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Cody, self proclaimed joke of America...you aren't well enough known to be the joke of Chicago.

Using Grandma was low but about par for M@FS.

Cody, you didn't get paid $$$ but your brother got himself a gf through the show...gotta make lemonade out of lemons...

  • Love 1

I like Anthony a lot but thought this comment was odd:


"This deep into the experiment, I feel like, God, if you're not having sex, like that's a big part of a relationship. I would never stay married. Hundred percent dealbreaker," West Town marketing executive Anthony D'Amico said.

If Doug had thought that way Jamie wouldn't have Unfiltered right now.

But really, if they liked each other a lot, & she just needed to build up a relationship more before getting physical, or she needed more time to accept his dad-bod, he'd dump her? Maybe it's just me but I'm not in line with that way of thinking.

I was putting Anthony on a bit of a pedestal in my mind but he's falling now.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I like Anthony a lot but thought this comment was odd:

If Doug had thought that way Jamie wouldn't have Unfiltered right now.

But really, if they liked each other a lot, & she just needed to build up a relationship more before getting physical, or she needed more time to accept his dad-bod, he'd dump her? Maybe it's just me but I'm not in line with that way of thinking.

I was putting Anthony on a bit of a pedestal in my mind but he's falling now.

I caught when he said that on the show. I can see why it was said too. Obviously there is no attraction at all between Danielle and Cody. There is nothing there at all. Jamie and Doug are different from what we are ending up with now in the shows since that first season. I think that if Anthony was in a position like Jamie/Doug it might be a different comment but because its Danielle and Cody that is another story. One where you can see they are not working at all and won't happen. Hell even the comments in THs from the other couples is them saying things like they don't think those 2 will make it. I think if its obvious you aren't going to have sex with the person in the time frame of the show and with how each has come off that its over so why stick it out? I don't think he meant harm in it really but the show would love everyone to think he did I bet. Plus I doubt Cody would have brought it up IF they were actually really trying to build a relationship. Since they aren't its at the point of fuck it and put it out there. They got nothing else. LOL

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

I am not surprised by what he says here...expect the not paid because we have always seen they make a little money from it. Not a lot but a little something. So now is it changing that? If so they shouldn't be fucking with them so much as they do. Using his Grandma's death is disgusting but sadly the way this show is. They stoop as low as they can and then find a way to go lower. If there are people that can't see the mentioning of sex by them is because of editing and producers they should watch closer and dig around online to see how crappy this show can be to those on it. It even says Danielle told someone to leave Cody alone. 

Which btw, I clicked that link to her tweet and noticed someone's wanna be "life coach" is up in it all trying to piggy back off this seasons cast...sorry but that is sick and disturbing. 



Will Ashley's insistence of keeping her name be the deal breaker for Anthony?

Sheila leaving the apartment with her Marshall's bag a real exit from her marriage?

Cody and Danielle...stick a fork in them...we, the audience have been done with them the past month plus...

Edited by humbleopinion

This has never been an issue before with the other couples in the five seasons the show has been on the air.

What are they talking about? It's been in different states but we went through this on another board that other couples went through the experiment without consummating - Jamie & Doug didn't until after the 6wk mark, Davina & Sean (did 'everything but', he said), David & Ashley, & Sam & Neil - who's writing these articles & do they even watch the damn show??

Now they were in different states so the laws reg. annulment might be different, but to say there has never been an issue with a couple not consummating is completely inaccurate.

  • Love 3


Damn, the Code Man cannot catch a break.

Cyber bullying for confessing to his cast mates that he hasn't had sex.

Cody needs to stay off Twitter.

Follow Sheila's lead and get out of the twit biz.

Unfortunately, the series got more interesting...at Cody's expense.

No sex, no pay, no wonder this is the worst decision he has ever made.

He is more of a sad sack than Neil, David and Derek combined.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

So some twits are at it again. Where did they get that he's withholding sex? Are they even watching the show? He'll be needing a referral from Neil's therapist.

I don't see where they even get this info from at all. Its been mentioned on the show he tried to with her and how she was to tired. Its been in articles how he has tried more than once. How is he withholding anything? WTF????? And WTF is wrong with people to bullying him like that? Those people are the ones that need to get off SM and get a damn clue!! They are sick, disgusting people to act that way when they obviously aren't paying attention to the show and things said. As well to just attack someone they don't know and only see what the show edits us all to see. SMH I'm disgusted by this crap. 

  • Love 2

I thought it was pretty much par for the course that they all get crap from anonymous trolls on social media, but what do I know?  It just looks to me like shrinking violet Cody has a pretty thin skin.  I'm not justifying the behavior of nasty trolls, but if he can't withstand that kind of abuse he shouldn't have gone on the show.  This show has been on for 5 seasons already and some pretty nasty shit has gone down on social media before, so he really should have known what he might have to face, IMO.

  • Love 1

I'd probably take stuff like that pretty hard too, & especially at that age, it would've been tough. But I definitely wouldn't have done a show like that either.

What I didn't understand, from glancing at his twitter, is why he was re-tweeting negative things about himself. He was obviously reading, taking it all in & further tormenting himself by putting it on his feed.

I don't know why he wouldn't have just stated that's not what happened, that maybe they need to watch the show, & left it at that, instead of feeding off the negativity.

Instead what he was doing was playing the victim which won't earn anyone's respect. He's showing his emotional immaturity again.

I'm also not a Danielle fan, although she did stick up for him a bit. Neither of them belonged on this show to begin with & definitely were another terrible 'match'.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

They're still reaching for some drama with A&A...

Producer to Anthony:  "Could you please look annoyed."

Producer to Ashley:  "Well at least leave the room & slam the door."  (eye roll) (yawn)

I would bet it wouldn't be hard to look annoyed but it would be directed at the producer. LOL I don't doubt this whole fight was being set up by the idiot producers. I can tell you what comments will come of it too...."Ashley is to much work, she is to high maintenance" and so on. (rollseyes) Then the stupid article says how they don't know if the application he is filling out is for a job or rental....um considering he has a job I don't think that is it. SMH 


Then there is this from Danielle: 'If that's where we're at, I don't know where to go from here,' she tells the camera.

Really she doesn't know where to go from there? How about its not going anywhere? Which we all know is the case. How much of that is all producer driven as well since they got nothing to go with from these 2? 


  • Love 3
18 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Oh, oh will the fallout from this fight sink the marriage?

We will see...

Cody is perpetuating the "Cody as victim" narrative by claiming he has more feelings for Danielle than she has for him.  Yes, but only in one organ of his body.

  • Love 4
On 7/11/2017 at 3:59 PM, humbleopinion said:


Oh, oh will the fallout from this fight sink the marriage?

We will see...

I saw that. he wasn't even "yelling". Or at least my definition of yelling. He seemingly was clearly frustrated. If this isn't produced influenced drama, than Ashley is overreacting 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

 Sheila and Nate have (another) blow-up fight, where his apology for what he said earlier isn’t quite enough for his wife. (He was supposed to prostrate himself-'and-and he didn't'.)

“It was inappropriate, it was disrespectful, it was cruel and callous and I didn’t sign up for that,” Sheila tells her hubby over a game of basketball.

“He said a hurtful and damaging thing to his wife,” she adds to the cameras." 

Run Nate. Sheila why do you spend even a breath putting down your, ahem, 'husband' to the world. Why do you treat Nate like a competitor rather than your friend and husband? Men (even women) will say the darndest things, but for an infraction not involving bodily harm, a "hurtful and damaging thing to his wife', rarely warrants the dissolvement of a marriage or using that marriage as a wedge to get an apology.  He was born and raised in Flint Michigan, he's not Clark Gable, he's a 'man' 'from Mars', not fashioned to be anymore than he is, and a diamond in the rough is still worth salvaging. Jmo.

 You're not the only one with' feelings', Sheila. 

Edited by Braveshoppr
word added
  • Love 6

Intimacy Part 2 episode...

Rachel knocks on the door Cody/Danielle/s town home...

She hears the song "Sexual Healing" wafting through the door...

She peeks through the window and sees a roaring fire, champagne bottle and glasses, clothes strewn about the room and the silhouettes of a couple having sex...

Just then...

Cody walks by with Homie and Dude and asks why she is looking in his neighbor's window....

  • Love 9

Rachel's second attempt to visit to the Petta/D'Amico domicile...

Knocking on their high rise apartment door...

Rachel: It's Rachel...let me in...

Muffled running around, slamming doors, blinds rattling....

 Voice: Who is it?

Rachel: Ashley, Anthony...Let me in so I can ruin your marriage and take advantage of Ashley's paranoia

Voice: There are no one here with those names...

Rachel: Who am I talking to?

Voice: Natalia....I'm calling building security now...

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, afd5 said:

i d be doing the same thing if i were her!

Yeah I will bet there was some funny business going on with those 2 before they were even separated. That girl Nick is with actually disgusts me with her VERY obvious quest for fame too. Good look to those kids......that is all I will say because I still believe what I do of him at the end of the day. 

BTW, all the shade he gets..he deserves IMO. 

  • Love 4

I will say it was a fast relationship, don't think it was planned but Sonia moved out.  They ended up divorced.  Sonia was someone I liked at the beginning, but I cannot stand her whining now.  She was accused of cheating too.  

Don't care.  

I am also the kind of person who gets revenge by living better than my opponents, lol.   It is very hard to do.  

I hope it works out.  There are kids coming.

Edited by Jellybeans
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