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The season 3 cast is out.


Brad Fiorenza
Darrell Taylor
Derrick Kosinski
Johnny Bananas Devenanzio
Jordan Wiseley
Laterrian Wallace
Mark Long
MJ Garrett
Nehemiah Clark
Syrus Yarbrough
Wes Bergmann
Yes Duffy
Beth Stolarczyk
Cynthia Roberts
Jemmye Carroll
Jonna Mannion
Kailah Casillas
Kellyanne Judd
Kendal Sheppard
Melinda Stolp
Nia Moore
Roni Martin
Tina Barta
Veronica Portillo

Horrible cast lol. I might not even watch tbh.

You know it would be nice if they stretched to 20 episodes, like the regular Challenge.

They're giving out the same in prize money right?

Plus they're getting Paramount + subscription money as well as commercials since you can get the $5 a month plan with commercials.

Or you pay $10 a month to get the shows without any commercials.


In some ways, the All Star may be more attractive to some challengers because it's a shorter time commitment but potential for more money.

In this season's Challenge, they are testing the players more physically in the daily challenges, so some of the old vets who have only been doing the regular challenge may move to the "seniors tour" because it's less time for them for potentially the same money.  Plus they're competing against older vets, rather than all the young cast that MTV is recruiting from other shows around the world.  Some of the new players are behemoths.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

The season 3 cast is out.

Horrible cast lol. I might not even watch tbh.

Wait, season 3? Did I black out and completely miss season 2?!

Here are my two issues with this cast:
1) People becoming "lifers" here now - Darrell, Derrick K, Jonna, Kendal, Laterrian, Mark, Nehemiah - these folks will have done all three "all-stars seasons" now which is just overkill. We can't miss you if you don't go away! (In my opinion Mark should have been the host of these but no luck.)
2) People who are still doing / could do / should do the regular Challenge: Bananas, Jordan, Wes, Jemmye, Nia - It annoyed me when season 1 had Darrell and Aneesa who had just been on a regular season. And Jemmye trying to bring current Challenge dramatics into a 90s vibe challenge. Am I just old and cantankerous now? 

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Damn, and I was gonna post the news. I saw a link from Stop Being Polite on my blog about "Challenge All Stars 3," and I'm all, "How cute, it must be a mistake." Then I clicked the link and scrolled . . . and it ain't a mistake.

Looks like Jordan is jumping back into the fray. I'd say he'd be the favorite to win, but there's also Johnny's annoying luck to consider. Wes is a surprise. Nia is a bigger surprise . . . I would've been okay with her never coming back, but I can buy her being a better person. Biggest surprises: Cynthia and Roni. I'm amazed BMP remembered either of them were ever on The Challenge. Oh, and Tyler and Sophia go from being on the second season to being substitutes again. Did they piss over the production team? Or is this a low-key reward . . . .going to Panama and not getting pulled into the drama?

44 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Looks like Jordan is jumping back into the fray. I'd say he'd be the favorite to win, but there's also Johnny's annoying luck to consider. Wes is a surprise. Nia is a bigger surprise . . . I would've been okay with her never coming back, but I can buy her being a better person.

With names like these, they should just drop All Stars from the name.

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On 10/19/2021 at 11:49 AM, shantown said:

2) People who are still doing / could do / should do the regular Challenge: Bananas, Jordan, Wes, Jemmye, Nia - It annoyed me when season 1 had Darrell and Aneesa who had just been on a regular season. And Jemmye trying to bring current Challenge dramatics into a 90s vibe challenge. Am I just old and cantankerous now? 

I have mixed feelings about this. For me, the purpose of the show is to bring back people that have not participated in a Challenge for quite some time... like Beth, Kendal, or Teck to name a few. At the same time, I understand why people like Darrell, Wes, Aneesa and Johnny are invited to this show. Most importantly, they are "Challenge fan favorites" who are entertaining to many and can get the eyeballs watching the show, and secondly, they have been on the Challenge long enough to be considered "OGs" or "All Stars." Having Darrell, Wes, Aneesa and Johnny (and maybe others) makes sense because they've been a part of this for so long and it doesn't make sense because they're still doing the regular seasons of the Challenge.

Having Jordan and Nia on All Stars seems so out of place just as Jemmye and Jonna seemed last season. The most important thing for me is that having Bananas, Jordan, Wes, Jemmye and Nia on All Stars takes away from the fun vibe that season 1 gave. Watching season 1 makes me want to rent a cabin in Argentina with a group of friends, play stupid games on contraptions hoisted by cranes, and have 90s themed parties. The regular MTV-aired Challenge looks like a stressful environment and I just get the feeling that's the vibe that will be brought into All Stars with Bananas, Jordan, Wes, Jemmye and Nia.

Edited by AntFTW
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I'm excited to see Cynthia on All Stars 3. Give me the real OGs any day of the week. There should be a rule that All Stars can't compete in consecutive seasons, so anyone from season 1 can't play again until season 3, etc. Seeing that some of these people are cast in all three is super annoying. 

I also am not fond of the fact that Challenge All Stars is turning up the intensity to somewhat match the regular Challenge. I feel like when Mark first pitched OGs, it was about capturing the essence of the original RW/RR challenge days. The nostalgia. I'm here for the fun and seeing how these grown ups interact with each other after all these years, not the bs backstabbing and Mission Impossible-esq competitions. But that's just my preference, YMMV. 

fingers crossed that the music is still good. 

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Season 4 Cast is spoiled and its out.

Ace (Paris)
Adam (The Quest)
Brad (San Diego)
Brandon (Fresh Meat)
Chadwick (Australia)
Derek (Cancun)
Kefla (Australia)
Leroy (Las Vegas 2)
Ryan (Fresh Meat 2)
Tony (Skeleton)

Syrus (Boston)

Averey (Portland)
Ayanna (Semester at Sea)
Flora (Miami)
Janelle (Key West)
Jasmine (Cancun)
Laurel (Fresh Meat 2)
Nicole (Skeletons)
Rachel (Campus Crawl)
Tina (South Pacific)
Veronica (Semester at Sea)

Genesis (Boston)

9 minutes ago, seltzer3 said:

Season 4 Cast is spoiled and its out.

Ace (Paris)
Adam (The Quest)
Brad (San Diego)
Brandon (Fresh Meat)
Chadwick (Australia)
Derek (Cancun)
Kefla (Australia)
Leroy (Las Vegas 2)
Ryan (Fresh Meat 2)
Tony (Skeleton)

Syrus (Boston)

Averey (Portland)
Ayanna (Semester at Sea)
Flora (Miami)
Janelle (Key West)
Jasmine (Cancun)
Laurel (Fresh Meat 2)
Nicole (Skeletons)
Rachel (Campus Crawl)
Tina (South Pacific)
Veronica (Semester at Sea)

Genesis (Boston)

Is there a source? Chadwick and Kefla seem like stretches.

If this cast is real, I predict Adam will still be an insufferable dick.

ETA The closest I have to a fave is Nicole, so I should make peace that she'll wind up eating shit. Also, I thought RW3 Rachel was coming until I saw the word was "Campus," not "Campos."

Edited by Lantern7
13 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Is there a source? Chadwick and Kefla seem like stretches.

If this cast is real, I predict Adam will still be an insufferable dick.

ETA The closest I have to a fave is Nicole, so I should make peace that she'll wind up eating shit. Also, I thought RW3 Rachel was coming until I saw the word was "Campus," not "Campos."

Its from GamerVev.  She does all the spoilers of all the challenges.

Yeah pretty wild that Kefla is back in.  So excited about him.  Also the fact that Ayanna and Veronica are back together after 20 years is also incredibly wild.

3 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

Laurel (Fresh Meat 2)
Nicole (Skeletons)

👀 This should be good, right?


3 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

Ryan (Fresh Meat 2)

I'm getting my (once) young gay guys confused.  Ryan is one I like and keeps his snark snarky, while there is a different (once) young gay guy who had horrible slut shaming tendencies?


3 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

Leroy (Las Vegas 2)


The women’s cast is absolutely stacked with Laurel,Cara Maria, and Rachel, just to name a few. Kam and Nicole Z are also very strong competitors, but probably not threats in a final. Though, I’m not happy about Kam,  a non-RW/RR/Fresh Meat person being included in the cast. It’s going to open the door to turning this into the regular show. 

The men’s side is weak. Brad is the only real consistent contender in the cast. 

We’re never getting Coral,Landon, or Evelyn back, are we? Those are the 3 I keep hoping will pop up on the cast lists. Coral and Landon have hinted that they’d be willing to return. It’s a shame they haven’t been able to work out a way for them to appear. 

2 hours ago, aghst said:

I think I predicted somewhere that Leroy would be back, at least in the seniors tour.


Problem is I don't even remember half these names.  Well I may recognize the name but can't associate with a face.

This show has been around too long or I've been watching too long.

Same. If I saw their faces it may jog my memory, but by name alone, I can’t place most of the male cast. Who is Derek C.? And why is Jay, Jenna’s ex who quit during the final allowed on? I know they’ve always had questionable ‘all stars’, but this male cast is incredibly forgettable. 

2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I am not disappointed in Kam nor Leroy. They want to come back, I say leave the light on for them. Maybe they'd be allowed to bring their kid. With appropriate accommodations, of course.

I just don’t like having contestants who weren’t on Real World,Road Rules, or Fresh Meat on this version of the show. Because that means it won’t be long until it is just like the regular show with the CBS and international contestants. The camaraderie that was so refreshing the first two seasons would all be gone. Kailah and Silvia did their best to ruin it last season. 

4 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Who is Derek C.?

He was on the second All Stars, having left the day after his sister committed suicide.

Jay? Gotta be a mistaken rumor. Gotta be. Maybe ol' Teege is brining in all those that quit on him o have them ridiculed for weeks on end. With Lavin, I wouldn't be that shocked.

SBP list got tweaked:


Ace Amerson

Averey Tressler

Adam Larson

Ayanna Mackins

Brad Fiorenza

Brandon Nelson

Cara Maria Sorbello

Derek Chavez

Flora Alekseyeun

Jasmine Reynaud

Janelle Casanave

Jay Gotti

Kam Williams

Kefla Hare

Laurel Stucky

Leroy Garrett

Nicole Zanatta

Rachel Robinson

Ryan Kehoe

Steve Meinke

Tina Barta

Tony Raines

Tyrie Ballard

Veronica Portillo



Genesis Moss

Syrus Yarbrough


Cara Maria. Okay, so the person providing the info is trying to screw with this. Or maybe names like hers get thrown out the way a guy will fake a throw for a dog.

Kefla, man. He was on Road Rules before it started sucking, but aside from him showmancing Roni in the second Challenge season and being afraid of snakes during a mission (to the point where he got brought out for Challenge 2000 for that reason), I don't remember him. I know he's probably still a cooler ude than Chadwick, though.

Edited by Lantern7

I hope that list is true. I would be so excited to see Kefla, Flora, Averey, Ace & Chadwick.

Why in the world would they have Genesis and not put her in?  I don't need to see Veronica or Tina or Ayanna AGAIN.

Plus, they need to exclude all challengers from the most recent 1-3 challenges. If you're still competing on the flagship, I don't want to see you on All Stars.

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