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S03.E11: High Stakes and Friendship Breaks

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20 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

They were either horsing around with their boobs again,

Someone has to say it, so I will: "Put those things away or you'll put someone's eye out." My vote is that one of Jen's rock-hard bullet boobs smacked Heather in the eye.


Heather and her clients are NOT a good advertisement for their services.

Agreed. Heather looks so horrible, with her overly processed face, wonky lashes, crappy extensions, and Frankenstein shoes. She needs to go softer and to add some color to her lips.


She was just sitting, looking at her phone/texting when some of the other women were surfing/having fun.

Meredith's beach get-up was very discount casino hooker. Maybe that's the look she was going for. She's clearly advertising for a wallet. Brooks' fashion career ain't gonna cut it.

How many times has Jen's family heard the suicide threats?

I'm getting a whiff of production aligning the new cast with Whitney and Lisa and pointing them at Heather. I think she senses it and tries to deflect with her misdirection, Dominant Talking and stomping out of the room. She doesn't understand why she's no longer production's golden girl.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Maybe Lisa was telling the truth when she said Heather was a good time girl in school. Heather tried to mock it, but she seemed quick to flash just like Lisa pantomimed when she said it.  And she knows what she's doing to Whitney. Insisting she talk, then as soon as she starts, interrupting and throwing her off her point. Drove me nuts. Id have duct taped her mouth shut so I could finish a sentence. Whitney needs to cut her losses and consider herself lucky to have 'lost' Heather. We all know shell be back as soon as Jen goes to prison.  Betting the bruises are from her falling drunk. 

Jen using an alleged suicide attempt as a weapon to shutdown an argument is disgusting. 

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20 minutes ago, princelina said:

Hahaha we have a winner!  Maybe her fingernails (or her wig!) flew off and scratched Heather's arm too! 🤣

Frankly, the way we saw Heather and Jen grabbing and humping all over each other and wrestling around, and we saw Lisa’s leg nearly hit Heather in the eye when the whole mess of them were laying in bed together, I do tend to think Heather got bonked in the eye and scratched during all of that and it wasn’t until “7 hours later” that she woke up and was like what the hell happened to me. It also seems unusual for the black eye to be that dark right away, isn’t it?! That takes a good day or 2 of blood pooling. I know they want us to think that Whitney went to bed at like 2:14 and then suddenly decided to wake up at 5:03 or whatever and go punch Heather, but that makes no sense. Whitney isn’t even the kind of person to get physical in the heat of the moment (like Jen), so she’s certainly not going to decide to wake up in the middle of the night and get into an altercation. We saw Jen and Heather holler to each other see you in bed, so it was probably Jen coming over. If anything I’d put my money on a Brandi and Denise situation more than a fistfight. The other scenario I thought of is isn’t Heather all alone in the guest house? It could have been an actual intruder or something trying to break in and she just thought it was one of her friends rattling the handle. And the intruder got spooked and attacked her when she opened the door.

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Whitney is so annoying. Like everything about her lol.

Please Jen with the suicide talk. This prob sounds horrible but I don’t buy it. The reason there is an ig account exposing her is because she did horrible things. Jen just blames everyone else.

I can’t even remember why Whitney is so hurt by Heather. Like get over it.

Lisa stop defending Whitney it makes me not like you.

How many times does Heather need to say ride or die lol.

Of course the Heather black eye stuff has to be dragged out another episode. Ugh.

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Regarding the agism and slut shaming . . .

I've never understood why women are told they're too young to be dressing sexy in their late teens and sometimes too old to dress sexy as soon as they're mothers, college graduates, or 30 or 40 or whatever. It's like some people think there's this tiny window where it's appropriate to enjoy your body and wear sexy clothes. A grown woman should be allowed to enjoy that aspect of her femininity

A lot of the Housewives are beautiful women with bodies 20-year-olds wish they had. I see no problem with them rocking swimsuits, short skirts, things like that. While I wouldn't use the word slut (means a woman with many casual partners), I do cringe seeing things like the scene between Whitney and her husband. I don't have kids, but if I did, I'd try to think of them before shooting those scenes. I don't think that means those of us who are more conservative are necessarily against women enjoying sex, even casual sex. I am certainly against purity culture, but I have limits with what I find tasteful and am not one to be part of this anything goes and don't shame anything culture. 

I also noticed Heather's eye looked off in an earlier scene. I wonder if it's a delayed reaction to a cosmetic procedure or what. If it was the result of an accident of some sort, editing must have thrown me off then. I don't believe that it would be Whitney either. I agree with the post that she isn't an aggressive person, not like Jen at all. 

Coach Shah does seem like a sweet, gentle man. I've known some sweet women who wouldn't dream of hurting anyone who wind up with assholes. Maybe this is just the reverse situation. 

I also agree Lisa Barlow has some amazing genes. As someone with a decent metabolism myself, all that junk food and soda still shows up on me in some ways. My skin doesn't look as good, and being mushy and having cellulite (the whole skinny fat thing) still happen even if my weight gain is minimal or doesn't even occur at all. 

Looking older or younger at different times is something that I do however understand. I don't have pro makeup artists and am younger than most (maybe all) of the cast. But even I've noticed things like how much you've slept the night before, what you've consumed, what skin care products and makeup you're using, and the lighting you're under all make world of difference. If I had it my way, I'd never be in fluorescent office lighting. I've learned to not apply powder to my entire face and that I look younger without it. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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Why do all these women insist on wearing dreadful hair extensions. 

Every single one of them looks outdated, older and like ride or die try-hards.

Jen looks quite pretty in her talking head with the shorter hair. Good thing for her jail time look.

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I watched the episode again right now. Heather was so demeaning to Angie K. too, not only to her cousin. It seems to me she is threatened regarding a new HW who might even replace her. Bravo had three new women who filmed as HWs for all I know until they became friends. They all have talking heads. Angie H. is her friend, so she is fine with her.

Heather is arrogant during all season. The fame affected her. 

Edited by ZettaK
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