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On 7/12/2022 at 5:05 AM, BAForever said:

She is Molly's (of Molly and Luis)--(who is a great endorser for good shapewear) friend and business partner. She's pretty good on pillow talk, screeches a lot,  although I think she and Molly are half drunk when on. 

On 7/17/2022 at 4:38 PM, Tuneful said:

I always FF through Corey and Evilyn. Why is his skin always so red. I don’t know if that’s alcohol…but take it from someone who has fair skin and light eyes and has had skin cancer surgery twice—he should use SPF 50+ religiously and stay OUT of direct tropical sun except early morning and late in the day.

I like Cynthia when she’s on Pillow Talk (although she was not and is not a major cast member) but this new storyline is strange. Like that hairstyle of two puffs. Screams “second childhood.” Looks like Mickey Mouse. 

Just when I think I've done stupid s**t in my life, this quick move to an RV really takes the cake.  They must be out of cash or something. Sold their house, bought the land, and now trying to get a TV career for her off the ground, as if she doesn’t have enough to do as Molly’s business partner (although I bet business is way down since the pandemic). I wish her luck, off in the woods with a guy who talks very little and keeps to himself. 

Molly and Cynthia were on a show called Double Divas centered around Livie Rae's and the people that came in to buy bras. Of course there were celebrities that came in or people with size ZZZZ bosoms.

14 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

If he’s going for the Weird Al look, he nailed it.

Good luck with Vampira.

Vampira? LOL My first thought was "holy freak on a leash? What is that?"

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

I could use Anna's two ovens sometimes.

So they tried to save money by using a foreign surrogate but then they had to pay to relocate her and then both paid to fly over there and back.  Wonder how much if any they really saved.  Also if a baby is five weeks premature don’t they have to be in the NICU?

1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Especially while in France.

Maybe he looks like Didi Conn.

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10 hours ago, magemaud said:

I had to laugh when Caleb said something like “Sabina has an original look that might take some getting used to.” I don’t think he ever was comfortable being with Alina because of her disability, but Sabina is just freaky looking BY CHOICE. 

And their names rhyme! 

Sabina changes her look constantly so it will be a lot of adjusting.

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On 7/22/2022 at 7:05 PM, DeweyDexter said:

I didn’t even recognize Caleb!  What happened to him!?

Yeah. For one thing, he's so fidgety. Can't even sit quietly with his sister and talk, he has to be bobbing and mugging. It's annoying. Despite the parading of "health food," is he on drugs? Is he wearing that crucifix (necklace) ironically or sincerely? Does he have a job,  except having himself filmed, and flying around? 

Ellie is all but humorless. That's gotta be fun to live with. I love how she said, "I'm more serious at my job, and that could be a problem for us." ...Right on the water like she is, in that climate, I bet it is cold in that house ALL the time. 

Rebaycka is another humorless one. I can understand Zied wanting to go back. She breaks his b***s constantly.  How about for once do something your husband wants? It's not like fast food management won't be there when you get back.

I FF'd through Rose. I don't want any exposure to Pred, even past-tense.  

Edited by Tuneful
Just now, Frozendiva said:

So Brandon got a promotion and they are not going to Florida.

Makes me think they never really intended to go and it was all fake.

11 minutes ago, Tuneful said:

Comped for the advertising, I bet. Darcey and Stacey did the same thing.

Didn’t they go to Turkey? I doubt they were camped there.

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22 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Didn’t they go to Turkey? I doubt they were camped there.

"Comped" - received complimentary product or service

I remember Darcey having her teeth done in the office of a Manhattan dentist. She's never satisfied though so probably did have them done again in Turkey. 

Zied's endgame..he'd have to have some ambition to have one.  He's just happy to hang  out with friends and family, smoke the hookah, people cook for him...he can live there on less money...

Edited by Tuneful
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6 hours ago, Tuneful said:

"Comped" - received complimentary product or service

I remember Darcey having her teeth done in the office of a Manhattan dentist. She's never satisfied though so probably did have them done again in Turkey. 

Zied's endgame...I think Rebecca has been driving the bus. He's just happy to hang  out with friends and family, smoke the hookah, people cook for him...he can live there on less money...

Lol iPad autocorrect….I meant comped. I thought she had her teeth and everything else done in Turkey but she has had so much work done that I have trouble keeping track.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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9 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Lol iPad autocorrect….I meant comped. I thought she had her teeth and everything else done in Turkey but she has had so much work done that I have trouble keeping track.

They both had a shitload of work done & redone in Turkey including their teeth.

They both got "snatched" as they put it.

Edited by Welshman in Ca
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19 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Angela is back in Beverly Hills and getting new teeth.

Holy F*&*, Angela's dental surgeon says "no smoking" and she hears "don't smoke as much".  The work she is having done costs tens of thousands of dollars and you know she's not paying a cent for any of it.  I hope they all fall out.  She's disgusting. 

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I FF’d through Angela. Sharp, get some new stars and stories, Sharp, and stop boring us with these "old reliables."  

Brandon looks about 15. This gets odder the older he gets. Julia having the dog repeatedly slobber over her face and mouth? And then going in for a kiss with hubby? Gross. I like animals but I am a bit queasy about slobber and germs. And Germin' Shepherds, I mean "German."  

B & J are taking THREE dogs to AJ’s? Did they ask him? What is with all these cast members with multiple dogs (often large dogs), who rent? I rent, so I’m not putting that down, but jeez!! Think of the neighbors and the logistics for once...That was quite the sulk Julia had on, at the dinner table, while Betty rattled on about how thrilled she is about Norfolk. Betty is their cross to bear, and maybe Ron as well.  (Why is Betty always so red? Maybe rosacea...and/or a drinking problem?) I'm calling it now, she pushes to move w/Ron to the VA Beach area. B&J know this.  

I just can’t with Zied and Rebecca. I get  how Zied is not interested in ambition or money, just family, friends, hanging out, hookah, partying, rolls in the hay, etc. He was demoralized by his work situation and isolation here, and I think their rent probably went up quite a bit. She needs to turn her attitude around, or she'll become more of an old hag. "Victim" whine is what I heard from her. Working remotely? I do that. If I took my 9-5 to Tunisia, I'd be working 2-10 p.m. their time. 

Edited by Tuneful
On 7/25/2022 at 8:20 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

She is still smoking. Those teeth will be busted in no time flat. After the weight loss she reminds me ever so slightly if my mother…who is 76 by the way.

She had a whole lotta excuses for the condition of her teeth.  Fight, smoking, menopause.  I could see her not bothering to floss and maybe even not brush.

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On 7/25/2022 at 8:54 PM, Mr. Miner said:

America or Tunisia, sad sack Rebecca will make Zied’s life miserable.

Older, overweight, and mopey.  What exactly does she have to offer?

On 7/26/2022 at 7:24 PM, Tuneful said:

Julia having the dog repeatedly slobber over her face and mouth

I have read that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth but have not fact-checked it.

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3 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I wish each couple didn’t have to tell their “how we met” story every. single. time. If we’re watching this nonsense, we know how they met. Hell, they have the same couples on the show so much even someone new to the show knows how they all met by now. 

I figure it’s to pad the time as there isn’t much usable content in loading goats and sheep into a truck.  Maybe they can show us how they clean the hot tub next.

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14 hours ago, DanaMB said:

I wish each couple didn’t have to tell their “how we met” story every. single. time. If we’re watching this nonsense, we know how they met. Hell, they have the same couples on the show so much even someone new to the show knows how they all met by now. 

I just wish they would be more interesting. Instead of the it was at first sight stuff. Want someone to say I was at the bar drunk and it was late so we hooked up without using birth control because we are stupid, and now I am stuck with this pain in my ass!

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On 7/26/2022 at 8:14 AM, Tuneful said:

I remember Darcey having her teeth done in the office of a Manhattan dentist. She's never satisfied though so probably did have them done again in Turkey. 

Yes, she did get veneers in Manhattan, I think it was right before Tom was coming. She and Stacey both got them (again) in Turkey plus I've heard Florian has also gotten what some are referring to as "Lego teeth" because they are all attached to each other in a long strip fitted over the grinded down stumps of your own teeth. A poster earlier somewhere on this forum posted a story about the "Turkey Teeth" craze among influencers. I can't find the exact article, but this one has some interesting info: https://www.businessinsider.com/influences-are-flocking-to-turkey-for-cheap-fake-teeth-2021-4

I might be mis-remembering, but I think the Turkey dental trip and the plastic surgery trips were separate. 

Edited by magemaud
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