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Dream Home Makeover - General Discussion

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I like that they showed some one room makeovers because that is a more realistic scenario than full house renovations which is what I thought it would be from the title. Shay did try to explain her design decisions which I appreciated but the end result is the same grey, black and white homes under the moniker of modern traditional. It's pretty, it's popular, it's inoffensive, but I'm bored already. 

I normally am not amused by children on TV, I find them annoying, but the younger daughter was cracking me up especially getting caught in her hair cut lie -- " I didn't really cut my hair". Then the find scissors and lock of hair. LOL. I'll have to try that sometime "I didn't really finish the last of the wine" she says with purple lips and stained teeth.  The donut negotiation was also classic. 

They tried to attempt diversity with the Bachelor's movie room but mostly this show was one Mormon McMansion after another .

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On 10/29/2020 at 12:52 AM, LeGrandElephant said:

Is $30k or $35k really a normal budget for renovating one room??

That does seem expensive for a living room/den.  I know that kitchens can be that expensive, but in that case you're usually talking about knocking down walls, new cabinets and appliances, new flooring, maybe adding an island, and sometimes new plumbing. 

I can't tell if I like this couple or not. The wife acts sickingly sweet, but there's something about her that seems a little bitchy, too. She berates her husband a lot. To be fair, does he do anything with these home renovations, or is it all her and the contractors. I thought he was a general contractor, but I guess not. 

And I hate those big-ass bows she puts on her daughters. They're not cheerleaders, for cripes' sake. 

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On 11/4/2020 at 12:29 PM, topanga said:

And I hate those big-ass bows she puts on her daughters. They're not cheerleaders, for cripes' sake. 

Oh god, the bows. And they have to have one every day, they can't go bowless, ever. I can't wait until they get old enough to start having their own ideas about how they wear their hair.

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39 minutes ago, GaT said:

Oh god, the bows. And they have to have one every day, they can't go bowless, ever. I can't wait until they get old enough to start having their own ideas about how they wear their hair.

But what age will that be since they parents may have so brainwashed them into being GIRLS!!! ♀️♀️Horrors should some stranger guess they're a boy. Or that they're not a little princess in pink. 

  • LOL 1

Oooo, season 2! What color palette will Shea pick? White or Gray? White AND Gray? Will she want everything to look clean and fresh and white?! Will there be a pop of color? Maybe on a cabinet or two? Will all the houses basically look the same?! Which is just a variation on her house?!

On episode 3 and so far, the answer to all these questions is yes, white, white, white.

I am so glad she didn't get her mitts on that MCM house. I still don't get why those guys with the aesthetics that they claimed would hire Studio McGee. But apparently they also like white.

Apparently adding funk, means a gray toned sage green.

Sid is pretty douchey and seems to make a lot of gay jokes, "liking nuts", being a "fluffer."

Edited by Megan
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On 1/4/2021 at 2:30 PM, Megan said:

Oooo, season 2! What color palette will Shea pick? White or Gray? White AND Gray? Will she want everything to look clean and fresh and white?! Will there be a pop of color? Maybe on a cabinet or two? Will all the houses basically look the same?! Which is just a variation on her house?!

On episode 3 and so far, the answer to all these questions is yes, white, white, white.

I am so glad she didn't get her mitts on that MCM house. I still don't get why those guys with the aesthetics that they claimed would hire Studio McGee. But apparently they also like white.

Apparently adding funk, means a gray toned sage green.

Sid is pretty douchey and seems to make a lot of gay jokes, "liking nuts", being a "fluffer."

Season 2 has been hilarious, IMO. I'm currently watching the episode with the woman who wants a Hawaiian-themed master bedroom. And Shea is dissing the lady's style so hard. But themed rooms can be corny, that's true.  When she was described what she wanted, I imagined a them painting a beach mural on the wall.

Shea seems like a nice person, but she is a straight-up control freak. And she bosses Syd around like he's one of her kids. During the photo shoot: "Put your foot on that step. No, that one. No, the other one." During a renovation: "Put these pictures on the bulletin board anyway you want. Eww, that's ugly. Let me do it." But he really doesn't do anything. She wasn't wrong about that one. I would ask why he's even on the show, but I think I know the answers: 1) the show would be boring without him--he brings the semi-erotic dad jokes. and 2) Shea wants them to be the next Chip and Joanna Gaines so badly. She's hoping their McGee brand will become the next Magnolia.

I generally like her design style, but I do not like their house. It's stark white on the outside with no splashes of color anywhere--no shutters, no colorful landscaping--even the front door blends. And those brass fixtures in the kitchen! Ugh. I'm sure they were very expensive, but they look cheap to me. The other rooms are nice, but I would hate looking at that kitchen every day. 




Perhaps they are a perfectly nice couple, but...

It's obvious there is a try hard effort to make their couples chemistry the highlight of the show,  but unfortunately the banter/interaction is  just so banal and basic.  Every time it  focuses on them as a couple the show grinds to a halt. 

As others have pointed out, the elephant in the room doesn't go away, in  that Sid doesn't actually contribute anything substantial to the projects themselves.    So there they go again with more banter.  Commentary on how Sid loves to eat.  Sid wishes he was back in California, etc, etc.  

The makeovers themselves are fine, though as others have pointed out , a bit pricey for single room renos.    Shea's  aesthetic is nice, but again, fairly generic which isn't necessary a bad thing; one can see why she grew her brand successfully,  but it doesn't make for scintillating TV or make it standout  from every other makeover show out there. 


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I had no idea that Studio McGee had a show on Netflix. I had watched them on YouTube and  have bought some of their products at Target though. This show isn’t for poor people like me. LOL!!!! This is a big budget show which is beautifully shot. It seems that the wife, Shea, does everything. I’m not really what the husband, Syd, does. If I had an unlimited budget I’d probably hire them. Since I don’t I’ll just have to go Target and buy their less (high end) but still still nicely done items. 

When I got the notice that season 3 had dropped, I came to see if it was any different this time, but no, not at all.  Except Syd seems even more insufferable.  He not only does nothing that contributes to the work (presumably the family business), he's still lacking in personality, but possibly even more passive aggressive in his complaining about wanting to move back to California, even enlisting their small daughters to help badger her.  Then in one episode, where she is doing a job in California and needs to go back to finish it, he adds to his California whining, by adding to it, whining about having to "babysit" his own kids, while she goes and does all the work for the family (during which project, she has given birth again).  And then we see her at the CA house, and suddenly he's there too, so he still got out of kid duty, somehow.  And then the family comes in for the reveal, and he shows it off as if he lifted one blue/gray thing.

To be expected, every project is the same color and style again, and I can tolerate that, because I know she's not going to deviate.  But I have to mute when he's on screen, because he is just the worst.

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On 7/28/2022 at 5:37 PM, LADreamr said:

To be expected, every project is the same color and style again,

I'm only through episode 3, & every room she does looks exactly the same. I guess only people who want that look hire her, but damn, it's boring watching the same thing over & over. Also, do the clients keep all the things they buy, or is that just staging? 

And once again, too much time is spent on the kids, whom I'm not interested in at all.

Edited by GaT
  • Love 1
On 7/28/2022 at 8:37 PM, LADreamr said:

When I got the notice that season 3 had dropped, I came to see if it was any different this time, but no, not at all.  Except Syd seems even more insufferable.  He not only does nothing that contributes to the work (presumably the family business), he's still lacking in personality, but possibly even more passive aggressive in his complaining about wanting to move back to California, even enlisting their small daughters to help badger her.  Then in one episode, where she is doing a job in California and needs to go back to finish it, he adds to his California whining, by adding to it, whining about having to "babysit" his own kids, while she goes and does all the work for the family (during which project, she has given birth again).  And then we see her at the CA house, and suddenly he's there too, so he still got out of kid duty, somehow.  And then the family comes in for the reveal, and he shows it off as if he lifted one blue/gray thing.

To be expected, every project is the same color and style again, and I can tolerate that, because I know she's not going to deviate.  But I have to mute when he's on screen, because he is just the worst.

I remember that scene. She says she's going back and he makes that remark about babysitting and then she says "you'll be coming in a day/few days" 

But I do agree he is insufferable and he can never wait to throw her under the bus or make some inappropriate comment.

The only things I really liked in the s3 designs were the vintage things Shea incorporated from her client’s thrift store (she says she always likes to do this, but she never seems to do it in the other designs?) and the wine room that had woods and dark colors, just as a classical, moody contrast to her usual same-same. I hated when she put a wood and faux beam ceiling in a classic San Francisco Craftsman. Every homeowner in SF is barely preserving exteriors and gutting interiors for these sterile, ahistorical interiors. 

Syd is admittedly puerile. I imagine they play it up for the edit, though. He is CEO of both companies, but the show is combo design makeover + mommy blog and his day job isn’t photogenic. I actually appreciate, in a way, that he cuts through the staged, Architectural Digest fantasy with his childishness. Sure, this bedroom is fantastically gorgeous, but in 5 minutes, yeah, the kids are going to be throwing water balloons off the balcony, so don’t get too invested in the fantasy. He does seem to genuinely love his family and cooking for them. My guess is that the “babysitting” line was a deliberate provocation for the camera. 

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