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S21.E14: Ron DeSantis; Sam Harris; Mary Katharine Ham

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This show gives me a headache. Bill was in rare form (for him), delivering some genuinely funny lines and actually pushing back against DeSantis and Ham a bit but good Lord, I just can't deal with the anti-vax stuff. 

Eta: I wonder if these guests were the same ones he would have had if he had come back without writers. A whole hour of just the panelists would have been a disaster imo.

DeSantis hired an unqualified stooge to be his surgeon general and suppressed the death numbers in his state.  Bill and Ron are wrong about a lot here (still) when it comes to COVID.  Bill let him off the hook too easily on the voting rights restoration issue.

I think the format (minus the momentum stopping mid-show bits) of the show still matters and needs a truth-teller at the center, but am not sure it should be Bill much longer.   

Bill also oddly doesn't seem to understand movies aren't real life(?). It's nice we can count on Sister Mary-Katherine to be all teeth and snark. Oh woe is men!

Edited by Mr. R0b0t
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Bill went too easy as to Trump's mental competence. He should have emphasized that Trump's mind has deteriorated to an incredible/shocking extent in the last 2 years (not that it was that great back then anyway) and within the last couple weeks he's made some especially weird cognitive errors, repeatedly. (e.g., Confusing Jeb and George Bush and his 2016 opponent, thinking next WW is WWII.) Even Fox News is starting to get on the Trump-is-losing-it story. Yet Bill is doubling down on Biden. Yes he spoke a little smack about Trump, but it's not necessary to so heavily focus on mainly Biden. Also make the case as to not only is Trump cognitively declining but also, he's a dangerous psychopath, severely mentally ill. Trump should drop out. Trump's dangerous insanity is a bigger deal than Biden's age. That's where Bill should focus.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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Maher is not helping with what he said about Biden. Does he want Trump to be re-elected? Biden may appear "old"  to the public but I believe many people 30 years his junior couldn't handle the work load he has been handling. Experience and devotion to duty is a real thing.

I totally agree that the danger Trump poses to the US  "trumps" any concerns about Biden's age.

With the exception of Sam Harris I had a hard time stomaching the guests.  Don't get me started on DeSatan and as for Ham - I do not like her.

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20 hours ago, candall said:

Okay, great, thanks.  I was already iffy about giving five minutes of my life to DeSantis, but I'm definitely not up for Maher scoring shots off Biden's age.


Bill's had five months to sharpen up.  Is "Gee, that Biden guy sure is OLD!" really the best he can do?

Let’s not pretend Bill isn’t a miserable hack who lost relevancy sometime in the last decade.

And he’s no spring chicken, so he can stfu about Biden’s age.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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On 9/30/2023 at 2:00 AM, tessaray said:

This show gives me a headache. Bill was in rare form (for him), delivering some genuinely funny lines and actually pushing back against DeSantis and Ham a bit but good Lord, I just can't deal with the anti-vax stuff. 

Eta: I wonder if these guests were the same ones he would have had if he had come back without writers. A whole hour of just the panelists would have been a disaster imo.

Bill's irrelevant and also...a SCAB. Eff him.

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Bill just wants both sides to get along, grope each other.

And you know, we've made progress, both panelist and Bill agreed that affirmative action is no longer needed because it's 2023!

Surprised they didn't cite how rich Oprah and Lebron James are.

Too bad nobody wanted to check black enrollment at college compared to 30-40 years ago or black household income and unemployment rates, black percentages in the executive suites.

Oh but 45% of corporate boards are women.  So no more gender pay gap  I bet, ergo no patriarchy!

Sure women's bodily autonomy is being taken away, the biggest news on the political landscape for the past 1-2 years, but half of corporate board members are women!

There's plenty of evidence of Trump's decline, even back in 2016, people were comparing his speech in general (not just public speeches) from a decade or two ago.  Bill is fine with amplification of Biden's decline first by progressives in 2020 and ever since by Republicans.


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So Bill Maher, who once told people to leave old people alone because they're still productive, wants President Biden to step down because he thinks his age will cost Democrats the White House? And this after he demanded Kamala Harris be dropped from the ticket in 2024 because she's a liability?

Does this goddamned dumbfuck have any inkling of a clue what would happen if all that were to happen? It would end up being the mother of all Democrats in Disarray narrative the mainstream media loves to belt out incessantly! It will give independents the idea that Democrats don't know what the hell they're doing and vote Republican, tumorous warts and all! It'll send the message to POCs that dropping Harris means Democrats don't give a fuck about POC and won't vote for them in 2024. His suggestions are just handing Republicans everything for 2024, which is the absolute worst thing that could happen to America.

Bill Maher has shown he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. The only thing that will make his show interesting is if someone were to get up and  viciously beat the living shit out of him to teach him a lesson that his opinions and his show are just fucking shit now.

And we all saw how Bill Maher wanted to desperately suck the Florida governor's little prick for his stance on vaccines, the pathetic bumwipe that he is.

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24 minutes ago, ShadowKnight2 said:

So Bill Maher, who once told people to leave old people alone because they're still productive, wants President Biden to step down because he thinks his age will cost Democrats the White House? And this after he demanded Kamala Harris be dropped from the ticket in 2024 because she's a liability?

Does this goddamned dumbfuck have any inkling of a clue what would happen if all that were to happen? It would end up being the mother of all Democrats in Disarray narrative the mainstream media loves to belt out incessantly! It will give independents the idea that Democrats don't know what the hell they're doing and vote Republican, tumorous warts and all! It'll send the message to POCs that dropping Harris means Democrats don't give a fuck about POC and won't vote for them in 2024. His suggestions are just handing Republicans everything for 2024, which is the absolute worst thing that could happen to America.

Bill Maher has shown he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. The only thing that will make his show interesting is if someone were to get up and  viciously beat the living shit out of him to teach him a lesson that his opinions and his show are just fucking shit now.

And we all saw how Bill Maher wanted to desperately suck the Florida governor's little prick for his stance on vaccines, the pathetic bumwipe that he is.

Bravo!!! Bill has been living in Beverly Hills too long...he really has no clue about what is going on with anyone under the age of 40. Kamala Harris is a rockstar to young voters who will be the most important voting block in the next election. And furthermore, Biden is feeble and senile but Trump who gave a speech where he said he beat Obama and Jeb Bush got us in the war with Iraq isn't senile? Biden gave a great speech last week and walked a picket line in support of Union workers...something Bill ignored when he decided to be a SCAB a couple of weeks ago. I find it funny that Bill is so in the tank for these radical right wing Trumpers now and is openly courting all the Fox News contributors and Fox News backed candidates. He needs to retire and restrict his show biz shows to his podcast where he can vape and whine as nauseum.

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I think it’s less age that Bill is talking about, he’s pointing out that he’s seeming frail and not all there.  

Bill obviously thinks Trump is insane, but he’s quick on his feet, and he’s always been like that and to a lot of people that’s the reason they like him.

I think Bill is imagining a debate and the person stumbling over words will get crushed by the quick thinker.  

9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I think it’s less age that Bill is talking about, he’s pointing out that he’s seeming frail and not all there. 

Biden is far more healthy and aware of his surrounding than his age shows. He was born with a stutter and has successfully managed to control it whenever he speaks in public. He could easily kick Bill Maher's skeezy ass around without breaking a sweat, and he'd certainly have reason to. This is all about getting sucked in to the mainstream media's narrative so that they push a horserace they so badly want.

9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Bill obviously thinks Trump is insane, but he’s quick on his feet, and he’s always been like that and to a lot of people that’s the reason they like him.

That guy is a full blown liar who fibbs like he breathes. He's always spouting his mouth off because he feels the need to dominate the area he's in. Plus, he's know to slur his words in a bad way, and his train of thought makes him out to be a complete idiot. If anyone's frail and not there, it's that guy, and definitely not Biden! Again, this is yet another narrative the mainstream media is disingenuously pushing out there in order to narrow the polling numbers.

9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I think Bill is imagining a debate and the person stumbling over words will get crushed by the quick thinker.  

I think Bill Maher needs to have his ugly face slapped and fist blasted to Kingdom Come, because he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Again! There already has been a couple of debates between the two, and Biden handled him easily. Bill Maher from previous years wouldn't have said this stupid shit that the present day Bill Maher spouts on a regular basis. Because Bill Maher today has become another Fox News talking head pushing stupid shit around. The sooner he's taken off the air, the better.

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14 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I think it’s less age that Bill is talking about, he’s pointing out that he’s seeming frail and not all there.  

Bill obviously thinks Trump is insane, but he’s quick on his feet, and he’s always been like that and to a lot of people that’s the reason they like him.

I think Bill is imagining a debate and the person stumbling over words will get crushed by the quick thinker.  

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Biden's intellect.  Biden stumbles over words BECAUSE HE HAS A STUTTER.  Sure, as he's gotten older he is somewhat less able to manage it, but that does not mean that his mind still isn't as sharp as it needs to be.  And maybe he "seems frail" because he's actually in shape rather than "225" pound trump (sure jan).  it is also easy to make up lies on the spot.

Maher needs to stfu or go play with Dennis Miller.

Edited by Hanahope
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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I don’t think it’s the stuttering but does it matter?  He was a passionate, clear speaker (look at videos of him presenting the 1994 crime bill), but he’s lost that.  Bill is pointing out the obvious.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with President Joe Biden! The people who claim he has a problem are doing this because they have their own personal agendas. Whatever reasons Bill Maher has for wanting him gone are clearly stupid ones with no basis of logic or reality to them.

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1 hour ago, ShadowKnight2 said:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with President Joe Biden! The people who claim he has a problem are doing this because they have their own personal agendas. Whatever reasons Bill Maher has for wanting him gone are clearly stupid ones with no basis of logic or reality to them.

I agree but I think some people are responding to the poll numbers where they would have questions about whether they think Biden could perform the duties of the office and a majority of respondents say no even though he's doing the job now.

It's pure ageism.

And of course double-standard for Trump, who's clearly mentally compromised compared to where he was 20 years ago

Then again who isn't that is over the age of 55-60?


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41 minutes ago, aghst said:

I agree but I think some people are responding to the poll numbers where they would have questions about whether they think Biden could perform the duties of the office and a majority of respondents say no even though he's doing the job now.

Don't trust those poll numbers the media puts out, like that stupid one from ABC/Washington Post, which claims Biden is trailing his predecessor by ten points with people in the 18-39 year old range. If you want a better read on the nation's mood, look at the byelections that take place in off years, which shows Democrats kicking ass all over the place.

Don't trust polls, don't trust what the mainstream media puts out, because they're of no help to the public, and don't trust Bill Maher on this because he has lost whatever common sense he might have once had.

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On 10/3/2023 at 1:17 PM, Hanahope said:

it is also easy to make up lies on the spot.

That seems like the key, after all. Even if Trump was completely on the ball, he doesn't know what he's talking about. There's plenty of information about how he doesn't care what he's talking about. His biggest skill is just claiming he's right and ad-libbing about that. if someone points out he's wrong or lied or promised something he didn't deliver, it doesnt' matter to him or to people who like him. They don't care if he's incompetent or doing something they accuse Biden of doing and being. Those often aren't good faith criticisms--if they were they'd obviously be concerned about Trump as well. But on the contrary, that's part of the point--different rules for Trump is his big appeal. Bill continuing to treat them as if they are just helps them out. (Or as he would put it, "using sunlight as a disinfectant!")

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On 10/3/2023 at 11:26 PM, heatherchandler said:

I trust Bill Maher.  He makes good points.

Wait a minute ... Bill, is that you?  Hi Bill!

Anyway, I've watched Bill for probably 30 years now, from his days at Politically Incorrect, and over last few years he's completely lost me as a viewer.  From his love of Elon Musk, to his anti-vax stance with RFK Jr, his cozying up to crazy right wingers like Rogan, DeSantis and Sage Steele, to his whining about the people who wouldn't let him put up a solar panel at his cave/house, he's become even more insufferable lately than he has been before. Oh, and he's also less funny than he used to be - over the last few years I've laughed less and less at his stuff.  And he's a scab too.

So I've stopped watching and I suggest all of you here should too.  Put Bill out of his misery so he doesn't have the nuisance of a TV show to interrupt an hour of smoking pot.

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I live in Florida and did during the Covid days. When so many were saying it’s a shitshow in Florida, Florida is hiding numbers (they must be, everyone there is not dead), it was in reality no different than in any other state, except we had less rules.

IMO, Trump has no chance in hell of getting elected. Absolutely None. DeSantis’s chances have been effectively wiped out by the media and then his own missteps with Disney and abortion.

I did like DeSantis bringing up how accusing Trump of colluding with Russia to influence an election is on par with every other election where the losing side cries, “It was rigged!”

Maybe I need a new TV, but I couldn’t understand a word Ham was saying. I gave up rewinding to hear it over.

I think Bill is very relevant. He is the voice of the many, many (some former) Democrats who got disillusioned with the party the past couple of elections. 

On 10/5/2023 at 3:21 PM, UrbanShocker said:

So I've stopped watching and I suggest all of you here should too. 

No, I will continue to watch.

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On 10/2/2023 at 1:47 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

Bravo!!! Bill has been living in Beverly Hills too long...he really has no clue about what is going on with anyone under the age of 40. Kamala Harris is a rockstar to young voters who will be the most important voting block in the next election. And furthermore, Biden is feeble and senile but Trump who gave a speech where he said he beat Obama and Jeb Bush got us in the war with Iraq isn't senile? Biden gave a great speech last week and walked a picket line in support of Union workers...something Bill ignored when he decided to be a SCAB a couple of weeks ago. I find it funny that Bill is so in the tank for these radical right wing Trumpers now and is openly courting all the Fox News contributors and Fox News backed candidates. He needs to retire and restrict his show biz shows to his podcast where he can vape and whine as nauseum.

I've never seen any evidence that Kamala Harris is a "rock star" with anyone, especially voters under 40. She has been the most invisible vice president in decades.

Bill giving one example of Biden flushing a line was silly. George W. Bush was in his early-50s and was flubbing lines far worse than Biden. But many choose to ignore that there's been a definite decline in Biden. Trump is far, far worse when it comes to mental stability and other things but as Bill points out, he loves the sound of his own voice and adoring crowds. He also seems much more energetic on the campaign trail while Biden seems old and frail. Biden isn't going to be able to run this campaign from his basement this time. That's about the only area where Trump can outwork him because his massive ego thrives on that kind of stuff. Plus, his followers don't care how much he's declined. 

It all comes down to Biden (and Trump) being two more politicians who selfishly believe they are entitled to a job for life no matter how much they have declined physically and mentally (McCain and Feinstein are two examples of this). They are in love with power and as Bill pointed out, there are so many (undeserved) benefits to being in Congress that these people do not want to give that up ever. They apparently have nothing else in their lives that brings them much joy other than holding office or other positions of power. Bill pointed out that RBG refused to leave the stage when she had a chance and there were real consequences for this in the Supreme Court. That was selfishness on her part. I don't believe Trump will win again, but I understand why Bill is worried about Biden running. Even if there was another candidate guaranteed to defeat Trump, I think Biden would selfishly run again. 

Edited by benteen
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