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Holy crap, Mellie is just insane. She's like a brain damaged pitbull, I don't know how anyone can deal with her at all. I would just dump her drunk ass in a dangerous area & let someone kill her.


These women are some of the rudest people I've ever heard. With their screeching & talking over each other, I wouldn't want to give them a tour of anywhere. Plus, they're all so ignorant, they seriously thought that woman's name was really "Bloody Mary"?


Did everyone get a turn wearing that giant heart necklace? 

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I think that Mellie is a meth head.  She has that look and meth heads are crazy.

I have always thought that they were very rude.  They have set the views of "gypsies"  back 100+ years!

They really act like white trailer trash.  No, I take that back, they are worse. 

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This episode was sad and annoying at the same time.  All that screaming got on my last nerve.  I want someone to explain to Mellie and Joann that all the stress isn't good for Nettie and her lupus.  It sounds like Nettie has been a mother figure for her younger sisters, and they should take care of her for once.


Also, if you own a business and the producers of any show about gypsies seeks your permission to film there, your answer should be NO.

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Title:  NO, Joann, it's NOT that Mellie doesn't want you as her sister!  It's because your sister Mellie is crazy!


Four things I've learned from this show the past few weeks:


1)  Do not eat Gypsy Toast. If you do then be prepared to crank up and begin hollering wildly all the while sitting in your chair just

like Nettie did. Bad stuff.

2)  I was originally coveting the large heart necklaces they were all wearing, but I'm over it now. It would just clank against

my meager chest bones and hurt.

3) The 5 Gypsy Sisters are no better than 5 toddlers placed into 5 bumper cars and permitted to drive helter skelter all over

New Orleans.

4) I'm really over these Sisters. Over. I'm ready to return to the wedding stories. In fact, I'd like to know what has happened to

Priscilla, the 14 year old pining for a Gypsy husband. And, how is Pat Baby doing?  Maybe that is more my speed rather than

these screaming, crazy,paid-to-be-over-the-top Gypsy Sisters.


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This episode was sad and annoying at the same time.  All that screaming got on my last nerve.  I want someone to explain to Mellie and Joann that all the stress isn't good for Nettie and her lupus.  It sounds like Nettie has been a mother figure for her younger sisters, and they should take care of her for once.


Also, if you own a business and the producers of any show about gypsies seeks your permission to film there, your answer should be NO.

Now we're starting to understand why all they were all  lying in the beginning when they were trying to rent wedding venues, and why so many vendors said no. Every single event ended with them being thrown out and the muskers being called.

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When Kayla took her daughters for ice cream, I was shocked at her daughter Danielle's ways of moving her body like she couldn't stay still. She was gyrating for lack of a better word and throwing her hair around, she resembled Mellie in a lot of ways. I wonder if there is something genetic in the family that makes them move that way or if it's just the culture they're raised in?

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When Kayla took her daughters for ice cream, I was shocked at her daughter Danielle's ways of moving her body like she couldn't stay still. She was gyrating for lack of a better word and throwing her hair around, she resembled Mellie in a lot of ways. I wonder if there is something genetic in the family that makes them move that way or if it's just the culture they're raised in?


I think it's just their "culture".  There seems to be an emphasis on female sexuality,  as expressed through dress and dance, from an early age.  I find those younger girls to be downright shocking at times.

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Now we're starting to understand why all they were all  lying in the beginning when they were trying to rent wedding venues, and why so many vendors said no. Every single event ended with them being thrown out and the muskers being called.


Yes, I admit that I fell for the "we're so discriminated against" storyline when I first started watching these gypsy shows.  But now, I get it!

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I love New Orleans and have been there many times. But I've never seen any of the streets as empty as they were when the sisters were there. I guess their behavior scared a whole lot of people away, heh.

Actually, with the exception of Cafe du Monde, everyplace seemed rather empty. I found myself feeling sorry for the folks who were stuck in the same rooms with them to give the impression of reality. I hope they were crew members who were getting paid extra. All five of them managed to show their worst sides.

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I thought it was kind of crappy of Nettie to tell Joanne to let it go because Mellie was drinking. That's enabling 101 right there and Joanne's feelings were rightly hurt. It's just that Nettie didn't stop and just kept repeating how Mellie was crying and so sorry for what she had done. The next morning when Mellie ran downstairs and jumped into Netties lap like a child expecting everything to be okay and Nettie just grinning. Kind of sick really and very telling of why Mellie keeps acting like she does because she knows Nettie's going to coddle her like a child.

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I'm so over Mellie. I don't find her cute, funny or nice. She behaves worse than any brat I've ever seen. I've done tons or reading on Gypsies over the last 10+ years & they don't behave like any I've read about. I wonder if they will talk about JoAnne's recent arrest for Target card scams.

Title:  NO, Joann, it's NOT that Mellie doesn't want you as her sister!  It's because your sister Mellie is crazy!


Four things I've learned from this show the past few weeks:


1)  Do not eat Gypsy Toast. If you do then be prepared to crank up and begin hollering wildly all the while sitting in your chair just

like Nettie did. Bad stuff.

2)  I was originally coveting the large heart necklaces they were all wearing, but I'm over it now. It would just clank against

my meager chest bones and hurt.

3) The 5 Gypsy Sisters are no better than 5 toddlers placed into 5 bumper cars and permitted to drive helter skelter all over

New Orleans.

4) I'm really over these Sisters. Over. I'm ready to return to the wedding stories. In fact, I'd like to know what has happened to

Priscilla, the 14 year old pining for a Gypsy husband. And, how is Pat Baby doing?  Maybe that is more my speed rather than

these screaming, crazy,paid-to-be-over-the-top Gypsy Sisters.

I too am over it. It is so contrived. I am someone who has read about the culture for years, starting with The Tene Bimbo Clan. This show disappoints & I find the yelling obnoxious. I wish they would tell us about JoAnne's recent arrest for Target card scams. Now that would be interesting as she seems the "sweet" one of the bunch. I cannot stand Mellie, period.

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I'm so over Mellie. I don't find her cute, funny or nice. She behaves worse than any brat I've ever seen. I've done tons or reading on Gypsies over the last 10+ years & they don't behave like any I've read about. I wonder if they will talk about JoAnne's recent arrest for Target card scams.

I too am over it. It is so contrived. I am someone who has read about the culture for years, starting with The Tene Bimbo Clan. This show disappoints & I find the yelling obnoxious. I wish they would tell us about JoAnne's recent arrest for Target card scams. Now that would be interesting as she seems the "sweet" one of the bunch. I cannot stand Mellie, period.


JoAnne did address her arrest online.  She said something like "Stop judging me, all you haters.  I didn't do anything wrong, anyway, so eff you."  I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it.  If the show was going to use their arrest records as material, that would be one very long episode.

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JoAnne did address her arrest online.  She said something like "Stop judging me, all you haters.  I didn't do anything wrong, anyway, so eff you."  I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it.  If the show was going to use their arrest records as material, that would be one very long episode.

Yeah, I read her comments. My point was the show would be more interesting if it focused on their troubles or the actual gypsy lifestyle over them just yelling, fighting, making up & grinding.

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I love New Orleans and have been there many times. But I've never seen any of the streets as empty as they were when the sisters were there. I guess their behavior scared a whole lot of people away, heh.

Actually, with the exception of Cafe du Monde, everyplace seemed rather empty. I found myself feeling sorry for the folks who were stuck in the same rooms with them to give the impression of reality. I hope they were crew members who were getting paid extra. All five of them managed to show their worst sides.

I would bet they had the streets blocked off for filming, especially with Mellie running around drunk off her ass. They couldn't be sure she wouldn't attack someone if she decided they had somehow insulted her.

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As to the sexualization of the young daughters in the Gypsy culture, I remember that Irish Travellers Gypsy documentary from some years back and

the little girls were posturing and dancing as sexy as the older girls. Same with these girls. Also, as Danielle sat there in the ice cream parlor

chatting up her mama, posturing and posing, did she not engage with Kayla like she was/is her mama's contemporary? 

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Another thingy, Poor Joann (aside from the Target credit card scandal and what all else......Oh, where are her children?).  Remember how she

initially said her name and how she had found her voice in the beginning credits of TGS?  Well, she may have found her voice but they

ain't hearing her!  She is now, it appears to me, yelling for some sort of validation to the rest and they totally ignore her.

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Another light bulb moment to add:  About Sheena. I kinda liked her until I read her FB rants and raves at Nettie at Starcasm.com.  Another

questionable Gypsy Sister fail on my part to comprehend; however, it would appear to me that Sheena should've been

invited along on this New Orleans "retreat". Think about it. Six totally off-the-wall-wild women making utter fools of themselves and

we lived to miss it all. Sigh.

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I remember that documentary, too.  The one where they had a party and paraded the little girls around in a circle to music while their mamas shouted "shake it"?  It was disturbing. 


Danielle!  I wouldn't be able to put up with that smart mouth.  I guess they grow up fast in this lifestyle.

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Rebel, as I understood the article, Sheena was ticked off royally that she wasn't offered the money the others were so she "graciously" bowed out

of filming. All in all, I'd rather have seen Sheena included in this New Orleans Major Anthem To Insanity rather than just the five fruitless wonders.


Joann, bless her heartstrings tried in this storyline, but... If I've got to have a fav Gypsy Sis, maybe I should move over to Joann. I'm

willing to help her out as her self appointed advocate with the court system. Somebody needs to help her otherwise she's gonna be stuck forever

and a day yelling for some sort of acknowledgment from the other loose canons. Besides, I need a younger sistah.


And, while I'm on this re-writing scripts kick, I want to slap Kayla (my last fav sistah) upside the head and march her back to Richard. I would offer

to hold Richard whilst she slaps him across his smug Gypsy face for causing her humiliation with whatever that dude Gypsy cousin's

name is who hurt her by urging Nettie to "kill her" or whatever that was during the beat down. Too horrid to remember!  Once Richard is straightened out then

he'll be set to go as far as I can see it all; and since the point of my editing is to get to Danielle in order to save her from anymore twisting her

bottom around like a lap dancer and talking uppity to her mama as an equal, I'll feel that that family is back on target.


That's how I see this DRAMA.

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Agreed. Pat Baby and Priscilla do seem normal now. Didn't Priscilla attract some Gypsy man from out-of-state who was going to marry her?

In fact, she had some reputation issues plaguing her as I recollect. How I do not know since all she did was clean and polish up the family home.

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Rebel, as I understood the article, Sheena was ticked off royally that she wasn't offered the money the others were so she "graciously" bowed out

of filming. All in all, I'd rather have seen Sheena included in this New Orleans Major Anthem To Insanity rather than just the five fruitless wonders.


Sheena was always more of a recurring "character", so I'm not surprised she wasn't getting the money the others received.  She should have taken the money offered & laughed her way to the bank.  She would be paid for actin the fool she does in her normal life.  What an idiot.  Then again, I could never see Sheena again on my TV & be totally cool.

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As to the sexualization of the young daughters in the Gypsy culture, I remember that Irish Travellers Gypsy documentary from some years back and

the little girls were posturing and dancing as sexy as the older girls. Same with these girls. Also, as Danielle sat there in the ice cream parlor

chatting up her mama, posturing and posing, did she not engage with Kayla like she was/is her mama's contemporary? 

Well, as long as she's doing all the housekeeping/cooking for her father, she is her mama's contemporary. It didn't sound like Richard was doing anything for himself, it sounded like Danielle just took over for Kayla as the "woman" of the house.

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I don't know how much they're getting paid for this show, so maybe Sheena just thought it wasn't worth the bother.  Obviously it's not enough to keep them from a life of crime (JoAnne).  GypsyRose, if you think you can straighten her out, well...God bless your innocence and good intentions.

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Touche, GaT.  I do agree with you for that is exactly what poor, young Danielle is doing. I looked at the end result rather than the process which

does and has presented a replacement wife who is actually the daughter. I reckon that is all the more reason for Danielle to flee from home

into a hasty marriage Gypsy Style.

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As to Sheena joining in with the regular cast, I suppose that she should've swallowed her pride and gone with the flow of the cash. That's the bottom

line anyway.


I'm totally at fault here, because I'm only on maybe 2 cylinders of liking these sisters now.  Actually, I have a message for TLC and it's not as if I'm

offending them since they don't give a flying flip anyway so here goes:


Dear TLC:

At first, Gypsy Sisters was "cute". Sure the hysteria went overboard at times, but that was okey dokey considering that hysteria goes with Gypsy

culture. Then with this season, you, TLC, needed more oooomph, more drawing power so you went with the tried and true train wreck plot line

and for that, I say, "STOP". Would y'all please consider that we viewers each have brain cells which do function quite well which means that as much as

we want entertainment,  we shouldn't be subjected to crazy. 



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I wonder why too.  Remember a few weeks ago when Robbie told Mellie (paraphrasing) "watch how easy it would be to prove you unfit?"  The New Orleans tantrums are great proof for Robbie. That's if he's even interested in getting custody of Baby Richard.


I was pissed on Joann's behalf during the fight with Mellie.  Why does Mellie get a pass just because she's drunk? Nettie needs to let Mellie own up to her actions.  Don't say that she's sorry when she hasn't even apologized.  Crying does not equal an apology.


Nettie, I see your lupus rash.  You know what would be good for that?  Not getting involved in Mellie's drama.  I know she feels responsible for Mellie, but I would not deal with all that screaming and carrying on.

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I thought it was kind of crappy of Nettie to tell Joanne to let it go because Mellie was drinking. That's enabling 101 right there and Joanne's feelings were rightly hurt.

Citychic and vavavoom, I came on here to pose exactly what you said.  Joanne was right -- Mellie never said one word of apology.  She just started on her (fake) drunken crying jag and Nettie took over from there.  Nettie is TOTALLY enabling Mellie's atrocious behavior and it's really sickening to watch that.


I've noticed that Nettie has been extra angry and volatile lately, lashing out at Mellie and Dallas in a very loud and crazy way.  I wonder if it's all for the show.

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I've noticed that Nettie has been extra angry and volatile lately, lashing out at Mellie and Dallas in a very loud and crazy way.  I wonder if it's all for the show.


I think Nettie's dealing with a serious illness, and not one of them does a thing to make her life easier, so it's no wonder she blows up. 

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Just an FYI, but Comcast is showing this episode as being a repeat, even though it's not (at least not the first time it's on). If you have this set up as a series recording with just new episodes being recorded, better set it to record this episode or you'll miss it.

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I was just coming to report that GaT. And next week they show the same episode on Thursday night and new. Go figure.

I just noticed that too. I have no idea what if anything is going to be on tonight, but hopefully I have it recorded LOL

also even sweet Joann is a scam artist... guess all the rotten apples don't fall far from the tree.

So she pleaded guilty, what a surprise. I see from her posts that she's not any more literate than the rest of the family. It's called punctuation Joann, learn it, love it, USE it. 

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Just an FYI, but Comcast is showing this episode as being a repeat, even though it's not (at least not the first time it's on). If you have this set up as a series recording with just new episodes being recorded, better set it to record this episode or you'll miss it.



I was just coming to report that GaT. And next week they show the same episode on Thursday night and new. Go figure.

I was just going to mention this too. I don't want to miss a week of this train wreck.

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also everyone here knows Mellie is preggo again right?


eta: my bad... i saw it discussed in the last thread.


so Nick is the daddy eh? let's hope she has 9 babies like her sister Nettie, all with different fathers.

Edited by msbeesknees
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I'm sick of Mellie, from her calling her baby her fat bastard, to her drunken disgusting behavior. Over and over she gets drunk, starts a fight or two only to have Nettie coddle her, and clean up her mess.

Nettie's medical condition is very serious, I just don't understand how her own sister can continue to cause her stress. Mellie is just vile. Everything she does and says is filth.

Kayla...oh man, I hope she and Richard work things out, but in a way that she will be his equal, not the family servant.

Nettie making fun of Mellie's jiggly legs made me chuckle. Nettie, in my opinion looks the best, her body is amazing after nine kids and all of that fried food they all eat. I want her metabolism, geez!

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Why am I shocked at their behavior at the Crawfish Boil? They're not the biggest examples of acceptable social graces, but damn!

All of the gagging and bitching, and throwing the food away made me sick. They acted like disgusting pigs.

Dallas, gee it's pretty bad when Mellie one-ups you in motherhood, why the hell did she wait until the last minute to get her son an outfit? Not to mention her actions toward her family, cursing her mother out and repeatedly saying her kid came out of her hooha, what the hell was that?

Why was her baby naked when they got home? She may be a Mini Mellie in the making, I don't know how Nettie can live in that chaos, it's almost like she thrives on the drama.

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Why am I shocked at their behavior at the Crawfish Boil? They're not the biggest examples of acceptable social graces, but damn!

All of the gagging and bitching, and throwing the food away made me sick. They acted like disgusting pigs.

Dallas, gee it's pretty bad when Mellie one-ups you in motherhood, why the hell did she wait until the last minute to get her son an outfit? Not to mention her actions toward her family, cursing her mother out and repeatedly saying her kid came out of her hooha, what the hell was that?

Why was her baby naked when they got home? She may be a Mini Mellie in the making, I don't know how Nettie can live in that chaos, it's almost like she thrives on the drama.

I agree with your whole post. As soon as I heard they were going for crawfish boil I knew it was going to be them screaming at the food again. I'm sure it was set up by the producers though, I know they're all stupid as hell, but it's called a crawFISH boil, they had to know it was some kind of seafood.


Dallas is such an immature brat, she makes Mellie look like a responsible adult. I was wondering why her baby was only wearing a diaper when she got home, never mind not getting an outfit for the party, she didn't even get him one for the day. And when she demanded that Nettie give Mellie back her baby & to hold Dallas's kid so Dallas could ride the horsey (seriously? horsey?), I was surprised Nettie didn't just haul off & slug her. 


My brain doesn't want my hands to actually type these words, but I thought Mellie's reason for getting Richard's footprints tattooed on her back was sweet. 

Edited by GaT
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Dallas strikes me as a young mother-too-soon who is on the edge.  The way she yelled at the baby, "I'm right here, Richard!", after leaving him on the sofa so he could fall off.  It's a wonder these kids survive their childhood.  Does Dallas live with Nettie?  I don't think I could stand having her in my house.

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