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Relatively Famous: Ranch Rules - General Discussion

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I too remember Filthy Rich Cattle Drive - it was my first introduction to a Kardashian other than Robert, and boy was she nasty. And apparently Kourtney turned out to be one of the nicer members of her family, from my very minor viewings of their show. Funny what constituted shocking behavior becomes normalized with time and exposure to E! and Bravo programming.  As I recall the only decent folks on that show were Lou Ferrigno's daughter and the minor aristocrat who started out bad but had enough perspective to realize he was on tv.

So I was eager to see this version. Higher calibre celeb parents. So far people are mostly behaving themselves, though I wouldn't want to spend 15 minutes in a room with the Thornton character. They're all in it for the paycheck and camera time, but most are being good sports about doing the work (though it's hilarious that they're casting what they're doing as intense physical labor.) Ebie is too old to not know that you have to at least pretend to be embracing the concept that this is real work. 

Myles O'Neal is very likeable, but clearly has anxiety issues. Jasmin Lawrence is a sweetheart. Redmon Parker seems pleasant and normal.  Wrestler guy is a loudmouth, but he hasn't annoyed me the way he clearly has annoyed the cast [he's an attention hog, but hardly as needy as Thorton, whom they seem to love (like a pet)].

The rest I don't feel strongly about except previews indicate that I'm not going to like most of them by the time it's over. 

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The show in general is just meh for me.  I feel like I've seen it already and maybe it should have been done 10 years ago.

17 hours ago, kassa said:

Myles O'Neal is very likeable, but clearly has anxiety issues. Jasmin Lawrence is a sweetheart. Redmon Parker seems pleasant and normal.  Wrestler guy is a loudmouth, but he hasn't annoyed me the way he clearly has annoyed the cast [he's an attention hog, but hardly as needy as Thorton, whom they seem to love (like a pet)].

Yeah most of the cast range from pretty decent to mildly annoying.  The Thorton kid (who I can't believe is an actual parent!!) is really starting to be a pain in the ass.  I've heard rumors of horrible behavior from his dad so no real surprise there.  

Most of the drama seems a bit tired and staged.  The conversating around the dinner table in the last episode was stupid and all I could think about was I wish Thorton would chew with his mouth closed!!  UGH it was so gross and jarring seeing him chew like a damn cow!


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Episode 1 - I'm glad Austin called out the prima donna, Ebie. They all signed up for this gig now pitch in or go home.

For all the money that their daddy's have - daddy should have spent some on counciling for Myles with his duck fear and dear Harry needs to be committed - what isn't he afraid of.

Episode 2 - Ebie please go home - the girl is useless. I actually love Jasmine, Redmond, Taylor, Hana and Ausin - they at last are making the best of the situation. Harry is a bigger a** than I thought - what a freaking loser. And then there is Myles - I'm shocked how he acts considering who his dad is.

Episode 3 -Ebie redeemed herself - glad to see that she mellowed a bit. Harry is even more despicable and pathetic than I originally thought.

Episode 4 - Mile is a wuss and I'm surprised Shaq who worked hard for everything he has allowed his son to be so weak and not repect hard work and the satisfaction you get from accomplishing something you don't want or fear doing.

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16 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

Billy Bob Thornton is odd and has admitted to phobias. That would explain his son somewhat.

His son is a 💩 IMO. I also think he likes Pat’s daughter & she is gorgeous.

Ebie is lazy as hell. The only ones who should get rewarded are Hana & Austin, that’s some bs (ha!).

Edited by DrSparkles
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I agree Bosawks.  I really respect the Austin's work ethic.  While we don't see everything he does in the house, these ranch chores wouldn't get done without him.  Other than Ebie,, Harry, and Myles, the rest of the offspring are pleasant and trying to do well.  The Hasselhof daughter is extremely polite, always thanking the ranch owners for everything they do.  I have to remind myself that these are not really kids, but adults with their own lives.  

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Disappointed in Redmond - why in God's name doesn't he tell Harry to back off - no he laughs and goes along with Harry. Ausin is really the only guy that is doing anything. Harry is such a loser - not telling your dad he has a granddaughter for 1 1/2 yrs - get real. Harry is a alcoholic punk who's only way to make himself feel good is by drinking and picking on others. I don't know why some of those girls fawn over him - I'd give him a kick in the backside.

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I'm enjoying this. I think it's probably somewhat scripted, but I don't care. 😂

I appreciate that they keep showing who is related to who(m?) because I'm still having trouble remembering. (I'm old😁)  But it must suck to be known as famous "so and so's" kid. 

I vividly remember the video where David Hasselhoff was filmed by his daughter Tay while he was drunkenly eating a cheeseburger. 


Edited by ChiCricket
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I can't figure out why Ebie is here. She has money (apparently her mom did very well even without her Dad's money). She's 32!!!!  By 32 you shouldn't be working out your emotional issues on national television.  I'm glad she's opened up and maybe will grow from this and get some real therapy.

It was interesting to learn along with Austin how hard some of them had had it growing up. Then again, there has been a lot of "elitist" talk around the house that he's overheard (having maids and other people in their real life who do chores for them) so maybe he extrapolated that to all of them. I like Halle (hated her sister on the original recipe Ranch show). She seems like an adult with a life and work ethic. Ms. Hasselhoff seems like a decent person, and perhaps is doing this to get exposure for her real estate biz and possibly a role on one of the real estate shows. Ms. Lawrence also seems like a great person.

I feel for Harry's anxiety, and the fact that he's the son of a famously anxious/weird father who doesn't appear to have gotten him any psychiatric help (that worked, anyway). That said, he's old enough to get his own damn help now because he's a bully who needs to booze up to get mean. Not a good combination for life (and certainly not for fatherhood).  Anyone who sides with him in his nasty moments is throwing huge red flags. 

Austin's a try hard, but his ability to break down why he is the way he is shows he's worked on it and will continue to.  I don't know any way he could have better handled Harry's demands about the food, and I think his castmates really dropped the ball on backing him up earlier and more aggressively. 

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The Cast Of 'Relatively Famous,' Ranked By Net Worth (thethings.com)

Of all the episodes - this was the best where they opened up. I do think some things may be exaggerated a bit. Ebie I don't get - the girl sings, acts and has her own clothing line - net worth 7 million - I don't know what coming on this show proves unless she had a bet or was donating the money to charity.  

I'd like to know why Harry only lived 6 months with his dad and then went out on his own. I dare say - Harry was a troubled youth and got into lots of trouble. He probably thought he could get away with things because his dad was famous - or at least that's the impression I get. I can't believe Redmond's mom just dropped him off at Capitol Records and left him there. I question her parenting not bothering to make sure his dad was expecting him.

I find it interesting that Hana dated Kyle Massey from Disney's That's So Ravin until 2020 and then see that he was charged with providing child pornography to a 13 yr old. Redmond is 32 yrs old  - since we don't know his net worth - maybe he did it for the money - I'm surprised that they didn't have kids more in the age range of 17 - 23 but then again - these adults have a hard time actually doing work. except for a couple.

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On 2/17/2022 at 12:54 PM, kassa said:

I like Halle (hated her sister on the original recipe Ranch show). She seems like an adult with a life and work ethic.

Oops, meant Hana, and I can officially retract that statement. She's just as bad as her sister - just hid it better. Benatar sure raised a rotten pair, which is peculiar because I don't recall ever hearing anything about her being nasty.

Feels like something major was left out. For the first half of the episode I was thinking Austin must have said or done something after sex that really insulted her and it was a "you know what you did!" situation. But then her jealousy after cold shouldering him so openly was bizarre.  He has his problems, but he's well rid of her.

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The fact that Hana was feeling guilty/bad about things shows that she knows she was playing games and let it get out of control.

Unless something was cut out, she immediately froze Austin out the morning after their hookup, and Austin seems to have tried to preserve her honor by not admitting to sex in the interview afterwards, so I have no idea why she decided to be a huge bitch to him. I can’t believe the rest of the house didn’t see how she was treating him.

He was obviously hurt because I think he really liked her, and didn’t understand her behavior. True, it was not cool of him to rub her face in it by talking up another girl, but that was only after several attempts to talk to Hana and she just ignored him. Her jealousy was unwarranted, and her violent reaction made no sense considering she treated him like dirt before this.

She is an unhinged, manipulative game-player and would be a bad choice for a romantic partner.

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That finale was something else! With the high winds and the farting horses and almost tipping over the wagon, I was truly scared for everyone. I thought the small gifts given away at the end were excellent. Also, I can't believe absolutely no one called Harry "Slingblade". Missed opportunity.

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On 2/28/2022 at 4:15 PM, gardendiva said:

She is an unhinged, manipulative game-player and would be a bad choice for a romantic partner.

I don't like this message they're sending out that a woman can physically assault a man with no repercussions.  If the situation was reversed and Austin assaulted Hana he would be kicked off of the show and possibly jailed.  I hate double standards.  And what kind of split personality bs was Hana pulling anyway?  You treated the guy like he was made of dog shit after you hooked up with him but got all butt hurt when he moved on to somebody else?  Get over yourself.  You're not as irresistible as you think you are.  I've had a problem with Hana ever since she threw the mac'n'cheese at Harry.  She's bad news for sure.

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On 3/4/2022 at 3:46 AM, swankie said:

I don't like this message they're sending out that a woman can physically assault a man with no repercussions.  If the situation was reversed and Austin assaulted Hana he would be kicked off of the show and possibly jailed.  I hate double standards.  And what kind of split personality bs was Hana pulling anyway?  You treated the guy like he was made of dog shit after you hooked up with him but got all butt hurt when he moved on to somebody else?  Get over yourself.  You're not as irresistible as you think you are.  I've had a problem with Hana ever since she threw the mac'n'cheese at Harry.  She's bad news for sure.

I agree. Her resorting to violence should have had serious consequences for her on the show. And I thought her “apology” was bullshit. Austin should have called her out about how badly she treated him after their hookup. He let that slide and she pretended as if he just started talking up another girl out of the blue. She let him go on and on about how he realized his behavior was unacceptable, but she never owned up to the reason why he acted out in the first place. She gave a limp apology for getting violent, and never admitted to her part in why there were bad feelings. She acted like the injured party with every right to be mad at him talking to another girl, with no acknowledgement that it was because she iced him out without explanation after their hookup that drove him to do it. What a complete b!tch.

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Watching Austin and Hana chugging straight Crown Royal from the bottle more than once, it's no wonder they didn't know what the hell they were doing.  Most of Harry's BS was also alcohol fueled.  I had to laugh when Austin ordered "Crown and Dr. Pepper" on one of their outings.  Sad bunch.


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