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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Oy, Lucy. Bringing up Cassie's death to Faith? Foul on the play, little girl.

Yeah, like it couldn't be your fault that Faith doesn't want to come out and play, you obnoxious, clingy twit.


16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ghoul Cameron is a whackadoodle,

I realize that he is a product of Sharon's mind, but could she maybe imagine a little less sunburn on his face?  He looks like he got drunk on the beach and passed out. I've never seen this guy cleaned up but right now he's fugly with the beard and red face.

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On 8/24/2024 at 11:54 AM, MollyB said:

I realize that he is a product of Sharon's mind, but could she maybe imagine a little less sunburn on his face?  He looks like he got drunk on the beach and passed out. I've never seen this guy cleaned up but right now he's fugly with the beard and red face.

I kinda think show's makeup peeps are painting the older men orange/red -- except for Braeden -- who I'm sure they stay far, far, far away from, out of intense fear.  Er, why do I get the strong impression he's every bit as awful as his character?  Anyhoo, given the orange/red faces on Michael & Jack, me thinks the wacky makeup peeps are painting poor Linden the same pitiful color.  Clean him up & I bet he'll look pretty good.

I'm still predicting show is gonna throw a better part Linden's way, other than playing this limited run of a wiseass ghostie in Sharon's muddled head.

And I'm sticking with my prediction Billy will ultimately forgive Chelsea, but Sally is gonna tell Adam to fuck off & leave that cold place that looks like a therapist's office.

Aw, I like Faith.  I'm rooting for Lucy to get bumped off, not Faith.  Don't disappoint me, show!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

And I'm sticking with my prediction Billy will ultimately forgive Chelsea, but Sally is gonna tell Adam to fuck off & leave that cold place that looks like a therapist's office.

I still say Chelz is going to be preggers and we're going to suffer through a WTD scenario.  Oh, joy.  More for Billy and Adam to fight about.  And Sally to be reminded of her loss of Ava. Again.  And don't get me started on what that might  do for Connor's OCD.  Probably, somehow, Grampire will get involved and adopt the new grandchild and give it a pony.  And Nikki will look down her nose at it if it really is Adam's.  And Johnny...poor Johnny will have another sibling whomever's it is.


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Anyone else hoping  Victor uses and abuses Kyle,then dumps Kyle? He’s such a stupid, petulant vindictive brat, I think he needs several swift kicks to make him get his priorities right. He’s the one who encouraged Jack to hire Diane as co CEO, but now he’s mad about it?  He also seems to forget that his family OWNS Jabot. He’s merely an employee at Glissade.  Victor can, and will kick him to the curb once he stops being useful.

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7 hours ago, Stpauliegirl said:

He’s the one who encouraged Jack to hire Diane as co CEO, but now he’s mad about it?

He was never serious about it and was absolutely sure Jack wouldn’t go for it. When Jack actually agreed, Kyle was in shock and couldn’t dig his way out of the hole he dug. Diane ’tried’ to decline but no way was she going to turn it down.

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There was absolutely no reason to have Phyllis on today. Aren’t Mondays bad enough without her talking about how great her loser kids are?

How lame was the accident? The girls looks fine and they didn’t even show them swerving off the road. They should have filled some of that Phyllis time with the accident.

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Hey, it's Heather. So if she and Daniel were at Society, who was watching Lucy? Oh yeah, Daniel has a tracker on Lucy's phone. Sure.

Summer said her grandparents have the greatest love she's ever seen. IMO that would explain a lot about her own romantic history. Guess she thinks emotional abuse and enabling the abuser are normal behaviors in a loving couple.

Faith, it might be time for you to block Lucy's number.

Meanwhile, it would seem Lucy has the location function turned off on her phone. Or she has a burner Daniel isn't aware of.

Sharon, AFAIC you gave horrid advice. Faith should've forwarded Lucy's texts to her parents and stayed out of whatever stunt Lucy was pulling. It will never end if Faith keeps trying to be nice.

Ugh, I wouldn't eat that muffin Phyllis was coddling if she paid me. It was probably baked over 12 hours ago and was as hard as a rock.


Call a rideshare for Lucy, Faith. Don't get a car with Daniel's drunk kid. Think of Cassie.

Sure hope Kyle wasn't driving himself home. He's been knocking back the brown liquor for most of the day.

I swear, if Faith dies behind Lucy's nutbaggery (and poor parenting) I'm gonna go to GC and punch somebody. Nobody wants this "history repeating itself" crap, JG. Grrr.

Ditto comments upthread: seriously? Faith and Lucy barely looked injured. And all they needed were breathing tubes, no oxygen masks or IV infusions? They weren't even in the ICU. Gah this show is so cheap.

Hmm, wonder if we'll see Elena on duty in the ER?

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58 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sharon, AFAIC you gave horrid advice. Faith should've forwarded Lucy's texts to her parents and stayed out of whatever stunt Lucy was pulling. It will never end if Faith keeps trying to be nice.

This times a bazillion kajillion. And there is froyo-faced Sharon bobbleheading her 'you gotta help her' nonsense. Jesus H. Christ on a cracker! Faith has been through enough already, she doesn't need this Lucy bullshit. Just forward to her parents and tell them she doesn't want any more contact with their child. Period end of story. And if that doesn't do the trick, then get a restraining order on the brat. At this point, I'd be fine with them killing off Lucy, she's a waste of space character. Let Heniel/Deather be distraught and move back to Portugal.

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Did we really have to start the week off with Phillis🕷️ 🤢🤮

Phyllis🕷️, WTF, you didn’t invite Nick🦍 to sit with you?  Since when do you sit without an invitation. On that note, Kyle and Jack have changed because of Diane?  No Phillis🕷️, is mostly because of Summer❄️x10, defending you, by lying to Kyle about you being alive.  Phillis🕷️, Kyle is taking it out on Summer❄️x10. Once again I have to say Phillis🕷️ is an idiot. It’s Summer❄️x10 who’s taking it out on Kyle with her unreasonable demands. 

Phillis🕷️, maybe you did something right by giving birth to them but the way you brought them up was an epic fail.  Summer❄️x10 is a mini you and Daniel is a brooding man child. 

Oh, the car just skidded off the road and hit a wall.  Yeah right!  Faith must have been driving an old junker without seatbelts and airbags.  

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1 hour ago, surfgirl said:

So I'm taking bets here, how much you guys wanna bet that Lucy wakes up first, and tells the parents that it's all Faith's fault?!? Or lemme put it another way, does anyone here NOT think this is going to happen? Raise thy hand.

She can try but she’s the one with alcohol in her system, not Faith.

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So, like, when you get into an accident in Genoa City, you are treated to a refreshing nap with an oxygen lagniappe? You’re not monitored by any equipment, evaluated for surgery or anything. The hospital is the size of the park and people can just plow into your room. Nothing beats a shitty retread except a shitty retread done on the cheap.

Speaking of shitty, there’s Heather’s and Daniel’s mad parenting skillz. They don’t seem to take any of it seriously. They just make excuses and shrug it off. Nothing beats sucking hard except sucking hard while being boring and dumb.

I wish that judge could hear Phyllis’ unhinged rants about Diane. Oh yes, Phyllis has changed so much and learned from her mistakes. I’m sure she and Nick playing Call of Booty had a profound influence on Daniel’s choice to make video games, which is why he pinched off that ridiculous Princess Louisa game. Phyllis is so full of shit. Jack hasn’t changed, and Kyle’s been an arrogant dink for a while now. Nothing beats Phyllis running her mouth except her dumbass daughter running her mouth and slowly draining the life out of Chance. The universe does not give the first fuck about you, Summer.

So the two most interesting aspects of the Faith/Lucy story, Lucy stealing liquor from a bar and the accident, happened off screen. Classic.

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Mmmm, so GC General Hospital ER has NO docs and NO nurses on duty?  But they obviously do have a 24/7 makeup & hair staff cuz Faith looked so peaceful & gorg!  Lucy however, always looks like a frazzled mess.  Hey, Daniel the Dickhead, keep that mess away from Faith!

Er, guess we shouldn't be surprised to see an ER with no staff, when we always see the supposedly big corps of GC with empty offices & zero support staffs.  Ah, that 50 cent budget sure is showing . . . 

Hey writers, flashback please!  I wanna see Lucy swiping booze from a bar -- maybe the same dive bar Jordie pushed Seth to his death in front of?

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19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


What bar uses pint bottles of vodka?


18 hours ago, surfgirl said:

And there is froyo-faced Sharon bobbleheading her 'you gotta help her' nonsense.

Maybe if she'd stop indulging in her Beach Ghost she'd have better advice. 


11 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Mmmm, so GC General Hospital ER has NO docs and NO nurses on duty

I like how these great parents all just demand from anybody who walks by the complete story and prognosis about their kid. (That poor EMT just wanted to get back to his rig, ASAP.)   And then they storm around the cubicles to find them.  Pretty sure ERs have reception desks and waiting areas- you don't just get to wander in. 

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Billy and Chelsea are such repugnant little shits. Chelsea just had to come clean even though Adam wasn’t on the same page and she works with Sally.  What a stupid selfish pig. Billy has been around the block more than once with Chelsea the con who drugged and raped him yet he is shocked that she slept with Adam? Adam who is better looking than him, the father of her son and more fun?

Can someone check Sharon into the hospital maybe next to Faith and mini single white female? I’m sick of the figment of her imagination following her around. 


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given the orange/red faces on Michael & Jack, me thinks the wacky makeup peeps are painting poor Linden the same pitiful color.  

Could be. Maybe it means Cameron is getting burned by the searing hot flames of Hell.  Or, maybe it's because Linden and wifey are avid cyclists and they're outside a lot.


I still say Chelz is going to be preggers and we're going to suffer through a WTD scenario.  Oh, joy.  More for Billy and Adam to fight about.  And Sally to be reminded of her loss of Ava.

I'm betting Billy will have revenge sex with Sally and later she'll turn up pregnant. So it'll be a 4-way WTD situation, extra messy. Then, after shenanigans-free DNA tests, Sally will have herself an Abbott anchor baby, and Connor will have a full-sibling baby brother. Even more "stepdaddy" drama for Adam and Billy.


What bar uses pint bottles of vodka?

Right? They should've said she stole it from a grocery or drug store. However, perhaps stealing it from a bar meant there likely wouldn't be security cameras.

Interesting point upthread about the car Faith and Lucy were in probably not having seat belts and/or airbags. If they were sitting in the front seats they both likely would've had noticeable injuries from the deployed airbags. Instead, I think both of them looked like, at worst, they'd faceplanted into a swimming pool.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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37 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm betting Billy will have revenge sex with Sally and later she'll turn up pregnant. So it'll be a 4-way WTD situation, extra messy. Then, after shenanigans-free DNA tests, Sally will have herself an Abbott anchor baby, and Connor will have a full-sibling baby brother. Even more "stepdaddy" drama for Adam and Billy.

holy shit!  And Ninja thinks need help!😉

Edited by MollyB
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Please. If Alan has enjoyed the Paris jazz scene then a generic piano bar in the GCAC must be laughable to him.

So Faith was driving. Okay.

It couldn't have been healthy for Faith to have Sharon dripping tears and snot all over her as she lay unconscious.

Aw Adam, piling on more lies to Sally = not a great idea. But dang if you aren't skillful at it.

Sure hope Billy only walked his drunk @$$ over to Adam's place. Yeesh, he and Kyle are DUIs waiting to happen.

Traci, at some point you need to stop trying to DTR and just let things flow naturally with Alan. Your insecurity is showing, hon.

But what's the deal with Alan being determined to stay in GC? Martin, is that you?

IMO Faith shouldn't have had to deal with screeching Lucy while recovering in the ER. She ought to have been giving a statement to the police.

Sally and Billy wearing similar colors. Hmm.

AYFKMWTS? Faith and Lucy's car accident was almost identical to Cassie and Daniel's years ago. The main difference is that Lucy was in the passenger seat instead of the back seat.

No. He. Didn't. Billy did not say Chelsea and Adam decided to "come together" in their distress over Connor's treatment setback in Baltimore. Surely JT ad libbed that line.

Sigh, now four people have to suffer due to Chelsea's unwillingness to handle her own guilt. Thanks a lot, Chelz.
No Elena sighting in the ER. Instead we got dayplayer "Dr. Bauer."

Shut up, Billy. You ain't sorry for sh!t. Sally was just collateral damage in your need to tell off Adam.

Get you some, Traci. 😻

Wow, Chelsea, you stay kicking Billy in the guts with your toxic blabbing. You might as well tell him how many orgasms you had with Adam in Baltimore too.

Forget Faith and Lucy, clearly the person who most needs help is Sharon. She's a whole plantation's worth of bananas. But I'm having difficulty seeing what any of it has to do with Cameron.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm betting Billy will have revenge sex with Sally and later she'll turn up pregnant. So it'll be a 4-way WTD situation, extra messy. Then, after shenanigans-free DNA tests, Sally will have herself an Abbott anchor baby, and Connor will have a full-sibling baby brother. Even more "stepdaddy" drama for Adam and Billy.

Get in. 

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All of a sudden that serial con artist, Chelsea,  develops a conscience.  I guess Chelsea’s mom, Anita, would be very very disappointed in her.  

I’m so disappointed with Adam but if Sally and Billy👃 have revenge sex, I will be more disappoint in Sally. I guess Sally doesn’t know that Billy👃’s go to is revenge sex. Didn’t he have revenge sex, with Summer, because of Phillis cheating with Nick🦍

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20 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But what's the deal with Alan being determined to stay in GC? Martin, is that you?

'Alan' seems to have forgotten his earlier visits to see Ashley at the Abbott mansion and the Jazz Lounge.  Methinks 'Alan' likes not having to fake it in Paris. Sounds like he will be content to try being a writer rather than getting a license to practice Psychology in GC. He doesn't need to work with Traci able to support him.

I fully expect Sally and Billy to have revenge sex. Yawn. FFwd!

On 8/24/2024 at 9:54 AM, MollyB said:

I realize that he is a product of Sharon's mind, but could she maybe imagine a little less sunburn on his face?  

He may have got that burn in Hell.

Edited by Denize
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Sally standing in mute tribute to the end of SAdam as Adam continues to try to weasel his way out of confessing his sin. Sally was on FIRE as she as she read  Adam for filth. And I thought they were the only couple worth rooting for in this whole mess. Gone now.  Billy / Chelsea...meh...

No one on the writer's team at GC has ever been in an ER, or a hospital ?? Match-matchy cubicles, conveniently side by side ?? IRL, the parentis locos would have ripped the curtains back to reveal a dude with a saw chain embedded in his face and a vomiting 89 year old drunk. Sharon's ghost buddy shoulda come to the hospital to liven things up. Maybe Faith will drift off into a coma, or Moses will come to town for a game of bedside chess. 

Dummer gets dumber and Chance does too. 🙄

Traci and Alan/Martin were cooing like turtledoves that couldn't decide which city had the best rooftops.

Are B&B and Y&R going to have dueling evil grandspawn of Sheila ?? Airpopped, with choice of salt and vinegar, or honey habanero ??

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23 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I’m sure she and Nick playing Call of Booty had a profound influence on Daniel’s choice to make video games, which is why he pinched off that ridiculous Princess Louisa game.

omg …. Call of Booty. Made my night. lol 

Gag …. will never forget MS horribly handling that controller like she knew wtf she was doing. I just fully realized how much I loathe that character. 

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Did Faith say her head really hurt?  Hint, hint, she'll fall into a coma & crazy stalker Lucy will walk out next day?

Anyone catch Heather's expressionless reaction to the news of Lucy being chock full of booze?  Well, she can't make expressions (for obvi reasons) so she flinched her hair.  Ah, Vail & her hair acting.  Not much reaction from Daniel the Dickhead either.  What wonderful parents . . . 

Oh my, both Traci & Dead Martin incite my gag reflex -- but for different reasons.  Traci & her low self esteem (for the last 40 years) is expected, but still annoying & insufferable & cringey.  And Dead Martin?  Yeah, he'll go any place where he won't be recognized & and can live off Traci's dough, cuz Alan's dough won't last forever.  Traci's sure heading for a steep fall.  Mean writers!  Mean, mean, mean!

Way to go, Chelsea.  Billy might (maybe) have forgiven you -- but telling him about texting Adam after you confessed?  Dat's some really nasty shit, hun.  You is on your own now.  And Adam knew he was cornered, but still kept on lying?  Could Sally be dumb enough to stick around after that?  Idk.

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There's absolutely nothing that could make me feel any sympathy for this version of Billy, but what the hell did he expect with Chelsea?

Back two Billy's ago, when Burgess Jenkins (who we affectionately referred to as Dirty Tan Sofa played the part), that Billy dumped Chelsea at their wedding ceremony because he'd discovered she'd cheated on him with Adam who was currently masquerading as Gabriel Bingham.  So, was it that infidelity, or when she drugged him up and raped him on Victor's orders that made him think that this time things would be different?

I know Adam is a lying dirtbag but Billy will always be the crud you just can't ever get off your shoe.

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On 8/26/2024 at 11:40 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

I’m sure she and Nick playing Call of Booty had a profound influence on Daniel’s choice to make video games



12 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Dummer gets dumber and Chance does too. 

But he's mighty fine looking, even with that blank look on his face.  I have a feeling he's not comfortable playing at being a CC or whatever he is this time around.

Why can't Traci have a real relationship with a normal man?

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11 hours ago, boes said:

I know Adam is a lying dirtbag but Billy will always be the crud you just can't ever get off your shoe.

Billy is that tenacious turd that you flush, then next time you go into the bathroom you see him bobbing in the toilet and you flush him again, thinking THIS TIME HE'S GONE! But nope, next time you're in the bathroom he's bobbing in the can again. You just cannot get rid of him.

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16 hours ago, Denize said:

Sounds like he will be content to try being a writer rather than getting a license to practice Psychology in GC

Very convenient that RealAlan had retired.  I was wondering how UnrealAlan was going to handle all those speaking engagements that he said he was being asked to do.*  He can just sit around writing his book about his brother (biography or autobiography?) and keep Tracy close (and away from her family and friends in NYC) to help him learn the ropes of writing. (Domestic Abuser 101)

I'm 90% sure that this is really Martin, but what if it is Alan?  Say he had a mental break when he kinda killed his twin and now he's taking on his evil twin side?

*I know, I know, Martin was reading all of Alan's notes on his patients but that doesn't make him expert enough to lecture.  Does it?

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First thing Jack did when he got home--again "today"--was pour a drink.

Kyle was forced to have a drink by Victor. After he'd hit the gym and sweated out the previous 47 drinks he'd had "today." Is the audience supposed to notice the alcohol issue the Abbott men seem to have?

Me, me, me. Guess Chelsea was warming up for her aria in the "It's All About Me" opera.

Whatever, Chelsea. AFAIC you should've kept your cheating mouth shut. But then you wouldn't have been able to make Billy question whether he loves you more than he hates Adam.  

There it is. Chelsea played her ace card by letting Billy wonder whether she'll unalive herself if they break up. Emotional blackmail not FTW.

Adam: I dunno, Sally, I'm just a fcukup. It's who I am, it's what I do.
Sally: are you serious right now?
Adam: yes. I was born yesterday and I've never met you before.
Sally: omg, do you even hear the stuff coming out of your mouth?
Joi: tick, tock, you two. <yawn>

OMG, next Chelsea was using Connor as a reason for Billy not to dump her. Just when you thought this bish couldn't go any lower, she says, "Hold my hot chocolate!"

Wait, I thought Traci and Alan were going up to his GCAC suite to have some secksay times? Whatever, she doesn't need to ask Jack's permission to move back into the Abbott manse. It's her home too, by inheritance.

It does make sense for Claire to be using her Wharton MBA at NE instead of working for Kyle. However, Victor and Kyle negotiating Claire's employment choices behind her back didn't sit right with me. Ehh.

Adam sorta admitted to Sally he still loves Chelsea. What the hail? I don't think that's been shown at all. Either this is more retconning, or it's going to be Adam's new excuse for sleeping with Chelsea. 😡

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Chelsea please stop groveling. Billy👃is not worth it.  Can’t Chelsea see that this is all about Adam.  If she slept with anyone else, Billy👃 would forgive her.  As for Sally, it’s not about Chelsea, it’s about lying. 

The difference between Chelsea and Sally is quite evident in their acting styles. Listening to Chelsea is like watching turtle races and listening to Sally is like watching a hundred yard dash.   

so Adam loves Chelsea but it was left without an explanation. Does Adam love Chelsea as Connor’s mother or is he still in love with her?



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6 hours ago, MollyB said:

ery convenient that RealAlan had retired.  I was wondering how UnrealAlan was going to handle all those speaking engagements that he said he was being asked to do.*  He can just sit around writing his book about his brother (biography or autobiography?) and keep Tracy close (and away from her family and friends in NYC) to help him learn the ropes of writing. (Domestic Abuser 101)

What is going to happen when Ashley comes home?  Will she see the difference and break Traci's heart?


3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Either this is more retconning, or it's going to be Adam's new excuse for sleeping with Chelsea. 😡

Make it stop!

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R.I.P. Adam. You are dead to me. He’s probably going to say something weasel-like in the vein of “Yes, love for my son.,” but he can still take a long walk off a short pier. When Billy Abbott, champion buttbiscuit, handles a break up with more maturity and grace than you, it’s time to fuck off to Siberia to reevaluate your life choices. 

8 hours ago, Peppermint said:

There is something wrong with me...I actually teared up as Sally tried to make Adam tell the truth today. Damn, she's good lately.

There’s something wrong with me too. I felt terrible when Adam answered “yes” and Sally was so obviously gutted. I hope Sally winds up and swings a frozen swordfish at his nuts before storming out.

Hey, Victor, Claire just escaped having her life controlled. It’s not cool for you to do it because “fambly”. Fucking creep.

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