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The Worst Character Competition

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Go ahead. Let loose. This is the place.

Who are the characters you absolutely hate on this show? The ones who make you sick to your stomach and annoyed beyond reason? The ones so awful they deserve special recognition?

Name 'em and name their sins against lovability. 

Allow me to get the ball rolling here...


(A shocking choice, I know!)

The inexplicably worshipped strangler of multiple women (and one gay man) who became a cardboard "hero", overcame his unnamed illness and lowered the standard of acceptable acting on DOOL.

There. I feel better. Your turn!

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13 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

... overcame his unnamed illness and lowered the standard of acceptable acting on DOOL.

Ouchie. Hee. Though if we're talking about lowering the standard of acting, Nathan Owens was always a prime offender there, for me -- Cameron was surely not the worst character, but Owens was arguably one of the three worst at reproducing recognizable human emotion. RSW and he appear to be proof (if more were needed) that models should not become actors.

The worst character? That's easy: Darling Effin' Julie. A selfish, cruel busybody who's inexplicably treated by her family and the rest of the townsfolk as an example of compassion and goodness. Even RoboMar on her worst day can't match the Wicked Stepmothersister's bottomless well of self-righteous rage.

Edited by Sandman
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Kristen for me. Nasty rapey baby stealing sociopath with a weird fixation on a man who was almost her stepson. Goes around town threatening people and acting like a psycho but can apparently hold a position of power over her latest bullying victim and qualify for shared custody of a child. Never goes away. I am willing to tolerate the Over acting of Susan permanently if the show would just kill Kristen off. Dead dead please. Keep Rolf away from her corpse until it is good and rotted

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Wow, Chicken....Kristen listed twice! 😆

I love what Eileen and the writers did years ago. It hurts to see a good character reduced to this BS. But at least Eileen isn't there suffering through it.

I would also like to nominate Rafe, who is so boring I can only feel pity for the gals who each had to take turns feigning interest in him.

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1 hour ago, brisbydog said:

Kristen for me. Nasty rapey baby stealing sociopath with a weird fixation on a man who was almost her stepson.

Good point, @brisbydog. I find Kristen so genuinely horrifying I want to forget she exists. She may have begun as a complex, fully realized character, but she was awful long before Davidson left the role. 

Yeah, I said it. :: fight chin :: 😉

Edited by Sandman
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2022 Jack because of Gwen. (See above!)

Anyone of the pardoned prison bunch that shouldn't be (Clyde, Orpheus, etc.)

And now, Kristen Spawn Rachel. Let mama and spawn disappear and take Gwen with them as Rachel the hellspawn's nanny or something!

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7 hours ago, brisbydog said:

Kristen for me. Nasty rapey baby stealing sociopath with a weird fixation on a man who was almost her stepson. Goes around town threatening people and acting like a psycho but can apparently hold a position of power over her latest bullying victim and qualify for shared custody of a child. Never goes away. I am willing to tolerate the Over acting of Susan permanently if the show would just kill Kristen off. Dead dead please. Keep Rolf away from her corpse until it is good and rotted

I couldn't agree more! Kristen needs to go like yesterday. Unless, of course, they bring back Eileen Davidson. At least Eileen played her as a "love to hate" character, whereas the current actress is just plain 'mean, mean, mean'....

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Eileen's brief contributions to the miniseries are great.

Summer was awful. Really putrid. Thanks for the reminder, boes. She needs to be included.

As does Taniel. The greasy, gropy surfer doctor and savior of Salem.

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11 hours ago, SouthernChick said:

Gabi is my least favorite 

Since I only made a weird list, I'll elaborate slightly.  I think the best way I can describe why I don't like Gabi, is basically the same reason why many people don't like Ben.  She's a horrible person, but we're still supposed to like her... because reasons. 

But why?  Those vague "reasons" don't work for me.  She's malicious and vindictive and dresses horribly and is completely unbelievable as a young executive fashion designer.  She killed people, she tortured Julie, and I'm sure she's done tons of other awful things that I've tried to block out.  She's also just annoying. 

Plus - she can never be alone.  She man-hops from one bed to another.  She has no ability or even desire to be a strong independent woman.

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Sometimes it is hard to determine if it is the CHARACTER that is bad (Gwen, Kristen) or the acting that makes the character unwatchable (Sarah). Either way, when these people are in the story, I skip over reading the summaries. Oh, and for me, Sami is also an unwatchable character and the reason I stopped watching the show two years ago. Her screaming and hysterics makes her unwatchable to me, plus the fact that she breezes in and out at her whim and takes over the stories while she is there. That part is not her fault, but the fact that she is allowed and encouraged and written to act that way is enough for her to make my list.

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Time to update the list to include the loud and unlikable Paulina and the supposedly self-insert character Leo, who has never been funny or charming.

Cannot believe how long they've both lasted without anyone behind the scenes realizing they need to be adjusted to work within the show.

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While Paulina and Leo run pretty much neck and neck, I'd have to go with Leo.  I've never enjoyed Greg Rikaart's acting, either on DOOL or his long run on Y&R.  

I don't like Julie but she's legacy bad so she'll always get a pass from me.

I wouldn't cry a tear if Show got rid of Paulina, Leo or Gwen permanently.  But I'd pitch in to buy a one way ticket out of town for Leo.

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Rafe—who is always just a Brick unless he’s with Dukie Bear (RIP)

I tolerate him better than…..

StefanJake—who should’ve never been introduced at all, let alone a DiMera

BenAlex—not only annoying, but so sweatily annoying. One trick pony.

Sara….flip flopping from a whiny baby, incorrigible child, to entitled adolescent.  All in one scene.

Oh…any version of Philip other than portrayed by JKJ.(even at his worst)

which brings me to Stefanie..yawn

and then there’s

Talia..what a waste of space


15 hours ago, boes said:

don't like Julie but she's legacy bad so she'll always get a pass from me.

⬆️⬆️⬆️ This⬆️⬆️⬆️

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