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S01.E02: You Go Do You

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2 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

No improvement in viewership.  235,000 people wasted an hour on this snorefest.  Not much better than last week's 203,000.  A far cry from the millions who used to watch Teen Mom.


I think a big population of the viewership just aged out, and it’s BORING AF! People quickly realized that reality tv fame isn’t good for the kids and those with sense (like Corey) limited their involvement. Also the kids are growing up and have a right to their privacy…..

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I don't always remember to watch it- but I started watching it this week and it was really pretty snoozey. 

I did see Caitlyn and the pediatrician discussing the baby's head and how to hold her. I think I saw Sean shopping for a ring. Then I think I decided to watch something else. It really was quite snoozeworthy.

Oh and the only other thing I noticed was Leah and her soul mate and Addie.......and Addie saying she wished her sisters were with them. Leah then explained ( I couldn't undersatnd why she had to explain and to whom) that the girlzzes are with her one week and their dady the next.Also, it was so impressive because they were sitting in a restaurant ( the 3 of them) and Addie had earbuds in and was not really joining in .

Way to go  Leah. A class act.

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My takeaways from this episode...Catelynn and Tyler: Wow...great parenting there. You're rewarding your kid with a hamster for getting 100% on a spelling test. You guys know this will never end right? For every test she takes or A she gets on a report card she will expect a present. By the time she's 16 she will be cheating in order to get an A so that you all buy her a car. Rewarding your kids with presents for good grades is just lazy ass parenting. If you must do that, then keep the carrot and stick at a reasonable reward. Like we'll take you out for ice cream or you can have a friend for a sleepover at your house or you can stay up on Saturday night to watch a movie you've been wanting to see. Stuff like that. But rewarding her with an animal that requires care and feeding that she is probably too young to do is just stupid. Also, she's learning to approach hard work and studying as a way of getting something that she normally might not get...she's not approaching getting good grades as being an accomplishment that is something that is achieved by hard work for the betterment of her academic future. Way to go guys! And their middle child is spoiled brat. Good grief...Tyler should have stayed home with her. She was awful and tore up the examination room while she was at it.

Briana...that was one lame ass party. Girls boppin' to music with each other and three or four guys just hanging out and then going outside or leaving. I'm all for trolling Kail but this was an immature way to do it. 

That's all I got.

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oooh yes I did see a part of Briana's party. What got me- you're correct- it was mostly females. And that they were getting their makeup done?!?!

The only people I know who get their make up done in real life, would be BRIDES and family or Bridal Party like for a wedding. Not some random let's gather.  (and the attire??? who dresses like that? Oh I guess Teen Moms the next chapter)

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On 9/16/2022 at 10:49 AM, SilverLake0315 said:

Your point still stands, but I thought they said she had to get 100% on 10 spelling tests to get the hamster. Did I misunderstand?

Catelynn and Tyler: Yeah, the second time it was mentioned they said ten tests. So it was a big reward for ten tests at 100 percent. Not a reasonable reward though - they should have started with something lower cost etc so as not to inflate expectations. When my son was in first through third grade I gave him cash for report cards but only rewarded effort/behavior grades, never letter grades. I decided that I had to let him establish what he was actually capable of before I rewarded it. I didn't want a kid who wasn't able to be above a C or B student constantly frustrated because he couldn't pull As. Once he was older and demonstrated he was capable I rewarded As. But never specific tests. You may disagree but that's what we did. It worked out fine and he internalized a good work ethic regardless.  When he was six and starting out in soccer he and several of the other little kids would kick the ball up to the line but then stop and freeze and not kick the goal. The line just froze them for some reason. So we parents decided that we would promise a small toy to those that actually continued and kicked the ball into the goal (whether they scored or not, just kicked the ball over the damn line). It worked. Then we phased it out as they got used to it. It's a way. Not everyone's way but it worked for us and caused no lasting problems.

I think the cast was more mature and calm than we usually find them. Except Brianna, who I absolutely refuse to watch anymore. I ff her segments because I cannot stand her at all. And the party was disgusting IMO. I don't like Kail but I dislike gloating even more. Brianna is dead to me.

Ashley and Bar: Good on her for not giving him ultimatums even though I bet she was dying to. He cannot be successful at rehab unless he goes on his own, and now he went. I mean if he kept getting drunk and never went then that would be cause for a rethink over the whole marriage but you cannot force someone to be ready for rehab. Fingers crossed for them.

Jade and Sean:  I am glad they seem so calm and more mature but I agree that it might be a good idea to wait a minute and see how well Sean does over more time with sobriety before legally joining forces with him. His history is pretty bad on that front. Give it some time. Kloie sure is happy though. I hope it lasts.

Maci:  Can't stand her. It's all over-scheduled kids sports milking every minute of Bentley's life for all it's worth. I wish she'd go away forever.

Leah: Boring as hell. Another one who needs to call it quits. Nothing is happening here and the new man doesn't change that fact. There is no there there.

Cheyenne: Well it wasn't boring (this week, last week?) but since she has never been a teen mom or even close to it and her segments almost always consist of her latest party planning for  all things that come up in her life I see no reason to even watch her life on my tv. Why is she on tv? Why?

ETA:  That hamster cage was great!!  It has been a pet peeve of mine that I could never find a good hamster cage. The ones with air flow were tiny and the Habittrails were so claustrophobic. Seeing one that is large enough to move about in and still has some air flow was great. I wish I had some option like that years ago when I had hamsters.

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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On 9/17/2022 at 5:21 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

 Brianna, who I absolutely refuse to watch anymore. I ff her segments because I cannot stand her at all. And the party was disgusting IMO. I don't like Kail but I dislike gloating even more. Brianna is dead to me.

Cheyenne: Well it wasn't boring (this week, last week?) but since she has never been a teen mom or even close to it and her segments almost always consist of her latest party planning for  all things that come up in her life I see no reason to even watch her life on my tv. Why is she on tv? Why?

Agree 100%.  Brianna's party was tacky and stupid, the only satisfaction I got from watching was learning just how bad Jennelle's marriage is. 

I never understood why they added Cheyenne, and then kept her.  I think that hers is the most obviously fake storyline of them all.  I have no interest in her at all. 

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So after years of watching these z-list wanna be celebrity teen moms we now have:

Maci with PTSD.  Cheyenne with PTSD.

Amber diagnosed bipolar. Catelynn diagnosed bipolar. And


From what I read Brianna is also diagnosed by someone somewhere with bipolar.

(We don't know the full bipolar diagnosis because these trainwrecks only  call it 'bipolar'. Kinda like they have 'postpartum'.)

And Ashley and Jade both have partners who are in the very early stages of recovery from addiction/alcoholism. 

I think that's everyone. MTV chose their girls well.  I guess it wouldn't be reality tv if they didn't all have a mental diagnosis to complain about and justify their awful behavior and choices.

Other than that I have nothing. These women are so boring it's like watching your neighbor's paint dry.  I can't believe they pay them for this crap.

This week Catelynn's surgery was at least something new. And Amber's child custody case over James could have been mildly interesting if most of us didn't already know the outcome. 

Maci's PTSD storyline is old and worn and having her little daughter inquire about it was so ridiculously contrived. I found it awful that she used a child that age to feed her her storyline about PTSD this week. Maci has no life but she is quite shameless in how she uses her kids for the show.

Cheyenne would be sympathetic if I didn't loathe her so much. And the 'going to the break it place to get out your anger etc' plot device is such a reality tv cliche it was embarrassing to almost watch it.

Brianna -- hate her, won't watch her. Don't care what she has going on.

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What's with Maci's boys and the mullets? Yikes...her daughter is adorable and quite sweet. 

Cheyenne continues to rule the roost in that family. It sort of sad and uncomfortable to watch her older sister just stand there and look terrified to say anything lest her younger sister aka "the boss" lash out her for daring to offer even words of comfort. Her fiance went through the same trauma but you would never know it since Cheyenne isn't allowing him to share his pain and anger...because, well, everything is about Cheyenne.

Tyler...what is up with his weird way of talking and getting all graphic about Cate's surgery? Cate's mother looked like she was struggling a bit to get up those stairs.

Amber is just pathetic. Mopey, depressed...what happened to her plans to be a psychiatrist??? LOL.

Briana and Brittany were pretty hard on Roxanne but I guess they're tired of her interference...Roxanne seems a little out of sorts.

Ashley...I hope she's getting some counseling before her husband comes home. Apparently, she doesn't help matters when she drinks as much as he does when they drink together. In order for his sobriety to be sustained, she will need some counseling along the way...and maybe stop drinking herself?

Leah...I've got nothing.

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Cate and Tyler: They continue to irritate the hell out of me. This last episode they discussed personal medical matters inn the most vulgar and immature way...referring to a vasectomy as "snipping off your balls" and describing vaginal delivery as "a baby coming out of my kooter" (Cate). Then to make it even trashier they spent the rest of their segment lamenting about having a fourth child that might be the boy Tyler has always wanted...All I can say is these two make me want to vomit. They don't work and never have...dalliances with a child clothing line and a few months doing fake eyebrows do not count. To top it off, they don't even pay their taxes!!!! All they seem to be good at is breeding more kids and posting on Instagram.

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I know!!  I keep coming back because I want to scream that Ryder did a launch of her new nail polish line and I still cannot stop the screaming in my head!!  But somehow I don't care enough about this show to start a thread.

I think we need a season discussion thread and be done with it.  We obviously aren't interested enough to create a new thread every episode.

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How do they keep this show going if we are all bored to tears watching them?

Where did Leah acquire so many friends?  I thought all she had was her sister.  The girls are so grown up.  It was a pleasure to see them.

Caitlyn and Tyler do think they carry the show.  Couple of uneducated showoffs.  They both should have been preparing themselves for when this show ends.  They could have college degrees and a future but instead they have three young children and nothing but this show to sustain them!

Was that a new boyfriend in Briannas SUV?  I paused and he looks like he's 12 years old!  She's a real loser type person.  She seems to care about her girls but really sleeps with one loser worst than the next!

Wonder how long Bar will last?  I predict rehabilitation will become a revolving door vacation for him!  Free of work and all responsibility as he gets himself well!  Uggg.

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7 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Was that a new boyfriend in Briannas SUV?

Brittany’s boyfriend

I had NO idea that was Ali in the kitchen with Leah at first! She looked so different, and more grown up, with the straightened hair. 

I’m enjoying the new iteration of this series, I just don’t have much to say about each ep 🤷‍♀️

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