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S08.E08: October 24, 2022

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8 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

Agree. I don't think she's that into Logan. I think she just wants to stay on TV. 
Hard to believe Tyler is 5'10". He looks much shorter. Wonder if he fudged a little.
Alex is a hunk and seems smart and sweet! 
This season is missing something but I'm not sure what it is. 

Yeah, I don't care for Kate either. She seems like a phony. She is supposed to be this season's villain.

I agree Tyler does not look 5'10". If that is what he reported then maybe he is actually 5'8" - I think a lot of 'celebs' may fudge a couple of inches.

Both Alex and Adam are smart and sweet hunks! Why oh why did the show not make both of them part of the original group on BiP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT would have been great TV!

I think that is one of the things this season is missing....any really hot people that others will fight over.
Another problem is they all know who is coming before hand and some hook up before the show. Maybe the bachelor nation cast has become so incestuous and entwined outside of the show that it lessens the excitement over any BiP opportunities.

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1 hour ago, Katie111 said:

I don’t think Johnny and Victoria  are at all a match.  He just seems like a hometown boy you’d meet at your local bar and she is all about the glam.   She’s going after Alex because that’s what she usually dates.  Clearly what you usually date isn’t working for you Victoria.   She knows Johnny is the type of guy she should date but she wants some eye candy on her arm.  

I seem to recall that Johnny was a realtor??   And based on the home town dates, his family seems to have money.   If the relationship lasts, I can’t see his family thrilled by her. 

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3 hours ago, phlebas said:

WHY WHY WHY did Rick and Olu not get a chance to meet the new girls on the beach?  There will be plenty of jilted ones after they come back together.  Sarah and the Aussie girl are both free agents.  Or was that because Lace stomped out and they knew Jill was going to be right on her heels?

They can’t possibly keep all of these people once they return to Playa Escondida. Since it’s they guys’ week for roses, it kind of makes sense to just add two more “permanent” (for this week) cast members, and then a whole slew of extra women will be sent home. Adam and Tyler will sort of make up for Romeo tricking himself into leaving and the other guy—Cameron or whatever his name was?—getting himself eliminated by passing out cold. I mean, maybe they would have gone home anyway… So really, adding two more to hand out roses would make up for Sienna and whoever the other woman was who chose to leave early—my brain is really blocking these people out as soon as they leave. Though, not sure that I was confident on many of the names even when they were here. Anyway, my point is, they can’t possibly keep everyone but I can see them having room for 2 more roses/couples.

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I’m not feeling Alex and Victoria for the long term. He LOOKS like what she wants, but he is too nice and doesn’t have the self confidence that I think is what is important to be a Victoria blue ribbon winner. He doesn’t have the swagger or personal power she is attracted to. She likes a bad boy, or at least a man who has a lot of status along with the confident presence to command the rooms attention. An excellent vocabulary is not what Victoria swoons over. She is looking for Status, hot bod and looks, and financial independence. I think she thinks she is hot enough to merit all three of those checklist traits. 
BUT... I could be completely wrong about her. Shes been surprisingly low key on the beach and wants to polish up her previous vamp like reputation. Maybe shes studied past seasons and is playing the very successful “Jade” personality. 
Not saying that Jade ended up with the most successful life afterwards, with Tanner... just saying ALL the men on that beach had Jade at the top of their list if they could have won her heart.

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So Brittany has too much respect for her guy on the beach to date Tyler before she has a conversation, but hey, let's make out all night! I'm sure the show won't air it. 

I know it's all fake but all the guys at the resort were more attractive than any of the guys on the beach. They must have had the ones at the resort take a break and act uninterested for five minutes to film and juxtapose with the group on the beach. No way the resort group wasn't having a better time. Air conditioning, nice beds, attractive, interesting men. Too much fake crying and not enough flirting, fun and romantic shots. Maybe there wasn't much real chemistry with these people this year. 

Edited by Quiet1
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56 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

Victoria said that about Alex, not Johnny.

I'm still working my way through the episode since I watched DWTS last night and then I fell asleep during my recording of BiP. I just want to say that Johnny seems like a really nice guy. I noticed how when Casey fell Johnny was right at his side to help and stayed with him until the medics came. Now I see him going to Lace to comfort her. I agree with everyone that Rodney handled the break up well. He seems a nice guy also.

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💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻OT but connected - Is anyone here watching DWTS with our Gabby in the competition? She has been doing really well - her dances have been gorgeous and with those legs of hers she creates some fabulous shapes and lines.
BUT her personality is not coming across very well for those who don't know her. She jokes around a lot and with the show only including snippets of their rehearsal time some of her jokes are coming across as if she is full of herself. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been able to watch since it's now on Disney plus and what you might think. I've tried to defend Gabby in the DWTS threads and explain her sense of humor but I'm afraid I've not been very successful. She's consistently been one of the top 3 dancers but I hope she doesn't end up being a surprise earlier cast-off.😢

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6 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

This is the same situation as the double bachelorette - that was poorly thought out as well. And I agree the cast for the most part is way too dull. I'm having trouble getting though the episodes each week now.
This twist was a huge disaster...I think it was so bad that it appeared cruel and abusive. And it was a waste of time. Nothing positive nor exciting came out of it. It looks like Tyler is the only one who gets integrated into the group and they could have just brought him on to the beach in the regular manner. This was certainly a waste of time for the other new men.

It looks like they are having trouble casting for this show in recent years. This season will make that worse going forward now. Who is going to want to go on the show when you might get forced into something as horrible as being torn away from the person you have developed a relationship with and sent away to stew while they are tempted with new options? Who wants to be humiliated and made a complete fool of on national TV? Who wants to go on a show if chances are the editing ends up making the public dislike you? And word is out about the crab-infested, hot as hell facilities.

I hope they make big changes to this show and turn it into something similar to Bachelor Pad with weekly contests but no overall grand final prize. And I hope they find a new location. This season was so bad that the cast has been speaking out on social media. I don't think we've ever seen that before.

yet there will always be fame whores willing to do it. I agree the twist was cruel and foolish, and unfair to send those 2 guys home. just ridiculous. 

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8 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

This season was so bad that the cast has been speaking out on social media. I don't think we've ever seen that before.

What have they been saying?

7 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Alex is a hunk and seems smart and sweet! 

I'm not seeing it with him.  He looks sort of neanderthal-ish and seems nice enough but so very dull.

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It's nice that the girls are so friendly and nice to each other, but it sort of feels fake-- like they are just keeping an eye on each other, particularly Genadweeb and Victoria. They don't seem like very nice people. Genadweeb is less poised than Victoria, but they both seem very snobby. Shaena is really pretty and funny. Her hair always looks like shit though. It doesn't seem to matter though because she is winning this whole game cuz she is so pretty and her personality is pretty cool. Her drunk squatting thing was hysterical. She's definitely a lot better when she isn't competing for the same guy.

I don't like any of the new girls, and I was really surprised how delighted and happy Logan was with the person who had the same Lilian voice as Mira. He looks like a Seasme street character to me. I don't like him at all, and I certainly don't like runty with the stupid moustauch that looks 10 years old.

I'm spelling things wrong and I don't care.

I also don't like Jill that much, she seems like a bitch. 

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2 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

My favorite line from Victoria: "I miss just doing life with Johnny." 

For ALL OF 2-3 DAYS?!!

She is attractive but she has little personality to her. And I don't believe she is a "one guy- girl." She is known to not be.

I completely agree- she doesn't even know life with Johnny after 2 or 3 days!  What life have they lived together other than free drinks and quesadillas 😅?! Victoria isn't very captivating and frankly, a lot of these girls have little to no unique personalities or senses of humor and rely a lot on their looks to get them by in conversations. 

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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