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Skin Wars - General Discussion

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Cheryl Ann constantly mentioning she's a classically trained artist reminds me of people who insist on describing themselves as hot, witty, unique, sassy, smart, etc. Look, if you really are any of those things, I will know without you saying so. The fact that you are going out of your way to tell me usually means that you aren't actually hot, witty, unique, sassy, smart, etc. but your insecurity and self image require you to be portrayed that way. If you're a talented artist, I will see it in your work. But based on what I have seen from Cheryl Ann so far (which isn't much since we're only on episode three) looks very amateur to my NON-CLASSICALLY TRAINED eyes. Oh, wait, I took some art history in high school so now I'm classically trained too.

How many times can a person incorporate horses into her damn design? The hilarious thing is that she bragged about how great she is at painting horses but I think they look very middle school art project every time (this is the third time she has used horses, right?).

I noticed that Fernello had the same model for the musical instrument challenge as he did for the camouflage challenge. So is this like Project Runway where each person has the same model all season? I will have to watch who has which model more carefully from now on!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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But based on what I have seen from Cheryl Ann so far (which isn't much since we're only on episode three) looks very amateur to my NON-CLASSICALLY TRAINED eyes.

When it comes to anything artistic, education doesn't give you talent; it just lets you do the best you can with what you have.


I wish the VO's from the artists during the unveiling of the finished artwork had been accompanied by small insets of who was speaking. It's too soon in the season for me to recognize everyone's voices and there were two artists per reveal.

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Fernello can STFU with his sexist "women in general are ticking timebombs" bull shit. I'm glad that Aryn had a bit of a comeback without being totally aggressive.


I liked that RuPaul's feedback about the new wave colors was very specific. I agreed that the colors weren't quite right for the era.


One of the other things that bothered me about Cheryl Ann this week was how patronizing she was to her partner. When they went backstage and Dawn Marie said that she wasn't going to let someone else take credit for her ideas, Cheryl Ann said something like, "You should be really proud of yourself. You should pat yourself on the back."


On a shallow note, Cheryl Ann's voice reminds me of Holly Madison's from The Girls Next Door which is not helping matters.


Hee, loved Rebecca's old school hair during judging. Also loved Kyle and Lana's matching coral outfits. RuPaul's little send off speech to Rachel was very sweet and supportive. It's nice to hear that.


I am used to Tyra telling girls on ANTM to stomp it out on the runway so I am always a little concerned for the Skin Wars models who have no boob support whatsoever (which does explain why they tend to stroll rather than stomp).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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It seems to me that this season's group of painters, in general, are more booby-centric - highliting the models' breasts by painting them as specific objects.  In the most recent episode, Rachel painted the breasts as bear's ears and Lana made them mountains (I think that is what they were supposed to be - they were blue and grey circles surrounded by yellow and orange fire and sun).  In the first episode, at least 2 people made the boobs eyes, and Aryn painted one as a skull and one as a heart.  I think there were more instances of this , but GSN doesn't put all of the artwork on their website.


ETA: Thanks to Lone Haranguer I now know that the Facebook site has photo's of all the paintings and I can add boobs as stars, boob as hot air balloon, boobs as boom box speakers, and boob as top of bishop chess piece (I suppose one could argue that the bishop was a good use of contours)


I think that last year's group did a better job of treating the breasts like any other part of the "canvas" - like Avi's piano or Kyle's bongos this week - you can't even tell if the model has breasts. Highlighting the breasts seems a more immature, less talented way to body paint - it is like the painters are thinking "oh, boobies! I need to make them something that would stick out"  


Fernello can STFU with his sexist "women in general are ticking timebombs" bull shit. I'm glad that Aryn had a bit of a comeback without being totally aggressive.


I can't figure out how much of Fernello's behavior is an act an how much is real.  The first week he was rather full of himself, but hasn't boasted and bragged like that since.  The second episode, he was the rebel - eating candy and not caring if his model was comfortable.  This time he was Mr. Misogynist  - the women are timebombs comment.  Yet he seems like most everyone else most of the time.   


Contrast this with Cheryl Ann, who continually mentions how wonderful she is and who has made patronizing comments regularly.  I can believe that she is the same off screen as on.  

Edited by needschocolate
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Fernello, Fernello, Fernello. I *told* you to STFU last week, but you didn't listen. Undoubtedly because I am a ticking time bomb.


*waits for rage to subside*


I can only hope that he's being led/directed to act like that, because if he's actually as big of a misogynistic asshole as he seems to be...


In other news, Cheryl Ann continues to be the most obnoxious person on the show. And with someone like Fernello around, that's really saying something.


Cheryl Ann constantly mentioning she's a classically trained artist reminds me of people who insist on describing themselves as hot, witty, unique, sassy, smart, etc. Look, if you really are any of those things, I will know without you saying so. The fact that you are going out of your way to tell me usually means that you aren't actually hot, witty, unique, sassy, smart, etc. but your insecurity and self image require you to be portrayed that way.

Yes! This, for the win.


I noticed that Fernello had the same model for the musical instrument challenge as he did for the camouflage challenge. So is this like Project Runway where each person has the same model all season?

Poor woman. I hope for her sake that's not the case.


It seems to me that this season's group of painters, in general, are more booby-centric - highliting the models' breasts by painting them as specific objects.  In the most recent episode, Rachel painted the breasts as bear's ears and Lana made them mountains (I think that is what they were supposed to be - they were blue and grey circles surrounded by yellow and orange fire and sun).  In the first episode, at least 2 people made the boobs eyes, and Aryn painted one as a skull and one as a heart.  I think there were more instances of this , but GSN doesn't put all of the artwork on their website.  


I think that last year's group did a better job of treating the breasts like any other part of the "canvas" - like Avi's piano or Kyle's bongos this week - you can't even tell if the model has breasts. Highlighting the breasts seems a more immature, less talented way to body paint - it is like the painters are thinking "oh, boobies! I need to make them something that would stick out"

I've been thinking the same thing. I'm not a body painter, but isn't there a point when people should move past the "boobies!" phase into focusing on artwork, composition, style, etc? I sure get tired of watching flower boobs, eye boobs, and so forth every week.


On a more positive note, Avi and Lana continue to be my favorites - super talented and genuinely nice people. Red Pompadour (why can't I remember his name?) seems to have a very cool style to his artwork as well (and though his ego tests the limits of my patience, he hasn't crossed it yet). I thought it was interesting he seemed to pick antagonistic pairings for most everyone else except Lana (both she and Kyle are so nice maybe he didn't want to stick them with jerks).

Edited by Maelstrom
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Well I am glad to know I didn't mess up choosing which one of the 43 showings a week to actually record (I am exaggerating, but it sure seems like they replay an episode 43 times a week.  I did record one of the late night showings just to be sure that there really wasn't a new episode this week.  There wasn't. Episode starts off with a giant cake.


So this means that after airing episode 2 on the 17th, they replayed it a bunch of times the following week.  And now that they didn't air an episode, they replayed episode 2 a bunch of times for another week.  

Well I am glad to know I didn't mess up choosing which one of the 43 showings a week to actually record (I am exaggerating, but it sure seems like they replay an episode 43 times a week. 


If anything, I would say you're underestimating. I had to delete the series recording & start doing it manually just because there was so many shows being recorded, it interfered with my other shows that I recorded.

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If anything, I would say you're underestimating. I had to delete the series recording & start doing it manually just because there was so many shows being recorded, it interfered with my other shows that I recorded.

Does your DVR allow you to only record "first run" as an option for a series recording? That's an option for mine.


So close to getting rid of Cheryl Anne yet so far away. She should have gone home on that bootie alone. It was very bad. I'm okay Fernello went, though.

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Trying to paraphrase Cheryl Ann, I am such a good painter I don't understand why she didnt like it, everyone always like my work. Uhh, maybe because it was a hot ass mess, it's about time she was called out on her work. Classically trained painter or not I have not been impressed by her work on this show.

I sometimes find my mind wandering when I am watching. I think I am being hypnotized by the mix of Avi's dark hair, gorgeous eyes and lovely skin tone.

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It must be nice to live in your own little world where you are so delusional that you think everything you do is super terrific awesome. Cheryl Ann needs a huge reality check. She must have been one of those kids who was told that everything she did was amazing and beautiful and unbelievable because she can't take any criticism at all. When her model started telling the judges she didn't like her makeup, Cheryl Ann looked like she was going to burst into tears. Toughen up, lady!


But her full blown delusion reared its head again when Fernello pointed out that she has a habit of being a bully and not listening to other people. I couldn't believe that her reaction to that was to say that Fernello is the one with the problem. Uh, no. And her delusionals of grandeur have apparently affected her eyesight since she thought that lumpy ass was acceptable.


I have seen these queens on RuPaul's Drag Race and they can be quite vicious so what her model said to her was pretty mild compared to the things they have said to each other on RPDR. She got off easy.


I really like Lana but she really needs to learn how to take a step back and edit instead of throwing everything she can think of onto her model.


Fernello was the calm voice of reason with Cheryl Ann, which made me sad to see him go. He was able to be honest with her without being a loud obnoxious dick. I understand why the judges sent him home though. His Janet Jackson looked like a big blog of black paint from the neck down.


Ha, Kyle definitely won points with me when Alyssa Edwards did her death drop and he did a little TA-DA pose behind her.


I was not impressed with Katy Perry at all.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Fernello and Lana had the same amount of time to paint, yet Fernello got sent home for doing too little, and Lana got called out for doing too much - it made me realize just how fast Lana must paint (or maybe Fernello was slow).


After the first episode, I would have said I would be glad to see Fernello leave (all that boasting and bragging), but now I think, in real life, he is a probably a nice guy who was trying to play a character, making "shocking" comments, like his one about women last time.  I am not going to miss him, but I sure wish it had been Cheryl Ann instead.


Ugh Cheryl Ann - delusional doesn't even begin to describe her.  And her speech pattern annoys me.  However, the way the rest of them joke about her, with their comments on being/having assistants, makes me like them even more.  

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Just when Fernello tones down the ego and arrogance and becomes a seemingly decent guy, they send him home. I thought his comment to Cheryl Ann about bullying was quite tactful and even-handed, especially for him. I'm actually kind of sorry he's gone now, which I wouldn't have expected to say.


Cheryl Ann. Everyone else here has already nailed it, but the only reason I can figure she wasn't sent home for that mess was because of the DRAH-MA she brings. Note to producers: I would rather see awesome painting than DRAH-MA. I've yet to see this "wonderful painting" from her the judges always go on about. Her lines are crisp and clean, I'll give her that. But everything she does is outlined in black like it's a coloring book. I have two problems with her solid blocks of color: first, they always have those stupid paisleys and dots and sparklies, which may work now and then, but not when it is supposed to be the fabric of a dress. Has anyone ever seen fabric with those stupid designs on them? (Much less on a drag queen?) I haven't! Everyone else is working hard to make their paint look like leather, lace, snakeskin, whatever, and she's still painting those stupid little designs. Realism, have you met Cheryl Ann? Apparently not. And secondly, her solid blocks of color are just that. One solid block of color with no shading or modeling to imply form. No dark pinks to show shadows, no light pinks to show highlights (and never mind introducing a little yellow or blue or purple to add some depth). Just solid bubble-gum pink. So that's classical training. Good to know.


I'm not even going to talk about how awful the padding looked, it was just embarrassing for everyone. I too thought the model was quite diplomatic about saying how awful the whole thing looked. And the little snippets we saw of the process seemed to include more than a few attempts by the drag queen (whose name I've forgotten) trying to advise and redirect Cheryl Ann, and she totally blew her off. Then to act all surprised on the reveal stage when the model says she doesn't like it? Nice try, Cheryl Ann.


I sometimes find my mind wandering when I am watching. I think I am being hypnotized by the mix of Avi's dark hair, gorgeous eyes and lovely skin tone.

All of which is more interesting than some of the work we've seen lately! ;)


Ha, Kyle definitely won points with me when Alyssa Edwards did her death drop and he did a little TA-DA pose behind her.

Yeah that death drop was impressive! I had to rewatch it a couple of times to see how she did that. She must have super strong ankles! Kyle seems like a genuinely nice, fun guy.

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I really want Cheryl Ann gone, I just can't stand her snotty comments about she doesn't do this or that because she is classically trained. You are a body painter, being classically trained doesn't mean anything here. I like scary stuff and thought this was a fun episode especially with Jigsaw himself. I thought the winning team won by a huge margin. They had a cohesive story, some good individual characters and they thought to combine the characters into a creepy devil creature in the end.


I disagreed with Sammie being sent home. Her clown was the creepiest of the losing team characters, and I didn't mind the lack of detail in the clothing, it was all about the face. I give that team credit for not tearing Cheryl Ann's head off, she can't work well with anyone. Loved the comic send-up of her in the first challenge.

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That wasn't even a close game and honestly it reinforced which 4 are talented and which 4 aren't really that skilled. I did like the doll and thought the "almost too pretty" was ridiculous. That's the whole point of creepy porcelain dolls - they are pretty but wrong. I'm glad Kyle won and I'm glad Rio acknowledged both his failure and Kyle's success. You know Cheryl Ann would have just taken credit for it even though it was Kyle's idea. I do wish the team would have outright said, the base idea was Kyle's idea. It was brilliant.


I didn't understand why the girls told their story while Rio's team didn't. I suppose it was because Rio's team had such a strong concept and such strong images to tell the story.  It seemed to me that the girls even having to tell their story indicated a complete fail.


Whenever they show the opening credits I can't help but wonder who painted the models like the paint brushes and why aren't those people on the show.

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Cheryl Ann "I'm a classically trained oil painter, sooo, I'm not a stand up comic" Gee Cheryl Ann, I've been wondering, do you have any kind of training? I see you with paint brushes & paint, have you ever done this before? Please do tell, because I don't think I understood the 3,493.960,492,598,209 other times you already mentioned it.

Oh oil painter is what she said. I missed oil and couldn't figure out what she had said. 


I was thinking about Cheryl Ann on the way in to work this morning. I don't think she really has any talent which made me think about other endeavors where you can be trained like art and musical instruments and sports. Without actual talent all the training in the world won't help her art. 

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The Gore-Lords should give a good deal of credit to the models for their win (and probably did).  It didn't look like there was a clear winner after the runway, but the Gore-Models really did a great job of performing their tableau and conveying the concept of the story.  I actually got chills!


Cheryl Ann likes to hear herself talk way too much.

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I enjoyed the humor/horror themes of this week's episode. Gee, Cheryl Ann, I never would have guessed that you are a classically trained painter if you hadn't told me ten more times this week. When she said that she's not a standup comic, I just rolled my eyes. None of my friends are standup comics either (but if Aziz Ansari or Aisha Tyler want a new BFF, tell them to call me!), but they all still have a sense of humor which I don't think Cheryl Ann has.


Rio's painting of Cheryl Ann being run over by a bus was HILARIOUS. To be honest, it's not that unique a concept (I think we have one of the first seasons of Top Chef to thank for the rampant popularity of the phrase "thrown under the bus" on competitive reality tv shows), but he took something recent and topical and made it funny. Ru's obvious delight was so fun to watch.


I thought almost everyone did well in the first challenge, whether it was the concept or the execution that I liked. Then there was Cheryl Ann. And I swear, this is not coming from my dislike of her. Her drawings looked like a 12 year old kid's version of a comic book. And what was with that airplane? I actually paused the episode to look at it because it looked kind of janky. I guess her family didn't have a plane farm so that's why she isn't as good at painting planes as she is at painting horses.


But her rambling story that was neither funny nor amusing made me think that she had a major hand in the story concept for her group later. Her cat story had lots of details but it was just nonsensical (and not in a fun/fanciful way). And for all the judges harping on Lana for not being able to edit (which I agree with), I felt like Cheryl Ann's first piece needed some editing because there was so much crap thrown at her model.


For the record, this is why I dislike team challenges. It's a pain in the ass to deal with three other artists, let alone coordinate a visually cohesive concept. Just like the team challenges on Project Runway, it's always really obvious from the end result which team worked well together and which one didn't. I totally get that as an artist, you will have to collaborate sometimes but I really dislike when good artists are penalized or eliminated because they were on a shit team.


Kyle demonstrated how things can come together when you have a clear concept that everyone is working on. I was pleasantly surprised and really glad that Rio said Kyle should win. ITA that if Cheryl Ann had been in that position, she would have said, "MY concept was blah blah blah." I noticed that when the judges asked who should win from her team, she just said, "I would like to win." If I had been one of the judges, I would have said, "Yes, I'm sure we would all like to win, but who DESERVES to win and who SHOULD win due to their work on this challenge?"


I was totally cracking up when Cheryl Ann started talking about her were-pire concept because on The Originals, that's called a hybrid (and Klaus is the bane of my viewership of that show).


I like Lana, but being in the bottom two weeks in a row means she is probably a goner next week. It's too bad because she started off so well and she still has moments of great painting, but then she does stuff like that boring zombie.

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I just discovered this show and watched all the episodes on On Demand. I have always enjoyed the body painting challenges on Face Off and Ink Master, so this is right up my alley. I would prefer a lot less DRAMA, but I suppose that's a pipe dream on a show hosted by RuPaul Charles. The good news is, most of the contests I disliked were eliminated pretty quickly. I suppose we are stuck with Cheryl Anne, though. I do like her painting style. Her pieces look like illustrations, with bold lines and colors. It makes them easy to read. Kyle reminds me of Keifer Sutherland. 


Yesterday was the second annual National Bodypainting Day (held in New York). I haven't looked through the whole gallery (NSFW - the models are not wearing pasties, thongs, etc so in some pictures you can see nipples, butt cracks, the twig & berries) yet but I am hoping we will see some of the contestants from Skin Wars as the painters!

ETA: According to the list of artists, Craig Tracy and Robin Slonina were there!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

I also just caught up on the show.  I think my favorite part of Rio's bus painting was the subtle comment about producer manipulation.


I am constantly amazed at how much work they get done in such a short amount of time!  I do wonder how long full pieces normally take though.


ETA: Thank you for sharing the link to the National Bodypainting Day gallery!  I absolutely love seeing the diversity of ages and bodytypes represented there.

Edited by Pallida
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To be fair, one of the signs for National Bodypainting Day said that the painting was only 12-4pm so I would imagine that if the artists were each trying to paint more than one person during that time, it would be more along the lines of slapping on some paint to cover the body and then adding a few things to make it into some kind of design. Even if they each only painted one person, four hours is not a lot of time (as we've seen on the show).


ITA that it was nice to see models who were different ages, shapes, and sizes. Not everyone has perky tits!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Am I the only one disturbed by the idea that they are rubbing the paintbrush all over some guy's junk and then rubbing it all over someone else's face?


That is disturbing (and butt cracks too), but I take some solace in the idea that, unless they use the same color and go immediately to the next person, they have to wash off the brush in between - and if they wash off the paint, they are probably washing off the germs.


Oh, I am just kidding myself here - unless they soak that brush in disinfectant overnight, I wouldn't want it touching any part of me, and I am not sure that one night's soaking would be enough.  This is only one of a multitude of reasons why I could never be a model/canvas for a bodypainter.

I liked Cheryl Ann's work this week more than I have before, but she herself still blows. Robin was right about the "story book" quality of her artistry, and I don't mean in a Maxfield Parish kind of way.


Oy, there had to be a pearl necklace, right? Where was Ru when we needed his arched brow. Aryn did a wonderful job, though.

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I liked the first challenge with the jewels. Lana totally deserved the win because she listened to the two criteria: bright saturated jewel tones and Victorian. The other painters only got one (or none) of those. If Dawn Marie had put those yellow jewels (and even those gold swirls) on top of the purple or painted some kind of contrasting background around the jewels, the yellow would have really popped, but putting them right on top of bare skin was a mistake. In contrast, look at the way Lana used yellow on her elimination piece. Because she used a purple and blue background, the yellow zeppelin really popped.


Ha, Craig and Rebecca got points for asking Avi how in the hell his crazy story related to pink topaz and pointing out that divorce is an alternative to murder. Kyle's was bright blue but was not Victorian. Aryn's mermaid was beautifully painted and she worked well considering that her jewel wasn't a bright color. Cheryl Ann's didn't look Victorian to me at all nor did Rio's.


Dawn Marie was really nice to explain steampunk in more detail to Aryn and Kyle. You know if the theme had been horses, Cheryl Ann wouldn't have shared any of her knowledge (except to remind them that she's really good at painting horses).


I thought Cheryl Ann's final painting didn't look steampunk at all. I agree with Robin that sticking some gears on something doesn't make it steampunk. Avi, who had no idea what steampunk was, did a much better job incorporating the gears and technology into his look. He gave his model a completely head to toe look and it was so detailed. Lana's was bright, as the judges asked for, but I felt it wasn't steampunk enough. I don't think an octopus and a dirigible are enough to make something steampunk. Aryn's absinthe fairy concept was great in concept and execution.


Kyle's was good but not great. I had some issues with the execution. It was really obvious that the black lines outlining some of the shapes were uneven (maybe I watch too much Ink Master). Dawn Marie's was definitely the most traditional looking steampunk but I agree with the judges that she needs to make any brown or leather stuff distinctly different from the model's skin tone. Rio's Yakuza robot wasn't steampunk enough for me. He fulfilled the judges' request for bright colors but I didn't really see a lot of steampunk in his design. I also hated the wonky eyes on the boobs.


Cheryl Ann still needs to STFU. Why shouldn't Lana give her the 30 minute penalty after Cheryl Ann used her advantage to take away her tableau in an earlier challenge? If their positions had been reversed and Lana had used some advantage against Cheryl Ann first, you KNOW that Cheryl Ann would have been waiting to get back at her. I also agree with the judges that Cheryl Ann has the same cartoony look to her work every week (and I don't see it as a good thing - it looks very amateurish to me).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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The opening credits are much better than the show itself. When I think of body painting, I think of models that are painted to blend into a scene or are painted with realistic clothing or body coverings. I especially like models that are folded into shapes and painted or when they use their hands or arms as part of the painting. I don't want to see storyboards or boobs painted as eyes or cosmic scenes on the back. I really don't want to see horsies running down the arm. Avi is the one contestant who is consistently painting his models the way I like to see in body painting, and he is an excellent artist. I really hope he wins this season.

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