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Alyssa told Kyle about Old School, and now he’s telling the guys + Brittany. (Brittany is offended about not being invited: “Hey! I’m 32!”)

So I guess Kyle is not shutting down The Crush because it’s getting him information. And I guess that will keep Alyssa safe, at least until the information well runs dry.

Alyssa also spilled that the girls wanted Taylor to win HoH and take out a strong guy, with their encouragement. (Joseph: “That’s me!”)

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The guys are figuring things out; one of them talked about being manipulated by some of the women and said "That's not the game I came to play." Brittany talked about how she was treated as having done her part for the women (though they don't talk game with her) and she knows she'd be next to go. 

eta: they're finally figuring out that everything Taylor says gets twisted by Nicole and the others, and that they never heard or saw anything bad themselves. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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Backdooring Ameerah sounds like it’s in play for real. The women being so strong and obvious in their alliance is biting them in the ass. And being total assholes to Taylor. The guys are conveniently forgetting how they were also total assholes to Taylor. I think this comes down to Michael.  But Turner/Kyle/Brittany/Michael all seem on board right now. 

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The guys (including Michael, and + Brittany) definitely have a clear read on the existing alliances, and which groups overlap. They aren’t about to take control; if they play this week right, they’ve already taken it.

As the biggest FU to Paloma’s still rotting corpse, Taylor may be the one who firmly tips the balance in favor of the guys. The plan to recruit her is in place.

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I can't believe I am rooting for the guys alliance. We are in bizzaro land.

Taylor/Monte had a deep convo a few days ago about Taylor's relationship with her father and I think ever since then Monte has warmed up to her. It sounds like Taylor has gone through a lot with her and some creepy situations in the pageant world. The latter kept getting cut because she was mentioning Giselle/Tom Brady (not sure how the two were related to the story tbh). 

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Kyle sends mixed messages, though. When they were chatting with Taylor earlier, Alyssa came in and he told her that her sweater was his favorite thing of hers. I bet she never takes it off now.

Daniel and Nicole are talking about all the hot people that the houseguests will meet when the show's over.  

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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43 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Kyle sends mixed messages, though. 

Kyle is sending out just enough to keep her feeding him information, but not so much that the Mormon elders will kick him out of the church.

Everyone is in the kitchen trying to cook (without Nicole’s guidance!), but all the chopping has to be done with butter knives because that’s all they have. Joseph sends a plea to the BB gods for real knives.

Why were the knives taken away? Did someone get stabby?

Edited by 30 Helens

Daniel, Nicole and Ameerah are discussing past seasons. Ameerah says she always FF’d through the comps because they are boring. And the only seasons she watched all the way through are 10 and 16. Nicole approves: Those are the best seasons! 

(Pop quiz: Who was Nicole’s favorite 16 contestant? Derrick? Frankie? Or was it Nicooole?)

Edited by 30 Helens

Jasmine wheels into the kitchen, and the guys ask her where she’s been. “I was having a delayed reaction to…What the hell’s this?” I guess whatever they’re cooking does not meet her approval. She just wants some Sprite and crackers, then she’s going to lay down. She commands Michael to find her some crackers. What, no popsicles? 

CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH and the camera finds Jasmine, now laying in bed with her crackers. She tells Alyssa that Ameerah is trying to get them out. But first she wants to go on the block so she get out Terrance? It’s all convoluted. 

Alyssa asks her how’s she’s feeling and Jasmine says she had an IBS attack from the stress. It couldn’t have been from food, because all she ate was bread and tater tots. 

Joseph comes in and fans the flames of Ameerah suspicion. But then they all start to trash talk Taylor. I’m not sure what he is trying to accomplish with this. He says Ameerah told Taylor she better give a good exit interview.

The conversation is interrupted by a very loud rumble from Jasmine’s stomach. “Ah cain’t help it!” she protests. “It’s the stray-ess!” She reaches for more crackers to combat it.  CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH.

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Alyssa says Jasmine reminds her of her friend at home, who eats in bed and gets crumbs everywhere. “I brush them out!” Jasmine protests, then huffily proceeds to do so.

Taylor and Joseph are also there, and they discuss past seasons. Jasmine was a big fan of Brittany and her country accent. (What, no Jordan?) Jasmine and Taylor agree they could never do The Challenge, although they think it’s cool that Cookout people are on this year.

More rumbling from Jasmine’s belly. “I refuse to be on the toilet all night!” she declares. (Especially since Nicole has gone to bed. Who is going to wipe her now?) Jasmine needs mints. She doesn’t understand why they won’t give her mints. 

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Jasmine doesn’t like going out to eat with her husband, because they can never follow her directions. She just wants the chicken and the rice, why is it so hard to take the rest of the stuff off? 

When she’s sick, she just wants to strip off all her clothes and lay on the floor. Brittany concurs. At home, Jasmine will just sit on the bathroom floor. She doesn’t mind the smells. 

Alyssa says she doesn’t like to eat around people because she used to be a fat kid and she’s still self conscious. Jasmine says she used to be chubby too, but then she decided she just likes to eat! She will be Alyssa’s eating buddy anytime.

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The girls all discuss why they were cast. Nicole is the badass, Paloma was the fun Cali girl. Alyssa thought she’d never be cast because last year's Alyssa was the same name, same age, same hometown, so why would they repeat? Brittany was also concerned because there was a Brittany last year.

They all want to get together and do watch parties for BB25. They think it was crazy that so many people hung out at Todrick Hall’s house after last season, and then he did Celebrity BB! Brittany felt bad for him because he was such a superfan, he was playing like it was a regular season when he should have been playing fun celebrity version. He just played too hard! (Yeah, that was his problem.)

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Notice to all women who might want to sleep with Daniel (a number that is shrinking by the second, I hope and pray): He doesn’t want to wake up next to you. He has a rule: be gone by dawn. You can stay and chill a bit, but if he sees you in the sunlight, he will be displeased.

Monte sets it up in advance: He makes sure to tell them he has plans in the morning. You know, so they don’t get any ideas.

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You guys,I really want to go to sleep, but these people keep saying batshit crazy stuff. Jasmine is telling everyone about her Survivor superfan dad, who loved the show because it taught you how to survive anything, like a nuclear holocaust. Jasmine knows how to avoid poison ivy because of that show.

Everyone agrees that going on Survivor would be the best way to lose weight. Fuck the Biggest Loser!


I'm listening to Monte fill in The Turner Formerly Known As Matt about the Taylor plan and she's just sitting there, chatting with Jasmine and the crew while the two guys + Kyle are waiting for her upstairs. GO TAYLOR. LEAVE. GO UPSTAIRS.

Kyle points out that Taylor might not be on board because she would have to vote with Daniel and Nicole after Daniel told Taylor to not speak to him until finale because ew.

Kyle is impatient and wants to go downstairs and ask to talk to Taylor alone so that he can bring her upstairs. DO THAT. JESUS. GO.

Edited by Callaphera

Monte, about Taylor (or T as he's been calling her): "And unless she's totally socially inept, she has to know that she's been like isolated by the other side of the house."

Monte, I hate to tell you this but... yeah. She is.

A wild Joseph appears! Joseph, after being asked for a Taylor status update: "Jasmine is just talking so much. Ameerah fell asleep and Jasmine is just talking and talking." Kyle: epic eyeroll behind his sunglasses.

Edited by Callaphera

Joseph: "And what I hate is that Ameerah reminds me a lot of Taylor and Ameerah gets away with a lot of things that Taylor doesn't get to."
Monte: "Mmm." [nods]


Joseph: "Dude this is our - this is our only shot. If we blow this up - and we were so close to losing it today because of the Taylor thing. Thank God Taylor - because she isn't a shit human being at the end of the day - really, another misunderstanding. I am going to tell Taylor 'You need to lay low and start vibing. Just chill, we're taking care of it' [Turner: "Yeah."] And like 'you have a home now, you have friends, you have us. Just don't talk to us too much [Me: LOL]. It's like, even me planting the seeds has like put Ameerah's smart ass on standby and Ameerah [cross-talk between the guys a bit] And all the girls are coming for me."

I finally went back to live and Joseph is already downstairs chatting with the bedroom crew downstairs and Kyle is coming up with some elaborate signalling system with sunglasses and how to act when the key is turned in the nom block and TAYLOR IS STILL JUST SITTING DOWNSTAIRS. GO UPSTAIRS. GO. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.

Monte is practically dancing in his seat as he chats with Taylor. Taylor talks about how she hasn't talked to Daniel or Nicole and she'd like to make amends personally but game - Monte asks if anyone has made her any assurances yet or what she thinks is going to happen with the noms. Monte: "Do you think you have a good relationship with the girls?" Taylor: "I think it's getting stronger." Monte: "Hm. You think it's getting stronger."

Monte "I think there's a reality here and I think that we can confirm some things."

Taylor: "We've talked about this. There's clearly a pecking order with the girls and I'm at the bottom." and "Now that the house is pretty certain that I'm going this week, the girls have been having conversations with me more now." and "When it comes to the girls, I've always been at the bottom of the alliance. And I've had to fight really hard to like make amends with them.

Monte: "About Nicole, did you feel good about how she like picked you?"
Taylor: "I did. I did."
Monte: "Really?"
Taylor: "Yeah, we've got some things to work through but."

Kyle telling Taylor about Old School. And Brittany’s still offended! 

Brittany really is helping to sell this pitch. As a fellow female outcast, she knows how Taylor feels! The girls are using us. You don’t want to be used anymore, do you, Taylor?

Now Monte is painting the guys as also on the outside. Underdogs unite! They are really doing a good job of this. 

Oh, and now come the compliments. You’re a badass, Taylor! We saw it from the start! You’ve been mistreated! But that ends here. 

I’m kind of in awe of these guys. Turner’s still gross, though.

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Well fuck, I started to transcribe this whole pitch to Taylor but a) Monte and Kyle can filibuster as well as Jasmine can and b) while they're good at it, they keep repeating history from Day 1 and it was literal blocks of text with no end in sight so fuck it, I just wasted 20 minutes trying to type up all that shit.

Speaking of shit, Joseph trailed behind Jasmine to the bathroom to babysit her while she goes to destroy the toilet. Fun times!

Taylor hasn’t said definitively that she’s in, but she’s intimated as much. (Oh, wait, she just said it: “I’m in.”) I also think she’s smart enough to say what they want to hear, while still weighing her options. 

She’s also asking very astute questions: What’s the showmance deal? Who do you want on jury?

I expect Taylor will realize that while this is a better deal for her for now, she’s also on the outskirts on this alliance. If Michael and Brittany also come to realize this, things could get really interesting.

To prove Taylor is not in the inner circle, they share the alliance name of “The Leftovers”. Not “The Pound”, which is the main guy's alliance.

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Joseph: stealth whispering.
Everyone else in the HoH: talks at their normal volume.

I'll give Joseph a break because his birthday has been added to the list of epic Big Brother birthdays, like Keesha's and (the day before) Rockstar's Daughter's.

Joseph to Taylor: "Just know that there are people out there that don't think you're a monster." While nice, that's a little, um... yeah.

Edited by Callaphera

The plan is for The Leftovers to... continue to talk shit about Taylor. But it's okay! Because now they're on the same side! And that way, when Turner renoms Ameerah/Terrance, it's a complete surprise! They keep saying "When he turns the key" but the Bluetooth Box isn't used for renoms so.

Edited by Callaphera
2 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

There's one thing that could put a damper on that, though.  As soon as she is backdoored, Ameerah could just as easily go to Taylor and counter with an even better deal.  They don't seem to have realized that she can do just that.

The plan that was discussed before they even brought Taylor in was that they would have to babysit Taylor and keep her away from Ameerah but I think they're also hoping that Taylor will just... buy whatever The Leftovers are selling and not even entertain other offers. They make a compelling case, what with Monte having that talk with Taylor to clear the air and Kyle pointing out that the other side of the house has been straight out bullies towards Taylor although of course they're ignoring their own part in it. Ah, revisionist history.

But it's nice to see Taylor actually included in a conversation and to see people smile at her and mean it.

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Taylor, talking to herself and us via the camera, has said that she's happy to be in an alliance she can trust but she also knows that when someone leaves an all girls alliance for the majority (male) alliance, the woman is the first to be picked off. So she's happy that Michael is there with her (the way she said it made it sound like he was one of the girls) and also Brittany. She also thinks that what Daniel said to her was cruel and he owes her a public apology. She said that she knows she's not going to touch the block this week and when she does eventually get nommed, she thinks she will be okay (because the plan is for Kyle/Daniel and Taylor/Nicole to hit the block in back to back weeks provided their alliance keeps the power on their side).

Edited by Callaphera
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I just want to point out that Alyssa got the Mormon side hug while Taylor got the full on hug from Kyle. (The second tweet/video, there are more in the comments) I don't think it means anything, I just think it's funny and if Alyssa knew, she would make that angry squirrel face again.


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Taylor is still talking to the camera. She says that you can make a good meal out of leftovers (geddit? geddit?) and that they can do this. The Turner Formerly Known As Matt can do this. Then she swerves to talking about how she was worried about coming into the house and having to choose between her gender and her race. She really wanted to be able to work with the girls. But they wouldn't let her or Brittany in. She says that she felt like she was thisclose to throwing Brittany under the bus to try and save her game and she's really glad that she didn't have to. She's also sad about Ameerah because she doesn't want America to destroy her when she leaves the house - but she's worried that it's what's going to happen. Taylor wanted to show black women in a positive light and not as bullies and that she doesn't want Ameerah to be a snake, she's a smart player.

So predictably Twitter is already planning Ameerah's social media dragging while suddenly switching from 1 star reviews to 5 star reviews of The Turner Formerly Known As Matt's carpet business. (Also review bombed today: Nicole's catering business.)


Edited by Callaphera
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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Why were the knives taken away? Did someone get stabby?

They haven't had real knives in a very long time, possibly since the Justin incident in BB2

4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I expect Taylor will realize that while this is a better deal for her for now, she’s also on the outskirts on this alliance. If Michael and Brittany also come to realize this, things could get really interesting.

Like Janelle said yesterday, a divided house (the men vs. the women+Daniel) with Britt/Michael/Taylor riding the middle has the potential to be entertaining and interesting.

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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They haven't had real knives in a very long time, possibly since the Justin incident in BB2

In a weird decision that made me question their sanity, Jackson of all people was given an actual sharp knife for his watermelon carving activities. I guess they weighed the potential threat of Jackson going squirrely without his watermelon against the potential threat of Jackson going squirrely with a knife and decided that fruit deprivation was the scarier prospect. I think it had to be returned to the storage room after cleaning almost immediately, though.

Edited by Callaphera
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