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S01.E07: You Can Call Her Caroline

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

So it looks like Priya is the traitor, not Maddox.  Though I will say that whole scene with Maddox having that prisoner's head cut open was totally disgusting.

Yes. Disgusting.
But was it torture?
Not entirely sure.


Whoever was cast as Caroline's mother looks like she could be the young actor's real life mother. I wonder if filming in the time of Covid might make that happen.
There's a Covid-time commercial in which the actors playing husband and wife look like they are siblings. 

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Ok so I was watching this while working this morning so I may have missed things. 

Did they ever explain why Caroline had to pull the debris up from the marsh? She and Luke both had mind control powers because of it, right? But he couldn't access it himself. And I'm unclear where her dad fit in too- he shot himself because that lady willed him to, but did she have a piece of the mind control debris on her? 

I appreciate that the sister was smart enough to use a code phrase on the phone. Hopefully Finola will clue in that her boss is also shady- if not shadier- than Maddox. Also when are we getting more Sebastian Roche? 

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Interesting episode in that the debris was controlling people, even Finola & Bryan and the rest of the team, and not in a good way. 

I think more on the torture with Anson & Craig would have been a better go round than having the young girl be central in the episode. Apparently from whatCraig learned from Anson they are going to raid where George is but Craig clued Ferris in on that when he should have shut his mouth. Maybe George will tell Finola that Ferris (I’ve long suspected that she’s working for Influx and against the coalition) isn’t to be trusted and is a double agent or has been bought off.  

They did begin to give a little backdrop on Bryan’s service with MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command) and that he evidently was in a dark place that it appears Maddox pulled him out of. Still don’t trust Maddox as far as I could throw him because if he’s willing to torture than he’s willing to do anything. 

This episode was more tense than previous ones with the torture and what the debris was causing people to do. Prior episodes were hinting at the “good” that the debris may possibly have whereas in this one the bad side of the debris was shown. Maybe it has to do with the person and what their ultimate motives may be, good or bad. 

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3 minutes ago, Jenniferbug said:

Did they ever explain why Caroline had to pull the debris up from the marsh? She and Luke both had mind control powers because of it, right? But he couldn't access it himself. And I'm unclear where her dad fit in too- he shot himself because that lady willed him to, but did she have a piece of the mind control debris on her? 

In this episode the Debris was controlling the minds and actions of those nearby ––I think in an effort to complete some programmed outcome. This would also fit with the over-arcing idea that the original space ship was equipped to colonize a distant planet ––perhaps if the home planet was no longer habitable. 
I didn’t think the lady who took the bag of debris willed the father to shoot himself; I thought the debris controlled them both. But you’re probably right. 
Likewise, I wonder if the brother was completely under the influence of the debris, or had he made choices to join the bad guys ––if there is a team of bad guys. From what we’ve seen, there might be bad guys on all teams. 

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OK, here is my take on what happened. The Debris talks to whoever gets too close to it, it tells everybody to stay away except, Caroline, who it tells to collect it? If somebody gets their hands on a piece of the Debris you can control the people around you, but the Debris gets used up and you have to get more. Caroline, her Father, and her Uncle all know about the Debris, and her Father wants to sell it, going online to look for a buyer. The Father finds a buyer in the big city, so he takes a bag with some of the Debris and has to take a ferry to get to the meeting point. The Uncle, slightly unhinged with a "Top Brass" of the military are bad people complex, stops the Father from selling the Debris by killing him, probably by following the Father and hiding in the bushes near by. The Uncle was the one who ends up with the Father's missing bag of Debris. Probably both the Uncle and Father whammied the Mother so that Caroline stays with them because Caroline is the only one who can collect the Debris.

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10 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

The Uncle was the one who ends up with the Father's missing bag of Debris.

Are you sure it's the same bag that the woman in the opening scene walked away with? 
If she appeared again, I missed it, and I didn't notice the bag again either --but it was a pretty non-descript bag.
Ugh. I don't want to rewatch.

I think the Debris is similar to Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey, in that it wants to survive.

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Just now, shapeshifter said:

Are you sure it's the same bag that the woman in the opening scene walked away with? 
If she appeared again, I missed it, and I didn't notice the bag again either --but it was a pretty non-descript bag.
Ugh. I don't want to rewatch.

I think the Debris is similar to Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey, in that it wants to survive.

Almost 100% sure since they show Bryan staring at the bag intensely in a mirror several times when Bryan tells the guy to pack up the Uncle's and Caroline's stuff and go to a Motel. I re-watched that scene and Caroline bluntly says only she can collect the Debris and that her Uncle forces Caroline to do it and keeps Caroline's Mother away, and Caroline believes her Uncle hurt her Father. If you watch on Peacock the scene is from 26:30 to the 3rd commercial break dot, it explains almost everything that happened in the show. 

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I didn't think Maddox was actually torturing Anson, not in the usual sense, was he? It seemed that they were trying get visual information from him, since he wasn't able to speak with that thing in his mouth (what WAS that, anyway?).

Not following the rationale of the way this debris was operating. It seemed that the kid was only able to 'collect' the pieces, but the crazy uncle was able to control what the pieces actually did. Why couldn't the uncle collect the debris himself? Then in the end, the kid was able to control the piece and make it kill the uncle. Why couldn't she control it earlier and make it not crash the plane?

6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

but it wouldn't hurt to have her have multiple private moments of her emotionally breaking down.

The previous 6 episodes of Finola's sad faces and eyes welling with tears have been more than enough for me, personally. JMO

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50 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

I didn't think Maddox was actually torturing Anson, not in the usual sense, was he? It seemed that they were trying get visual information from him, since he wasn't able to speak with that thing in his mouth (what WAS that, anyway?).

I'm pretty sure the thing in Anson's mouth was the same thing they use to prevent the patient from biting or swallowing their tongue when giving people shock treatments for mental health reasons. 
It didn't seem quite like "torture" because it wasn't like Maddox was telling him to give information or else --at least not during the procedure --but there was that bit about him being a good soldier --so sort-of, kind-of torture. 😕😞
But then I've had a C-section with no anesthesia, so I consider a big part of the definition of something as torture being intent to inflict pain.  Maybe Maddox decided this procedure was going to net the most accurate information and cause the least amount of pain in the shortest time.


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At least Finola mostly managed not to cry this week, but she still always looks like she is just about to lose it. The writers really need to do more with Finola and Bryan, they just have so little going on as characters and they are shockingly lacking in chemistry. The only things we really get about them are that Finola is really emotional and has family issues, and Bryan is stoic and has issues with his boss. Have we ever even seen them smile? Its been seven episodes now, and I just feel nothing for them other than some annoyance at Finola's unprofessional behavior. 

The case of the week was confusing, but I did find it interesting. Less moody and more tense, people repeating how Caroline is "where she's supposed to be" was rather eerie, and when people kept asking how they ended up in different places, the whole episode had a sort of creepy feeling in general in a way that I liked. So was Caroline actually the one connected to the debris that caused things to blow up? She had the actual psychic link with the debris but her uncle jacked her powers and was using her mind control abilities? If there is a metaphor here that the debris explored, maybe its that unchecked trauma and mental illness can destroy families? Obsession and radicalization leads to people using and abusing their own families? I might be stretching it, but the main characters are so boring, I have to think about something

Interesting that they are having more people deliberately using debris instead of people just stumbling into it in the last few episodes. 

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31 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Have we ever even seen them smile? Its been seven episodes now,

Good question, and one which reminds me that I really need my dramas to have a bit of comic relief.
X-Files had its lighter episodes and moments of banter between Scully and Mulder.  
Fringe had Walter wandering around in his boxers with the musical instruments printed on them ––and another time apparently naked. 
Even Breaking Bad’s Walter threw a pizza on the roof. 
But I doubt Bryan and Finola will ever laugh or make us laugh. 

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19 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:
7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Are you sure it's the same bag that the woman in the opening scene walked away with?…
Ugh. I don't want to rewatch.

Awe, come on.  Take one for the team

Heh, thanks to @AnimeMania I didn’t have to this time:

6 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Almost 100% sure since they show Bryan staring at the bag intensely in a mirror several times when Bryan tells the guy to pack up the Uncle's and Caroline's stuff and go to a Motel. I re-watched that scene and Caroline bluntly says only she can collect the Debris and that her Uncle forces Caroline to do it and keeps Caroline's Mother away, and Caroline believes her Uncle hurt her Father. If you watch on Peacock the scene is from 26:30 to the 3rd commercial break dot, it explains almost everything that happened in the show. 

Argh. Now I’m still not sure if the woman who took the bag knew what she was doing. 

Edited by shapeshifter
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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Good question, and one which reminds me that I really need my dramas to have a bit of comic relief.
X-Files had its lighter episodes and moments of banter between Scully and Mulder.  
Fringe had Walter wandering around in his boxers with the musical instruments printed on them ––and another time apparently naked. 
Even Breaking Bad’s Walter threw a pizza on the roof. 
But I doubt Bryan and Finola will ever laugh or make us laugh. 

I rewatched Fringe recently and miss the craziness, humor and relationships in that show! Haven’t found anything like that again.

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On 4/12/2021 at 11:18 PM, Paloma said:

I tried tonight, but I'm out after 15 minutes. My husband is still watching--he has a greater tolerance for boredom.


On 4/12/2021 at 11:56 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

It’s so difficult to get through it.  I had to cheat and took a 40 minute break. Lol 


14 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Ugh. I don't want to rewatch.

So many ringing endorsements! They should use these quotes in ads for Season 2!

12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

But then I've had a C-section with no anesthesia

WHAT??!! Is that even possible? I've never heard of this 😳

2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I got nothing to add.  I was bored watching it.

Just thought I'd end here. 😊 (Full disclosure - I watched the first 5 minutes then decided I'd just read about the episode here.) 

  • LOL 4
9 hours ago, Melina22 said:
21 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

But then I've had a C-section with no anesthesia

WHAT??!! Is that even possible? I've never heard of this 😳

Not that unusual for emergency situations --although mine was "unplanned" but not "emergency" in a small town hospital without adequate staff and supplies.

9 hours ago, Melina22 said:

(Full disclosure - I watched the first 5 minutes then decided I'd just read about the episode here.) 

^This will be my excuse for watching, LOL.

  • LOL 2
46 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Not that unusual for emergency situations --although mine was "unplanned" but not "emergency" in a small town hospital without adequate staff and supplies.

Please tell me you at least had local anaesthetic. Otherwise wouldn't you go into shock? 


47 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

^This will be my excuse for watching, LOL.

Thank you for your service 😁

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I was so hopeful for this series.  The commercials even made sure to say that it was "...from one of the writers of 'Fringe'".  I LOVE(D) Fringe. I have the DVDs and watch my favorite episodes fairly often. 

Great lines from Fringe are common in our house, especially from the pilot episode;

"The only better than a cow is a human.  Unless you need milk, then you really need a cow";

"I have used this technique to extract information from a corpse once. You can do that if they haven't been dead for longer than 6 hours"; "Right, because after 6 hours, that's when they're *really* dead". 😂🤣😂   

"Yeah, bootlegging smack in the basement is just the picture of normalcy".  You gotta love Peter! lol

I LOVED that entire scene between Peter, Walter, and Olivia.  And this was only the first episode!!  Sorry to go off on a Fringe tangent.... I will never not love that show. 

This show could be good, I think, with more character development and giving them....I don't know...some normal human emotions once in a while.  The show as it is now is just too dry and inconsistent for me, although last week's episode was great. My husband seems to still be enjoying it though. 

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7 hours ago, ShowsILoveToHate said:

I was so hopeful for this series.  The commercials even made sure to say that it was "...from one of the writers of 'Fringe'".  I LOVE(D) Fringe. I have the DVDs and watch my favorite episodes fairly often. 

Well, they didn't exactly say it was from one of the better writers of 'Fringe'.  I'm with you @ShowsILoveToHate, I miss 'Fringe' -- it was awesome.  

I'm starting to think that the whole thought process behind 'Debris' is nothing more sophisticated than spaceship parts crash, weird shit happens.  With no real effort put into why this is happening.  I honestly don't even think Bryan/Finola care.

And there has to be some payoff to Finola's family drama at some point -- otherwise just abandon that sub-plot.

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On 4/14/2021 at 9:54 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I'm with you @ShowsILoveToHate, I miss 'Fringe' -- it was awesome.  

This whole thread is making me miss Fringe which I haven't seen for at least 7+ years. I have to get my hands on it for a total rewatch. Thanks Debris! 

On 4/14/2021 at 9:54 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I'm starting to think that the whole thought process behind 'Debris' is nothing more sophisticated than spaceship parts crash, weird shit happens.  With no real effort put into why this is happening.  I honestly don't even think Bryan/Finola care.

Beautifully put. 😁

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I fast forwarded thru the torture.... and it was torture.  Otherwise there would have been no need for the thing in his mouth to prevent the screams.  

My take on the debris of the week:  it liked Caroline so it would go to her.  It didn’t like the father or the uncle as they wanted to use it for greed or evil.  So it wouldn’t go to them.  

it didn’t control people’s minds.  It however could be used as a focus point for those with the capability of mind control to actually do mind control.  That’s why the debris would be used up  afterwards.  

The father wanted to sell the debris to influx.  The uncle was somehow close enough to control everyone on the landing- most to be in a trance,  the father to shoot himself and the woman to bring the bag and it’s contents back to the uncle.  
Whenever the mom would get close to the house to get Caroline, the uncle would control her mind and send her away.  

If this show would focus on the case of the week, and dump the corrupt double dealing MI6 and CIA, sister and daddy characters, I’d like it a lot better.  Too many storylines.  



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