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S02.E14: Third Time’s the Charm

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I like the new ME as well but I thought his conversation about Allie was juvenile. Too middle school for their ages and positions. I like Allie but she comes across too immature in her romantic relationships. Her professional relationships with everyone works well. I find Josh and Serena to be a more realistic relationship.

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I like this show and I realize we have to handwave a LOT to get through it but Las Vegas must be the safest city in the country to have an ME have nothing to do but wear a great suit and follow the CSIs around the office and city on one case. I guess the morgue is just really really empty with nothing to do. I realize that's a nitpick but it's a huge one. If follows the rest of the problem with the CSI franchise and this show in particular: the CSIs, all of them on the team, work one case, have oodles of time to traipse around acting like actual detectives, order the actual detectives around, and make arrests on their own with the actual detectives just standing by while they do it. That makes no damn sense.

Are there no other cases that they could be working on? Is there no other crime in Las Vegas? Do they have that much free time? The two characters that actually stick to CSI work are constantly taunted and nudged and made to feel less than for sticking to their job. Why aren't you in the field really means why aren't you pretending you are the detective on the case like we do? 

And Allie (who needs a handler and a leash btw, she is just written so silly) just decides to 'go arrest' her obsession of the moment and orders the actual detective assigned to the case to go with her or she will just go do it on her own. That is so out of line it's ridiculous. Allie decides whether there's enough to arrest the woman on, Allie decides to go in without waiting for back up... The actual detective assigned to the case just sighs and follows Allie's lead. I know it's just a show but that really bugs me.

It also irritated me that a male coworker would show up at a crime scene and immediately go hug etc a female coworker who is a detective (who seemed to be just fine) while she is on the job. If she had been seriously hurt or kidnapped and they just found her or something devastating like that I would look away. But it was just a day on the job really. They have a relationship, sure, but it's unprofessional and makes the female detective look like she can't handle the situation, which she obviously was handling just fine. If my boyfriend infantilized me like that on the job there would be words.

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I liked the visiting ME, I wish we could trade the brother/sister duo for him. He got along well with both Josh and Max and he was a good sport about Josh's weird testing of his theory. 

I'm over Allie and her obsession with the newly deceased doctor. Especially the cut away of her screaming at the scene at the end, it's too much. 

And while I adore Beau, this will he/won't he go back into the field is tiresome. 

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I like the Allie-Det Chavez breezy friendship. (Yes, Allie was written in a silly way here ignoring protocol). Expect that their friendship will be soured when Josh "chooses" Allie instead, probably in this season finale. That triangle will be tedious to watch and detract from cases even more.

This show just seems to be cycling out the support cast like they're temporary chips. As if it's flying episode by episode and not planning for the next season hopefully.

I like the Dr Aurchbach twist. Like Allie said who'da thunk a "61 year old woman" was highly involved(?) in the mysterious killings?

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