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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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13 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

David tells Cody "there a big A in the house....a big alliance...and I'm not a part of it."  I like David and want him to stay but gotta admit, he's not an all-star. 

I keep wondering if he can play himself into being even maybe a Decent Player, but I fear even that is a bridge too far.

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

I think the biggest mistake for Janelle/Kaysar wasn't trying to align with Tyler he mentioned last night to the camera he wanted to work with them and I don't think he cares about being a fan favorite as much as the others. 

Tyler makes his living getting fans to buy what he shills on instagram/Angela's merchandise, so he definitely cares. The thing is though, he probably knows that if he were to work with Janelle/Kaysar then the fans would be happy about that.

44 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

Maybe I should start watching the feeds instead of just reading about them 😂😂

Only if your prepared for them to suck the life out of you!

8 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Will Tyler use it if he wins?

I assume he'd use it on David.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Only if your prepared for them to suck the life out of you!

I used to watch BBAD. Last year was my first year having the actual feeds, and for reasons that probably don't need to be mentioned, I didn't watch more than a few minutes. 

I realized that the CBS app will probably let me watch the feeds on my smart TV (?), so it's definitely on tonight after work lol.

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Dani just went into the bathroom and said ‘hey weave’ to Day. Like I don’t even know anymore.

I wish Da'vonne had replied all happy and smiley with, "hi, spray tan!" or "hey, bleach bottle blonde!" or "how's it going extensions?"

I didn't watch Big Brother when Janelle and Kaysar were on so they're new to me, but I'm officially rooting for them even though I think that Tyler is the predetermined winner this season. 

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Both Nicoles are talking on one side of the feeds, the other side is the Cody, Enzo, Tyler, and David. I think it might be better to watch a 12 year old Simpsons episode right now. 

Both conversations were about as interesting as watching paint dry.

The Nicoles were talking about biting nails vs cracking them with your fingers.  Nicola said she chipped a tooth once when biting them, so she stopped that.

Cody was telling his group how he always looks for a big number of people iin the house so he can go in and snooze while appearing to be conversing with his baseball cap tipped just a little on his face. 

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23 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

I realized that the CBS app will probably let me watch the feeds on my smart TV (?), so it's definitely on tonight after work lol.

Yea, as long as you can get All Access on your smart TV.

2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

The Nicoles were talking about biting nails vs cracking them with your fingers.  Nicola said she chipped a tooth once when biting them, so she stopped that.

How the hell do you chip your tooth by biting your nails?!

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Dani: "Janelle Janelle Janelle Janelle Janelle. Oh and Janelle."
Also Dani: "UGH. Why does Janelle get so many calls to the DR and I don't?"

I dunno, maybe because y'all can't stop saying her name. 


I feel sorry for Janelle knowing she has had to probably go through shit like this most of her adult life. I hope her life nowadays is filled with fewer jealous bitches.

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14 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Cody was telling his group how he always looks for a big number of people iin the house so he can go in and snooze while appearing to be conversing with his baseball cap tipped just a little on his face. 

The button person is gonna be watching for his ass on the feeds now and every time the hat gets tipped, we're gonna hear: "Houseguests, this is a reminder. Sleeping is only permitted in the designated bedrooms."


5 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

I feel sorry for Janelle knowing she has had to probably go through shit like this most of her adult life. I hope her life nowadays is filled with fewer jealous bitches.

She's besties with Joanna Krupa! I guess there's no Housewives fans in the BB House (I think Dani is, actually). You could shit talk Brandi Glanville for days with Janelle. What a missed opportunity. 

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The button person is gonna be watching for his ass on the feeds now and every time the hat gets tipped, we're gonna hear: "Houseguests, this is a reminder. Sleeping is only permitted in the designated bedrooms."


She's besties with Joanna Krupa! I guess there's no Housewives fans in the BB House (I think Dani is, actually). You could shit talk Brandi Glanville for days with Janelle. What a missed opportunity. 

What I don't understand is everyone says that Dani and Janelle were friends, or at least friendly, outside the BB House. So either Dani was being fake then or she's being fake now. Probably the former. Janie could probably do things for her in the real world at one time, and she clearly can't do anything for her in this game. I knew Dani was that girl. I think she hated on Cassi for no reason during her last season (other than the fact that Dom liked her and at the time Dani said she didn't even like Dom like that!) and she honestly thinks Porsche was trying to come after her man (I believe Porsche on this one).

Edited by Victim Noises
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42 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

P.S. I would like to thank Big Brother and this thread because all of the bidet talk has led to me getting targeted ads for the Tushy - it's only $79 and takes 10 minutes to install!

I didn’t even think that’s why I’m seeing ads now too! 

does anyone know what Memphis was making on the stove? It looked white and mushy. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I can't believe I'm saying this but... Memphis for Veto so that noms stay the same, Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole's drippy mopey ass gets sent out the door, and Janelle is safe from the backdoor that Kevin keeps saying is afoot. 

Same.  I am exhausted by Nicole A/Kevin's conspiracy theories about Janelle. Now I remember why I rooted for Jeff during season 11 even though I didn't want too. Also, Michelle from that season has been shit talking Kevin on twitter the last couple of days. 

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2 hours ago, luluesq1 said:

I thought that by being with Angela she would have given him an ultimatum with that hair, like: “Its me or the hair” . . . Love is blind *sigh*

I'm convinced that Angela is behind the hair.  I'm guessing that for some reason I will never understand that it is "trendy."  I just don't think he'd wear it that way if she hated it.  When they were introducing him this year they showed some photograph of the two of them up all dressed and "influencing" the weak minded of America, and his hair looked just like that.  



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10 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I am exhausted by Nicole A/Kevin's conspiracy theories about Janelle.

Funny thing about that - it's not far off from the conspiracy theories that the H8ful alliance in BB21 would crow about when it came to Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole. She's becoming the thing she hates. All we need is for her to slam a door in Janelle's face and then cackle about it to complete the transformation. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Funny thing about that - it's not far off from the conspiracy theories that the H8ful alliance in BB21 would crow about when it came to Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole. She's becoming the thing she hates. All we need is for her to slam a door in Janelle's face and then cackle about it to complete the transformation. 

Interesting. I didn't see a single episode of last season, but that doesn't surprise me.  

3 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Interesting. I didn't see a single episode of last season, but that doesn't surprise me.  

BB21 was a lot more hateful but it's the whole making an innocent person out to be the bad guy and riding it hard that parallels Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole's arc. It's not exact, no one is diagnosing Janelle as a sociopath (except maybe Dani) but there are definite comparisons to be made. 

If we start getting a "neutral third party" to sit in on all conversations with Janelle, I'm going to scream.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 1
Just now, Callaphera said:

BB21 was a lot more hateful but it's the whole making an innocent person out to be the bad guy and riding it hard that parallels Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole's arc. It's not exact, no one is diagnosing Janelle as a sociopath (except maybe Dani) but there are definite comparisons to be made. 

That is interesting. I feel like this might be like the original all-stars were some people who were super active in the fan community before All-stars might just disappear for awhile (Erika, Alison, Diane and Marcellas) and I can see Nicole A being one of them. This game has been a giant mindfuck for her two summers in a row. 

Just now, choclatechip45 said:

That is interesting. I feel like this might be like the original all-stars were some people who were super active in the fan community before All-stars might just disappear for awhile (Erika, Alison, Diane and Marcellas) and I can see Nicole A being one of them. This game has been a giant mindfuck for her two summers in a row. 

She currently has a Big Brother podcast - her co-host who has been posting on her social media accounts has been super cringe and was calling himself the 17th Houseguest (fuck off, that's always misogyny). It's going to be super interesting to hear her perspective on all of this when this season is over. 

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

She currently has a Big Brother podcast - her co-host who has been posting on her social media accounts has been super cringe and was calling himself the 17th Houseguest (fuck off, that's always misogyny). It's going to be super interesting to hear her perspective on all of this when this season is over. 

I  saw his twitter because I am a faithful RHAP listener and they mentioned his name and looked up his tweets. Plus I heard all the podcast drama from Nicole F/Dani on the feeds. I know Rob has said he has tried to get Dani on RHAP for years and she has turned it down because she didn't want anything she would say to effect her in a future all-stars appearance which makes her gameplay today super cringe.

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8 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Nicole has some sort of medical problem.

Franzel? Bullshit. She's whining like Frankie used to about her "cold hands". It's why she needs her precious fresh pressed juice. She too will soon be able to avoid being a Have Not and the storage room will be stocked with expensive fish watermelon fresh pressed juice every night. Cody accurately clocked her about being constant reassurance and that Derrick always said the right things to her and Cody is having trouble finding what those right things are so she was having a little breakdown. 

  • Love 4
Just now, Callaphera said:

Franzel? Bullshit. She's whining like Frankie used to about her "cold hands". It's why she needs her precious fresh pressed juice. She too will soon be able to avoid being a Have Not and the storage room will be stocked with expensive fish watermelon fresh pressed juice every night. Cody accurately clocked her about being constant reassurance and that Derrick always said the right things to her and Cody is having trouble finding what those right things are so she was having a little breakdown. 

no NicoleA is apparently seeing the DR doctors.

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3 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Nicole A with day and Kevin talking about janelle being a mastermind. 

Nicole tells Kevin that janelle says she wants to back food Nicole F this week. They are all unsure if this is true 

It's not bad strategy for Nicole A. to paint Janelle as a viable backdoor option. The problem is that I don't think it's actually strategy - 

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