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I think the real issue with Derek/Heather is that Derek misrepresented the extent of his smoking to the producers. If you take a look at his "awesome" rap videos on YouTube (he goes under the rapper name D. Schwartz...I soooo wish I were kidding), it becomes pretty clear that he is not an occasional pot smoker but rather an avid one. Or at least he pretends to be on stage. He talks about it a lot - stupid childish stuff like asking the audience if anyone out there smokes pot, then stating his relief when they say yes because he didn't want to be the only one. Just dumb, immature stuff. It was something I would expect out of an 18 year old who's desperately hoping people will think he's cool, not a 35 year old adult. (And yes, seeking out and watching those videos took up 10 minutes of my life I can never ever get back! I'm an idiot.).

So yes, just when I thought I couldn't find Derek any more unattractive I had the misfortune of discovering his rap career, which not only confirmed his propensity for pot smoking but also showcased his musical talent. Unfortunately I can't unsee that! 

So to recap, he's physically not my type, he's a pothead, he's passive aggressive, he's whiny and he lives like he's still in college.. I started laughing when they showed his apartment and he was sleeping on a mattress on the floor...talk about a throw back to my college days! And it's not a money thing since those metal frames usually only cost an additional dollar with most mattress purchases, it's just a sign of an immature 35 year old guy who hasn't taken the time to grow up and take pride in his surroundings whatsoever. It's like he's actively trying to be unattractive to women. Guess what Derek...it's working!

Edited by Spectator
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On 5/10/2016 at 1:43 AM, Paddywagon said:

I don't really have the desire to see what Derek's up to on SM but it sounds pretty similar to Sam last season.  They made asses of themselves on the show then play the "I've changed" sympathy card on SM.  And Sam blamed Neil for leaving while she was 'trying to make it work', Derek blames Heather for leaving while 'he's trying to make it work.'  Same ol' bs, different season.

If they've really changed after seeing themselves on the show, great!  I don't buy it but who knows?  Maybe this show is good for something after all.

Sam did say (at the reunion show) "It was painful to watch myself on television. I was such a bitch." No guarantee she has changed, but at least she is not oblivious to her problems (I can't say the same about Derek).

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It seems Sonia gets it about marriage. She said how she knows no matter how much effort she puts in or how much she wants it that there has to be 2 of them. Which right before that we have Nick in his "I really don't give a shit but here I am trying to fake it" about how he is trying but she isn't bs. She said how even if she was fighting alone she was fighting for it. Why bother though after he admits his true feelings he has had from day one? She basically sounds like she knows he is not putting the effort in too and says its defeating/sad. UGH He is so stupid with his wanting someone he can be a smartass with. Um dude you can do that with your "friends" too but that is not what you marriage is all about. There is that scary W word you have to do in any relationship. I wish she would just smack him, the "experts" and walk out on the show at this point. 

Derek and his pity party needs to go away...Heather said that if the marriage had been so important to him that she thinks he would have done things different but its not what happened. I agree with her about that and him wearing his ring being strange. He obviously thought he could just do whatever like he would before getting married. He doesn't come off like he even bothered trying to make a good impression but when went from meeting her right into all his bad habits he has. When you look at his friends and how he lives, I think she dodged a bullet there. Sadly the idiot "experts" and producers don't know how to handle things and just let it go already. They rather wave a contract around going you need to finish this. SMH

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22 minutes ago, grumpy said:

Sam did say (at the reunion show) "It was painful to watch myself on television. I was such a bitch." No guarantee she has changed, but at least she is not oblivious to her problems (I can't say the same about Derek).

Of course she said it...she had so many people telling her on SM compared to Derek who has ones saying how horrible Heather was. There are women that think he is some sort of catch...why I have no clue but I guess there are those that want a 35 yr old man that acts like a child still, has a temper and is high most the time as he spews out his "raps". LOL  Sam though I think was trying to put on an act that she was sorry to try to get people to change how they felt about her but she is one of those that I doubt she will ever change or truly be aware of her behavior....it goes beyond bitch with her. 

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Why is it ok to say that Sonia is the type that's needs affirmation and reassurance but it's not ok for Tom to need that from Lily?

If we only had these six people as choices, I think the better match would be Sonia and Tom. I'd say Nick and Lily based on their work ethic if I thought he'd be attracted to her, but if he's not attracted to Sonia he definitely wouldn't be attracted to Lily. So I'll say Heather would do for him because she would like to drink with Nick, she's reserved, and she leaves town every few days. So that would leave Derek and Lily. I actually don't think Derek would get along with anybody but maybe Sonia, only because she's so agreeable.

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Interesting that we got a First Look for the first time before Jamie's segment.  Because Jamie didn't have much to say? Because MAFS knows they are putting up to sleep?

And Jamie . . . really . . . what animal would your mother in law be?  Is that the best you can do?  

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Sonia and Tom seem like an odd pairing to me.  For one, she's five years older than him. 

As for Nick and Heather, I think she would nitpick him the way she did Derek although as far as we know, Nick isn't messy/smoke pot. Also, Nick has a temper just like Derek does...he would probably go off on her. If he went off on sweet, way too accommodating Sonia, he would definitely tear Heather a new one...

On a different note, I think Sonia and Nick are done because she is taking shots at him on SM. 

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2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Why is it ok to say that Sonia is the type that's needs affirmation and reassurance but it's not ok for Tom to need that from Lily?

If we only had these six people as choices, I think the better match would be Sonia and Tom. I'd say Nick and Lily based on their work ethic if I thought he'd be attracted to her, but if he's not attracted to Sonia he definitely wouldn't be attracted to Lily. So I'll say Heather would do for him because she would like to drink with Nick, she's reserved, and she leaves town every few days. So that would leave Derek and Lily. I actually don't think Derek would get along with anybody but maybe Sonia, only because she's so agreeable.

17 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Sonia and Tom seem like an odd pairing to me.  For one, she's five years older than him. 

As for Nick and Heather, I think she would nitpick him the way she did Derek although as far as we know, Nick isn't messy/smoke pot. Also, Nick has a temper just like Derek does...he would probably go off on her. If he went off on sweet, way too accommodating Sonia, he would definitely tear Heather a new one...

On a different note, I think Sonia and Nick are done because she is taking shots at him on SM. 

I actually don't think Sonia needs that like Tom does. The fact is Tom's mom is saying he needs attention though and lots of it. I think Sonia just wants a man that is there in the relationship. Which Nick is not. She knows he isn't. Now I wouldn't pair Derek with any of these ladies. He has major issues with his temper and he has his pot he can't give up. Sonia probably gives a lot to her job and on top of it does extra things like feeding homeless. Tom I can't see doing things like that and Nick only did because the camera was there and it would have come off bad if he said no and it made it past editing. LOL Tom needs someone more like himself that wants to live in a bus and just surf all day or someone more along the lines of a hippy type. No matter what Nick isn't going to find one single woman attractive. 

If she is taking shots at him on SM oh well for him. He deserves whatever he gets from how he behaved and still does. He never should have been picked for this show. They obviously didn't learn from having cold dead fish Ashley that they need to move past people like that because they have nothing to offer to the show and the person they get matched with. And Nick is a cold dead fish. 

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Stalking facebook... Lilly has cute picture of note tom put on coffee maker that he set up for her ....they both seem like they are together.

Tom twitter....was asked about yachts...he said he has his brokers licence too and can sell the marine mls. I do live in South Florida and marine-yachts-boats are huge here...many vessels made here and even more customised..boat shows ft lauderdale and Miami.

I truly think the producers manipulate a lot of this slacker drama. Maybe they make a team ..Lilly can sell luxury condo and Tom can sell or customize a yacht for them 

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11 minutes ago, Stillhoping said:

Stalking facebook... Lilly has cute picture of note tom put on coffee maker that he set up for her ....they both seem like they are together.

Tom twitter....was asked about yachts...he said he has his brokers licence too and can sell the marine mls. I do live in South Florida and marine-yachts-boats are huge here...many vessels made here and even more customised..boat shows ft lauderdale and Miami.

I truly think the producers manipulate a lot of this slacker drama. Maybe they make a team ..Lilly can sell luxury condo and Tom can sell or customize a yacht for them 

See I was wonder how minimalist he really was myself. I do think he is to judgey on others when it comes to it but that is what kind of makes me question how he might be. Which of course who knows when he got that license though or if he uses it at all. I would thin if he had it for a while his income might be more between fixing them up and selling them but who knows I guess. I do think he has some bit of slacker in him though. How much of one that might be up for debate or what areas he slacks off in. LOL 

To add, the car they were driving around in was not Lily's Lexus either btw. I noticed it parked in the front of the house before in past episodes. It looked like a newer SUV type car but I didn't see what it was when they showed it in front of the house. So it either his his or a rental from the show maybe....

Edited by Evil Queen
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6 hours ago, BunnySlippers said:

What did she say?

"Did someone say unattractive?! He ain't ready"

 "wasn't trying to punish him. I was hurt. However, I did want him to ? who he called unattractive. I was thinking #boybye"

"@nick_mafs your wife is so attractive. I like her! ??"

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1 hour ago, Gobears said:

"Did someone say unattractive?! He ain't ready"

 "wasn't trying to punish him. I was hurt. However, I did want him to ? who he called unattractive. I was thinking #boybye"

"@nick_mafs your wife is so attractive. I like her! ??"

Thank you! :)

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I pray that Sonia does not stay with Nick. If she does, she is a clueless woman. Why a warm, open, caring person like her would want to be with an emotionally stunted, wooden robot who can't make appropriate eye contact, verbally express his own feelings, won't make physical contact, etc, etc, etc ... I just can't imagine. 

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The previews show Tom upset when Lily brushes off his alternative health ideas BUT i think this is more made up drama cause we heard Tom was great help after her shoulder operation.

We havent seen the operation recovery during the 6 weeks

That means they did stay together at 6 weeks....and I am guessing hoping they are together at reunion

All the shade on Tom ...when Derrek has a rental and a mattress on the floor haha. I still wanna know what account executive job he has? 

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Just an observation about this season, it seems that the producers, et al, have gotten the spoilers buttoned up pretty tight.  Maybe because Derek and Heather ended so early, there isn't much to spoil, but it seems to me that by this point in the series, we had spoiler information about everything that would happen even through the six-month reunion.  Kind of surprised that we don't. 

Edited by cardigirl
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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

It could also be a sign of lack of interest

I think this is it. The past season you saw more going on in this forum. I have no clue how it is on SM but I wouldn't be surprised if viewers numbers have dropped. I don't remember having spoilers for everything that would happen before things ended but I do remember having a person around that was claiming to know what was going to happen and none of it did. They were around for a bit earlier this season but really it was all just that person's hopes or guesses on what would go on. We did see the info on Heather/Derek's split before it happened though. It got posted online in some article. Yet the stuff that had gone done between Sonia/Nick didn't get leaked. Not like its that thrilling but surprised it some how didn't. It doesn't seem as many are digging into these people's lives like they did the last season or more. I do think that the drop in it all really is the lack of interest in this show. Heck look at the amount of posts here and how they have dropped over the episodes and compare it to last season. This show's editing, producers and "experts" I think have pissed off many with their bs. I know we have one more season of this show but at this point I am surprised they went through with it and hope they stop with that one. What is sad is, this show really could have been a good show IF they had not cast for drama and would have put in different group of "experts" (like real ones) to deal with things. I know many of us have said before that if they had done the matches to actually try to work, the natural drama of being a couple would have come and been more than enough in most cases for tv but they rather not do that. Having "experts" throwing tantrums over how things are turning out doesn't exactly speak well for this show at this point and the same reading of the script about the show and what marriage for these couples should be by them is a joke. The show should really be reading forums and SM and seeing what fans say on things. I know they won't bother or listen if they did but they should be. 

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Well, I think we did know for certain how things would turn out for seasons 2 and 3. Seemed like an 'insider' managed to spill all. And it seems there is still quite a bit of interest in the show, if you go by social media. 

Just surprised there aren't more spoilers.   I hope we get one couple outta this group. 

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15 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

Well, I think we did know for certain how things would turn out for seasons 2 and 3. Seemed like an 'insider' managed to spill all. And it seems there is still quite a bit of interest in the show, if you go by social media. 

Just surprised there aren't more spoilers.   I hope we get one couple outta this group. 

Obviously there is no way to use forums or SM really as a way to know if a show is that popular. It just comes down to how many are actually watching in the end since most posts on those things are the same people, kwim? 

I know last season I think many of us knew how most would end because of what we saw but there was those saying certain ones would still be together and well that didn't happen at all or last in one case...but it was obvious to like I said. There was no need for spoilers from anyone. Season 2 I didn't really read anything on it but just watched that and the first one so I have no idea how the boards and SM where with them. Yet I feel like Season 2 was similar in it was just obvious from watching how it would end up. This time around is turning into another one of those as well. I will be surprised if any of them make it at this point. If they do it won't go for very long after the show. Which I also say that if any stay together its because they are guilted into it by these "experts" because they can't handle things not going as they want and think it should (like Sonia not moving back yet). 

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I think losing one couple early on plus the screwy editing this season probably lessened the interest of several people on this board who might have found spoilers and/or posted interesting theories.  I've noticed a few screen names from previous seasons that were either missing or very rarely post.  Plus I think the show probably pushed harder for everyone involved to keep their mouths shut, not realizing that the spoilers actually fuel fan interest.  We did get Sonia's niece posting a potential spoiler recently, but not much else has been leaked on them.  Plus if Tom and Lilly actually stay together, what's exciting to leak?  Just from appearances alone on the show it looks like they're going to stay together so where's the excitement in that?

Also, I think at least some of the public (like here on this board) is getting wise to the misleading editing and it's putting some people off to the show.  Plus the same BS is being spewed season after season by the "experts" and it's really tiresome. 

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1 hour ago, Snarklepuss said:

I think losing one couple early on plus the screwy editing this season probably lessened the interest of several people on this board who might have found spoilers and/or posted interesting theories.  I've noticed a few screen names from previous seasons that were either missing or very rarely post.  Plus I think the show probably pushed harder for everyone involved to keep their mouths shut, not realizing that the spoilers actually fuel fan interest.  We did get Sonia's niece posting a potential spoiler recently, but not much else has been leaked on them.  Plus if Tom and Lilly actually stay together, what's exciting to leak?  Just from appearances alone on the show it looks like they're going to stay together so where's the excitement in that?

Also, I think at least some of the public (like here on this board) is getting wise to the misleading editing and it's putting some people off to the show.  Plus the same BS is being spewed season after season by the "experts" and it's really tiresome. 


Oh yes I forgot about the niece possible spoiler. LOL The editing, though, has been bad in the past but this season seems worse than the last one with it. The problem is they seem to act like we are stupid viewers that won't catch on to how bad it is and that the "experts" are reading from the same script has they have from the beginning. Yet we see how bad it is, we see that the "experts are really morons reading from their crappy scripts and pushing couples to make it work when they shouldn't. Which since we are in the SM area here, has anyone ever seen someone on SM call out these "experts" this season? I think that is what should be going on...especially how they are being towards Sonia about the moving in and not call Nick out for his BS and how they tried to push Heather back. It gets tiring seeing that happen and never seeing the right person called out on things. 


7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

What did she say?  

She said something about how Sonia and Nick were not together. I think Sonia tried to deny it all too if I remember right. 

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I will be shocked if this disaster is renewed for another season.  I FF through some of the episodes and drop in here after one airs.   

Tom and Lily won't make it.  I have known people like Tom.  They hide under the cloak of 'alternate life style' to mask their inability to function in a more traditional way.  They think it is noble/right/better to live modestly or off the beaten path.  

I think Sonia will ask for a divorce and Nick will want to make it work.  They have to have one broken heart, right?  I find it hysterical that he does not find her attractive.  Who does he think he will attract? 

I suspect they only had 6 people apply.  Okay, 10 tops, they had to eliminate the ex cons.  I can think of no other reason why they would cast a serious introvert on a TV show where they seek drama, love and excitement. 

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24 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I will be shocked if this disaster is renewed for another season.  I FF through some of the episodes and drop in here after one airs.   

Tom and Lily won't make it.  I have known people like Tom.  They hide under the cloak of 'alternate life style' to mask their inability to function in a more traditional way.  They think it is noble/right/better to live modestly or off the beaten path.  

I think Sonia will ask for a divorce and Nick will want to make it work.  They have to have one broken heart, right?  I find it hysterical that he does not find her attractive.  Who does he think he will attract? 

I suspect they only had 6 people apply.  Okay, 10 tops, they had to eliminate the ex cons.  I can think of no other reason why they would cast a serious introvert on a TV show where they seek drama, love and excitement. 

Well the next season already started filming. I haven't seen anything about them casting for another though. I looked out of curiosity to see if they would try to keep this going. I just can't see how it can though. Even having 2 different "experts" you still see the same crap said about marriage and making it work, blah blah blah....as well as how they treat these people and match them. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the Sonia/Nick mess played out that way either...even though he isn't into her at all but to just do it for how it will make him look. Sort of like the Neil/Sam mess last season ended up. I am still doubting he would find any woman attractive at all. BTW, I do not buy Nick being an introvert at all. I think he likes to throw words like that around when he needs an excuse for his behaviors. 

I wish we could see how many actually apply for this show on their own compared to the ones they stalk for on SM to beg to be on their "dating show" then spring it on them its to be married. When that bomb is dropped I would bet most walk out on them. 

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I'm not on social media much (considering how much my friends and my kids use it) and remember being shocked at how excited people were for a third season, when the second season had been such a disaster.  Yet, FYI sent out kits with champagne and hats to fans for watching parties, and there was a lot of interaction in social media with the participants on FB, twitter, instagram.  And I do remember that by the end of the second season we had had a spoiler that said no one stayed together after the third season either.  Ha ha.  Yet people watched.  

 I found this information on www.thefutoncritic.com :


"Married at First Sight" is FYI's #1 rated series, with the past three seasons averaging over 550,000 total viewers per episode. The series also consistently ranks as #1 on www.FYI.tv

Which, overall, are really low numbers, but for a smallish cable network must be pretty good.  Wonder where their Tiny House Nation show ranks. 

More than wondering whether or not we'll get a fifth season of Married at First sight, but rather whether or not we will get another season of Married at First Sight: The First Second Year.  :) 

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the final show starts at 8:45 and ends at 11:01. 2 hours and 16 minutes!!!

has to include Derek and Heather, since we see the same clips over and over, they will probably show the entire airing at one time.

but like many of you, I will be there watching

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I've been a long time viewer and participant in the forum - I've been here since season 1. I did a lot of investigative work in season's 2 and 3. but this season has me less than interested. I don't even watch the shows. I just read what happened in the episode on the main page or US weekly. This season the cast is REALLY boring to me. I also don't like the experts and their advice is very much directed to help themselves vs the participants. If I went with my gut and spoilers I have seen on Tres's Twitter from a few weeks ago - I would say Sonia and Nick split and Tom and Lily stick it out. I have absolutely no hope for Tom and Lily long term. Tom needs a hippy chick that doesn't care about income, career and is a free spirit. Lily needs a man that can match her career ambition -because she's been clear she wants to be a stay at home mom once she has kids. I highly doubt Tom can provide the stability she yearns for 

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I get it now.  FYI does not have a lot of good programming so they hopped on the reality train.  Makes sense they would continue with this.  Maybe another show will pitch this network something better.  

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55 minutes ago, SaucyMommy said:

I've been a long time viewer and participant in the forum - I've been here since season 1. I did a lot of investigative work in season's 2 and 3. but this season has me less than interested. I don't even watch the shows. I just read what happened in the episode on the main page or US weekly. This season the cast is REALLY boring to me. I also don't like the experts and their advice is very much directed to help themselves vs the participants. If I went with my gut and spoilers I have seen on Tres's Twitter from a few weeks ago - I would say Sonia and Nick split and Tom and Lily stick it out. I have absolutely no hope for Tom and Lily long term. Tom needs a hippy chick that doesn't care about income, career and is a free spirit. Lily needs a man that can match her career ambition -because she's been clear she wants to be a stay at home mom once she has kids. I highly doubt Tom can provide the stability she yearns for 

What spoilers on Tres's Twitter?

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27 minutes ago, Gobears said:

What spoilers on Tres's Twitter?

Neil, Sam, and Tres  were down in Miami. there was footage of them hanging out with season 4 cast. Tom and Lily were there, and in one shot - they are sitting very close together with her leg pointed in to his legs. Derek was also in the video. Nick's dog made an appearance - but neither he nor Sonia were in the videos.

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Saw on Twitter that Sonia and Derek are alleged to be having an affair. Apparently there have been lots of SM photos of the two of them. 

Guess Sonia got into it with someone on Twitter last night about it.  The person said that Sonia and Nick were having intimacy and communication issues.  Not sure if that means they were together until recently.  I guess the whole story is on chattsports.net  .  Who knows if any of this is true!!

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58 minutes ago, amola said:

Saw on Twitter that Sonia and Derek are alleged to be having an affair. Apparently there have been lots of SM photos of the two of them. 

Guess Sonia got into it with someone on Twitter last night about it.  The person said that Sonia and Nick were having intimacy and communication issues.  Not sure if that means they were together until recently.  I guess the whole story is on chattsports.net  .  Who knows if any of this is true!!

Are you talking about the person who runs the MAFS_Original twitter? That person was going nuts attacking Sonia all night and today too...She is disparaging Sonia left and right (accusing her of cheating on Nick with Derek, calling her an actress). I would take anything that she says with a grain of salt. She has a bit of a vendetta against Sonia...

Edited by Gobears
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I thought it was interesting that Sonia said that the kind of love you would need for a marriage wasn't there and they had a lot of hurdles to get there and Nick was like, "Yeah, love's totally possible!"  It's like they're living in parallel universes.

Edited by belladonna77
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27 minutes ago, Gobears said:

Are you talking about the person who runs the MAFS_Original twitter? That person was going nuts attacking Sonia all night and today too...She is disparaging Sonia left and right (accusing her of cheating on Nick with Derek, calling her an actress). I would take anything that she says with a grain of salt. She has a bit of a vendetta against Sonia...

I know that name was mentioned before here as someone that likes to start up crap against some. It comes off as someone with no life IMO. It was rumored that Sonia and Derek were flirting on SM and that is where the cheating rumors started. Yet not sure how its cheating if they aren't together...which yes I know its not official about Sonia and Nick. From what was posted here a bit ago on this, the posts didn't look like flirting at all. So not sure where that was picked up in things. I can't see Sonia wanting to be mixed up with someone that likes his pot or that temper he seems to have and his ex mentioned. I think all the pics you see of them are for promotional purposes to post on SM to have viewers there wondering how things end up and nothing more. Its all part of the reality show game IMO. 

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Thanks for the info.  I don't really go on Twitter very often.  Good to know about the vendetta.  When I saw it, I thought holy crap!  Sonia could do better than Nick AND Derek, IMO.

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Long time lurker, first time poster. I think Sonia and Nick actually tried to make it work, because of some social media clues. When Sam, Tres, and Neil went to Florida, they had a big party at "Sonia's house" according to one of the instagram posts. It definitely wasn't her original apartment shown on the show, and there are lots of pictures on Nick's instagram of "Sonia's house" as the background. And his dogs were at the party. That's weird if he doesn't live there or spend a lot of time there. However, the last couple days she's been posting weird stuff on Twitter, like "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" kind of posts. And followed it up with a post tonight that said Nick doesn't like cougars, he likes 'em young. And I'm pretty sure she is older than him.  So something went down. Those are my thoughts; I am officially a huge pathetic loser with way too much free time.

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3 hours ago, Grophe said:

Long time lurker, first time poster. I think Sonia and Nick actually tried to make it work, because of some social media clues. When Sam, Tres, and Neil went to Florida, they had a big party at "Sonia's house" according to one of the instagram posts. It definitely wasn't her original apartment shown on the show, and there are lots of pictures on Nick's instagram of "Sonia's house" as the background. And his dogs were at the party. That's weird if he doesn't live there or spend a lot of time there. However, the last couple days she's been posting weird stuff on Twitter, like "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" kind of posts. And followed it up with a post tonight that said Nick doesn't like cougars, he likes 'em young. And I'm pretty sure she is older than him.  So something went down. Those are my thoughts; I am officially a huge pathetic loser with way too much free time.

Welcome. As I said before I think SM isn't a good way to know if they do or not stay together. I think most of it is set up by the show so they have pics to post on SM to throw people off. The house they have been living in is Nick's rental. I swear I get sick when I hear Sam's name. UGH She is one of those that was hoping for more from this show and such a nasty selfish person. Thank you for sharing what you saw on SM too. I don't use SM at all so I am glad for those that post what they come across here. 

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8 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Welcome. As I said before I think SM isn't a good way to know if they do or not stay together. I think most of it is set up by the show so they have pics to post on SM to throw people off. The house they have been living in is Nick's rental. I swear I get sick when I hear Sam's name. UGH She is one of those that was hoping for more from this show and such a nasty selfish person. Thank you for sharing what you saw on SM too. I don't use SM at all so I am glad for those that post what they come across here. 

I don't know - Sean and Davina's SM was CLEAR they didn't work - and Jessica and Ryan was the same thing. Last season they got tighter on SM. So it was harder to tell - but it was clear Ashley and David were over - but it was obvious on the show. However - Sam did mislead everyone and post photos of them together to throw people off - and people believed it. So I think the show and the cast are getting better with manipulating it. However, I do think it's telling if people are still together or not and the words they choose. I don't think Sonia and Nick are together. 

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1 hour ago, Gobears said:

I think it's telling that when Sonia was being attacked by the Mafs_original person on Twitter yesterday , Lillian and Heather defended her but Nick did not...

One of many reasons I feel SM is one of the worse things to happen to humans. SMH 

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I don't see Sonia agreeing to stay with Nick; I think she has more self respect than to do that.  Nick will say 'she' gave up, but of course he was trying so hard.

I wonder if there will be a shake up with Lily & Tom. At first from SM it seemed they stay together but after watching this last episode I'm not so sure anymore. Of course they are messing with viewers so we won't know 'till we know.

Two hours for the decision show?  I predict a lot of fast forwarding happening.

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46 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I don't see Sonia agreeing to stay with Nick; I think she has more self respect than to do that.  Nick will say 'she' gave up, but of course he was trying so hard.

I wonder if there will be a shake up with Lily & Tom. At first from SM it seemed they stay together but after watching this last episode I'm not so sure anymore. Of course they are messing with viewers so we won't know 'till we know.

Two hours for the decision show?  I predict a lot of fast forwarding happening.

I hope she does. Sonia seems like someone that would have more self respect than that but you just never know. The way the "experts" basically bully them to do what they want and not what is really best is getting to be sickening. I can seem them doing it to her and Lily. Heck it was in the one article about the Heather/Derek split and how they all tried to do that to Heather. Luckily she wasn't going to listen to them and did what was best for herself. So I can imagine if they catch win that either of those ladies wants the divorce they would be in their ears trying to talk them out of it. They already show them doing it to Sonia with her not moving back. Which she is right not to because he could care less. The thing with the show's editing and SM, it all seems to go one way then another and back and forth at times from what I see gets posted here. I can imagine the show would like to keep the decisions as secret as they can with trying to throw us off in whatever ways they can. We have seen it in the past seasons as well. 

 Agree lots of fast forwarding for that episode. 2 hours is far to much for what we have had. The only way that would work is if we actually saw unseen footage....which sadly I know we won't. 

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1 hour ago, Evil Queen said:

They already show them doing it to Sonia with her not moving back. Which she is right not to because he could care less.

In the preview she moves back in right? Maybe they did talk her into staying with him, at least on decision day. No way they're still together though.

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I'm thinking Sonia was 'encouraged' to wear a dress like that to the dinner to elicit a reaction (or not) from Nick. I doubt she'd be trying to attract Nick at this point herself given she's been hurt enough & he doesn't seem to care. It just ended up looking desperate; probably Pepper's idea.

Edited by gonecrackers
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2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

In the preview she moves back in right? Maybe they did talk her into staying with him, at least on decision day. No way they're still together though.

I still haven't watched it. Its sitting on my dvr. I think the forum gives a good run down of things each week to get an idea of what a crapfest it was. LOL I will try to watch in the morning and see though. If she does you know it was them bullying her into it. 

2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I'm thinking Sonia was 'encouraged' to wear a dress like that to the dinner to elicit a reaction (or not) from Nick. I doubt she'd be trying to attract Nick at this point herself given she's been hurt enough & he doesn't seem to care. It just ended up looking desperate; probably Pepper's idea.

I wouldn't doubt it. It seems like something that would be Pepper's idea. Yet we all know, and I bet Sonia did too, that he wouldn't care one way or another. I agree it would look desperate if she was doing it for that reason. I don't get desperate from her though. Of course if one is treated a certain way it can be possible to bring that out in a person. I just take it though from the Confessions she knows he is not into her and marriage at all. I wish these "experts" would tell us what they saw in him to even consider him for this show at all. 

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