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I love Alyssa acting like she’s mending fences with Turner, but all she really wants to know is “why is Kyle ignoring meeee”. Turner says Kyle is just a little naive, but he really does like her. 

Everything Turner is saying has just enough truth to be not an actual lie, but just enough omission to keep her on the wrong track. She makes it almost too easy.

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God I hope that Alyssa leaves the HoH room and goes out to the backyard to see Kyle and Indy yukking it up. He has more chemistry with everyone else in the house than with her. He probably has more chemistry with the ants than with Alyssa.

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Nicole: “The two people I never wanted to see on the block are on the block.”
Ameerah: “Terrance was on the block before.”
Nicole: “Yeah, but I wasn’t that close to him then.”

Because the only thing that matters is how you feel about it.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Ameerah thinks Turner made a mistake, as in he didn’t know what he was doing. “I don’t think he has any idea who I’m aligned with.” She says there is no way Monte is working with Taylor. “NO WAY. He HATES her. He’s been trying to get her out since day one.”

Catch up, honey.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Now the girls are together, trying to figure out who has been betraying them. It can’t be Taylor, she’s too scared of them. That leaves Brittany!

Kyle comes in and starts reading Bible passages to them, because…? Hey, whatever works.

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Michael is digging all the accumulated hair/ poop/ popsicle sticks out of the bathroom drain, and in the process has become everyone’s hero.

While he waits for the shower, Joseph tells Ameerah he respects Turner’s decision, and he will act nice to Taylor, but he will be putting her on the block at the first possible opportunity.

SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB in the background, and can’t somebody get poor Michael a respirator?

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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

God I hope that Alyssa leaves the HoH room and goes out to the backyard to see Kyle and Indy yukking it up. He has more chemistry with everyone else in the house than with her. He probably has more chemistry with the ants than with Alyssa.

I always thought it was interesting how these unrequited stalkermances happen on the show. Like in normal life, Alyssa could just shrug and move on to a different guy in the bar. (Or Tindr profile.) But they're in a fish bowl and therefore this group becomes their entire world. It's why some crushes become so intense. Although I really, really wish the show had intervened with Caleb during his stalkermance with Amber in BB16. I remember Wisconsin Nicole whispering in the feeds that Caleb was kissing Amber while she was sleeping. He also apparently took a treasured childhood blanket that Amber's grandmother had made for her to wear as like a cape, not to mention her bunny slippers. It was so freaking weird. 

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15 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Ameerah thinks Turner made a mistake, as in he didn’t know what he was doing. “I don’t think he has any idea who I’m aligned with.” She says there is no way Monte is working with Taylor. “NO WAY. He HATES her. He’s been trying to get her out since day one.”

Catch up, honey.

No! Don't catch up! Never catch up! We need you to be floored at being voted out!

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Daniel is telling Brittany it’s too soon for there to be a big house divide. He thinks Turner was just trying to shake things up. Next HoH is when we might see a real division, and people might have to show their cards. (Yeah, let’s hold tight and wait for next HoH!)

Brittany says she has learned her true value in this game: as a number. Right now she’s just working hard to make sure she’s not the 1 in a 11-1 vote. Daniel thinks that is a wise strategy.

Terrance enters. He says Turner told him the nom was a spur of the moment decision, and he reallly wanted to nom Indy, but Alyssa was right there. Giving him the sad puppy dog/ Kyle-doesn’t-love-me eyes, apparently. Who could kick Kyle’s puppy when she’s down?

4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Turner is telling Kyle that Alyssa is upset about him and that if Kyle does want to distance himself from her, he should tell her.

TELL HER, KYLE. It'll be delicious.

Yes, but it’s hard to balance against the ongoing entertainment of lovelorn blabbermouth Alyssa. Can we get both?

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4 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Yes, but it’s hard to balance against the ongoing entertainment of lovelorn blabbermouth Alyssa. Can we get both?

I don't think it would make Alyssa stop - it would be like the Dumb and Dumber "So you're telling me there's a chance" meme. It would probably encourage her further.

Kyle: "So yeah I'll probably talk to her tonight."
The Turner Formerly Known As Matt: "That's fire."

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Jasmine is sulking because her HoH letter wasn’t as good as Turner’s. “What do you mean, ‘the quiet isn’t so bad’? It can stay quiet!” Alyssa thinks he said that because he didn’t want her to worry. She takes the letter and starts reading. “‘You’re a ray of sunshine’? Awww.” Jasmine make a face. “That doesn’t sound like him.” “He says you have tenacity. Tenacity? What does that mean?” Jasmine doesn’t know either. She just knows Turner’s girlfriend wrote a better letter and she is not happy about it.

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After telling Ameerah he wouldn’t campaign, Terrance is doing a lot of campaigning, and good for him. But he’s telling everyone that Turner told him the nom was not a mistake, and Terrance is not the target. That’s going to make its way to Ameerah and even though it shouldn’t make a difference, I kind of want her to stay complacent and primed for blindside. But maybe she’ll just dismiss it as delusional.

While Terrance campaigns, Jasmine and Alyssa plot the next HoH and how they’re going to backdoor Taylor. Because their minds share a single track and someone pulled out all the spikes.

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Joseph is competing for the best actor prize. He can’t believe Turner didn’t even consult him on the renoms. And they’re supposed to be friends! Alyssa and Ameerah are just sad Terrance won’t make jury. They really wanted him there.

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17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

half the house has wised up to their behaviour and asked "Are we the baddies?" and actually realized they were and have swerved to adjust. It's a Big Brother miracle.

To be honest I don't buy that the leftovers realized they have been mean with Taylor and that's why they involved her in the alliance. They just realized they needed her in order to evict Ameerah and that Taylor would be forever grateful to them for giving her a spot in an alliance. 5 guys and 2 girls, we are doomed to see a male winner again.

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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

You guys, when the season started, I never would have believed I’d be actively rooting for the dudebros. I was so hopeful about the prospect of a strong woman’s alliance that could actually go the distance. But then

  • Jasmine happened
  • Taylor bullying happened
  • Alyssa turned hairflip stupid
  • Nicole turned to the dark side (of the moon)
  • Jasmine continued to happen

and in the end, I value strategy over gender. So kill me now, but… go Turner? I feel so dirty. 

This.  I wholeheartedly agree!!! 

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24 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think Joseph and too a lesser extent Monte feel bad for the way they treated Taylor. I don't think it excuses it, but it is rare on Big Brother to see people regret bad behavior. 

Yeah, it usually takes Kevin Fraizer telling them that their modeling agency has dropped them while in the house for them to regret anything.

Oh, who are we kidding, Aaryn doesn't regret shit.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Yeah, it usually takes Kevin Fraizer telling them that their modeling agency has dropped them while in the house for them to regret anything.

Oh, who are we kidding, Aaryn doesn't regret shit.

Aaryn is now a mommy blogger lol. She doesn't regret shit. 

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think Joseph and too a lesser extent Monte feel bad for the way they treated Taylor. I don't think it excuses it, but it is rare on Big Brother to see people regret bad behavior. 

I think Joseph, Turner, Kyle, and Michael regret it and they were never even big proponents of it. Monte, I don't know. I still don't fully trust him lol. I think he has some bigger, internal reasons why he hated Taylor on site that'll be harder to get over than the other guys, who were really just doing what they thought they had to for the game more than anything.

The Leftovers alliance has really played so well since they formed. And I like how they play as a team. But still, I hope the power shifts back and forth so that they don't just steamroll. It sucks that the people in LO that I like most will likely be the first targets, but I can't have everything lol.

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2 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

To be honest I don't buy that the leftovers realized they have been mean with Taylor and that's why they involved her in the alliance. They just realized they needed her in order to evict Ameerah and that Taylor would be forever grateful to them for giving her a spot in an alliance. 5 guys and 2 girls, we are doomed to see a male winner again.

Why doomed?  That's part of the game.  And the guys have played a much smarter, more strategic, focused game.  Whereas the girls have been so caught up in the petty drama that they created that they can't see see all the stupid mistakes they have made.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Daniel is telling Brittany it’s too soon for there to be a big house divide. He thinks Turner was just trying to shake things up. Next HoH is when we might see a real division, and people might have to show their cards. (Yeah, let’s hold tight and wait for next HoH!)

Best case scenario is that the Leftovers manage to hide their alliance until next week. Unfortunately, there's a good chance others find out by Thursday or at least have an inkling, but my hope is that Daniel wins HOH, decides to put up Turner/Jasmine to get Turner out, thinking that people would be on board, and then Jasmine goes. Cue Daniel and Nicole's shocked faces. And then cue Daniel being the final pre-juror (or Nicole, I really hate both of them).

Honestly, ideally, I'd rather Daniel and Nicole went pre-jury, because both will be bitter jurors and both need a swift realization that they're the most hated, but I don't think that'll happen.

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think Joseph, Turner, Kyle, and Michael regret it and they were never even big proponents of it. Monte, I don't know. I still don't fully trust him lol. I think he has some bigger, internal reasons why he hated Taylor on site that'll be harder to get over than the other guys, who were really just doing what they thought they had to for the game more than anything.

Michael was always more of a bystander. He only contributed once and felt regret, but he never contributed to the hate like others had. He was probably the houseguest that contributed the least. But yeah, Monte was a HUGE contributor to the hate on Taylor and that's something I will never forget. That showed his true colours and just because he's playing nice now and regretting his behaviour, it doesn't mean seeing that side to him was a one off. If it isn't Taylor down the road, he'll show his behaviour about someone else, for sure.

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After I gave up on the feeds because my Internet was trash last night, Turner had a redemption arc where he reiterated to Taylor that it was bullshit that she was bullied and that he has her back ("dawg" is the new "homie") and then went on to tell the feedsters during a cam talk that while last week, he would have said that he thought Brittany and Taylor were annoying, he realizes now that his opinions were shaped by the others constantly talking shit about them and that he actually likes them. He also gave a motivational speech to bullied people watching.

See, he showed growth so I did, too, by using his proper name. So long as he keeps showering, we'll be good and I won't revert back to The Turner Formerly Known As Matt.

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I'd love it if somehow Taylor won the season. I hope she can at least make it to jury. (Why is Primetimer entering words in addition to what I'm typing?)

Good morning! The house is peaceful right now with everyone sleeping. Camera 1 shows us the guys' room, three beds against the wall with pictures of classic cars looking down on them. Unless they switched beds, Monte should be in the bed on the left - forgot who's in the middle, Kyle? - and Terrence on the right, making some night music. It looks like there is a wig lying on the footstool at the end of his bed. Each bed has a curved footstool at its end, which is new since the last time I was virtually in this bedroom. I wonder if someone is in Turner's bed.

Camera 2 shows Turner in the HOH bed - Camera 1 just switched to HOH, too.

Cameras 3 and 4 switched to the guys' bedroom. Camera 3 shows Kyle in Turner's bed. I wonder if he washed the sheets and pillowcase beforehand. And Camera 4 brings us back to the three beds in a row.

I'll let you know when someone gets up. Hope it's another exciting day in the house!

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BB Chat said Kyle was talking in his sleep, so I switched to his camera, but Terrence's night music is a little too loud for me. Besides, Kyle stopped talking.

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Monte and Indie are up in the bathroom. Daniel comes in and says, "It looks like we have a date!"

Indie moved to a lawn chair outside now. Nice sunny day in LA. She's speaking in Portuguese to the camera.

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Monte and Daniel chatting on the sofa outside. I guess the backyard is closing in an hour, so they were awakened up early this morning.

Monte asks Daniel what he thinks about yesterday. Daniel said nothing is making sense. He doesn't understand what the motive is. Daniel said there was no blood on Turner. He could have made his bullying speech but say it's maybe best if he puts Taylor on the block and she can have peace at home. Or Turner could put up the person who's being the bully. (Snicker) He told Turner the people he put up weren't the bullies. Turner said No, that's separate.

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Terrence is telling Monte and Daniel that Turner said he didn't really want Terrence out, he wanted Ameerah out. Turner said he couldn't win against Ameerah. Now Indie joins them. Daniel. Now they're just talking about being up early and it's worth it to be outside.

Feeds off - another wakeup call?

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12 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I can't see the Leftovers steamrolling.  Michael's already told Brittany that he suspects the four core Pound members might get rid of them and Taylor first should it get down to the seven of them.  He's made it clear he doesn't want a bro alliance dominating again.  

Yeah, I think Michael’s a pretty smart player and will know what should be done. Whether he can do it is another story. But while I’m really enjoying the Leftovers and their crafty ways right now, I too hope to see many more shifts in power and alliances to keep things interesting.

As long as Daniel and Nicole stay clueless and at the bottom. Because why mess with perfection.

5 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

There is a dark thing swinging around above the hot tub. Does anyone know what that is?

Poltergeist Paloma?

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I'm a big proponent of "if you want people to change, you have to let them." I'm not going to hold past mistakes or behaviors against someone if they're actively trying not to be that way. There's no reason for someone to grow and change if their past mistakes are going to define them regardless of whatever strides they make. Besides, people are human; they're not going to be infallible and perfect all the time, and it's silly to expect as much.

All that to say that, unless they start treating Taylor like a leper again or have some big Scooby-Doo villain reveal, I'm gonna give the guys in The Leftovers the benefit of the doubt and believe they're sincere.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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34 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

There is a dark thing swinging around above the hot tub. Does anyone know what that is?

I've been wondering that since Sunday!  At one time it was moving fast too.  

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50 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Daniel said there was no blood on Turner. He could have made his bullying speech but say it's maybe best if he puts Taylor on the block and she can have peace at home.

Goodness gracious he's an ass. 

I wish that there was a female equivalent for "guys" that wasn't "gals," which seems Roy Rogers-ish to me. "Girls" is not the equivalent to "guys." I never hear anyone say "boys." 

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1 hour ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I can't see the Leftovers steamrolling.  Michael's already told Brittany that he suspects the four core Pound members might get rid of them and Taylor first should it get down to the seven of them.  He's made it clear he doesn't want a bro alliance dominating again.  So I can see him taking Brittany and Taylor and maybe snatching up the remnants of the other (still surprisingly clueless) side and overthrowing them.

Of course, it's one thing to say it.  But I'm worried that his bond with Kyle might keep him from actually doing it.

The big problem with Michael is that he doesn't have a strong social game.  And winning comps can put a target on him as a threat.

Edited by thestorm
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You can hear all this chatter from the kitchen but all you can see is Michael and Ameerah in the bathroom, not speaking to each other.

Or you can go to the women's other bedroom and listen to Taylor talking. She's saying she was very hurt by the way "he" spoke to her.  I don't know which "he", but my guess is Daniel or Terrence.

Now Daniel is lying in Alyssa's bed, Ameerah's sitting in her bed and Michael leaning against the dresser.

OK, Brittany's in the room with Taylor.

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2 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

True.  But if whoever's left of the other side is really desperate to survive, they could and should still be at least a little willing to listen to what he might have to say.  Though again, this is theoretical.

Anybody can listen, but Michael hasn't cultivate the relationships in the house and he is awkward in his interpersonal interactions.

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I'm actually surprised Alyssa hasn't received more of a backlash from the Girls Girls for blabbing about the alliance to Kyle. Aftr all, without that nugget of info Turner would have happily agreed to an "easy" Taylor boot.

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Taylor now saying that Daniel told her that all of America was watching, you can't get away with what you did, called her a bitch and fake, it's Taylor's fault what happened to Paloma.
Taylor thought Daniel was joking at first.

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