie so the last vote always decides (never any one-sided blowouts -- because no drama in those).


ETA: Oh come on.  First vote didn't "really" count (6-5, Aaron out), so they decided to have another vote and now is 6-5, Rob out.    Josh changed his vote (probably at the instruction of production).   Who has dry run eviction votes ?  First one didn't count, the second one is for reals.  WTF ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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When they went around the table to each speak their piece, that wasn't the formal vote. They had additional discussion after that and made the official vote and Rob is the one who has been voted out. Amanda mentioned this would be the process in the beginning.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Ah, I only logged on when the final vote was being taken, then I read the updates and it says Aaron was out.


I was confused.

Why is Hex having such a break down?    The guy isn't dying.


Are these people killed when they leave the gate?   Is there an aspect we're not aware of?

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Yes, it was Josh who changed his vote and now want to change my vote from Josh as the one who contributed the most. Oh well, either way it was a win-win.  We lost Bri, Mike and Rob (and possibly Cal)--how can I be upset?


As for those Udopians who voted for Aaron to stay, may the maggots he puts in your food cause you great distress and agony (as well as those who voted against Aaron, because we all know Kristen will tell Aaron who you are)!   

Edited by 4leafclover
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So, it's Rob that goes?  Is that because Aaron has his medical excuse (ear) further along?


ETA: the game has now become getting the hell out but retaining the stipend.  Only people who did NOT get the stipend so far?  Dave and Bri.  Everyone else has gone out with a *good* excuse.  One guy (Red) with two.

Edited by CaptainCurmudgeon
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next, they could shake things up by removing aaron from the kitchen.   I wonder if they ever considered doing that.



oh, yeah.......


settle on a government


figure out a way to make money after the buzz has worn off   (U. Experience money slows, paintings/jewelry sales drop)


make beds


indoor shower


get hot water (cold showers for two months?)         I just looked on amazon.    you can get a four gallon electric water heater for $180 delivered.   that's not very big, but they could stagger their (brief) showers so it has time to heat up.   way better than nothing!


maybe think about how to stay warm this winter

Edited by clod
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Well, let's start planning now because 2 weeks will be here before we know it!  If Cal walks on Wednesday, I think the next 3 should be Aaron, Kristen and Taylor.  Any other ideas? Bella maybe?  Dedeker?

Edited by 4leafclover
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I think the next eviction vote should be best 3 out of 5 votes -- because that makes so much more sense than what just happened tonight.  


That's why other legitimate reality shows make people lock in their votes BEFORE announcing the results.  


Heck, I'm surprised Red didn't show up to take Rob's place because he also made a promise to protect Rob from eviction. 

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Rob's  fortunes sure took a turn in five days!     on the 21st he tells Bella she will be gone in ten days.   early on the 22nd he still had it all figured out. 


late on the 22nd he finds out viewers will nominate.      http://www.utopiatv.com/news/detail/1889/not-rob-s-utopia-the-supercut


evening of the 27th, he has to walk out the gate.    he did look a little surprised when his name was announced.   including a nervous laugh.



earlier today he had a big disagreement with Bella, apparently throwing some stuff at her.    probably not the best move on the day of a vote-off !

Edited by clod
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Well, let's start planning now because 2 weeks will be here before we know it! If Cal walks on Wednesday, I think the next 3 should be Aaron, Kristen and Taylor. Any other ideas? Bella maybe? Dedeker?

I think the best option is Aaron, Kristen, and Chris or Dedeker, the bullies who supported Aaron.

The wildcards in this equation are the TV-only watchers, and the replacements.

I have a bad feeling that Bella or Cal will go up, and either one is probably toast. Cal and Bella can go, just not before the bullies.

Edited by mmal
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