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S04.E21: Life After Lockup: Confessions Of a Serial Liar

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Shawn's shocking confession stuns Sara; Britney busts in on Ray; Lisa catches Stan in a lie; after her husband fails the lie detector, Lacey reaches out to her ex, John; a surprising email sends Brittany looking for answers about her past.

OMG, I think Shawn uses his fingers and the help of an accountant so he can count his kids.  Dad of the year fesses up to Sara (at least I assume).  Or is the great surprise that Destinie was his first shot at convict love? One way or another, Mr. I am shocked she has a child is taking a long fall off of a high horse.

We finally get to the scene of Britney going "ratched" and tracking down Ray.  With all the build up, I'm ready to learn that he is actually ring shopping (with the $0 he has to his name).  Or is our man Ray pretending to be excited by other women?  Unless there's a suitcase of all sadness in this storyline, I'm not sure I care where they are going. 

Stan lies.  Anyone surprised?  My only question is will he spring for a glass of $6 house wine for his new presumed lady friend with the early bird special?

Lacey reaches out to Chon for the millionth time.  I hope Chon is only playing along for the cash.  Otherwise we're going to need to do an intervention.

Original air date 2021.11.05

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On 10/31/2021 at 10:35 AM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Lacey reaches out to Chon for the millionth time.  I hope Chon is only playing along for the cash.  Otherwise we're going to need to do an intervention.

Maybe Chon and Chane have an onlyfans special coming up?  This thread seems deader than the fake rehab house.  The biodad coming into the picture seems like a much more interesting story to me.

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I'm probably just mixing up live chats for this vs "90 Days: 90 Spinoffs" but I thought someone had posted here about finally getting to join the live chat because it's at West Coast time. I'm on PST and Xfinity shows it airing at 9:00 but the LAL live chat is already over. I was all set to finally take part in my first live chat too. Bah.

1 hour ago, Scout Finch said:

I'm probably just mixing up live chats for this vs "90 Days: 90 Spinoffs" but I thought someone had posted here about finally getting to join the live chat because it's at West Coast time. I'm on PST and Xfinity shows it airing at 9:00 but the LAL live chat is already over. I was all set to finally take part in my first live chat too. Bah.

I am on Pacific Time also, and on Xfinity.  I can watch it at 6 pm and was able to join the live chat.  I hope you can find it next time, because the live chat is a hoot!  (One tip that may help is I searched for LAL via voice remote.  When I went to WeTv channel, it was showing old episodes of Law and Order).  

Renata's comments made me smile tonight.  She thinks Stan bought the wigs for Lisa because he felt her short haircut would attract other women. No, first of all, Lisa requested the wigs. And, most importantly, her atrocious extensions will turn off any potential lover, no matter the gender.

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The roses placed on the corners of this blanket were bad enough, but a full-ass unhusked corn cob centerpiece?!? Oh, wait, Shawn tried to talk Sarah into fucking her in a cornfield on the side of the road. A true romantic. Sir, how are you going to fuck her in this bed with the thorny stems laying across the entire mattress like a bed of nails?! You’re supposed to take the petals off the stems! Why are the cameras still in the room?! Why are the cameras still in the room?!?!

Britney, chill! You can see the hos not at this place. Play it cool that you were just worried since he wasn’t answering his phone. You’re making yourself look crazy, jealous, and controlling—which, okay, you are.

Are those celery stalks in baskets on top of Britney’s cabinets? Okay, this show is punking us with random vegetable displays. I was going to make a joke that next we’ll see a basket of cucumbers and eggplants in Lacy’s bedroom, but they immediately cut to Lacy talking to Chon—who stabs a watermelon! 

Stan’s just sunbathing in a bikini bottom and knee-high gym socks—nothing to see here, folks.

Hmm. No eggplants, but Chon has a can of Planter’s Peanuts next to his bed, while Lacy has a can of Gerber’s Puffs on her dresser. Chon, good choice sticking with Julie! We don’t know anything about this woman, but she has to be less toxic than Lacy.

“Ooh! That will take the turpentine out of your bark!” Is this some old time expression?! What does it mean?! Is turpentine derived from some type of tree? Stan has alien night terrors?! 

Brittany’s mom has a cat in a kitchen cabinet! And a whole lot of three-faced clocks…what are those? Oh, and she also has an estranged baby daddy.

”Absence does make the heart wander.” That is SO not the quote, Stan! Now I’m really curious what actual expression might have something about turpentine or bark—but definitely not both.

Lisa didn’t fuck her friend because the friend refused to get involved in this catfishing ruse. Let me get this straight. She had every intention of cheating on Stan while trying to set him up to cheat on her. But instead he had dinner with Tina instead of “Jasmine Portillo.” So he sort of cheated but then alias’s friend was angry so they didn’t? I love that their big confrontation is happening while they’re hanging on a rock-climbing wall, and these poor dudes are stuck down there holding them up and witnessing this mess.

Checkov’s Red Solo cup. While the other odd items were hidden in the background, the solo cup gets a prolonged close-up.

The “right time” to tell you about my 6 kids is obviously after I got you in bed. And I was engaged to Destinee. Shawn, you forgot to mention you lied about your age, too! Yes, Sarah, this is what he does.

The Solo cup is NOT on the dresser while they’re fighting. Oh, you’re breaking my heart that this is a fake reenactment.

It was just a small white lie! Uh… Can you imagine your father hiding your existence and in his mind it’s a white lie?! 

The red Solo cup appears over Sarah’s shoulder! Get ready… Shot fired! Man down! Man down!

Edited by JenE4
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4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Lisa didn’t fuck her friend because the friend refused to get involved in this catfishing ruse. Let me get this straight. She had every intention of cheating on Stan while trying to set him up to cheat on her. But instead he had dinner with Tina instead of “Jasmine Portillo.” So he sort of cheated but then alias’s friend was angry so they didn’t? I love that their big confrontation is happening while they’re hanging on a rock-climbing wall, and these poor dudes are stuck down there holding them up and witnessing this mess.

I don't think Lisa has any moral highground here.  They're both despicable. 

As to the unfortunate witnesses of this reality show, I think that would make a very interesting spin-off.  The look of dread on that poor plastic-climbing assistant was palatable.

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1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

I don't think Lisa has any moral highground here.  They're both despicable. 

What’s Lisa’s end game? She lives in his house. He supports her.Where’s she going if they break up? It’s like with the one with the really long hair last season who was all, “I’m the chess master.” Miss: he makes one phone call and you go back to prison. You have no job or education. What power do you think you have? (And she did get locked back up and her ex is living his life.)

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5 hours ago, Gobi said:

“I have a confession to make. I have six kids (can’t remember their names). And I was engaged to another con. And I have herpes. And chlamydia. And gonorrhea. And syphilis. And genital warts. I don’t have AIDS, though, so that’s good.”

"Also gingivitis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, gallstones, mononucleosis, and early onset dementia. Which is why I keep forgetting that I have a lot of kids, my dating history, and my actual age."

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32 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

What happened to Brittany s mother’s arm?  At first I thought it was a tattoo but looking closer I think it’s scarred pretty bad. 

I was wondering that too.  Maybe she nodded off during a heroin binge and started a fire?  They never really explain the urgency of her drug problem.  Other than living in that rundown motel, at least.

9 hours ago, JenE4 said:

The roses placed on the corners of this blanket were bad enough, but a full-ass unhusked corn cob centerpiece?!? Oh, wait, Shawn tried to talk Sarah into fucking her in a cornfield on the side of the road. A true romantic. Sir, how are you going to fuck her in this bed with the thorny stems laying across the entire mattress like a bed of nails?! You’re supposed to take the petals off the stems! Why are the cameras still in the room?! Why are the cameras still in the room?!?!

As I posted in the wrong thread, that whole scene looked fake and framed.  I'm disappointed all that shrimp went to waste.  There's no way I'd be able to surprise the missus with a picnic spread on the floor, though.  The pets would beat her to it.

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9 hours ago, JenE4 said:

“Ooh! That will take the turpentine out of your bark!” Is this some old time expression?! What does it mean?! Is turpentine derived from some type of tree

Encyclopedia Brown sez:  Wood turpentine is obtained by the steam distillation of dead, shredded bits of pine wood, while gum turpentine results from the distillation of the exudate of the living pine tree obtained by tapping.

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I am still laughing about Sara's response to being asked if the sex was good.  Yet another hint for Shawn, if you have to ask, it wasn't that good. 

1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

What happened to Brittany s mother’s arm?  At first I thought it was a tattoo but looking closer I think it’s scarred pretty bad. 

When she was in Alaska she was in a trailer fire.  Many folks speculated that there was a meth lab involved but she also could have simply been sleeping (or on a nod) when the fire started.  It was one of the experiences that led to her going to rehab. 

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1 minute ago, MrBuhBye said:

Do you think Stan took Lisa rock climbing because her voice is gravelly?

Sarah is like a female leprechaun crossed with Porn Granny from 90 Day.

When Sarah asked Shawn if he had condoms I wondered what’s the opposite of Magnums.

I wondered if he thought to bring gel!  After six years ouch!

He brought a whole box!  You ain't nothing but a horn dog!   Sing it Elvis!

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Do you think Stan took Lisa rock climbing because her voice is gravelly?

Sarah is like a female leprechaun crossed with Porn Granny from 90 Day.

When Sarah asked Shawn if he had condoms I wondered what’s the opposite of Magnums.

Those would be called snug fit.  Just doing my civic duty here. 😄

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So during a quick establishing shot of Las Vegas, I had to rewind the DVR to make sure that there were indeed two horses walking on the sidewalk outside the Tropicana! One had a long blanket over it that kind of looked like what horses wear when knights are jousting. I didn't think the Tropicana was anywhere near Excalibur but just discovered that it's right across the street so that must be where they came from. I hope they get more exercise than just walking on the hard concrete! Also, my first thought was Brittany's remark to Marcelino about how hot it was when the camera then cut away to her arriving home. I'm hoping the footage of the horses wasn't done in the summer, especially when one had a blanket on!

Okay, found this: "We were also able to meet Jose Luis Flores, who is the trainer for Tournament of Kings. He and Ivan gave us some insight into the horses weekly work schedule and routine. Each horse only performs 3 – 4 nights a week and is worked lightly in between those days. If they are off for an extended period, or as a treat, they are taken to a nearby ranch for some turn out and trail riding time. It was explained to us that this is one of the ways that help to keep the horses fresh and happy to do their work."

Edited by Scout Finch
Behind the scenes info about the horseys.

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