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S01.E02: Patient X

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Blindsided and upset by Grady's sudden change of heart, Rebel proceeds to help Cruz build their case against Stonemore and enlists Lana's assistance to convince a former patient to aid in their case. Meanwhile, Cassidy shares surprising news with Cruz who is simultaneously dealing with trauma from his own past. Elsewhere, Nate tries to prove Rebel wrong and recruits a colleague to help with his heart valve study.

Airing: April 15th

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Rebel's character I continue to love so much.


Grady, man I couldn't believe he told Rebel to take the guest room!! after what he did! Please...but when Rebel shot his car with the rifle that was funny, but so well deserved, but so glad it was worked out when Lana put it all into perspective, but I still don't like Grady...he's really pushing it. I still think they should divorce and Rebel should kick him out of the house.


I was shocked when Cassidy went to work for her father, but she didn't let Cruz know she was quitting earlier which she should have. I also couldn't believe she was enjoying it so fast I think later on she'll regret it and go back to working for her mother.


I was so happy when they found another patient for the study and the professional was telling the truth about that guy! But that mother of that kid I think she was definitely hiding something as she was trying way too hard to impress Lana and Lana knew it.


I'm not sure about Misha because she talks so fast I'm hoping that'll calm down with the remining episodes. It'll be interesting to see where this goes with her and Nate.. and I liked that we got to see Nate delivering a baby for the first time. Nate & Cassidy seem to be the siblings that get along best together so far.


Ziggy & Sean are still very cute. but wow Sean made Ziggy angry I hope they can work it out. She's right she does need to stay clean and I really hope she does so I get why she got mad at Sean. We find out from Grady Ziggy's real name is Rosa, how interesting.


Cruz, I felt so sad for him, he definitely reached his breaking point I was surprised Rebel didn't go in after him when he was crying in his office, but she was right he needed to get it all out of his system.


I continue to love Rebel & Lana those two are so awesome together they make such a great team. Lana got kicked off the police force according to Cruz, wonder why??


I loved Rebel & Ziggy's mother & daughter time and I love them in general as well.


But next week's looks like family drama coming up...can't wait for the next episode.

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"Your son the gynecologist is overseeing a heart valve study?"  Thank you, but then we get some "you ghosted me" bullshit from a highly-accomplished woman fixating on three dates that didn't turn into four a couple of years ago?!  I don't know if I can hang with the soap-y parts of this show, but we'll see.

"Any man who would file for divorce to get your attention doesn't deserve your attention."  Testify, Lana.  Ditch this dude, Annie.  There's a lot of marriage there we haven't seen/heard about, so I shouldn't say that so definitively, but thus far when I've been happy to see Husband Three (I'm still learning names) is when someone is writing him off ("son of a dick" still making me laugh a week later, BTW).

Cassidy practicing her resignation was funny, and I completely understand her reason for leaving, that just falls apart a little bit when she's transferring to her dad's firm.  I think she'll be interesting there, though - yet I also like Amir calling her out for it.

Ziggy and the skateboarder dude interests me about as much as watching grass grow.  Again, with the low soap-y tolerance.

Taking out the Nazi was fun - as was zero tolerance for physical altercation not existing alongside the same strict policy against hate speech being called out - and I like how Lana played Nazi's Mom, and that she turned out to be legit horrified when she learned the truth.  I also like Patient X being messy, but Rebel's "I need him" speech was poor strategy even though it worked.

Cruz talking to pictures of his dead wife is pretty creepy, but him coming to terms with the fact her death wasn't inevitable and getting fired up worked for me. 

Generic white dude at Cassidy's dad's firm still leaves me cold (to the extent I can't even learn his name yet - in my defense, there are a lot of characters!)

I'm still here for Mary McDonnell - who killed it again in this episode (and I love that she's bucking tradition by putting herself out there with COVID hair and minimal make-up) - and still happy with other aspects; I like Rebel, I frakkin' love Lana, and I like many of the relationships.  While I'm more interested in Rebel's professional life, "At the end of the day, we're a family, and no one pretends someone doesn't exist - even the ex-husbands" summed up what I like about her messy personal life.

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On 4/16/2021 at 2:05 AM, Bastet said:

"Your son the gynecologist is overseeing a heart valve study?"  Thank you, but then we get some "you ghosted me" bullshit from a highly-accomplished woman fixating on three dates that didn't turn into four a couple of years ago?!  I don't know if I can hang with the soap-y parts of this show, but we'll see.

"Any man who would file for divorce to get your attention doesn't deserve your attention."  Testify, Lana.  Ditch this dude, Annie.  There's a lot of marriage there we haven't seen/heard about, so I shouldn't say that so definitively, but thus far when I've been happy to see Husband Three (I'm still learning names) is when someone is writing him off ("son of a dick" still making me laugh a week later, BTW).

Cassidy practicing her resignation was funny, and I completely understand her reason for leaving, that just falls apart a little bit when she's transferring to her dad's firm.  I think she'll be interesting there, though - yet I also like Amir calling her out for it.

Ziggy and the skateboarder dude interests me about as much as watching grass grow.  Again, with the low soap-y tolerance.

Taking out the Nazi was fun - as was zero tolerance for physical altercation not existing alongside the same strict policy against hate speech being called out - and I like how Lana played Nazi's Mom, and that she turned out to be legit horrified when she learned the truth.  I also like Patient X being messy, but Rebel's "I need him" speech was poor strategy even though it worked.

Cruz talking to pictures of his dead wife is pretty creepy, but him coming to terms with the fact her death wasn't inevitable and getting fired up worked for me. 

Generic white dude at Cassidy's dad's firm still leaves me cold (to the extent I can't even learn his name yet - in my defense, there are a lot of characters!)

I'm still here for Mary McDonnell - who killed it again in this episode (and I love that she's bucking tradition by putting herself out there with COVID hair and minimal make-up) - and still happy with other aspects; I like Rebel, I frakkin' love Lana, and I like many of the relationships.  While I'm more interested in Rebel's professional life, "At the end of the day, we're a family, and no one pretends someone doesn't exist - even the ex-husbands" summed up what I like about her messy personal life.

The names of Rebel's husbands are Woodrow who was her first, and the cop we saw in the first episode, Benji was her second, and last, but not least we have Grady who is obviously her third.

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A lot of good actors in this (new British dude is Sam Pallido, formerly from the show Nashville) but the cast is huge and I wonder if people will stick around to learn all of these people's names and functions. A friend of mine's son was in this episode playing the Nazi college kid so that was fun to watch. I like Katy Sagal so I hope this succeeds but it is a bit messy so far. 

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15 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

A lot of good actors in this (new British dude is Sam Pallido, formerly from the show Nashville) but the cast is huge and I wonder if people will stick around to learn all of these people's names and functions. A friend of mine's son was in this episode playing the Nazi college kid so that was fun to watch. I like Katy Sagal so I hope this succeeds but it is a bit messy so far. 

I think it's supposed to be messy as it centers around Rebel's life and her family mostly and she's messy. Honestly to me the cast isn't that huge there's only 9 that are main cast, the rest are reoccurring characters/cast members although that could always change. I didn't have any trouble really with who was who and what character was what, but that's because I've been following Rebel for a year now and read all the spoilers before the show even aired. 

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This episode was written by executive producer Krista Vernon. I thought it was a lot of fun but there are several characters I still don't like.

Grady (husband #3) seems to be a complete jerk. He encouraged Rebel to go out and "save the world" instead of spending the day with him while  he's in the process of filing for divorce and now he's trying to get their kid on his side. I get it, she's a hard person to live with in real life, just ask her two older kids, but there's stress and then there's dishonesty.

The guy at Dad's law firm seems very sleazy.

Lana's friendship and dry humour is great. I think Katy is doing a good job with the role but I haven't warmed to Rebel yet.

17 hours ago, Bastet said:

"Your son the gynecologist is overseeing a heart valve study?"  Thank you, but then we get some "you ghosted me" bullshit from a highly-accomplished woman fixating on three dates that didn't turn into four a couple of years ago?!  I don't know if I can hang with the soap-y parts of this show, but we'll see.

That was just Station 19 levels of bad. The sex must have been great because Nate seems rather sleazy as a person, look at the OB nurse angry at him too for the same reason.

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I just don't get this show. Am I supposed to ignore the fact that Rebel is insanely obnoxious because she tries to help people? She treats everyone in her life terribly. I know the character is inspired by Erin Brokovich, and all I really know about her is from the movie. I don't remember disliking the character in the movie.

I guess I was supposed to be on Rebel's side with the husband, but she lost any good will she had in that battle when she pulled out the gun. Her husband seems like an ass for leaving her like that, but that is no excuse for pulling out a weapon and threatening people or destroying property. 

I understand the daughter wanting to get away from the mother, but working for her father is not much better. She seemed like a good lawyer last week, couldn't she have just applied for another firm that has no relatives employed? And maybe one that isn't a big bad corporate firm?

I liked Ziggy shutting down the skateboarder guy when he tried to say it was okay for an addict to smoke pot. I hope she stays clean because addict drama is never enjoyable.

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7 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I take back my negative comment ... I'm loving this show & the cast.  There, I said it!!!

It's great to see someone with a change of heart for this show, so thank you. 

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5 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I just don't get this show. Am I supposed to ignore the fact that Rebel is insanely obnoxious because she tries to help people? She treats everyone in her life terribly. I know the character is inspired by Erin Brokovich, and all I really know about her is from the movie. I don't remember disliking the character in the movie.

Actually the character of Rebel is loosely based on Erin Brockovich, so Rebel is her own character with similarities to Erin, that's it.  

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21 hours ago, ESS said:

Honestly to me the cast isn't that huge there's only 9 that are main cast, the rest are reoccurring characters/cast members although that could always change. I didn't have any trouble really with who was who and what character was what, but that's because I've been following Rebel for a year now and read all the spoilers before the show even aired. 

Yeah, I immediately got the connections first episode.  I thought the show did a good job of explaining without doing what I call "data dumps" of who was who and how they are all related. 

I did like that we got a little bit more background between the family and Cruz and how deeply he has been part of the family as well.

Cassie practicing her notice was funny.  But yeah, it isn't exactly freeing to go from a job your mom got you in the firm of an honorary uncle to your dad's firm.  Even though I do get her feelings about making money.  It is refreshing to hear someone on tv from a family that is apparently very well off,  talk about paying back student loans.  And who didn't see the lawyer dude from her dad's firm catching feelings?  Maybe it is just the actor's face, but he seems like he could easily slip into a villain type on this show.  Also, shallow alert, but Cassidy is ridiculously pretty.

I was hoping to get a glimpse of sibling interaction and we got some of that with Cassidy and Dr. BroDude.  I liked her telling possibly Villain Lawyer about how her family works and would like to see that in action. 

Grady is really coming off as a super jerk. 

I really liked Ziggy's  in this ep from  her freaking out about her possible broken wrist because she absolutely can not take pain killers of any kind.  To it being her turn to get a job in Cruz's firm to her to her getting a thrill as a process server.  And finally I loved her calling her parents on their bullshit.

I generally like all the kids, but Dr. BroDude was distracting because he looks like he has a really bad spray on tan.

The Patient X story was fun.  Lana was excellent all in this ep but especially here.  I do call shenanigans on the professor getting fired by a panel of his peers.  Usually the only people empowered to fire faculty are a Provost or someone in HR.  And if the faculty was tenured, forget it.  There's be real lawyers involved all around.

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10 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Yeah, I immediately got the connections first episode.  I thought the show did a good job of explaining without doing what I call "data dumps" of who was who and how they are all related. 

I did like that we got a little bit more background between the family and Cruz and how deeply he has been part of the family as well.

Cassie practicing her notice was funny.  But yeah, it isn't exactly freeing to go from a job your mom got you in the firm of an honorary uncle to your dad's firm.  Even though I do get her feelings about making money.  It is refreshing to hear someone on tv from a family that is apparently very well off,  talk about paying back student loans.  And who didn't see the lawyer dude from her dad's firm catching feelings?  Maybe it is just the actor's face, but he seems like he could easily slip into a villain type on this show.  Also, shallow alert, but Cassidy is ridiculously pretty.

I was hoping to get a glimpse of sibling interaction and we got some of that with Cassidy and Dr. BroDude.  I liked her telling possibly Villain Lawyer about how her family works and would like to see that in action. 

Grady is really coming off as a super jerk. 

I really liked Ziggy's  in this ep from  her freaking out about her possible broken wrist because she absolutely can not take pain killers of any kind.  To it being her turn to get a job in Cruz's firm to her to her getting a thrill as a process server.  And finally I loved her calling her parents on their bullshit.

I generally like all the kids, but Dr. BroDude was distracting because he looks like he has a really bad spray on tan.

The Patient X story was fun.  Lana was excellent all in this ep but especially here.  I do call shenanigans on the professor getting fired by a panel of his peers.  Usually the only people empowered to fire faculty are a Provost or someone in HR.  And if the faculty was tenured, forget it.  There's be real lawyers involved all around.

Great review! the Doctor brother's name is Nate just so you know and the other guy that works with Benji (Cassidy's father) is named Luke and yes he has a crush on Cassidy, but she's with Amir (the black guy who works with Cruz) apparently at the moment. I totally agree with you on Grady he's really getting to be a bigger jerk more and more and then making her take the guest room, after what he did, ugh!. I felt so bad for Rebel what he did was worse than cheating in my opinion. I love Lana too and especially when Rebel & Lana work together they are such a great team. I love that they are a family that mostly gets along and even with Rebel's ex husbands which is so different because usually that doesn't happen often on TV it seems to me (ex husbands being friendly with their ex's) 

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On 4/17/2021 at 1:16 PM, DearEvette said:

  I liked her telling possibly Villain Lawyer about how her family works and would like to see that in action. 

Actually, that's a horrible abuse of the law.  You don't have to be a law school grad to realize that sharing information you've learned at one firm with another firm is completely unethical, but that is exactly what we see her doing in coming attractions to Episode 3.  (Think of it as industrial spying in a law firm.)
How does she believe she  will become more independent by escaping her mother's influence only to go to work in  her father's firm?  Are nice office furniture and a new copy machine more important to her than whether she can stomach working for corporations that are harming  people and the climate?  We'll see.

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9 minutes ago, buckboard said:

Actually, that's a horrible abuse of the law.

No.  I was referring her little speech about how her family dynamic works.  After lawyer guy sees her pictures of her and her siblings.  He tells her about how toxic his own parents' divorce was,  so much so that his mother cut his dad out of pictures and then questions her about her family and how mad will her mom be when Rebel learns that she jumped ship from Cruz' firm. Cassidy  then goes on to explain that while Rebel burns through husbands she sticks with her kids. She acknowledges that Rebel will be pissed and Ziggy will take Rebel's side and everyone will be over the top about it all and yell a lot but at the end of the day they are a family and they all have each others' backs.

That is what I referring to, the family stuff which, imo, is one of the more charming parts of the show for me.


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47 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

No.  I was referring her little speech about how her family dynamic works.  After lawyer guy sees her pictures of her and her siblings.  He tells her about how toxic his own parents' divorce was,  so much so that his mother cut his dad out of pictures and then questions her about her family and how mad will her mom be when Rebel learns that she jumped ship from Cruz' firm. Cassidy  then goes on to explain that while Rebel burns through husbands she sticks with her kids. She acknowledges that Rebel will be pissed and Ziggy will take Rebel's side and everyone will be over the top about it all and yell a lot but at the end of the day they are a family and they all have each others' backs.

That is what I referring to, the family stuff which, imo, is one of the more charming parts of the show for me.


I know Rebel gonna be so mad about that and at Cassidy and Cruz..no doubt about it, it's gonna get intense for sure. I can't wait to see how it plays out on screen Thursday.

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On 4/18/2021 at 2:07 AM, ESS said:

I felt so bad for Rebel what he did was worse than cheating in my opinion.

Am I missing what he did that was so bad? Didn't he just decide he wanted out and hire a divorce attorney? Was there a reveal of something worse?

He only tried to get her into the guest house after she refused to let him move there. If they both own the house, him staying in the guest house temporarily seems like a pretty reasonable request.

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Am I missing what he did that was so bad? Didn't he just decide he wanted out and hire a divorce attorney? Was there a reveal of something worse?

He only tried to get her into the guest house after she refused to let him move there. If they both own the house, him staying in the guest house temporarily seems like a pretty reasonable request.

He filed for divorce without telling Rebel

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1 hour ago, bobalina said:

He filed for divorce without telling Rebel

But wasn't the whole point that he didn't file for divorce? He was trying to wait until after their 10th anniversary because he thought he'd do better financial. It appears he just consulted a divorce attorney.

Obviously the best way to approach a split is to talk to your spouse before getting attorney's involved, but I don't think talking to a lawyer first is worse than cheating. I am guessing lots of people do that to explore their options.

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20 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

But wasn't the whole point that he didn't file for divorce? He was trying to wait until after their 10th anniversary because he thought he'd do better financial. It appears he just consulted a divorce attorney.

Obviously the best way to approach a split is to talk to your spouse before getting attorney's involved, but I don't think talking to a lawyer first is worse than cheating. I am guessing lots of people do that to explore their options.

I agree but he already had papers drawn.

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On 4/16/2021 at 1:05 AM, Bastet said:

Cruz talking to pictures of his dead wife is pretty creepy,

Widow speaking here - I sometimes do talk to my dead husband's photos and I talk to his grave when I visit. Sometimes it is catching him up on what has happened with our children and grandchildren or what is going on in my life. Sometimes it's just letting him know I miss him. It's my way of still feeling connected to him, of maintaining some small connection. It may seem creepy to others but to me it was just a way to express his feelings and maintain a connection with his late spouse.

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