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TDS 3.0: Season Seven Talk

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On 4/5/2023 at 1:28 PM, ShadowKnight2 said:

Seeing Jon Stewart walk out as Obi-wan Kenobi brought back fond memories!😁

Yes, but what a waste of a visit that was. Non-stop blather about f’in Star Wars? And to deliberately cut him off when he was about to make some pithy political commentary just for a joke? Stewart must have said he’d come on the show but no serious talk, so he could save it for his own show.

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I was thinking the same thing. It's always nice to see Jon, but what was the purpose of that visit? There didn't seem to be one. It also gave the appearance of him promoting Roy as the show's new host, which is inappropriate, given that the other correspondents have yet to get their shot at the desk. Unless he's going to show up for all of them...

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6 hours ago, Shermie said:

Yes, but what a waste of a visit that was. Non-stop blather about f’in Star Wars?

Amen.  And I know nothing about Star Wars, so it felt twice as long as it actually was.

Last night's show, though, that was on fire.  I loved all of it, particularly Roy and Desi arguing over whether it's racism or sexism for Dr. Biden to suggest the Iowa team also get invited to the White House.  Him stopping her from quoting Malcolm X and her stopping him from quoting Gloria Steinem was fabulous. 

My other favorite was the clip ("I had to go into the closet and dig out the VHS for that one") of Roy's report for the college news show -- "That's hard-hitting journalism in my daddy's suit."

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I'm not liking Jordan's hosting. I think his analysis is weak and his point of view is not well-honed. I mean, sure, he's got a lot of practice talking to people and letting them dig their graves, and he's nice enough-- but AOC did all the work in that interview. She could have walked down the halls talking to herself and said just as much, and maybe more.

I was really angry that they reduced the Clarence Thomas issue to whether he would have voted the same way without the billionaire's gifts. Whether or not that's true, he's still using his office to enrich himself, not filing legally required disclosures, and claiming income from a company that doesn't exist. It's not "not a bribe" that's the main point here!

I don't dislike Jordan. I just don't think he's really suited to hosting the show.

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I thought Jordan talking about role models for boys was the first time he actually spoke from the heart and didn't rely on his interviewees for content, or make obvious observations that anyone could  (and has) been making. I was glad to see him stretch a bit and show us more of his own point of view. 

I don't think he's ready to host, but I still appreciated it.

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  • Applause 1

I'm still getting caught up, but I liked highlighting the Dominion v Fox settlement did not require an on-air acknowledgment of the lies.  The Tucker Carlson cut was funny, sure, but my favorite was Jordan saying Dominion wasn't the only one harmed, and this forever transformed how some people feel about the election process -- and he has to talk to these people.

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John Leguizamo's series on MSNBC has been airing for a couple of weeks now, and he brings the same energy and joy to it that he brought to TDS, but with much less aggressive commentary. I am not sure what exactly makes him tick, but it seems like this is his overall energy and not just a high for doing his guest stint at TDS.

Was the koozie ad an actual, real ad? That was a parody, no?

Desi had some real savage one-liners. The one about cutting Fox cutting off Carlson and gender affirming care didn't seem to land at first, maybe because it was a little wordy, and the when it caught on, she winked and the crowd totally died.

I don't know if maybe if I was in a better mood to laugh because I'm getting over a cold. Then she called Roy a bitch. 

She looked like she was having a blast. 



Edited by DoctorAtomic
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3 hours ago, possibilities said:

Did they really show her ignoring the Black girls and only calling on the other girls in that classroom? I really hope I looked away and missed some equity.

I didn't notice that (which means I wasn't paying close attention to who she called on). I was thinking that it was a weak segment overall and trying to figure out what happened. I'm sure it looked like a brilliant on paper, it just didn't work for me. 

3 hours ago, possibilities said:

Did they really show her ignoring the Black girls and only calling on the other girls in that classroom? I really hope I looked away and missed some equity.

She rarely called on anyone (more just posed questions they didn't actually answer) and when she did it was someone with their hand raised (most of them didn't -- the girls in the back [two white, one Asian] usually did, but sometimes kids just talked or, more often, said nothing).

I generally find kid segments awkward (because I am not at all good with children) and that one wasn't an exception, but it had a couple of funny moments.  The girl saying she's keeping the bag but not picking up the mess was great.

I loved her WTF? reactions to the "Real Women" ad, because I thought it was a parody they'd created until I saw the chryon crediting Huckabee's social media account.  What the actual fuck?!

I watched pretty much every late night host's coverage of Tucker Carlson getting fired (Jimmy Kimmel did the same bit with breaking news in the middle of the segment that he'd been fired), and her "I can't believe the network so opposed to gender affirming care just cut off its own dick" joke was my favorite from all of them.

I also watched Jordan's Thursday episode, and I thought the 420 segment at the end of Headlines was weak, but his Long Story Short about how if dads don't talk to their sons about how to behave as boys and men, especially toward women, guys like that TikTok asshole will, and then in ten years Jordan will have to talk to them at MAGA rallies, was great -- the best thing he did all week.  (I love that his parenting goal is to never wind up interviewing his son.)

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44 minutes ago, possibilities said:

There was definitely a Black girl with her hand raised.

In the front, yes, but I only saw that in the beginning, when Desi wasn't asking a question, so didn't call on anyone.  I had seen your post by the time I watched, so I kept a look out.  I did get distracted by my cat a couple of times, so before I watch tonight's episode, I'll re-watch that segment.

I am not enjoying Desi's style of hosting. It's like she's  child and thinks that all she needs to do is disrupt and act peeved. It's possible to have a fun interview and still be informative, but she totally wasted her time with Buttigieg.

Others may disagree, but I thought that editing the conversation with the kids to highlight a Black girl with her hand raised, and instead call on the ligher skinnd childreen, is really obnoxious. There is a documented problem of Black children not getting recognized by teachers in mixed classrooms, so showcasing that very dynamic is not a nothing mistake. It's salt in the wound and shows a fundamental lack of sensitivity.

11 minutes ago, Bastet said:

In the front, yes, but I only saw that in the beginning, when Desi wasn't asking a question, so didn't call on anyone.  I had seen your post by the time I watched, so I kept a look out.  I did get distracted by my cat a couple of times, so before I watch tonight's episode, I'll re-watch that segment.

I just re-watched.  The Black girl in the middle front kind of waves an arm around - like when you're stretching out a shoulder - in the very beginning, when Desi says she's going to tell them how to climb their way to the top of the corporate ladder.  She's moving her legs and wiggling in general, too, though, and throughout, so it doesn't come across like she has a hand raised to ask a question (nor has a question been asked she's raising her hand to answer), just "I'm on camera" squirming. 

Later, the Black girl to her left is among those with her hand raised when Desi asks a question, but a white girl in the back answers without anyone being called on.  This is right before they all yell out "Money" as the thing we want to fill our pockets with.

Desi asks two questions, and both times two of the three white girls and the one Asian girl in the back raise their hands, but none of the Black girls in the front do.

Then Desi talks about negotiation, and when she mentions listing helping your little brother tie his shoes as showing mentorship, the Black girl on the front right says she doesn't know how to tie shoes (no hand raising).

When she asks if any of them want to be mommies, most raise their hands, but Desi doesn't call on anyone for a follow-up, she tells them about the $40k tax.  The front right Black girl and a couple of the white girls have their hand up during the subsequent "nobody has that kind of money" talk to presumably chime in with additional thoughts, but there's no question posed and Desi doesn't call on anyone.

Then she asks them if they've heard of Elizabeth Holmes or Anna Delvey; one white girl in the back has her hand raised, and the white girl next to her answers about Delvey without raising her hand or being called on.

There are no additional questions.

So - as shown, of course - Desi never asked a question, got a variety of hands raised, and decided to call on one of the non-Black girls.  But the Black girls raised their hands less to begin with, especially in response to questions, which is a problem across schools, especially with experience teaching them why bother.  It's just that Desi was not shown to be exacerbating that by ignoring them in favor of non-Black kids when they did.

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I thought last night's episode was just okay, but I liked her conversation with Yvette Nicole Brown.  I've always liked her in anything I've seen her in, or anything I've seen her post (I don't follow her, as I don't use social media, but I've had people send me links to some of her posts), so it was thoroughly unsurprising but nice to see what a fan Desi is of her, especially as a person.  I love how YNB talked about a guest star coming onto your set is like a guest coming into your home, so of course you make sure they know where the bathrooom is and sit down to eat with them. 

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Desi killed it with her Long Story Short about the wellness industry; I got a good laugh at "If you take some of these things, you'll be as full of shit as the influencer who told you about it" and at having fun with the obviousness of the sunburned asshole joke, but also really appreciated the pivot to explaining women will remain obvious targets of this crap so long as the actual healthcare industry continues to fail us.  (Plus, I appreciate any time someone reminds us the vagina is self cleaning, so, for the love of all that is good, leave it alone!)

In the bird strike segment, she did a great job with subtle reactions to the correspondents throughout.  They weren't reactions (facial or verbal) that happened in a pause or got responded to by the correspondent, just these little things going on in the left screen that made the segment better.

I wasn't going to properly watch the Sophia Bush interview, just have it playing while I did something, because while I've heard the name and know she's an actor, I've never seen her in anything and didn't do anything about her off camera, I quickly found myself tuning in.  I loved her talking about - because this is something that drives me bonkers - how just as white women are infuriated when men don't do their part in addressing, say, sexual violence, acting like that's something for only women to take on, we can't turn around and be silent on issues like racism.  She sounds like a great activist.

I think Thursday was Desi's best episode.  I love that all the correspondents are getting a week.  I look forward to Dulce's!

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44 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Does anyone know whether they will cancel the show because of the writers' strike? Does that mean Dulce misses the rest of her hosting week, or maybe they'd reschedule it for later? 

My understanding is that the show will be reruns for now, but they may reschedule her hosting week. I hope it's rescheduled. She was one of the correspondants I was most looking forwarding to seeing as host.

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On 5/2/2023 at 8:41 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

So do I! I loved her hosting last night!! She absolutely deserves to do a full week! I’m also hoping the strike is resolved sooner, rather than later.

Quoting myself here and hoping Dulce gets her chance to do a full week! That first day before the strike was Great. And she deserves to do a full week like the others.

35 minutes ago, possibilities said:


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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Quoting myself here and hoping Dulce gets her chance to do a full week! That first day before the strike was Great. And she deserves to do a full week like the others.

Yeah, unless it's a scheduling issue on her end, I'm bothered that the first guest host is TBA, not Dulce picking up where she left off.

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  • Mind Blown 1

Did yall read that Roy Wood Jr won't be back as a correspondent? He said in an article ( https://www.npr.org/2023/10/05/1203743662/roy-wood-jr-daily-show)  that he can't focus on his next move if he's hanging around waiting to see if TDS is going to offer him the hosting job. I'm disappointed.  I thought he blew Hasan out of the water, personally. 

I want to see Dulce have her full week. She started out strong and then the strike hit. 

Anyway, I'm glad the show is coming back. I've been keeping up with the political news (maybe a bit less than more) but with every ridiculous moment that pops up I keep thinking how Trevor would have a field day with this. I need some Jordan Klepper fingering the pulse outside of some of these hearings. 

Edited by hiisa
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Here's Roy's WHCD:


I think he would have been a natural person to promote. The only excuse I can think of not to is that maybe they don't want to promote from inside because of the dynamic of having a former peer become the boss. The same thing happened when Jon left-- none of the team was considered, and they basically all left because they saw it was a dead end. 

Sam Bee and Jason Jones got their own shows, at least.

Maybe Roy should get the space left by James Corden, but I'm not holding my breath because that's not their demo. It would make a hell of a night, though, to have Roy Wood and S. Colbert back to back.

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8 hours ago, hiisa said:

Did yall read that Roy Wood Jr won't be back as a correspondent? He said in an article ( https://www.npr.org/2023/10/05/1203743662/roy-wood-jr-daily-show)  that he can't focus on his next move if he's hanging around waiting to see if TDS is going to offer him the hosting job. I'm disappointed.  I thought he blew Hasan out of the water, personally. 

Boy howdy; I was really looking forward to Hasan's week, but he was uneven.  Roy killed it every day.  I'd prefer we finally get a female host, but I'd have been happy to have him behind the desk permanently. 

I am beyond bummed to learn he won't be back as a correspondent; he's my favorite!

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On 10/5/2023 at 10:03 AM, hiisa said:

I want to see Dulce have her full week. She started out strong and then the strike hit. 

Same here. She deserves a full week. She's one of my favorite correspondents. 

On 10/17/2023 at 7:38 AM, SeanBug said:

I enjoyed Michael Kosta's take on the various topics.

I was really surprised by him. Michael Kosta is one of my least favorite correspondents, so I wasn't looking forward to his week hosting. I like him much better as a host than a correspondent. 

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I think I enjoy things more when someone cares about something and uses that as their premise, rather than when they just take the nihilist point of view. For that reason, I appreciated Kosta's attempt to talk about the water bottles, and I get impatient with Chiang's just general spleen-venting over nothing (like when he goes on the street and tries to get people to argue with him and prove him wrong over meaningless premises).

Even Lewis Black, the King of Spleen-Venting, tries to make his commentary be on a topic that matters to him, and to propose something lucid in place of what he's venting about (and, by the way, he did a bit about water bottles years ago, though it certainly is still an issue so not entirely wrong to continue talking about).

I am not opposed to anger. I like Ronny when he's talking about something rather than just randomly venting free-floating contrariness.


I am guessing that CC has decided not to promote any of the current staff, and to bring in an outsider, so maybe Dulce doesn't want a full week, if it's not an audition for the actual job? I would still like to see her do it, because I think I'd enjoy it. But not if it feels meaningless to her.

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13 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I am guessing that CC has decided not to promote any of the current staff, and to bring in an outsider, so maybe Dulce doesn't want a full week, if it's not an audition for the actual job? I would still like to see her do it, because I think I'd enjoy it. But not if it feels meaningless to her.

I would think any of them would want at least some time behind the desk as solo host because it would be something that could add to their reel for future projects/auditions. Dulce is one of my favorite correspondents, so I want her to do a full week for the purely selfish reason that I throughly enjoy her work. 

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