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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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Listening to the live feeds today has convinced me I need to vote Aaron to go--he is trying waaaay too hard to stay (while Rob and Mike are trying to talk themselves into leaving).  Aaron is talking to his fellow CKC about everyone else--Nikki is trying to take over the kitchen and telling lies about him, Cal is trying to deconstruct "everything" they have built (what the heck have they built???) and of course, Bella spends too much money on her own food.  Aaron said he "confirmed" that Cal can actually be voted off but I'm not sure I believe anything he says.  He also told Cal he wouldn't talk behind his back and he is doing just that right now.  There is apparently going to be a meeting today in Utopia at 1pm their time, and Rob and Mike are waiting til then to decide if they're going to walk out or not.  Rob said he'll walk if Mike walks but Mike is already starting to back out.  Mike is on his soapbox about getting Cal out--if he's leaving, what does he care? 


I won't be able to watch the big meeting today, hope someone else will be able to so I can come back and read all about it!


ETA:  I just checked on the Utopia on Fox voting site, and Cal is not up for vote.  He is classified as "new."   Nice try, Aaron!

Edited by 4leafclover
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They say that Production has approved of their plan and is sending someone in to help them, and they also say that their building will go up fast, not like that slow way that Josh does.



Yeah, that's good. Slap-dash building is just fine in the ring of fire.  It's not like they get tremors there or anything.




Nikki and Cal are talking and he mentions "training a woman".  She asks him how long that takes and he tells her "It takes me two years to train a woman how to be a woman".



Wow.  That's... wow.   Unless he's the reincarnation of a eunich from the days of Solomon, I'm pretty sure he's got no right to train a woman in how to be a woman.  Maybe he should finish figuring out how to be a decent man first.  It doesn't sound like he's worked that out yet.



  He says she's not that smart, because she relies on her religion instead of using her brain.



And this does not surprise me about him.  Regardless of one's own stance on religion, demeaning others for their faith shows the same kind of intolerance as any other form of prejudice.  Cal's on his way to surpassing Mike and Aaron as the most vile Utopian.



Aaron also says that when he gets back in the kitchen he's going to change things.  He's going to cook all the food they love, half of it will be vegetarian, he's going to clean up after himself, portions will be larger, and he's going to hold cooking classes so everyone will feel togetherness in the kitchen.



Too little, too late for him.  From the tweets I've seen, he couldn't save himself from landing on the short list if cleaned all of Utopia with a toothbrush and then gave his share of the Utopian Experience profits to the poor.  Trying to act like a real chef now won't help him at all.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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Big surprise -- Mike pulls one of Red's tactics and threatens to leave, but takes it up a notch and tells production in the chicken coop that he is actually going to leave (so much so that they post a notice about it on the utopiatv.com web site) but then on his sad sack departure tour (he was literally carrying a sack and looking sad trying to get sympathy and see if people will beg him to stay) -- but EUREKA -- he changes his mind and decides to stay.   Wow, did not see that coming </sarcasm>

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Now Mike is telling Cal that he needs to be more reasonable and not cause turmoil.


Have I fallen down a rabbit hole?

Once Mike is done talking with Cal, who will he be reporting to? 


You know... to not cause turmoil....

Cal just mentioned his website on one of the feeds.


The pants he's wearing are priced on there for $1,200.00.

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Regarding the voting: I worry that if people put up Kristen with any 2 guys, those misogynistic assholes will vote her out. I think that ANY woman against 2 men will get voted out. As much as I want Bri out, I almost feel like we need 3 guys up there to ensure that ONE of them goes. If Kristen is up, I would lay money that the guys gang together and the other females who would rather have the men stay, will vote for the female and Kristen will go. I think Aaron is a lock, I think Mike as well,  so I think I will put my vote for Rob. I don't like Kristen, but I really think that a male needs to go before any female at this point. (I know that we can't vote Cal, so I am not even entertaining him, because I think he would be a good choice as well). 

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Mike seems to be doing some soul searching.    He's afraid that he's cheapened his reputation among the people he knows in the world...


Whoops... he just called his world on the outside "impressive"...


Apparently the letter he just received from his outside girlfriend wasn't pleasing to him.

Cal seems to be having a private moment with one of the elephant ear plants after having a break down over his letter.

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I love how manipulative production is being right now.   You have a group government meeting in 30 minutes?  You're all on edge and half of you are talking about walking out?  Here's letters for MOST of you from home that will break your will.


Happy meeting!

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I agree completely with you, riverheightsnancy, about the necessity of having 3 men up for replacement. The misogynists would throw any of their female accomplices under the bus in the blink of an eye.

It's more important to get the heads of the bully hydra onto the chopping block: Aaron, Rob, and Mike. I'm targeting Mike.

Edited by mmal
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Hex is crying because she thinks that she'll be nominated because she's an atheist, an anarchist and a hunter.

Don't worry Hex - we don't care you are an atheist or an anarchist plus we haven't any proof you actual do hunt.  More importantly, Utopia currently has a couple of candidates for the Antichrist.

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They're having a government meeting right now, Rob has his microphone in his mouth and is commenting on how much he "hates this place."  Now he's talking about shooting the cows.

I know that Rob wants to go and I would want to keep him there to "punish" him, but comments like that, make me want him out, even if he is doing it on purpose. 

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That camera is a joke right?


The wood block painted like a camera is NOT a joke. It comes in three color options.

The birdhouse looks like something an average 10 year old could make out of the scraps in the garage. My kids built better stuff than that in day camp and cub scouts.

Rob and Mike are threatening to leave? The way I see it is, they know they're likely to get voted out. So Mike is taking the stance "you can't Fire me, I quit." Whereas Rob is acting like an asshole (even more than before) so he can say he TRIED to get voted out on purpose. That way he doesn't have to take responsibility for his prior asshole behavior.

I sat Aaron needs to leave. His asshole behavior has been the worst, because he is so oblivious to others' needs, and he seems dangerous. He uses his position as "chef" to control others by stealing food, throwing out food, and positioning out food based on who agrees with him.

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IMO, some of the bad behavior was due to some Utes not keeping busy.   they sit.   then they start doing things to amuse themselves.   rattle!


they must think their Utopia Experience will provide a steady income with little work.   revenue problem solved!




Aaron also says that when he gets back in the kitchen he's going to change things.  He's going to cook all the food they love, ......, he's going to clean up after himself, portions will be larger, ...... 


what will he say when someone asks why he was not doing those things from the beginning?



Don't worry Hex - we don't care you are an atheist or an anarchist plus we haven't any proof you actual do hunt. 


it is kind of amusing that the huntress hasn't been huntressing.    

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... but it's not like they're busy saving kittens from burning buildings while we're not watching.

If they were, it would probably be with the intention of using them in scheme to make money from betting on an underground Kitten Fight Club.

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Hex is convinced that she will be voted off because of her beliefs and that "only the boring ones will vote," Dedeker thinks she'll be voted off because she is polyamorous, Bri because she is "not the most comical one here."

These people alternate between neurotic, psychotic, and self-pitying so fast it causes whiplash.

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But best of all, you can buy a scrap of wood that's painted to look like a camera - with Rob & Jess's wedding date on it.   Only $20, and it can be yours!

I'm not sure why you're being so sarcastic about that - Rob & Jess was the biggest wedding of the decade, rivalling that of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

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All of the Udopians are eating outside for TBT and telling each other their most favorite day in Utopia. Lots of laughing and good times for all.  Someone conspicuously missing--Rob!  Rumors are running rampant on the live feed chats--(Udopers already confirmed he's in the coop)--he's getting a conjugal visit with his wife!,  he's being promised free pizza for a year!, he's promised a higher stipend!  Anything to get Rob to stay!   


Oh, please forgive me while I yawn.................................

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Rob gets a conjugal visit?  didn't he just have one?  I think it was called his wedding night.  

I wish that we had some clarity on the rules.   I would like it if it were written in that quitters got nothing.  


Yes, 15 pioneers, starting a new society - with all the conveniences of home.   What was the point of the show again?  

Edited by backformore
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EverCat - If only you had used "lady" for "woman", we all would have had that opportunity to say "That's no lady!".

lol Exactly ;0

During the voting meeting Hex responds to the new voting rules with: Now I'll have to wear a mask and be all fake "you guys know me - I'm an atheist , I'm a hunter, I'm an anarchist!"

That's funny - Like she wasn't fake/wearing a mask to start with.  Even foxy Nikki was calling her by her real name.


riverheightsNancy - I was thinking about this too (strategic voting), which 3 would be shortlisted and who the other Udopes would vote for.  Looking at the facebook page, it seemed like the top 3 choices were Rob, Aaron, Kirsten (with a lower number of posts for Bella, Bri, Mike).  I've put off voting because now I can't make up my mind (not that it will matter in the end).  I'm sort of leaning towards voting for Rob, because he is really being antagonistic.  In his mind, he probably thinks this is how Red got out?  It's hard to choose when there are so many worthy candidates.


I tried watching the feeds earlier today - they were all sitting on rocks and it looked like Chris was preparing lumps of catsup on bread AND there was NO SOUND.  The entire time all I heard was Mike say 'court' and some dudes (full) name.  Oh, and apparently Mike has been on MTV:



Edited by EverCat
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Well those two weren't married in this decade, so that makes Rob & Jess' wedding clearly the wedding of the decade. Hell, wedding of the century!

My wording was a bit awkward there.

What I meant was that Rob & Jess are obviously the greatest wedding of this decade, this Century, and this Millennium. It was so good that it rivals Charles & Di for the title of greatest wedding of all time.

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Rob gets a conjugal visit?  didn't he just have one?  I think it was called his wedding night. 

I wish that we had some clarity on the rules.   I would like it if it were written in that quitters got nothing. 

Yes, 15 pioneers, starting a new society - with all the conveniences of home.   What was the point of the show again?


Rob "suddenly" feels under the weather as Josh described it on the feeds -- is such complete and utter bullshit.  Does he have an infected finger also ?   Did they have to take him to the hospital so they could use the big forceps to get his head out of his ass ?


He likely threatened to quit just like Mike did earlier in the day, and got his way for some quality knob-polishing time with the new missus.  


I'm with Hex on this -- first time someone threatens to quit, everyone else packs their stuff into their crate and tosses the crate over the wall and then they all shove that person out of the compound gates.  No Utopia for you.   Next !!!!!

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Cal doesn't like baked potatoes and tells her to make mashed potatoes instead. 


Cal's accusing Aaron of being a plant for the Army.  He says he knows that Aaron's commanding officer chose the 20 best looking guys and told them to apply for Utopia, then paid Fox a million dollars to take one of them.

I'm not sure which is crazier - Cal's insane military conspiracy theory, or that he doesn't like either garlic or baked potatoes.

I think I'll go with the baked potatoes and garlic.

OK Maybe people should vote for Cal. I don't care if he is safe, dude is clearly a cult leader

But if he stays in Utopia, at least the damage he causes is confined to the Utopians, rather than the outside world. There's even a chance that some unfortunate women back on his compound get a chance to be de-programmed while he's there.

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So Hex gets a letter from her family saying that they are happy that she is not drinking as much and telling her to keep her activities with Taylor under the blankets. The result? Hex drinks a bunch of rum and gives Taylor a blow job in the field.  I swear, you can't make this stuff up.


These people really are bat shit crazy.

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My wording was a bit awkward there.

I know what you meant, but couldn't help myself.


Wonder what happens  i̶f̶  when the show gets canceled?  Do they only get the weekly stipend for how long they were there or do they get the whole year because their theoretical participation was cut short.


I'm torn on the vote thing.  If no one votes for the CKC, than the streets are free from these sociopaths for a few more weeks.  If we vote for a decent person, it is like time off for good behavior.   Maybe we can arrange an airlift extraction so the decent people are freed and the KCK remain to fight among themselves?


Since the voters get to select the Most Productive Tope and their prize, I want to vote for someone like Rob, Mike or Aaron and give them a "gift" that is no reward.  Rob gets the world's smallest violin, Mike gets a gift certificate for electroshock therapy and Aaron would get this:



plus a book on basic hygiene.

Edited by DeLurker
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^^^good question - I had assumed they only got a weekly stipend based on the extent of time spent in Udopia. 

ROFL - Rob won't be around for that violen(and maybe Aaron wont be either)  6? days Rob, 6 days!

             More peas, less violins



My recap based on what I was able to see:
Earlier in the day Aaron, Mike, Rob & Hex/Taylor gathered together - Mike is saying that Cal & Nikki are trying to control the group.   He doesn't trust Cal because he has deer legs on.


Later, Hex is talking to Nikki, telling Nikki that there is a lot of people talking, a lot of he said/she said (see previous paragraph), but she has learned her lesson from only listening to one person, so now she is going around to each person talking to them. (I believe that is called gossip).  Tells Nikki people are saying she has spent over $200 on food (Nikki says she hasn't - only $178).  Hex says she needs to bring that up at the meeting and show receipts, and if people aren't happy with that then she (Nikki) knows it is a personal vendetta - "y'know what i'm saying".   (Nikki doesn't). 

Hex continues, "I don't want you to feel unsafe about me that kinda irks me. " 

Nikki replies "this is why I am happy about the changes that are about to happen.  Like what is Aaron doing, he's not cooking, he's just sitting around. So, why are we, well not we, why are people sitting around talking about each other instead of being productive".  (good question)

Nikki continues with more complaints about Aaron. 

Hex says "I just don't want you to be upset."  Tells her Aaron is out to get her (like Nikki hadn't figured that out) and

she just wants her to know this is what has been said, that Nikki has to stop the frenzy because "like you said people have nothing to do all day".  Then tells her at the meeting she has to make it show it is all Aaron.  She also had let Nikki know that just because she is physically next to some of those people and they are trash-talking Nikki,  doesn't mean she agrees with them.  (see 1st paragraph)

Hex and Nikki hug it out.


Later, at the over 1 hour meeting, nothing much happens.  Nikki mentions the food and nobody says anything.  Chris mentions Bella's paintings and everyone grudgingly applauds her, Aaron say's they are selling for over $3000. Kristen says Hex sold all her jewelry (huge round of applause, fireworks go off, etc) and Hex says she got a letter/email? where 'they' are going to barter her a printer, labels, and tons of crap for some some more crap, I mean jewelry.  At the end of the meeting, Cal gets up to talk. Rob (who has been sleeping on a rock through most of the meeting) gets up and takes a piss on the fence 20 feet away and then returns (back to his rock).  Cal then wants to talk about Aaron throwing out the peas. Taylor says/slurs/shouts (take your pick) that Cal is juvenile.  

Josh lectures that they should clean up after themselves, they are adults. (you tell them Josh)  Aarin throws a stone at Josh. Not sure what happened next, it was really hard to see.


edit: I'm posting this now because my browser crashed the last time. Maybe I can clean it up for clarity and see what other posts there are while I have been trying to get this up. 

Edited by EverCat
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Nikki replies "..... why are people sitting around talking about each other instead of being productive"




Hex says,......  "like you said people have nothing to do all day". 



there it is.     the Utes have not figured out a way for everyone to be productive.  


they need to make something to sell, or provide a service.

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Honestly, why do they have to be productive? They can sell amateur looking art for enough money to order pizza. They can barter cheap jewelry for sleeping bags and blankets and art supplies. There is no real incentive to go out and actually get the tilling done quickly and plant food to grow and eat. The only reason they are taking proper care of the animals is because the online viewers got pissed and forced Production to force the Topes to take care of the animals. If any of them really cared about the cows and the milk they would not be milking into the ground and someone other then Dede would know how to make cheese or butter or other products with them.


There is no incentive for them to do the hard work that is needed to grow food, build structures, or actually build a community. It is camp with fewer organized activities and no phone calls home on a regular basis.


This is why the power, internet, phone, and food orders is bullshit. There is no incentive to really work. Keep Bella so her art sells and we can eat and play on the computer. That is the winning strategy.


So get rid of that stuff. It would bring in a totally different type of person, someone who really wants to test themselves knowing that they won't have modern conveniences. I actually think that it would mean no Cal and Bella because I don't think that they would be all in on a project that had no amenities. You would really need to be committed to making a community work if you were totally on your own. Maybe a once a month staple drop, flour, rice, beans, sugar and some type of special treat where the quantity on based on how well they are working or on established goals that they have achieved.


But why till the ground and plant if you can order organic apples?

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I completely agree ProfCrash. It makes the whole deer hunting scene with Red seem even more ridiculous and staged. Hence no one has even mentioned hunting even the "huntress" Hex. It's like production doesn't even know what kind of show they want this to be anymore. That's one of the hardest parts about watching the edited show. They're still trying to create this idea of "pioneers" living off the land but have lost all control of this cast (amazon wish lists, frozen pizzas, online blogs, ebay auctions, etc) because they just continue to give them access to everything. I remember when they started letting the kids on Real World have Internet access and what do they do; sit in front of the damn computer all day. The least entertaining thing I can think of is watching someone on TV watch TV...

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So the worry with the vote is that Mike will quit once the 3 are announced and then #4(possibly Bella) gets bumped up to #3 and they vote her off.I find Bella really annoying but we need to get rid of the bullies while we have the numbers to vote them all off. I don't know if we can pressure them to not move up #4.

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They lost control before anyone arrived because they were not isolating the cast. Honestly, PBS did this series right but not enough people watched it on PBS for them to continue the series and those were only for 3-4 months. Essentially, long enough that families with kids in school could participate during summer vacation. They were great to watch but started with a premise "Recreate the original colony" which was never going to work because women today are not going to accept the role they had 300 years ago, same for the men.


So take it one step back, bring on a group of well intended volunteers, given them the basics and the materials to do more, leave them alone. Let's see what happens. They need to have enough staples to make it through a good period of time, long enough for what they are growing to come in and the occasional staple drop just to make sure that people have enough energy to do things.


But this weird mixture of making a society while working in society is never going to work.

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Right. The utopia website had said there were fruit trees, fish in the lake for them to exist on. Plus some hidden surprises. The concept was more about living off the land, finding ways to compromise, govern, and eat.

But they got people w h o don't care about those things. They make crap, somehow find idiots to buy the crap, and use the money for booze and candy.

I could see if they made useful stuff, like wooden toolboxes, and then bartered with neighbors for supplies. Production should give them a certain amount of food staples each month, and they have to make do. No internet, no PayPal account, no money. Because when you "create a new society" you don't have US currency.

Edited by backformore
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My hopes for this show when I first saw previews was that it would be more like "The Colony" but without the marauders aspect and when that person got fake kidnapped in the abandoned hospital. It was interesting watching that show and to see how they tackled problems like electricity, fuel, food, etc. They were organized and efficient for the most part but added enough differing personalities that there was some conflict. Not sure how much of that show was scripted or manipulated but I enjoyed it.

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I saw a voting survey on Utopia Madness and Kristen is in 3rd place. Really hope people think hard about it. If Kristen goes first, then we are stuck with the terrible trio for (potentially) another 2 weeks! 

My hopes for this show when I first saw previews was that it would be more like "The Colony" but without the marauders aspect and when that person got fake kidnapped in the abandoned hospital. It was interesting watching that show and to see how they tackled problems like electricity, fuel, food, etc. They were organized and efficient for the most part but added enough differing personalities that there was some conflict. Not sure how much of that show was scripted or manipulated but I enjoyed it.

I loved the Colony, it was probably 100% scripted, like Siberia, but I really loved the premise. 

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So the worry with the vote is that Mike will quit once the 3 are announced and then #4(possibly Bella) gets bumped up to #3 and they vote her off.



So that's based on the assumption that Mike will be one of the three?  From what I've seen (which admittedly is only one unofficial poll), the three most likely to end up on the short list at this point are Aaron, Rob and Kristen, with Mike fourth.  But Mike quitting would be great either way, since he's so obnoxious.   

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There are people waiting, because they don't want Rob in the group because they think he will either have a medical issue or beg to be voted out and they want the Hobbit to suffer and have to quit.

Arron may have injured himself pulling out his earplug.

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Well, Rob is back--I wasn't watching this morning so I don't know the reason behind his short disappearance.  He is giving his heart-to-heart talks to Mike and Hex individually, explaining tearfully how important this project is to him, but he has other things calling to him from "the outside."  This is such BS, it sounds like he is saying to the other Udopes that if he is one of the 3 up to leave, to vote him out (so he can still get paid).  For this reason, I do not want to see his name in the top 3 (although I would like nothing more than to see his backside as he's walking thru the gates).  Hex is filling Rob with more delusions of grandeur--"we couldn't have made this place without you......you gave us the computer so we can sell our stuff.....you helped create the infrastructure.....you, you, you...."  Give me a break, he dug a little in the trench the first few days, banged a hammer a few times, then spent the rest of his time bullying, having temper tantrums and plotting vile schemes against he fellow "pioneers."  The funny part is, Rob has said almost verbatim the exact same words to Hex that he said to Mike.  Scripted?  Possibly.  Irritating?  Definitely.  I'm going to vote for Aaron.  My mind is made up. 

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they need to be productive because the Ute Experience and maybe the art/jewelry sales will probably dry up after the novelty wears off.


gardening and growing food is a hobby there, because that dry land won't support fifteen people.  running some layer chickens for eggs and a couple dairy cows for milk does make sense when you have a surplus of labor.




IMO, don't overthink the vote.  keep the votes pure-and-simple, and there should be a good result.  





Well, Rob is back--


Give me a break, he dug a little in the trench the first few days, banged a hammer a few times, then spent the rest of his time bullying, having temper tantrums and plotting vile schemes against he fellow "pioneers." 



iirc, he worked in the first two weeks,   since then, not so much.

Edited by clod
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Deep Thoughts


As summer gives way to fall, and fall to winter, is it wrong of me to hope the Utopians follow the path of another group of California pioneers, the Donner party?

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So, is this going to be the standard practice for the disenfranchised in Utopia -- fake a health emergency and go spend a night in a hospital/hotel room "recovering" ?


Aaron claims he injured his eardrum removing an earplug -- why does Aaron wear earplugs all the time anyway ? WTF is that about ?


Rob is back with no signs of any health emergency at all -- so why was he gone at all ?  He "claims" that he slept in the TR room all night.  Bullshit.  Now, instead of a health issue, he's saying he needed to get away and sleep somewhere else, because why ?


I bet he bitched to Production about the rules change to the eviction process because he and the rest of the bullies were no longer in control (he claims the scales were no longer tipping in his favor).  Production said no and he threw a little tantrum off camera and had to take a timeout (I hope they gave him a blankie and a lolly).


He's now claiming part of the problem is that he's not single -- does he really think that he would be tapping ass all over the place if he wasn't engaged/now married coming into this place ?  He's just missing Jess' magic vag.


Kristen looks like she had the makeup shotgun (copyright, The Simpsons) set to whore this morning -- why is she laying on the makeup so heavy today ?  Is she going to Glamourshots for new headshots for her acting career portfolio ?


ETA:  I'm just waiting for Rob to freak out that Amanda's relatives are stealing his thunder as he makes his pre-arranged exit tour (at least he's not carrying around a sack like Mike was yesterday).

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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The funny part is, Rob has said almost verbatim the exact same words to Hex that he said to Mike.  Scripted?

Ding ding ding.  And we have officially reached a new low for production laziness - reused scripts.  Ironically, I'm speechless.

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