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Season 5 Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers (US)

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Spoiler free here too.


That's a real interesting point about the train ticket.  I just watched the last S4 episode last night, and you could be right, since there were two instances where Bates complained about not getting to go through the pockets of his overcoat and maybe he did want to toss the ticket he never used.  I kept thinking, why would he keep what I presumed was a receipt ticket, if he wanted to hide his trip?  But if he merely thought about it, bought the ticket, but then decided not to go, I'm not sure why he'd keep the ticket then as well.  That said, I'd like to hope that since we already had the "Bates on trial/in jail for something" plot line, we won't have it again.


I'm assuming they will continue with the Mary's suitors story line, although it seemed by the end of S4, she'd narrowed it down to two, Gillingham and Blake, and did seem to like Blake more.


Also expect we'll get Baxter's background and drama with Edith's daughter.  I do hope Grigson returns.  Edith needs some happiness in her life. 


I hope we don't see Sarah Bunting again.  I didn't like her character.  You can believe that the nobility aren't any better than you, and you're probably right, but that's still no reason to be rude and pushy.


Not sure why he would keep the ticket either, unless he just put it in his pocket and forgot about it. And yeah, I seriously doubt we're getting "Bates in Prison: The Sequel." Brendan Coyle hated being away from the main cast for so long. I just hope that if, by some slim chance, he did do it, that Anna washes her hands of him. Part of me knows that's probably a long shot, but part of me also thinks there's a little bit of Anna that would be (rightfully) pissed at her husband for throwing away his life and their love because he couldn't control his temper. #JusticeForAnna2K15


Ah, Mary's suitors. I wish I cared.


I hope we figure out what the deal is with Baxter and Thomas. I really, really like the actress that plays Baxter and there's a sort of sweetness about the character that's enjoyable, especially her interactions with Molesley. And my money says Michael Gregson is totally alive. If they wanted to kill him off, they would have. He'll be back. Most likely at the worst possible moment.


Ugh, Sarah Bunting. Here's hoping she doesn't see the end of S5. She doesn't even have to get pushed in front of a bus or anything, let her fade away into the ether with no explanation.

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Just saw the season opener. In the scene where Bates was dressing Gillingham, Bates really looked quite intently after Gillingham after they talked about Green.  It could be a hint that Bates suspects Gillingham of killing Green. Gillingham killing Green would be a great twist. His motive could be that he's trying to marry Mary for her money or for the estate for whatever reason and Green was a problem - maybe Green discovered Gillingham's plan. 


I'm hopin' 'cause I'm still a Anna and Bates 'shipper and want them to be happily ever after.

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I'm hopin' 'cause I'm still a Anna and Bates 'shipper and want them to be happily ever after.

Oh, good, then I'm not the only one.  So many Bates haters.  I just want them to finally have some peace so they can enjoy their lives together and, hopefully, have a family.

Edited by Diane M
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My main priority is Anna's happiness. I held onto the Anna/Bates ship well into last season, no matter how much Bates grouched and grumbled as he slowly took slices of POV for himself in Anna's rape story, because at the end of the day, for whatever reason, he made her happy.


But now I'm not so sure. When they were having the conversation about children, Anna looked visibly uncomfortable, which is not how one should look when discussing children with one's spouse. That should be something that two married people should be able to speak about honestly with one another, and it's clear that there's just so much hanging in the air between them that whatever happiness Bates gave Anna has significantly decreased. They've never had a truly open conversation about the rape. Both of them know it was Green but, as far as we've seen, neither of them have discussed that with each other. Bates might have murdered Green but Anna is too...terrified?...to probe any further. It sucks, because when they were at their happiest (post-prison/pre-rape) I thought they were really sparkly and that the actors had some really nice chemistry at that a lighter, happier story would suit them just fine.


What I think could salvage this relationship and get me back on board is an honest conversation about the rape, Green, did Bates push him in front of the BoJ, all of it. Let it get nasty, let Anna express how hard it is to be married to someone that could fly off the handle at any minute and murder, let Bates talk about how it made him feel that Anna couldn't trust him with revealing the identity of her rapist...all of it, valid and invalid feelings, lay them all on the table. Shit, let Anna speculate as to whether or not Bates killed Vera. Have an honest-to-God, married-people, knock-down-drag-out fight (verbal, not physical; that's not anything anyone needs to see, Brendan Coyle is, like, three of Jo Froggatt), and then rebuild. No one has to see it, they can do it in the privacy of their cottage, but I feel like it needs to happen. 

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Just saw the season opener. In the scene where Bates was dressing Gillingham, Bates really looked quite intently after Gillingham after they talked about Green.  It could be a hint that Bates suspects Gillingham of killing Green. Gillingham killing Green would be a great twist. His motive could be that he's trying to marry Mary for her money or for the estate for whatever reason and Green was a problem - maybe Green discovered Gillingham's plan.


That is a great theory, I love it.  Tony is really seemingly sincere, a straight arrow.  But he shut down the conversation very fast, I noticed, said he didn't have him as a valet very long in a clipped manner.  Why bother to insert that bit?  It would be a really great twist.

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That is a great theory, I love it.  Tony is really seemingly sincere, a straight arrow.  But he shut down the conversation very fast, I noticed, said he didn't have him as a valet very long in a clipped manner.  Why bother to insert that bit?  It would be a really great twist.


Lol I've joked that Tony is so obsessed with Mary that when she asked him to fire Green (which he agreed to do with minimal hesitation, even though she refused to tell him why), he decided to do her one better and just kill him.

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I have this idea that Gillingham is going to betray Mary to ensure that she chooses him.  He's the one who told her to use her real name at the hotel and he used his and got them connecting rooms.  I think he will secretly spill the beans about their tryst and make sure the word gets out so that Mary HAS to marry him to preserve her reputation.  I just don't get good guy/hero vibes from him. 

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Well, it all fits...


Tony has done something in his past that Greene knew about, so he kills Greene.


Tony tries to blackmail Mary into marrying him; she turns to his friend Blake, who also knows about Tony's past and who threatens Tony if he continues his scheme against Mary.


Blake is now Mary's hero and top suitor.


Bottom line: Tony is just one bad dude...

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From the Episode 1 thread:

Iiiiiiinteresting. And oh so far more exciting to me than another Bates Gone Crazy murder plot. 

I really think it is just too repetitive to have Bates be a murder suspect again.  I want to think that his character would want to stay off police radar for the rest of his life, no matter how much rage he felt.  Yes, we're supposed to wonder, and Anna and Mary and Mrs. Hughes would rightfully be concerned, but somebody else did this.  Either Tony or another one of Greene's victims or their husband/father/brother.  Greene was just too horribly violent and bold and confident he would get away with it for Anna to have been the first.

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I'm not sure how to categorize this post correctly, so I moved it from the episode 2 discussion.


Regarding Gregson's fate, a Washington Post critic stated that (not an actual spoiler about Gregson)

Gregson's fate will be revealed.

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After a rewatch of episodes 1 & 2, I notice two things. One, that Baxter said that Bates took a journey he will deny (words to that effect).  She must have seen Bates on that fateful day.  Whether she will implicate or exonerate him remains to be seen.  Secondly, after the fire, Anna stated that Bates was in a state and made reference to the fact that that is how he gets sometimes.  Now there is a witness regarding Greene's death. I hope they don't put us through another Bates as murder suspect story, but if they do, perhaps it will be quick and either Bates will die (opening the door for a new, more appropriate suitor for Anna) or Gillingham will be the murderer. Then perhaps Anna & Bates will have a baby and Mary will end up with Charles Blake.  

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Isn't 1924 the time when young women started coming out of the woodwork claiming to be Princess Anastasia? With the Russians now involved with the story, I don't see how Fellowes could resist throwing that in.

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Isn't 1924 the time when young women started coming out of the woodwork claiming to be Princess Anastasia? With the Russians now involved with the story, I don't see how Fellowes could resist throwing that in.


But Fellowes already did a missing heir story back in Season 2 with Canadian Patrick Crawley, and we know how JF hates to repeat himself.





Oh, whom am I kidding.


Excellent point.

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I agree with all of you that Gillingham strikes me as the bad guy- blackmailer (I noticed that about asking Mary to use her real name at the hotel) & possibly murderer. Mary ends up with Blake probably.

I would love for the whole Gregson story to be a lie- he is married but made up the part about his wife being insane just to get Edith in the sack. He uses the excuse about having to meet in Germany to make sure no one doscovers the affair. And one day while taking a holiday in London, Edith runs into him... The only problem with my story is his job. I thought the newspaper had made inquiries & he was missing. :(

I think Thomas went to some sort of place to get "cured" of his homosexuality. It doesn't work & he is devastated & considers taking his life. Baxter convinced him not to (saw the gun on the previews for next week & Thomas crying, & Baxter outside the door).

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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My next speculation is that Mary starts dating Blake. Mabel Fox has now lost 2 men to Mary. Gillingham tells Mabel about his scandalous week & Mabel spreads the story around to ruin Mary's reputation, as retaliation.

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I'm starting to wonder if Baxter killed Greene because Greene was the scoundrel who seduced her and used her as a thief.

I only want that if she doesn't get caught.  Mosely and I love her.



It would be rather predictably tidy if this happened, but it is plausible in Downton World. Though I think we'd have seen more of a reaction from her when Green showed up at Downton that second time. She was working there by then, wasn't she? 

Baxter being the one to push him would explain her adamant stance on not turning in this "Peter Coyle" (was that his name?). She knows he's dead and any investigation into "Coyle" would lead to "Green" and tie him to her. 


I love her, too, especially after her kindness toward Thomas.

Edited by RedHawk
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Seeing as how Baxter had no negative reaction to Green (in fact, they seemed to get along pretty well), I doubt he was "Peter Coyle." Though the story would work in making Anna and Baxter friends, which is something I've weirdly wanted for a few episodes now.

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I dislike Lady Edith.  She is so unfeeling towards Mrs. Drew who took good care of baby when she could not.  She has no spirit either.  I like Lady Mary much better.  I wonder what is going to happen to poor Mrs. Drew, I think she will not be satisfied until she ruins Edith. 

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