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Dr. Owen Hunt: That Ticking Sound You Hear Is Just His Biological Clock

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I've been rewatching past seasons of GA and the one thing that came through is that I never liked Owen. There's nothing endearing about him, I don't get what Christina saw in him, he's gruff, unwilling to compromise (who would force a woman to have a baby when she's repeatedly said in no uncertain terms NO?) and seemingly unwilling to work on his own problems. He did nothing positive for Christina, unlike Burke. And on top of that, I don't find him that attractive.

  • Love 7

I liked him in S5 when he hadn't the opportunity to show his true colors. Since then he became  one of the characters I most despise on the show. I hate people and characters that at first sight are perfect, 'too good to be true' but inside are rotten. That's the vibe he gives me. I read him as a true sanctimonious.  Honestly I think he only cares about himself even when he screams that he's falling on his sword for everybody.  Even in those situations he's doing it for his own mental peace, to appease himself.  I'm so glad, Cris is choosing herself over him and leaving that bag without a handle behind. Let another uterus with legs dealing with that cross. His dealings with Emma only reinforced my negative image of him. From now on there's nothing the writers can write for this character which can redeem him. I'm not interested to see him screw another woman's life. This guy is a screwer. Wortheless.
Nowadays, I loooooooove him when he's not on screen.

  • Love 3

I've been rewatching past seasons of GA and the one thing that came through is that I never liked Owen. There's nothing endearing about him, I don't get what Christina saw in him, he's gruff, unwilling to compromise (who would force a woman to have a baby when she's repeatedly said in no uncertain terms NO?) and seemingly unwilling to work on his own problems. He did nothing positive for Christina, unlike Burke. And on top of that, I don't find him that attractive.


I agree with this except that I found him quite attractive at first and was happy that Cris was getting involved with a strong manly guy. That changed so very fast and by the time they married I just sickened by his manipulation, arrogance and deceit. So now, he is quite ugly to me.

  • Love 2

I can't stand Owen. Everything about him has always felt forced to me. His relationship with Cristina, friendship with Derek and his being  a mentor to April. I really hated how he treated Arizona earlier in the season because she cheated on Callie considering he did the same thing to Cristina.

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I came back to watch Greys for Owen Hunt in S5, hopefully as Cristina is gone now, we´ll see more of him, his life, his family background, he won´t be just Cristina´s puppy to play with and throw away as pleased anymore.


I want to see him back in full force, not just feeling miserable all the time.


Many think he will hook up with Amelia, but my wish is for him to develop a friendship with Maggie which would slowly grow into love. Many believe Owen won´t love anyone else, but there has to be a woman who can cure him from this toxic love he felt for Yang, let that woman be Maggie.

Edited by owenhuntfan
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I came back to watch Greys for Owen Hunt in S5, hopefully as Cristina is gone now, we´ll see more of him, his life, his family background, he won´t be just Cristina´s puppy to play with and throw away as pleased anymore.


I want to see him back in full force, not just feeling miserable all the time.


Many think he will hook up with Amelia, but my wish is for him to develop a friendship with Maggie which would slowly grow into love. Many believe Owen won´t love anyone else, but there has to be a woman who can cure him from this toxic love he felt for Yang, let that woman be Maggie.


I can´t believe I ever wrote this,just a few months ago,now in season 11 in full progress I see him in totally different colours - his TRUE colours. And I was hoping for a relationship with Maggie - what was I thinking?!? 

I liked him in S5 when he hadn't the opportunity to show his true colors. Since then he became  one of the characters I most despise on the show. I hate people and characters that at first sight are perfect, 'too good to be true' but inside are rotten. That's the vibe he gives me. I read him as a true sanctimonious.  Honestly I think he only cares about himself even when he screams that he's falling on his sword for everybody.  Even in those situations he's doing it for his own mental peace, to appease himself.  I'm so glad, Cris is choosing herself over him and leaving that bag without a handle behind. Let another uterus with legs dealing with that cross. His dealings with Emma only reinforced my negative image of him. From now on there's nothing the writers can write for this character which can redeem him. I'm not interested to see him screw another woman's life. This guy is a screwer. Wortheless.

Nowadays, I loooooooove him when he's not on screen.


I ALWAYS disagreed, but no longer. 100% truth. Thank you Season 11 for this revelation.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I liked him in S5 when he hadn't the opportunity to show his true colors. Since then he became  one of the characters I most despise on the show. I hate people and characters that at first sight are perfect, 'too good to be true' but inside are rotten. That's the vibe he gives me. I read him as a true sanctimonious.  Honestly I think he only cares about himself even when he screams that he's falling on his sword for everybody.  Even in those situations he's doing it for his own mental peace, to appease himself.  I'm so glad, Cris is choosing herself over him and leaving that bag without a handle behind. Let another uterus with legs dealing with that cross. His dealings with Emma only reinforced my negative image of him. From now on there's nothing the writers can write for this character which can redeem him. I'm not interested to see him screw another woman's life. This guy is a screwer. Wortheless.

Nowadays, I loooooooove him when he's not on screen.

I hope you will respond Nanda - why do you think they screwed up Hunt so much? Thanks. Please do respond.

We both liked him in Season 5. What has changed?  I just despise him now. Once PTSD has been removed as a storyline to characterise him he has become unbearable.

Did you also start to dislike him when Teddy came - their scene in the oncall room in S6 when he told her he had romantic feelings for her (or shortly before when he looked at her longingly and Cristina thought he was looking like that at her but it was Teddy)? Do you remember? It kind of started right there or no?

I would appreciate your answer.


Also why do you think he gave up Chief position? You know, the real reason. 


Please do respond. Thank you.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I agree with this except that I found him quite attractive at first and was happy that Cris was getting involved with a strong manly guy. That changed so very fast and by the time they married I just sickened by his manipulation, arrogance and deceit. So now, he is quite ugly to me.

This is so true, how ironic that some characters really turn out to be the opposite of who they seem to be at first.

I can't stand Owen. Everything about him has always felt forced to me. His relationship with Cristina, friendship with Derek and his being  a mentor to April. I really hated how he treated Arizona earlier in the season because she cheated on Callie considering he did the same thing to Cristina.

Very true indeed but I felt what happened between him and Cristina in S5 was genuine. Yes, friendships with Derek and mentoring April felt forced from the beginning.Although with Derek I always liked how Derek approached him like a friend, not the other way round. Owen never helped Derek in any way. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I hope you will respond Nanda - why do you think they screwed up Hunt so much? Thanks. Please do respond.

We both liked him in Season 5. What has changed?  I just despise him now. Once PTSD has been removed as a storyline to characterise him he has become unbearable.

Did you also start to dislike him when Teddy came - their scene in the oncall room in S6 when he told her he had romantic feelings for her (or shortly before when he looked at her longingly and Cristina thought he was looking like that at her but it was Teddy)? Do you remember? It kind of started right there or no?

I would appreciate your answer.


Also why do you think he gave up Chief position? You know, the real reason. 


Please do respond. Thank you.


Thanks for your message Nanda. So happy to hear from you. Anytime you feel ready and have time. I will be waiting for your post.


Thanks for being a friend :)


Just one more thing for you to ponder about - I have been thinking what would happen for Owen if Teddy came back? Or is it too far-fetched because they already have the Cardio chief in Maggie (and she isn´t going anywhere),right?

In 1017 he wanted to join Teddy in Germany in that institution Medcom or something like that. Or was it thrown there just to see how he would constantly pressure Cristina to do something for him career-wise??!!


Oh,and one more thing - do you think Cristina might ever come back? And if she does do you think she would reconsider going back to Owen - let´s say Owen marries Amelia, they have kids, she dies of whatever reason, he becomes a widower). Just speculating. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Season5OwenHuntfan- do pictures like this make you feel better about Kevin McKidd's feelings towards "Crowen" shippers?  I mean he clearly respects all his fans whether they are Crowen shippers or Owelia shippers.




PS- Do Owen and Amelia have an offical ship name?  

Okay, ship names annoy me, but Amen is utterly fantastic.  I too laughed when I read it. 


Fan:     Dear god, please let my favorite tv couple stay together, Amen.

god:     You are going to have to be more specific, I get lots of these requests.

Fan:      Amen!

god:     Yes, yes, I understand that you pray that it is so, but I need more info to determine whether to support this tv couple.

Fan:      Sigh, god never listens.... goodbye, farewell, Amen....I'll miss you.

god:      Oh! You're talking about the MASH finale, fantastic show, one of my favorites as well!

Edited by pennben
  • Love 4

I just am a fan of the show, not of any particular character and I don't really get wrapped up in couple "ships".


That is a great strategy. I like it. You are very lucky this way and can enjoy the show and not be disgusted or appalled by what your favourite characters do or how they behave. Or if a couple you shipped is broken-up endlessly just for "drama". 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Hi everyone,

I don't  comment in a long time since I feel  this show  has run out but I still take a quick look at some episodes. As  I do not see the episodes intently, I stand to be corrected if I state some facts wrong.

I hope you will respond Nanda - why do you think they screwed up Hunt so much? Thanks. Please do respond.

We both liked him in Season 5. What has changed?  I just despise him now. Once PTSD has been removed as a storyline to characterise him he has become unbearable.

Did you also start to dislike him when Teddy came - their scene in the oncall room in S6 when he told her he had romantic feelings for her (or shortly before when he looked at her longingly and Cristina thought he was looking like that at her but it was Teddy)? Do you remember? It kind of started right there or no?

I would appreciate your answer



I don't think their intention is screw the characters up. They see them as 'commodities' to be used , abused and squeezed to the last drop. In this process of rise up and overthrow the characters to create sensationalism, they kill any integrity they have. But in the other hand if the writing has no integrity neither do the characters! I think that the fact the show has so many different writers is a potential disaster to happen and at one point will pop up inconsistencies. Although in retrospect I think that from S6 onwards Hunt was written fairly consistently: as the imature jerk a career girl should avoid to all costs. I remember at one point stopping and wonder: ' what story does this women(Shonda) is trying to tell? what message is she trying to convey to girls?' In the end I finally understood. The message is: 'Stay away from guys that seem to be  the last wonder but will throw pebbles into the system to hold you back to their own benefit even if they do that inconsciously'.


They allured me in S5 with the PTSD SL promise and KMK's name whom I had seen in several works before. At the time  I thought the story very interesting and very romantic. Today I don't know what it has of romantic one man discarding a former girlfriend of years and due to marry (via email) for a new flame, to be taken care for her and pass the responsability for his happiness and wellbeing to his new chunk (co-dependency), afterall PTSD has its limits as the accountable for all his issues! And yes, he cheated on his first girlfriend of course. Back then we were pretty sure he hadn't, it had to be an explanation, explanation  that never came from the writers, of course, but...he did. Now we know he did! At the time I as one or other here pulled this doubt but there wasn't nothing to consubstantiate that feeling.


My first glimpse of dislike of him was in a scene in bed, in S6 I guess, where he was with Cris, after conquering her, and he was having a PTSD crisis and she asked if he had been seeing Dr Wyatt, bc he obviously didn't bother to continue his therapy even after he almost choked her to death. He even shut her down and went into the bathroom very annoyed. How selfish and inconsiderate and inconsistent of him . To conquer her he even volunteered himself to do everything to heal , after having her, things changed very quickly. He has a story for taking his women for granted.

I think he's weak, insecure and as serious problem with not facing his problems, he runs. He running to Iraque again after Derek's death was another classic. He never changes, but if he didn't until now he hardly will. The man is pathetic.


As for  Teddy's introduction, I think his dilemma was understandable, disappointing but understandable. A man is only guilty of his actions not of his feelings and him feeling divided was human. What is annoying is his eternal indecision. This guy never knows what he wants, uses people to see what he wants and then hurts them in  the end. If it wasn't for the shooting we'd still be here expecting him to choose btw the two of them. And the truth is, if he loved the two women, the love he felt for Cris it wasn't that big as fans were thinking, right? Was a men like that worth Cris  sacrifice her life values for? When S6 ended, I wasn't feeling euphoric as crowen fanbase. I think, Teddy Gate  debacle had its resolution, they'll remain best friends from afar, she won't comeback. His mention of her was another way of him saying 'you never do anything for me, anything, so maybe you should consider give me kids to compensate me this huge chance in my career (career Idon't give a damn and career I'm always holdind you back from bc there are other things more important) I'm losing bc of you. Lead up as always. 


When S7 started I was with eyes wide open and started to see his nauseating manipulation. He trying to control her, hold her back professionally , scolding her, belittling her, trying to keep her small for her to be free to fulfill his dream of paternity against her will (that didn't matter, what matter was his happiness), saying that there was life beyond surgery when he kept climbing to the top and after fulfilling his own career aspirations (several diplomas included), helping others but never, ever her, or actively damaging her career  as in the race for chief resident. In S8 it came to light how macho he was. He was a disguised chauvinist and pig cheater who only accepted his way or highway, continuously blaming Cris for the state of their relationship. If Cris had allowed he'd have taken from her what she really prizes without an ounce of guilt, and if in the end she had rebelled against him, he wouldn't understand what she was talking about!!! He's a selfish, self-centered and total entitled brat with no drop of moral integrity. And no, his fake guilt looks when he screws his women don't convince me at all. He was presented to us by Shonda as an 'especimen' or product of a chauvinist culture which is used  to women slow down  to give man everything they aspire since they are  a breed apart that are entitled to have  it all without having to make choices. S8 buried him for good.

Then his dealings with poor Emma, remember? Repugnant. The man is supposed to be a grown up!  Besides that, the writers gave us the answer we all wanted to know since the beginning, yes the guy is a cheater, cheated on every single of his women on the top of his high moral horse. He's a 'family guy'!!!. I think he has that napoleonic complex of feeling that he's much better than he really is. And yet, as the feminist show this one claim to be we're still to see one of the girls cheat on his male to see how they react. Hope the first is this moron.

At long last, this is just some of the things which made me dislike him fast. He's nothing as the guy we met in S5.

As for Cris and Amelia.  I think his 'new man'(Amelia. Who cast that actress to pair her with him had a bad drinking day!!! These two seem two guys dealing with each other. Two manly, yang energies together, yuk. What an odd couple.) is a temporary pastime. If Shonda has the chance in the end she'll bring back Cris, not before  teaching Owen that in fact he doesn't want children he only thinks he does. I'm convinced she already started that  path with Emma, remember? And that scene with Karev where he shows no interest in taking care of Mer's kids  at the beginning of the season if I'm not wrong, was very telling where is mind is going . Time will tell.

Well, testament is going long. I hope I answered your questions. Now, time for bed long due.

Just one more thing, Cycworker comment made me grin.



I do like Owen. His relationship is just toxic, though, and it's brought out the worst in him.


All his relationship are toxic. Isn't that a coincidence?! The toxic thing intoxicating all his relationships is himself.

  • Applause 1
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Owen became less likable with each passing season. The Teddy triangle was draining, but I blamed the writers more than the character. He completely lost me the following season when he married Cristina knowing she was suffering from PTSD following the shooting. I thought that was manipulative and dishonest and should have had consequences beyond the melodramatic abortion drama (the boldness of which, nevertheless deserves the show some credit). Everything after that had him as an utter jerk or insignificant dullard. I have not liked him since . . . at all.

  • Love 2


...he married Cristina knowing she was suffering from PTSD following the shooting. I thought that was manipulative and dishonest and should have had consequences beyond the melodramatic abortion drama (the boldness of which, nevertheless deserves the show some credit)


I forgot that huge, huge one.  A victim of PTSD himself! Appaling. Do you know what that shows? Show that all he does is completely centered in his ego. He didn't marry her for herself  he did it for himself even if masqued as a selfless act. He found his blankie and didn't want to let it go. Every good, big act he does has himself has the recipient in the end, not exactly others. Married her bc her PTSD right? To be there for her, right? But in the end he pushed her to others like Derek to help her with her PTSD!!!  How comfortable! How many of us here would be enchanted with our hubby leting us deal alone with a huge thing like PTSD awaiting that to pass by itself or allow others to do his job by helping his own wife?! Many I guess. However, when was his turn,  Cris was there helping him herself even attending therapy sessions. Therapy he never encouraged her to do!

As a PTSD victim, he knew the time was not the right one to push her to do life changing decisions. He took advantage. What else is to say?

  • Love 3

I forgot that huge, huge one.  A victim of PTSD himself! Appaling. Do you know what that shows? Show that all he does is completely centered in his ego. He didn't marry her for herself  he did it for himself even if masqued as a selfless act. He found his blankie and didn't want to let it go. Every good, big act he does has himself has the recipient in the end, not exactly others. Married her bc her PTSD right? To be there for her, right? But in the end he pushed her to others like Derek to help her with her PTSD!!!  How comfortable! How many of us here would be enchanted with our hubby leting us deal alone with a huge thing like PTSD awaiting that to pass by itself or allow others to do his job by helping his own wife?! Many I guess. However, when was his turn,  Cris was there helping him herself even attending therapy sessions. Therapy he never encouraged her to do!

As a PTSD victim, he knew the time was not the right one to push her to do life changing decisions. He took advantage. What else is to say?


Thank you so much Nanda for your effort, rereading every line from your posts, you have opened my eyes,thank you again. Bless you.


I get goosebumps of truth -  what a portrayal of a truly one big jerk they have created in Owen. I don´t want Cristina to end up with him. May this never ever happen.


Just one thing though. There is one scene - you know in S9 before she went to Mayo -you know how he bathed her,cared for her, I find it quite nice of him, this is what seems honest to me from him,what do you think? After the shooter he used her PTSD fragility for himself,but after the plane crash he kind of felt honest in his deeds -or was it just his guilt from the plane crash?No honest love for her? Just making himself feel good after the guilt he felt from choosing the cheaper airline?


And what´s your take on how Cristina imagines their lives 1017 AU versions? Both scary indeed.


There was him resigning from chief in s11 - why giving up chief position? He is a career man.


I hope you won´t mind me asking you. Thanks.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Just one thing though. There is one scene - you know in S9 before she went to Mayo -you know how he bathed her,cared for her, I find it quite nice of him, this is what seems honest to me from him,what do you think? After the shooter he used her PTSD fragility for himself,but after the plane crash he kind of felt honest in his deeds -or was it just his guilt from the plane crash?No honest love for her? Just making himself feel good after the guilt he felt from choosing the cheaper airline?



You know  though I despise the character doesn't mean I think is a psychopath or purely evil. He feels remorse, alright and in his way he liked Cristina, how much we are yet to see when his story ends. I never bought it was that much. Therefore, I think  those nice scenes where he bathed her were a true human  expression of his love and compassion for her (one of the few) but...for himself too, as a victim of PTSD and to apease his guilt. And if you have doubts go back to that scene (I don't remember exactly what ep) where after the plain crash and after surgery on the srub room,  Cris for the first time confronts him agressively about something and he manages to refocus the plain crash and made it all about him, about feeling guilty. People died, others lost limbs, damaged carrers and that was all about him! Please!  Something seriously wrong is with that guy!!! That scene was worth it to be seen with careful atention bc showed how fragile and lonely he was at that moment, but also how he operates in an inner level, self-centered. And this is one of the things I saw him acting consistently from the beginning and I hate. I don't think he was disonest with anyone as far the crash is concerned and he did everything he could to compensate them but he was in the running for himself too, that's undeniable. Makes him the devil? No. Was he in the equation too? Yes, but if I were the victim I expected to be put first at least in that one.  I once said here this guy feeds on guilt he needs it to compensate a more shadow side of him.




There was him resigning from chief in s11 - why giving up chief position? He is a career man.


He's ambitious and values career though he never encouraged Cris beyond  a certain level bc that didn't suit his 'plans' for her. So, when he landed a high hierarchical position he didn't think twice, he grabed it legs and arms thinking that was a perfect opportunity for him to stretch and prove himself. The problem here is that Hunt is an operational not a managerial. Thus why in these last seasons we had a moody, grim, gloomy Owen. He was never capable of adapting and gave hints of wanting out before and now with Dereck's death he had the perfect excuse to do it and  also the cop out to run and not face his pain and  all his problems. His 'new man' included. I think having him as COS when he was with Cris gave them a new set of problems once he was her chief and much above her  career wise. Now the writers are positioning him and Amelia in an equal level, personaly and career and develop this relationship from that presupposition. 


And what´s your take on how Cristina imagines their lives 1017 AU versions? Both scary indeed.

This one is tricky. Her take on that was her own take but I think both weren't that far from the truth. The one she sacrífices herself is how I always read it. I think she's those sort of people who can't excell in two different careers at the same time and she wants to be brilliant in everything she does thus why she abdicated of being a mother. It's not that difficult to understand really. If she have had kids she would have prioritized them. She would be a good mother and in my opinion, and I risk my head here, oddly enough even better than Mer.


The other one where Owen looses himself in the drink...well...he likes to drink that's for sure. I'm not sure he would turn a hopless drunk! I think those were her fears talking, in the other hand he has a history of running of problems and confrontations precisely bc he fears them, he's internally fragile, weak. If at some point of his life that would turn the turning point...well. One thing is sure, Cris was the one who knew him better, much better than he ever  knew her. But again, centerd on himself he didn't broaden horizons.

  • Love 2

I haven't watched a full episode since Yang left, but I do read these boards. Bottom line is the writing for the men in Cristina's life has NEVER been about the men. It was all about Shonda's refusal down to the very end to incorporate any lasting love interesting in Cristina's life because um she was gifted and a genius and her scalpel was all she needed, please. Never bought it, bought her not wanting to be a mother, but never bought her not wanting to have someone in her life other than Meredith Grey to call family. Never bought that she did not want to have significant other, just one who finally got that she was an "artist", that she would "bleed" for her "art" and would love her and stick by her to support that.  


I surely don't want her to return at the end of this show's run if it's just to ride off into the sunset with Meredith Grey who Shonda deems as the only one who had this great love because "he" never really loved his first wife and she was a cheater anyway so... But he was Meredith's great love and she his, whatever. Nobody else on this canvas has gotten that, but I guess there's still time. 


My issue as a Cristina Yang fan is that she NEVER got that and it wasn't for lack of showing her trying IMO, but no, no true love for her because her true love was her scalpel, again, please.



So I don't get on Owen nor Burke at the end of the day because I know what the writing for them was all about, it was Shonda's way of justifying Meredith as her forever only person which was always bullshit to me since it really didn't go both ways. Meredith had Derek and all these ties yet Cristina was always you're my person because I surely can't count on the man in my life like you can count on yours.  As a matter a fact, yours is going to be written to get me through PTSD, yeah the same man that thinks I'm a nuisance because Shonda Rhimes keeps putting me in his bed with Meredith at all hours of the day and night, ugh. Anyway, let me stop, because I'm very thankful I don't have to put up with that shit anymore.


My overall point is, that Shonda and her crackpot writing team purposely shredded any and all of Cristina's love interests solely for the purpose of Cristina never finding true love. The fact that she paired her up with two traditional men over the course of ten years is proof enough. Neither relationship was never suppose to work whether Owen turned into a cheater or not, didn't matter.

Edited by represent
  • Love 3

I haven't watched a full episode since Yang left, but I do read these boards. Bottom line is the writing for the men in Cristina's life has NEVER been about the men. It was all about Shonda's refusal down to the very end to incorporate any lasting love interesting in Cristina's life because um she was gifted and a genius and her scalpel was all she needed, please. Never bought it, bought her not wanting to be a mother, but never bought her not wanting to have someone in her life other than Meredith Grey to call family. Never bought that she did not want to have significant other, just one who finally got that she was an "artist", that she would "bleed" for her "art" and would love her and stick by her to support that.  


I surely don't want her to return at the end of this show's run if it's just to ride off into the sunset with Meredith Grey who Shonda deems as the only one who had this great love because "he" never really loved his first wife and she was a cheater anyway so... But he was Meredith's great love and she his, whatever. Nobody else on this canvas has gotten that, but I guess there's still time. 


My issue as a Cristina Yang fan is that she NEVER got that and it wasn't for lack of showing her trying IMO, but no, no true love for her because her true love was her scalpel, again, please.



So I don't get on Owen nor Burke at the end of the day because I know what the writing for them was all about, it was Shonda's way of justifying Meredith as her forever only person which was always bullshit to me since it really didn't go both ways. Meredith had Derek and all these ties yet Cristina was always you're my person because I surely can't count on the man in my life like you can count on yours.  As a matter a fact, yours is going to be written to get me through PTSD, yeah the same man that thinks I'm a nuisance because Shonda Rhimes keeps putting me in his bed with Meredith at all hours of the day and night, ugh. Anyway, let me stop, because I'm very thankful I don't have to put up with that shit anymore.


My overall point is, that Shonda and her crackpot writing team purposely shredded any and all of Cristina's love interests solely for the purpose of Cristina never finding true love. The fact that she paired her up with two traditional men over the course of ten years is proof enough. Neither relationship was never suppose to work whether Owen turned into a cheater or not, didn't matter.


Represent, It makes sense what you wrote, your words are very moving to read and very truthful to read. But in my opinion, Owen was never a good boyfriend or a partner to Cristina.In many ways Burke was better than Owen.


I LOVE the line I highlighted in your post,just love it, so beautiful. Off screen, in Zurich I hope she is with this man,and it will never be Owen,he NEVER had the guts to be that man for her. A coward is who he is.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1


But in my opinion, Owen was never a good boyfriend or a partner to Cristina.In many ways Burke was better than Owen.

But that was my point, he was never supposed to be a good boyfriend nor husband, because Shonda never wanted it to work.To me Burke wasn't any better, because once again, it didn't work, it was designed not to. Cristina came up short in both relationships and the writer/creator designed it that way from day one. It's little comfort for me that Burke has some special place in his heart for Cristina that he thought of her in the end and what she would want most professionally and gave it to her. That was clear that he loved his wife and family, but yet he knew there was no way he could work around her because she would completely fuck up his "normal" life because he'd be a rabbit chasing a carrot around her. I get it, but it wasn't enough. 


Then with Owen, Cristina is the "love of his life"? I have no idea why they chose to have him say that unless it's going to be evident that all his future relationships go up in smoke because no woman could hold a candle to Cristina, which for me is the truth but....


Because for me it's not about how these two men "loved" her but just couldn't be with her because they were so fundamentally different from her, it's about in the end Cristina finding a man, who she can call her family, who can be her person instead of Meredith because they view the world in a similar fashion.  

Edited by represent

This one is tricky. Her take on that was her own take but I think both weren't that far from the truth. The one she sacrífices herself is how I always read it. I think she's those sort of people who can't excell in two different careers at the same time and she wants to be brilliant in everything she does thus why she abdicated of being a mother. It's not that difficult to understand really. If she have had kids she would have prioritized them. She would be a good mother and in my opinion, and I risk my head here, oddly enough even better than Mer.


The other one where Owen looses himself in the drink...well...he likes to drink that's for sure. I'm not sure he would turn a hopless drunk! I think those were her fears talking, in the other hand he has a history of running of problems and confrontations precisely bc he fears them, he's internally fragile, weak. If at some point of his life that would turn the turning point...well. One thing is sure, Cris was the one who knew him better, much better than he ever  knew her. But again, centerd on himself he didn't broaden horizons.

Nanda, I hope I am not bothering you with a myriad of questions but what do you think of Meredith´s role in Crowen´s relationship? Was she there to hinder Cristina from loving Owen, you know like to show her he is not the man he seems to be. 


In S5 I hated Meredith for how she behaved to Owen, especially the choking,you know, he had PTSD and she made fun of it (hands around the neck, I will kill him and stuff like that),but with some time apart her saying to him what she said regarding Teddy, the abortion or calling him a pig after cheating - well,she was right. Or when she said he couldn´t choose you and tried to stop her from marrying him in season premiere 7.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

 If Shonda has the chance in the end she'll bring back Cris, not before  teaching Owen that in fact he doesn't want children he only thinks he does. I'm convinced she already started that  path with Emma, remember? And that scene with Karev where he shows no interest in taking care of Mer's kids  at the beginning of the season if I'm not wrong, was very telling where is mind is going . Time will tell.


That scene with Karev was particularly odd, wasn´t it??? Owen loves kids, wants to be a dad and refuses baybsitting? Why? In S8 he babysat Zola, Sofia why would he refuse to do it now? And he added he would do it for Cristina not for Karev? Why do it for somebody??? If he loves kids and wants them, he should do it because he wants it himself....

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Season5OwenHuntfan, you're not bothering me at all. I've not answered you back yet bc there has been life in between.


...Meredith´s role in Crowen´s relationship...


I don't think she was  there to hinder Cristina from loving Owen, but we all know she's very territorialist of her friends especially Cris. I never hated Mer for trying to protect her best  friend from a potential disaster to happen. "Like to show her he is not the man he seems to be." The truth is, he's not the man he seems to be...and  now that their story ended what are the things Mer told about Owen that  were a lie? Everything she said was right, all of her worries were full on. What was the piece she was wrong about? Mer was in a better place to see certain things Cris wasn't able or didn't want to at the time. I think  if Owen had proven to be a mature solid, stand up guy she'd never, ever  have said  or done those things. She only said and did these things bc they were there in front of her nose, bc Owen gave her material to work with. It's unfair to complain that she didn't turn a blind eye. One of the things that makes me dislike this guy is precisely this. He hated Mer bc she was always there watching his sh*t closely and several times she caught him red handed. He wanted to feel free to do as he wanted (e.g. Teddygate) without Cris being informed or being made aware of his circulatings. Hence why in my opinion he tried to isolate her from Mer.


Although I find the two women's relationship intrusive and in deep need of limits and structure, to me the way Mer dealt with Hunt at the beginning was correct. If you see your sister falling in the hands of an unfit partner, are you supposed to be mouth shut and smile and say only what she wants to hear? In the end Mer didn't make Cris do a thing she didn't want to. Cris is very charismatic. She's strong, she knows very well what she wants in life and she's firm and unwavering in her goals. Owen failed to deviate her from her life goals. Mer would failed too if she tried. Mer didn't play a catastrophic role in Cris's life. Owen and Cris did it, and  in my opinion Owen did it by far.

Edited by Nanda
  • Love 1


That scene with Karev was particularly odd, wasn´t it??? Owen loves kids, wants to be a dad and refuses baybsitting? Why? In S8 he babysat Zola, Sofia why would he refuse to do it now? And he added he would do it for Cristina not for Karev? Why do it for somebody??? If he loves kids and wants them, he should do it because he wants it himself....


Honestly, I didn't find that odd at all. It goes hand in hand with what has been wrote for this character. I'll explain my point of view. You have to understand that Hunt is a grown up baby who doesn't know what he truly wants. He needs to use people to discover what he wants. Firstly needs a domesticated partner like Beth to pop up babies for him and clean his shit after him, but...he lusts for a badass girl in Beth's back, Teddy. Then, he dumps Beth bc he finally understands that what he wants is a badass (PTSD was the perfect excuse to dispatch her in full speed), a professional kind of girl. Cristina. But he still wants it all, he works 20 hours a day, has a career woman but he wants kids anyway. So who will make that dream come true for him? The badass of course! He takes for granted that the badass will slow down to fulfill all his needs while he continues to the top. The badass will compromisse her life views while he doesn't compromise anything. The badass wants to remain badass...and childless... and he becames enraged...things end. Now next phase, he can't go back to a domesticated non-badass type anymore and aims to what it seems to be a badass with kids aching, Emma. The new badass shows desire of being less badass to stay at home and have those blessed kids and...suddenly...it rings a bell in Owen's head. It's not exactly what he wants!!! He dispatchs the last semi-badass in full speed too, using a ragged excuse, and the doubt remains... does he want or does he not want??? The scenes were ambiguous.  And now Shonda showed us that 'odd' scene where he shows  zero interest in children, or babysitting them, when before he was so  freaking 'adorable' with Zola...and when we know he sooooooo loooooves kids?! What is the purpose? I think it's one of two things: She wants to show Owen  evolving from a simplistic, communitarian aproach of life were people want kids bc everyone does and everyone tells them to have them, to a mature grown-up man who finally knows what he wants and begins to realize that his aching is a social imposition.  In that context his  actual relationship with his 'new man' is another experience for him to realize that he can be happy without kids, being the relationship the most importante, not family...but...not with that woman. One more badass  speed out. There I'm afraid he will be right at the point where he can fly to Switzerland, to my chagrin. In this scenario Shonda is trying to make Owen move from a situation of fundamentally incompatible to fundamentally compatible with Cris to pair them up in the end of the series and make up with the fans she showed the middle finger.  Or, Shonda might  be trying to show us that this kind of macho guys want kids but not the trouble and are  a hazard to a badass girl. Time will tell.


What I found odd was that no one took notice of Hunt's reaction  at the time, Owen pushing children away from him! Is this the same Owen we know? Maybe, Hunt doesn't have anyone paying attention to him anymore. I think your questions have already answer the question.

Edited by Nanda
  • Love 1

Season5OwenHuntfan, you're not bothering me at all. I've not answered you back yet bc there has been life in between.


I don't think she was  there to hinder Cristina from loving Owen, but we all know she's very territorialist of her friends especially Cris. I never hated Mer for trying to protect her best  friend from a potential disaster to happen. "Like to show her he is not the man he seems to be." The truth is, he's not the man he seems to be...and  now that their story ended what are the things Mer told about Owen that  were a lie? Everything she said was right, all of her worries were full on. What was the piece she was wrong about? Mer was in a better place to see certain things Cris wasn't able or didn't want to at the time. I think  if Owen had proven to be a mature solid, stand up guy she'd never, ever  have said  or done those things. She only said and did these things bc they were there in front of her nose, bc Owen gave her material to work with. It's unfair to complain that she didn't turn a blind eye. One of the things that makes me dislike this guy is precisely this. He hated Mer bc she was always there watching his sh*t closely and several times she caught him red handed. He wanted to feel free to do as he wanted (e.g. Teddygate) without Cris being informed or being made aware of his circulatings. Hence why in my opinion he tried to isolate her from Mer.


Although I find the two women's relationship intrusive and in deep need of limits and structure, to me the way Mer dealt with Hunt at the beginning was correct. If you see your sister falling in the hands of an unfit partner, are you supposed to be mouth shut and smile and say only what she wants to hear? In the end Mer didn't make Cris do a thing she didn't want to. Cris is very charismatic. She's strong, she knows very well what she wants in life and she's firm and unwavering in her goals. Owen failed to deviate her from her life goals. Mer would failed too if she tried. Mer didn't play a catastrophic role in Cris's life. Owen and Cris did it, and  in my opinion Owen did it by far.

You have great insight, I was fooled by Owen as a viewer, you know that blind love, thanks for opening my eyes, it took some time for me to see the truth as ugly as it is.


You made me laugh with Teddygate :)

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Honestly, I didn't find that odd at all. It goes hand in hand with what has been wrote for this character. I'll explain my point of view. You have to understand that Hunt is a grown up baby who doesn't know what he truly wants. He needs to use people to discover what he wants. Firstly needs a domesticated partner like Beth to pop up babies for him and clean his shit after him, but...he lusts for a badass girl in Beth's back, Teddy. Then, he dumps Beth bc he finally understands that what he wants is a badass (PTSD was the perfect excuse to dispatch her in full speed), a professional kind of girl. Cristina. But he still wants it all, he works 20 hours a day, has a career woman but he wants kids anyway. So who will make that dream come true for him? The badass of course! He takes for granted that the badass will slow down to fulfill all his needs while he continues to the top. The badass will compromisse her life views while he doesn't compromise anything. The badass wants to remain badass...and childless... and he becames enraged...things end. Now next phase, he can't go back to a domesticated non-badass type anymore and aims to what it seems to be a badass with kids aching, Emma. The new badass shows desire of being less badass to stay at home and have those blessed kids and...suddenly...it rings a bell in Owen's head. It's not exactly what he wants!!! He dispatchs the last semi-badass in full speed too, using a ragged excuse, and the doubt remains... does he want or does he not want??? The scenes were ambiguous.  And now Shonda showed us that 'odd' scene where he shows  zero interest in children, or babysitting them, when before he was so  freaking 'adorable' with Zola...and when we know he sooooooo loooooves kids?! What is the purpose? I think it's one of two things: She wants to show Owen  evolving from a simplistic, communitarian aproach of life were people want kids bc everyone does and everyone tells them to have them, to a mature grown-up man who finally knows what he wants and begins to realize that his aching is a social imposition.  In that context his  actual relationship with his 'new man' is another experience for him to realize that he can be happy without kids, being the relationship the most importante, not family...but...not with that woman. One more badass  speed out. There I'm afraid he will be right at the point where he can fly to Switzerland, to my chagrin. In this scenario Shonda is trying to make Owen move from a situation of fundamentally incompatible to fundamentally compatible with Cris to pair them up in the end of the series and make up with the fans she showed the middle finger.  Or, Shonda might  be trying to show us that this kind of macho guys want kids but not the trouble and are  a hazard to a badass girl. Time will tell.


Will he ever get there?To find out it is Cristina who he wants?

I do believe couples or spouses can be happy and fulfilled in life with no kids, and I would like to see such a couple on Greys.


What attracts him to Amelia??! She is a whiny kid. You really think she is a badass? 

I tend to think him being with Amelia as friends with benefits in S12 is what writers are doing for her to get pregnant and give him a kid? You don´t think so?


The more I think about it, the more I believe it will be this one.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan


Will he ever get there?To find out it is Cristina who he wants?

I really hope not. Cristina was my fav character and see her get rid of that bag without handle, who in several ways pushed her to regress instead of evolving, was the best hapiness Shonda could have given me. But I've the lingering feeling that this hapiness won't last forever. I too believe couples can be happy without kids. There's so many who can prove that. And I think Shonda believes that too. She has distributed kids to the other main couples thus she's perfectly capable of transforming Owen to offer him to Cris in the end in order to make them different from the other two couples and appeal to diversity.



What attracts him to Amelia??! She is a whiny kid. You really think she is a badass?

I don't think she's a badass, I think she's a neurotic. Hysterical. For me is even difficult to see the performance without becoming neurotic myself. There's something irritating in that actress energy that makes me FF her scenes since she came to greys even as a guest. I can't with her, so I can't with the character.

I don't think she's a badass but Owen thinks she is or he wouldn't be after her. And I think that it's the premise on which she was introduced. However, for me an actor can make or unmake a character and for me she is not an asset to revitalize Owen who is in great need of that.  

What attracts  him to his guy, pardon Amelia, is that she's supposedly a badass (like Cristina) and screwed. She's troubled, and he likes complication until he sees he can't deal with that and he cheats or back off. He's himself troubled and he probably sees there a possibility of intimacy once they're in the same boat.




The more I think about it, the more I believe it will be this one.


Maybe. The fact is that when Shonda loses an actor she replaces him/her and pick up the SL where it was left. As you can see the Amelia/Owen love scenes are all absurdly a copycat of Crowen's. It's stultifying, actually! It must has to have a justification to that! Right? Or maybe some serious laziness from writers part? The truth is that Amelia is the replacement of Cristina.

Edited by Nanda
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I don't think she's a badass, I think she's a neurotic. Hysterical. For me is even difficult to see the performance without becoming neurotic myself. There's something irritating in that actress energy that makes me FF her scenes since she came to greys even as a guest. I can't with her, so I can't with the character.





I agree with you. Actually, I don't think it's her being a "badass",  I think it's her damsel in distress vibe that's got him. The way the actress acts fits with the fucked up drug addict part of her character. She's constantly on edge in fear of being on the verge of relapsing. Yep, it's her fragile state, her unstable state that attracts him to her. It's like when Meredith said to him which I didn't know whether to believe or not at the time, that during Cristina's PTSD, that her condition was convenient for him. That it all worked out for him to keep Cristina in that "needy" state, to marry her and make it OK for her to fall apart.  He has a savior complex which Cristina refers to when he was playing cat and mouse and she and Meredith weren't speaking. This was the first time they weren't speaking, before she and Owen actually went out together. She was standing by the elevator and he comes up and tries to talk to her and she goes off on him about how now he sees her alone and feels sorry for her so his savior complex kicks in and now he wants to talk to her. She actually says to him that he has some kind of savior complex. Then when they first meet he saves her and picks her up later in the episode when the icicle stabs her. 


Yeah, it's not until he sees how badass Cristina really is and that she knows who she is and what she wants/does not want out of life that things start to get "interesting".


His ex-fiance' Beth, she was described as nearly being completely helpless. I remember they made it sound like she couldn't do a thing by herself, that Owen would rush over to kill a spider for her. This was of course before he decided to go war. I swear I remember a description to that effect.

Edited by represent
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You are both right, and represent the lines from the script you mentioned are 100%  correct - I  remember them. Owen always goes for the needy helpless women he can control and manouvre as he pleases. In S7 I was wondering why isn´t Owen doing anything about Cristina´s mental state - it was Derek all the time who cared,who made her operate on the dead patient in the morque,who took her fishing and made her become herself again. Owen never cared because he liked her like that - helpless, needy plumber.


And Nanda you describing Amelia as a hysterical neurotic is spot on.


I enjoy talking to you both ladies :) Thanks for coming back and posting.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I agree with you. Actually, I don't think it's her being a "badass",  I think it's her damsel in distress vibe that's got him. The way the actress acts fits with the fucked up drug addict part of her character. She's constantly on edge in fear of being on the verge of relapsing. Yep, it's her fragile state, her unstable state that attracts him to her. It's like when Meredith said to him which I didn't know whether to believe or not at the time, that during Cristina's PTSD, that her condition was convenient for him. That it all worked out for him to keep Cristina in that "needy" state, to marry her and make it OK for her to fall apart.  He has a savior complex which Cristina refers to when he was playing cat and mouse and she and Meredith weren't speaking. This was the first time they weren't speaking, before she and Owen actually went out together. She was standing by the elevator and he comes up and tries to talk to her and she goes off on him about how now he sees her alone and feels sorry for her so his savior complex kicks in and now he wants to talk to her. She actually says to him that he has some kind of savior complex. Then when they first meet he saves her and picks her up later in the episode when the icicle stabs her.


Yeah, it's not until he sees how badass Cristina really is and that she knows who she is and what she wants/does not want out of life that things start to get "interesting".


His ex-fiance' Beth, she was described as nearly being completely helpless. I remember they made it sound like she couldn't do a thing by herself, that Owen would rush over to kill a spider for her. This was of course before he decided to go war. I swear I remember a description to that effect.


I couldn't agree more. You are spot on. You described exactly what I was feeling but was incapable to put in words.  The guy is weak himself, thus why he preys on  what it seems to be at first sight as weak girls for they are easier to deal with in his eyes. But when the complications of those types of relationships arise, or the girls start to have opinions different from his own, he can't deal with them.  I'm awating to see hurricane Amelia to blow full force on him. Now I recall his old savior complex! He likes they depend on him, makes him feel dependable and useful. Meredith was absolutely correct in that one, she always understood Cristina much better than he did...and as always she was attentive to his behaviour. Obviously he didn't like it.

Now, two unstable people together, huum, how far can they make? It'll be interesting, more drama coming, but somehow predictable. That's why this relationship seems to be one of transition, you know while the series is airing till the end when Shonda will pair C/O up again. I don't buy this new pairing has got  the same fanbase Crowen once had and now that Shonda doesn't have her ex-libris couple to finish the soap with a marvellous cherry on top as she wanted, she must be in desperate need of a substitute couple. Maybe she'll be willing to pick up the scattered pieces to try a 'briliant' final.

  • Love 1

When Owen came on Greys I thought what a man and what a man for Cristina, manly, rough, unusually handsome,honest, brave, but all he turned out to be is the opposite a weak person, a coward, a manipulator, a liar, a cheater. He was too good to be real in S5. Just like those 501,502 titles - dream a little dream of me, he was a fairy tale like hero. Imaginary. Of course no one is perfect, but his faults strongly outweigh his virtues, nothing to admire about him at all.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I couldn't agree more. You are spot on. You described exactly what I was feeling but was incapable to put in words.  The guy is weak himself, thus why he preys on  what it seems to be at first sight as weak girls for they are easier to deal with in his eyes. But when the complications of those types of relationships arise, or the girls start to have opinions different from his own, he can't deal with them.  I'm awating to see hurricane Amelia to blow full force on him. Now I recall his old savior complex! He likes they depend on him, makes him feel dependable and useful. Meredith was absolutely correct in that one, she always understood Cristina much better than he did...and as always she was attentive to his behaviour. Obviously he didn't like it.

Now, two unstable people together, huum, how far can they make? It'll be interesting, more drama coming, but somehow predictable. That's why this relationship seems to be one of transition, you know while the series is airing till the end when Shonda will pair C/O up again. I don't buy this new pairing has got  the same fanbase Crowen once had and now that Shonda doesn't have her ex-libris couple to finish the soap with a marvellous cherry on top as she wanted, she must be in desperate need of a substitute couple. Maybe she'll be willing to pick up the scattered pieces to try a 'briliant' final.

I don´t really see the purpose of him being paired up with Amelia unless to have a kid with her.


I don´t really see the purpose of him being paired up with Amelia unless to have a kid with her.

 Or to make him realize that the real love of his life is and will always be Cristina and no other woman  will ever compare with her. With that, Shonda manage to end the show in a positive note bc at these days the crap she has done to the couples left her without many good things to offer to the fans she alienated over time. I think it's a given that the viewers don't want to see a finale where the main couple and love story is Cristina and Meredith. Maybe by now she already understood this!

 Or to make him realize that the real love of his life is and will always be Cristina and no other woman  will ever compare with her. With that, Shonda manage to end the show in a positive note bc at these days the crap she has done to the couples left her without many good things to offer to the fans she alienated over time. I think it's a given that the viewers don't want to see a finale where the main couple and love story is Cristina and Meredith. Maybe by now she already understood this!

If only, how I wish she understood this. I don´t think she has and I don´t think she ever will, she has said again in her latest interview that it is Cristina and Meredith lovestory No 1 ,no Derek or any other man is relevant, these two women are the romance of Olivia and Fitz on Scandal is what Rhimes said. I find this comparison very very odd,don´t you think? So quite honestly I see no hope she will ever change her mind. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I don't see Scandal or any other show of hers. I don't intend to see any in the future bc I find her false and disrespectful toward fans and her themes are starting to fed up. Sometimes I see one or other Grey's episode with my FF key on my finger tip because I've seen it for years, but not in a consistent way as before.

  • Love 2

When Owen came on Greys I thought what a man and what a man for Cristina, manly, rough, unusually handsome,honest, brave, but all he turned out to be is the opposite a weak person, a coward, a manipulator, a liar, a cheater. He was too good to be real in S5. Just like those 501,502 titles - dream a little dream of me, he was a fairy tale like hero. Imaginary. Of course no one is perfect, but his faults strongly outweigh his virtues, nothing to admire about him at all.

This is 100% Shonda's fault because, as has been said, Cristina was not going to be allowed to be happy with a man. He should have been the one, but tptb killed his character. I also haven't watched since Yang left, other than the finale last season. She was my favorite and I only really cared about the others as they interacted with her.

Edited by Beth64
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This is 100% Shonda's fault because, as has been said, Cristina was not going to be allowed to be happy with a man. He should have been the one, but tptb killed his character. I also haven't watched since Yang left, other than the finale last season. She was my favorite and I only really cared about the others as they interacted with her.

I agree. 

Owen changed into a man I detest. It is sad how Rhimes killed his character´s personality. I wonder what makes him good enough for Amelia in Rhimes´s vision.

I guess it is the similarity of their characters, both Owen and Amelia are very manipulative,theatrical,hysterical and have a very show off attitude. I guess they are a perfect fit according to what Rhimes presents to us.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I agree. 

Owen changed into a man I detest. It is sad how Rhimes killed his character´s personality. I wonder what makes him good enough for Amelia in Rhimes´s vision.

I guess it is the similarity of their characters, both Owen and Amelia are very manipulative,theatrical,hysterical and have a very show off attitude. I guess they are a perfect fit according to what Rhimes presents to us.

Shonda wanted to show that all women don't want kids. I don't know why she had to make Owen want kids. Also, I think she has a problem with people being in reasonably happy relationships. It's boring tv, I guess. Of course, with Sandra Oh leaving and McKidd staying, something had to give.

  • Love 1

Shonda wanted to show that all women don't want kids. I don't know why she had to make Owen want kids. Also, I think she has a problem with people being in reasonably happy relationships. It's boring tv, I guess. Of course, with Sandra Oh leaving and McKidd staying, something had to give.

True indeed. I would have liked Owen to be the man who wants Cristina more not kids. I would have liked to see him as the man for whom Cristina as a woman is enough. Sadly, we got it the other way. She was never enough for him.   There are men like him who leave.


I can´t imagine how Cristina must have felt when she asked him will I be enough and he was silent so it was a 100% no and then he just let her go in S9 finale. The man you love does not find you worth enough to be all for him. 


Isn´t this heartbreaking?


I can say I truly hate Owen for how much he hurt Cristina.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Cristina appreciated  the relationship per se while he appreciated the relationship for what he could get from it. That's why I never bought he loved her that much, he needed her which is very different. If he loved her that much he never would have open hand of her, even if that meant to follow her to Switzerland. Which is what we women do everyday in any part of the globe, we follow our SO. In fact, this kind of people very quickly turn to other people who can give the things they aim when their partners  fail to do it. They are unreliable, flighty bc is not exactly the person who they want but their needs met and their agendas fulfilled. I don't think, I'm far from the truth. The speed this guy falls in other women's arms after Cristina is very telling. After a couple of weeks he was already making plans for the future with Emma and KMK acted as his character was maddly in love with Amelia after a couple of months after Cris. Yeah what a great, consuming love that was!!!  He might be only projecting, but he seems to fall for every girl who crosses his path very easily.

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I get the complaints about Owen / Cristina, and I certainly was annoyed by their relationship often post season 5. I also agree that Owen's character is dreadfully boring now, and sort of all over the place. 


BUT... I'll say that I never, ever once doubted how much he loved Cristina. Just like it is her right to not want kids, it's his right to feel he needs them. There are PLENTY of men in the world who want children. It's so rare to see on TV (and even in films), and so I do like and appreciate that Shonda explored that dynamic of their relationship. Often people are madly in love but they simply aren't a perfect fit; that was the case with Cristina and Owen to me. They both hurt each other, but I dare you to show me two people in love who have never hurt each other.... it ain't gonna happen. Should he have have followed her to Switzerland? Absolutely not. They'd never work out. Part of him loving her is realizing that she needed to be on her own, doing what she loved.


His relationship with Amelia feels totally out of place, because it happened so inorganically and seemingly out of nowhere. Still, that's sort of what happens on Grey's; take into account that S1 - S3 took place over just one year, and Izzie started out with a boyfriend, then got with Alex, then fell in love with Denny, and after he died she fell in love with George. IN ONE YEAR! George also fell madly in love with Meredith, dated Olivia and then married Callie during that time. Meredith met and fell in love with Derek, had several one night stands, then met and fell in love with Finn, then got back with Derek. In this case, at least Owen and Cristina had been off and on for some time.


I don't fault him for sleeping with or falling for someone else, but I do think the way the writers put the story with Amelia together was clumsy as hell. 

Edited by BaseOps
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