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S16.E14: Live Eviction #4; HoH Comp #5

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BB needs to shake this game up. Another week, another Frankie/Derrick/Cody/Caleb/Zach HoH. Zzz...


If they want to shake the game up, they need to drop the duel HoH twist, but clearly their objective is the opposite. This twist favors the alliance of physically strong males. It gives them two opportunities to take themselves off the block. I guess either a.) the producers like big, strong guys to go far or b.) they think the audience is tired of watching weak players make it all the way to the end. Or both.


And as Brittany pointed out, they've got some really weak female players this year. There are only 12 people left and seven of them are in a loose alliance. That only leaves Nicole, Jocasta or Victoria as someone who could potentially "shake things up" and none of them are very good at competitions.


Say Donny won HoH and nominated Caleb and Derrick. The likelihood is that the other HoH is someone from the alliance who would nominate Victoria, Jocasta or Nicole, and who do you think is going to win BotB in that scenario? It's sort of a fool-proof twist to insure the big strong guys stay.



I felt no sympathy for Cody. He didn't need to nominate Donny as the replacement, he is a big boy and can make his own decisions, but didn't. I hate when they nominate someone they don't want to and then cry about it.


This was also a pretty telling edit because clearly the producers know Donny is a fan favorite, but just as clear is that the producers really love Cody. They wanted to be sure we knew how badly Cody felt, having to nominate Donny. See, poor Cody! Crying! Throwing his hat! He didn't want to do it!



"Hayden is weird because he's always trying to make sex with Nicole".


As the music grinds to a halt. God that cracked me up.


Speaking of the Lord Above, Donny kind of lost me a little bit with his speech. Please do not thank God for letting you be on Big Brother. In the first place, if you're on Big Brother, I think it's more likely the Other Guy you have to thank for it. In the second place, I simply do not feel that God and Big Brother belong in the same sentence. 


I did think the other houseguests comforting Frankie was pretty touching, but the cynic in me can't help but feel he was milking it a bit, especially once it came down to the voting and the HoH. I'd have also been the one person in the house who secretly wondered if this was some sort of Johnny Fairplay fake-out tactic.


Brittany's kids? Do not look like they came from the same father.

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This episode squicked me out.

Some things don't need to/shouldn't be televised.

A family members death is one of those things. WHile I think it's great that people have bonded and were willing to support Frankie, but it's something that made me extremely uncofmortable as a viewer.  (As an aside, I think that's the first real emotion Frankie has shown in the house...)


Yes, this season has the players who TPTB want to highlight, and is seemingly encouraging an "All-Male" second half of the game.


While I do lke Cody, I wish he would just stop whining about the "Blood on his hands"... It's part of the game, buddy; you knew that signing up! (As an aside, I'll aldo renew my plea to stup using both that phrase and "Beast-Mode Cowboy" or "Stealth-Mode Cowboy. Seriously. Just stop.)


And I too am curious what hanky-panky will be going on with Zack+Frankie sharing the HOH room....


I actually shed a tear when they showed the Grandpa Frank segment. I really felt for Frankie.

However, Frankie not leaving the game after being notified of his death is so bizarre to me. My family would be totally upset and never forgive me if I wasn't there to attend the funeral, help make arrangements to sell personal effects, etc. and uh, let's see give some emotional support at least. I don't get it.

Delicatecutter, I didn't see any tears either.

imonrey, why does it matter that Brittany's kids don't have the same father? I don't understand pointing something like that out.


It might be interesting, because I vaguely remember her saying that she had been married to her ex-husband for a lot of years.  I'm not sure if the number of years covers the age of the little girl.  I don't think it says anything about the kids per se (like they are good or bad because they are from different fathers) but the kids do look different, but I thought that was mostly because of the super blonde hair the younger ones had.  


The backstory might be interesting.  Especially if her ex-husband was a rebound from her oldest childs father.

I thought the boys' hair was possibly dyed because they were kind of olive skinned and their hair was SO blond. I think it's strange, but some parents are pretty lax about that sort of thing. The kids looked pretty ethnic, particularly the oldest, so there's a lot going on in their gene pool if she had kids with someone of a different nationality, so maybe the kids just look different. I don't know, it isn't terribly rare that a very young mother goes on to have more children with a different man.

I actually shed a tear when they showed the Grandpa Frank segment. I really felt for Frankie.

However, Frankie not leaving the game after being notified of his death is so bizarre to me. My family would be totally upset and never forgive me if I wasn't there to attend the funeral, help make arrangements to sell personal effects, etc. and uh, let's see give some emotional support at least. I don't get it.

Frankie did a long solo  monologue/eulogy on BBAD after getting the news including reading the entire letter, which wasn't shown on the network episode.   It seems he comes from a very tight, very close family and they were adamant that he stay.  They even debated to tell him or not.   The family is all together and  waiting until Frankie gets home in September to have a service.   I trust that if his family wanted/needed him to come home he would. 

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Maybe it was just the small-ass TV I was watching, but I didn't see any tears on Frankie's face. Not that I'm saying he wasn't upset, but he has shown himself to be a manipulative weasel with his eye firmly on the prize.


       I think it's possible that all of the Botox and facial fillers he uses makes it hard for him to produce tears.

I'm one of four siblings, and we have 2 redheads, a blond, and a brunette.  One blue eyes, two green, and one brown.  Two pasty-white people, one of really olive skin.  And there is no question that we have the same biological parents, because although our coloring is drastically different and we looked nothing alike as kids, as we became adults, our facial features became noticeably similar.  So, yeah, it's totally possible that kids of the same parents look different.  Not that it matters if they have the same dad or not, just wanted to make the point, especially because I hate the implication that there's something wrong with Brittany if her kids have different dads. To me, it's a form of slut-shaming, and I hate it.  

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       I think it's possible that all of the Botox and facial fillers he uses makes it hard for him to produce tears.

This is what I like about this new forum site. Back at twop a grumpy mod would have scolded this discussion. I hope the relaxed posting continues as the site becomes more popular.   


Update: I see I quoted the wrong post. I was referring to the discussions on Brittanys kids.

Edited by North of Eden
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