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One huge annoying nitpick since we are talking about the post graduation Europe trip was on how Rory didn't qualify for anytype of aide or the fact she didn't get a scholarship. She was the valedictorian for Chilton after she was a transfer coming in mid high school. There would have been tons of other colleges asking for her, she even got 4 acceptance packages from Harvard, Yale, Princeton and I forgot the other. The main fact she didn't: "Your mother and sole provider was just given 75K from a land investment your grandfather purchased when she was barely a month old." Complete BS! First of all, that sale wouldn't have had any influence on Lorelai or Rory until the following tax year. Plus, what did Emily ever do with the check? It was never confirmed she deposited it or anything. Emily didn't even want it and couldn't confess that she wanted the dinners to continue because they had finally started coming together as a family again. It was just a horrible way to get the dinners and Richard even admitted he wouldn't consider it a loan, especially if Rory went for a Masters right afterwards.

  Jeeze, Lorelai could have used the 75K for the Dragonfly and would have had less of a need for any money from Luke later on. Lorelai was horrible at money management it was: "Do this because of half-ass reasons and then worry about things later."  

Edited by readster
  • Love 7

Two more things that just upset me at the end of season 3 with Rory graduation. Christopher is no where around? Are you kidding me? Yet he shows up up perfectly fine in season 7 for her graduation at Yale and never once goes: "Wish I wouldn't have missed her HS graduation." Then there was Jess silent phone calls. Those were just so stupid, I get he was kind of upset what he did and everything but his final scene should have been: "You're right, I'm sorry, if that means anything. Congratulations and I hope one day you can forgive me. Goodbye." No, instead Jess just looks dumbfounded on the pier by the pay phone next to his dad's food shack and then hangs up the phone silently to walk back off to the TV series that was never going to happen.

I get he was kind of upset what he did and everything but his final scene should have been: "You're right, I'm sorry, if that means anything. Congratulations and I hope one day you can forgive me. Goodbye." No, instead Jess just looks dumbfounded on the pier by the pay phone next to his dad's food shack and then hangs up the phone silently to walk back off to the TV series that was never going to happen.


The guy who would rather storm out of a dinner with his girlfriends grandma than make up any plausible story ever about his black eye? Or the same guy who bailed out of town after flunking high school without telling anyone? I don't think any type of apology over the phone would seem in character.

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The guy who would rather storm out of a dinner with his girlfriends grandma than make up any plausible story ever about his black eye? Or the same guy who bailed out of town after flunking high school without telling anyone? I don't think any type of apology over the phone would seem in character.


 True but the silent phone calls like a stalker or a guy who doesn't know how to talk to a girl on the phone like he was 13 still was just too much. As you pointed out, Jess ended up being a complete idiot by the time he left. Not to mention flying back into town to get his broken down car after his mom called to tell him his uncle had it hidden in his shack by the diner was also too much. Many times he could have snuck in and looked for it or even wrote a letter to Luke saying: "Can I come get my car?" 

Two more things that just upset me at the end of season 3 with Rory graduation. Christopher is no where around? Are you kidding me? Yet he shows up up perfectly fine in season 7 for her graduation at Yale and never once goes: "Wish I wouldn't have missed her HS graduation."


Yea, that was really weird. Especially since he sent the giant basket to Lorelei when SHE graduated business school. So you'd think even if he couldn't make it (better have a good reason), he'd send something. 

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Yea, that was really weird. Especially since he sent the giant basket to Lorelei when SHE graduated business school. So you'd think even if he couldn't make it (better have a good reason), he'd send something. 


 See and that would have been perfect. I know that David Sutcliff was busy shooting I'm with her but really a simple card, basket, gift, ect. would have been plenty and saying: "Busy with your little sister but I'm proud of you." or something to that effect. 

I think it comes down to the writers not being able to write two men as decent guys at the same time in a storyline. One is always a complete douchebag. It was Luke's turn to be awesome because they were teasing the Luke/Lorelai thing at the end of the season with the dream.

Edited by RoyRogersMcFreely
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I think it comes down to the writers not being able to write two men as decent guys at the same time in a storyline. One is always a complete douchebag. It was Luke's turn to be awesome because they were teasing the Luke/Lorelai thing at the end of the season with the dream.


I like that idea.  Though was this the season when David Sutcliffe was starring in a sitcom?  That's probably the real reason he couldn't appear, or he had some other conflict.  Otherwise, it was kind of bizarre that Chris wouldn't have come.   

  • Love 1

I like that idea.  Though was this the season when David Sutcliffe was starring in a sitcom?  That's probably the real reason he couldn't appear, or he had some other conflict.  Otherwise, it was kind of bizarre that Chris wouldn't have come.   


I'm not sure of the actors situation but its possible. I feel like the writers could have said he was sitting off to the side somewhere because he didn't want to cause any awkwardness on her big day or that Sherry and the kid were both sick so he couldn't travel. But to me it just felt like it was one of those points where they were teasing the Luke/Lorelai pairing what with the tears from Luke and the dream later on. So writing Chris being even somewhat of a Dad might not have been on their radar because they didn't actually need him to cause some kind of trouble right then. Which seemed to be his only use to them.

Edited by RoyRogersMcFreely

Why did Brad give a speech at commencement from Chilton? He transferred schools more times than I change socks and was gone for a few months to go on Broadway. He wasn't valedictorian or senior class president or president of the student body. It wasn't the type of ceremony where all students spoke. What was the deal with it? ASP just liked the actor?

Perhaps Brad was chosen by the senior class itself to represent them at the ceremony.


Of course, there could also have been a cynical reason for  his appearance on the podium. He was the closest thing the school had to an actual celebrity. Perhaps a trumped speaking part was set up for him in order for the school to garner favourable publicity in the local (and possibly the New York) media.

I think some schools have competitions for who gets to speak at the year end celebrations. Was Paris president of the whole student body or was she the president of the senior class. I can't recall. At my school, the senior class president spoke at the graduation; maybe Brad was the president of the senior class. Sometimes schools have the outstanding senior boy and girl, not necessarily the valedictorian, give speeches at graduation. Those students are chosen by the faculty and usually represent a student who excels in many different areas, academically, socially (in many school clubs), and on sports teams.

Why did Brad give a speech at commencement from Chilton? He transferred schools more times than I change socks and was gone for a few months to go on Broadway. He wasn't valedictorian or senior class president or president of the student body. It wasn't the type of ceremony where all students spoke. What was the deal with it? ASP just liked the actor?


I want to say there is a deleted scene on one of the DVDs where it was revealed he was the salutatorian for the class.  He and Rory have some kind of inane conversation where he calls her "val" and she calls him "sal."  That was why he was giving a speech.   

nitpicking back to the (first) Europe trip, i'm actually glad it happened off screen. because most of it didn't seem plausible to me at all. For all Lorelai's vividness and people skills, she just doesn't seem the type to be staying in hostels. She likes nice things.  And then the jokes about them both overpacking--if you are taking trains and staying in hostels, (and not paying expensive baggage fees), you have 1 suitcase and some sort of carryon or bag. You do not take 12 pairs of shoes and a suitcase full of hardback books. And if you are strapped for cash, you don't change your flights to wait around for Bono or whatever


ok this is verging into UO territory but it's really super nitpicky as well so...eh.  Also, why does someone with Lorelai's purported people skills have so few friends? Is she an example of the rare gregarious introvert? 


to hit the rock bottom of nit pickyness, why would she quit going to Chilton's parents booster club? They make such a big deal about her joining it, and then she pulls off an amazing event and everyone is happy, and then she quits.  Perhaps Headmaster Charleston was right about her...

ok this is verging into UO territory but it's really super nitpicky as well so...eh.  Also, why does someone with Lorelai's purported people skills have so few friends? Is she an example of the rare gregarious introvert?


Probably because she's incredibly judgmental and mocks people for liking anything that she isn't in to. Would you want a friend like that?


ETA: It also seemed like she just wasn't interested in being friends with the other Stars Hollow moms. They seemed to like her (before the talk in the school) and Lorelai couldn't pick them out of a line up aside from Lane's mom and the mom with the glass eye.

Edited by maculae
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Regarding Lorelai quitting the parents booster club (although perhaps taking a less and less active part might be more accurate), I could see why she would. She was not exactly burdened with free time. She worked five or six days a week (depending on functions) at the Independence Inn, had a night school course, was raising a teenager, and took part in Stars Hollow events and meetings. And Chilton wasn't exactly within walking distance of her home.

That said, I wasn't particularly sympathetic when she was complaining about she and Rory participating (or not participating). Surely  she must have known that parents at a prep school like Chilton were expected to be involved in activities in support of  the school. Or that the school was supposed to be more than largely academics for Rory. Was it just for the other parents to make sure things got done? Dropping out of some of the Stars Hollow festivals or skipping some town meetings would have freed up some of Lorelai's time and allowed her to take a more active role. (Why yes, this was a pet peeve of mine. How did you know?)

I found it odd that a year earlier Lorelai  motivated Rory to step outside her comfort zone and attend the Chilton dance. Yet now didn't seem to feel the same way about  encouraging her to get  to know other people or take an interest in school clubs or organizations.

Edited by dustylil
  • Love 1

I don't find it odd that Lorelei didn't have a ton of close friends. She was a single, working mom. All of her time was likely taken up running the inn and caring for Rory. And having a child so young would have made things more difficult. She clearly fell out of touch with any teenage friends. As she got older, women her age wouldn't have a lot in common with her. They'd be going to college, starting careers, maybe getting engaged/married. Lorelei already had a kid, little time for any of that. And the women who did have kids Rory's age would likely be a lot older and not have a lot in common with her. Plus, a lot of the Stars Hollow "moms" seemed super judgmental about her situation in the first place. 


Not everyone needs, or wants, a ton of friends. She had her BFF, Sookie, and was very close with her daughter. And she seemed to get on well with most of the townfolk, especially Luke. She participated in activities and seemed really happy with her life.

  • Love 1
Actually it's quite common for parent involvement to be required at private schools. Schools more in demand don't even guarantee that a child will be asked back the next year for pretty much any reason.


Oh, I know.  This issue was brought up repeatedly for years at TWOP.  I would be like, if parents want to volunteer, let them, and respect that some parents don't have time.  You're already paying 25-30,000 a year in tuition.  It isn't like the school needs the money.     

Edited by txhorns79
  • Love 3

Oh, I know.  This issue was brought up repeatedly for years at TWOP.  I would be like, if parents want to volunteer, let them, and respect that some parents don't have time.  You're already paying 25-30,000 a year in tuition.  It isn't like the school needs the money.     


 Exactly, truth be told, I work for a private school. Not a Chilton by any means but I also commute over a half an hour from the school and many staff members volunteer for school events and fundraisers. However, they understand if some people both parents and staff have other commitments such as work, distance, ect. and they don't guilt you by those reasons. 

  • Love 1

I agree that is quite true of many schools, readster.  However, it was made very clear by the Headmaster that parental participation was expected at Chilton. It was not a matter of choice.  And really, if Lorelai was genuinely too busy to take part, why not have Emily take on the task? It would have given her something productive to do and make a nice change from hectoring the domestic staff.

  • Love 1
However, it was made very clear by the Headmaster that parental participation was expected at Chilton. It was not a matter of choice.  And really, if Lorelai was genuinely too busy to take part, why not have Emily take on the task?


I think it was more that Headmaster Charleston guilted Lorelai into participating more because he basically called her a bad example for Rory (in the context of Rory not socializing more with other students).  At least that is what happened in Like Mother, Like Daughter.  I don't recall him saying Lorelai had no choice, or that all parents were required to participate in these events.  Which episode was that where Lorelai was told she had no choice?  (And how would a school enforce that anyways?  Expel a student at the end of the year if mom and dad don't attend a bake sale?  I can't imagine any school is worth that.) 

Edited by txhorns79
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Perhaps the  cause as to why Rory was so ill-informed about what was required for admission to Ivy League colleges was that Chilton withheld counselling and advisory support for university bound students as a means of punishing both Lorelai and Rory :) 

There had to be some reason as to why Rory  was so woefully ignorant of what Harvard expected of its applicants.

  • Love 1
I will say that it is definitely possible to do Europe really cheap provided you do a lot of research, plan an itinerary of sorts, and wait for great bargains (ie. husband and I got a great hotel in the outskirts of Paris for ~$50/night located right next to one of their metro stations).  For instance there are often some pretty "cheap" (comparatively) flights from JFK or Newark to London or Paris. From there, get a rail pass (a student one for Rory) and go to where ever. Stay in hostels/backpacker inns and do a lot of cooking for yourself.  A lot of cities have backpacker passes as well.



Yeah I went backpacking and I was able to get my costs pretty low. Hostels are cheap and if you can find the right flight(probably a connecting one like I did) the tickets won't be too bad, especially if you fiddle around with your destination(I left from New York and arrived in Berlin but on the way home I left from Rome back to New York), so yeah there are ways to keep it pretty cheap. Even meals are cheap if you know where to go(Markets) and go with people. Museums all have big deals(and many have deals of you book them in advance), and some places are even free during certain times(of course they were going in summer, which is the most expensive time to go to Europe). And many hostels offer you food with a stay for a couple of pounds or in the price, and if they wanted to party, the hostel bars/pub crawls are always great options.


I want to go abroad again :-/

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What ever happened to the recording equipment Zach & Brian bought with the $9k from their tour? And how much were they being paid for those church gigs that they made 9 g's? I know they sold merch as well but still...over $9k for a few weeks of church concerts? Lane didn't save 100% of the money they made so it was even more than $9k. I hated how Lane starved them to get it but I hated how the boys stole it from her, spent it all, then just went about their business without attempting to use it. But did they ever say what happened to it? I know there's a scene of Lane trying to figure it out, what happened after that?

  • Love 3

 I hated both things. First that Lane didn't tell them and then second to spite her they went and blew it all. I mean, talk about stupidity and out of character for all involved. Especially with Sebastian Bach's character. Someone who knew that balance money and family was very important thing to do. Why he still worked with the band but ran his sandwich shop to keep a roof ever him and his family's head. It came off so petty and stupid on everyone and they didn't shave because of trying to save money? Because you know a bad of $2 disposable razors and .99 cent shaving cream would have broken the budget.

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I always felt sociable, 'popular' Lorelai having so few close friends was an interesting commentary on how few people she genuinely trusted or got close to past a superficial level...and also on how TV rarely has the budget to give its main characters many friends who we actually see on screen :) I'm thinking we were probably also supposed to infer she was closer to the women of SH than we were actually shown. 


This is such a silly thing to nitpick given all the many more gaping and serious plot holes on this show, but it's always bugged me that Rory was Chilton's valedictorian. (And I say this as someone who loves Rory far more than most do!) I was stuck going to a hyper-competitive high school and have worked for years with teens who attend ostensibly 'elite' private schools. As ridiculous as this may sound, getting even an A-/B+ on an exam can effectively put you out of the running for valedictorian since there are some kids who get As on literally EVERY test and assignment throughout their high school careers. Rory had at least one D. Didn't Paris once flip out over a single B- on a minor pop quiz?!  I don't think I'm explaining this well, but suffice it to say that I just find it hard to believe that Rory was the VERY top student at Chilton!  And don't get me started on her graduating with honors from Yale after her interesting history there :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
  • Love 6

In "There's the Rub" - I find it really hard to believe that Stars Hollow just happens to have a 24 hour pharmacy in case Paris has a reaction to the diner food. 


Also, in 'Dead Uncles and Vegetables", Rory asks Luke where Jess is and he says something to the effect of, "I don't know, off playing basketball somewhere". Basketball? Jess? Really?

Edited by ghoulina
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I didn't view it as odd that Jess might play basketball. Given that he was a city kid, I thought it was more likely he would play basketball than many other sports. Also, just shooting hoops was something he could do on his own without  teammates or opposing players. A reasonable pastime for a loner like Jess.

As to him being less than tall, height is a certainly an advantage but it is not the be-all and end-all. Back in the fifteenth century, I was on my high school's basketball team and I am just a few inches taller than Babette.

  • Love 1

Yea, for me it wasn't a height thing, he just did not seem like the type who would care for any sport ever. And we never saw him playing basketball, or heard him say anything about it himself. So for that to be the first thing Luke came up with with Jess wasn't around (instead of off reading, or smoking out back) seemed really out of place.

  • Love 2
Yea, for me it wasn't a height thing, he just did not seem like the type who would care for any sport ever. And we never saw him playing basketball, or heard him say anything about it himself.


Indeed.  Jess didn't really seem like someone who would go for a group sport.  It would be like someone asking where Rory was, and Lorelai suggesting to check the gym to see if she was working out.   

Edited by txhorns79
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