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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Dear Billy Abbott;

William, I know you walked in on a shocking conversation that Adam and I were having in the park. Let me explain. Our little family was having a very natural, believable game of sportsball that most certainly was not scripted by an AI. The good vibes were flowing as Adam and I gazed deep into our own navels and analyzed every move Connor made. Naturally, we again realized that he had the tools to cope with his OCD, that we were going to make mistakes and that we had to follow our son’s lead when dealing with this. I don’t know if we’ve mentioned these things? Then, as divorced parents do, we reminisced on our fiery, passionate, absolutely fascinating relationship. See, Adam and I really get each other and have this unbreakable bond. I can’t emphasize enough how much Connor’s ordeal has caused Adam and I to sniff each other’s butts. Please don’t be upset with me, as Connor would then blame himself and you would be responsible for his relapse. Do we understand each other?

Chelsea (It’s not cheating if you’re stressed!)

Dear Chelsea (It most certainly the fuck is!);

There’s actually quite a bit I don’t understand right now. Why are you hanging your dirty laundry in the world’s smallest park for everyone to admire? Why did I spot you and Adam holding hands? Were you trying to make onlookers sick? I do think it’s very good that you and Adam take your cues from your son, since he’s the only one out of you three who has the first fucking clue about anything. Connor is living his best life while you two idiots wring your hands every time he furrows his brow, as if repeating the same platitudes about his struggles is in any way helpful or interesting. Your history with Adam is the stuff of abstinence pamphlets, not some grand, sweeping romance. You know, I’m feeling very stressed, and I think Sally is too. I’m sure you’ll understand.

Dear Billy Abbott;

My dad thinks you’re a worthless oxygen thief, but I have always found your advice to be awesome. You’re wise, like a drunk owl. My ex has taken a little vacay in Crazy Town and I’m not sure what to do. I’ll fix it with sex if I must, but I’m trying to be more mature and stuff. Sometimes she looks like she’s seen a ghost, but not a friendly one like Cassie or Casper. This paranormal stuff scares me ever since I was a teenager and stupidly used a ouija board with some of my buds to summon sexy ghosts. I wound up with a fart demon trapped in my butt, and holy water enemas are not as fun as they sound. Anyhow, I would sage my ex’s place, but I’m afraid I’d just get horny for toenails. Oh, and our daughter has this dork who is obsessed with her and needs to step off. How do people ditch you when you get annoying?

Nick, The Ghostbuster with the Most Bluster

Dear Nick;

People don’t get rid of me. Yeah, they see me rolling, they be hating, but if I hang around long enough, they be tolerating. Sorry. I cringed hard on that, but… fuck it. I deliver my advice raw and off the cuff. Your daughter needs to adopt that kind of blunt truth telling before everyone and their mother walks all over them. Ideally, the dork’s blissfully oblivious parents should bring the hammer down on friendships with college students. Speaking of telling it like it is, have you ever thought about asking Sharon what the fuck she’s looking at? Duh. I’m not unsympathetic to your fears - I once had to use a holy water nasal spray for a week. Frankly, I think I just had a bad sinus infection and the doctors didn’t want to squeeze into a surgical submersible to deliver the antibiotic payload deep in the nostril abyss. By the way, Adam told me how much he misses your brotherly teasing, you know, the wet willies, purple nurples, atomic wedgies and swirlies. It’s long past time to deepen that family bond, don’t you think?

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Hey, it's Audra. I almost didn't recognize her.

Oh look, someone's reading his lines off the props again and not being subtle about it.

What the heck, Kyle? Do you really want to be antagonizing your Glissade business partner over Summer's delusions? You know Audra isn't the problem.

Awkward. Chelsea and Adam left the park and didn't even hug Billy and Sally goodbye. They made themselves look more suspicious.

Summer. Audra's never even met Harrison. How can she be a bad influence on the kid who probably doesn't even know who she is?

Heh, a launch party contest is looming: Glissade vs. Abbott-Chancellor. Let's go!

Phyllis may have hit the nail on the head. Summer's ultimatum to Kyle regarding Audra was more about Kyle than Harrison. Harrison mostly provides Summer a ready excuse.

Nate was feeling a tad randy apparently. That was an ardent lovers greeting he gave Audra, not a FWB one.

Phyllis was oddly bothered to learn about Chance's inclusion in Summer's group of confidantes. What does she think he'll do, arrest her for giving Summer bad advice?

Reality finally may be dawning on Kyle. Victor has all but backed him into a corner by pitting Kyle's love for his son against Kyle's desire for revenge against his parents.

No, Billy, YOU stop! Your paranoia doesn't give you license to run roughshod over whoever you want.

Whoa, Phyllis straight up stepped to Victor, in public. I ain't mad at her. Do your fearless mama bear thing, Red. TGVN is overdue for some paybacks.

Re the previews: Don't be out here acting shocked, Lily. Billy never had any intention of sharing A-C's leadership with you. Please read him for filth before you leave.

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Chelsea, that fantastic con artist, has grown a conscience.  Is she now going to ask all those marks for forgiveness?  Chelsea isn’t lying your creed.  Your mom would be very disappointed in you. 


Summer❄️x10 has earned herself another ❄️. Has Phillis🕷️ become the voice of reason?  


Natey Nate Nate and Audra = zero, nada, zip, zilch.  Audra also deals in half truths. Another person who thinks she’s hot 💩 but is nothing more than a Hersey Squirt.  


Phillis🕷️are you that stupid to threaten Victor?  Victor thinks that Phillis🕷️ is no more than an annoying cockroach to be squished. 


Next week:  Is Adam going to be a man or a mouse?  Is he going to tell Sally or continue to lie? If he lies, then Sally probably won’t forgive him.



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Hmmm, so Vic dismissively chuckled at Phyllis.  Idk, Vic, it's pretty stupid to underestimate her sharpness & the damage she can cause, certainly if provoked.  Keep an eye on Phyllis.  I know, I know, must we?  Well, yeah.  I can't stand her, but she is sharp.  She picked up right away that it was suspicious for Vic to have influence over Kyle about something that shouldn't be any of his business.

So yeah, I'm guessing Phyllis is gonna guess correctly that Vic is the Glissade investor -- and will somehow cave Vic's master plans.  Vic underestimating Phyllis is a big mistake.

OK, so what was up with Audra, smooching up to Vic & leaving Kyle out completely on what she was doing in Paris?  They've been partners for what?  It's been like 6 seconds, and already she's acting like an untrustworthy snake?  Yech, there's a reason this woman can't keep a job for longer than 2 minutes.  She's horrible.  And yeah, she was wearing her usual tighty-tight Audra dress, with cleavage out, boobs at attention & butt bursting out.  Vic didn't seem to care , but it sure got hornball Nate's . . .  er, attention.

Oh Lily, Lily, Lily, guess your shtick of playing Billy didn't work out, eh?  Look, hun, he did ya a favor -- and besides, now you can go hit Nikki up for a job.  Cuz Nikki's handing out job offers over at Chancellor -- even tho she doesn't work there & Vic hasn't taken it over yet.  But she's done "research", so hustle on over to Nikki quick, Lily!

Easy prediction -- Chelsea is gonna fess up & Billy will forgive her.  But Adam will continue to lie & Sally will get the truth from Billy & she'll leave him.  That'll anger Adam, so he'll be happy to do Vic's bidding, of attacking Billy thru Newman Media.

Actually surprised it's been about a week with no crying from Chelsea. but I knew that couldn't last.  Nope, the waterworks are back.  I'm sure Melissa Claire Egan must get paid by the tear.

At least, no wiseass ghosts today . . .

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Does anyone else simply hate the Newman family for their cavalier sense of entitlement? Making plans to "steal" a company and already staffing it? I almost hate Nikki and Victoria the most for their nonchalant compliance. Nikki's excitement about her next job it nauseating. You expect this arrogance from Victor, but the rest of the family just blithely going along? That seems more disgusting. I'm starting to want to see Aunt Jordan back in action. Also, perhaps Claire should have made mention as to why she is taking "Newman" as her name. It does make sense, considering her aunt, but her dad didn't do anything to her. Maybe a mention of why she prefers to ignore her dad in this. Hey Phyllis, your dotter has a name - it's Summer! Please stop referring to her as "my dotter" every 3 seconds!

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Easy prediction -- Chelsea is gonna fess up & Billy will forgive her.  But Adam will continue to lie & Sally will get the truth from Billy & she'll leave him.  That'll anger Adam, so he'll be happy to do Vic's bidding, of attacking Billy thru Newman Media.

Makes sense, especially the part where Adam decides NM is indeed a convenient tool for sending trouble Billy's way. The bad PR would help push Billy out at Chancellor so Victor can give it to Nikki. (🙄)

My prediction: Billy won't actually forgive Chelsea, and he'll feel entitled to even the score by sleeping with Sally. But Sally won't realize Billy used her for revenge until later when he throws their ONS in Chelsea's face. It'd be pretty much the same thing Billy pulled with Summer back in the day when he found out Phyllis had cheated on him with Nick.

Ultimately, I think both current couples will break up, and the eventual result will be Chelsea & Adam and Sally & Billy.

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Never have I ever......but yep, I'm Team Phyllis when it comes to Victor.  I can't stand Phyllis but after what he did to her, I'll always back her up in going after that POS of a man.

After replacing Jack with the doppelganger, having Phyllis unknowningly raped on a regular basis all because of another of his sociopathic spats with Jack, Victor should get the fuck out of her way EVERY time he sees her coming, say nothing but "I'm sorry" and grovel for the subhuman way he treated her.

Phyllis is horrid in pretty much every way but there's never been and never will be any excuse for what he put her through, and absolutely no acceptable excuse for anyone, ever, forgiving or even tolerating what he did, especially her asshole daughter Summer and her buttscratching ex-husband Dickolas.  That Summer still has anything to do with him is pretty damn close to unforgivable, too.

Defending Phyllis isn't something I ever do but with Victor?  Hell yeah.

Edited by boes
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8 hours ago, CaffeineFree said:

Does anyone else simply hate the Newman family for their cavalier sense of entitlement?

You rang?

7 hours ago, boes said:

Phyllis is horrid in pretty much every way but there's never been and never will be any excuse for what he put her through, and absolutely no acceptable excuse for anyone, ever, forgiving or even tolerating what he did, especially her asshole daughter Summer and her buttscratching ex-husband Dickolas.  That Summer still has anything to do with him is pretty damn close to unforgivable, too

100% Kyle crawling up Victor’s backside is also sketchy as hell. Hey, dipshit, Victor flat out paid some pirates to murder your father. Get your bouffant out of his colon. Summer has proven to have no loyalty to anyone who doesn’t agree with every noise out of her cakehole, so in retrospect, it’s less surprising that she forgave her rape-enabling toad of a grandfather. She’s currently willing to cut off the mother she tanked her marriage for just because Phyllis wouldn’t fully enable her scorched earth custody campaign. She’s always been one of the worst Newmans.

Now to…ugh. I feel unclean. Billy the Buttbiscuit is fucking annoying, but Adam needs to slow his roll before he launches a revenge campaign. Adam fucked himself when he fucked Chelsea, so he needs to sit down, shut the hell up and think about what he’s done. His frantic efforts to hide the truth are pathetic and selfish. Now, Lily OTOH is welcome to use a trebuchet to launch manure bombs up Billy’s twin booger shafts. He deserves whatever he gets from Lily.

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

I mean, hasn't every stupid thing he's ever done already been put out there?  Billy even acknowledges his record is 'spotty'.  What has he done lately that is bad enough to tank a company?

The only thing I can think of that isn't public knowledge is that he had a one night stand with Summer when he was with Phyllis.  Pretty sleazy but it's not a business story though none of these "business" storylines are either.

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Question:  What could Adam possibly reveal on Newman Media about Billy that is so devastating?  I mean, hasn't every stupid thing he's ever done already been put out there?  

Something happened in Vegas when Adam was there, but unless he killed someone, I don't think it could top other things Billy has done, nor is it recent. Adam recently slept with Billy's girlfriend, so who is he to talk? 

Edited by Denize
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On 8/16/2024 at 10:48 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

So she and Harrison will be co-CEO's?  Then she'll fling off Vic to the GC nursing home, buy a strip club for Nikki to manage, while screaming at her how that's the only job she's fit for.  Then she'll fire Vicki & Dickolas, after telling them to fuck the fuck off -- but that's after she's gotten a zillion dollar trust.  Oh, and she'll break Jordie outta jail too, but keep her in Vic's basement prison.

Basically, yeah, except for the Harrison and Jordan parts. And Claire's MO has become way more subtle. Her persona and appearance lately = wide-eyed innocent.

It's taken Claire a while to live down jabbing Grandma Nikki in the neck with a hypodermic full of knockout juice, and to get the Newmans to forgive her for kidnapping and poisoning them. They're all in Claire's corner now, though Nick remains a tad reserved and Summer could live without her. I think they're not going to see her as a threat to NE until too late.

13 hours ago, MollyB said:

Question:  What could Adam possibly reveal on Newman Media about Billy that is so devastating?  I mean, hasn't every stupid thing he's ever done already been put out there?  Billy even acknowledges his record is 'spotty'.  What has he done lately that is bad enough to tank a company?

I don't think Newman Media's aim would be to tank the company so much as create worry Billy would tank it. Probably thousands of Chancellor employees around the world would fear their jobs were at stake. Enough of them could quit or find ways to make it difficult for the company to continue operating with Billy in charge. On the customer front, they could stop buying whatever CI sells, i.e., a boycott. Newman Media could goad that effort via social media. Eventually Jill would need to remove Billy or sell the company and let someone else deal with him. It'd be a long process though so it's IMO silly to have Nikki measuring the drapes already.

Essentially, weaponized PR doesn't necessarily have to be true or particularly bad. It just has to be relentless, or big enough to overshadow all alternative information.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Ooo, I loathe Claire but I flove this idea of Claire and Jordan running a long con and Claire turning on them all. 😀  Sadly I doubt that's where they're going because the Harrison obsession wouldn't be an obsession, IMO, if she was really playing a long con. But hey, a prevert can dream, can't she?!?

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Audra made Nate watch her purse while she left to go talk to Kyle. Nate = 100% p-whipped, ha ha.

Gosh, when Michael walked into Victor's office he looked wrung out. Apparently trying to get new dirt on Billy is an exhausting task. And Victor couldn't've cared less.

Billy still refused to believe anything Chelsea said that he didn't consider a valid confession. So she basically told him she had other things to do. Oh noes, William, your browbeating failed!

Go, Audra. It was about time you climbed up StuporGirl's hiney and turned on a flamethrower. Summer was past needing to be told to keep your name out her pouty mouth.

Nate said he and Audra were "oozing with potential." Oozing. Did he give her an STI or did she give him one? 😉

Alas, Audra's poker face did not succeed. Nate finally guessed the big secret she'd been trying to keep from him about Victor and Glissade.

Summer. You actually had the nerve to call Audra, "untrustworthy." Have you met your mommy? AFAIC Audra has a long way to go before she's as bad an influence on Harrison as his Grandma Pee Pee. At least Audra's not a convicted felon.

At last it dawned on Audra that Tucker had been right all along about Glissade. Its main value is as leverage in the Jack vs. Victor war for GC corporate supremacy.

Nah, Chelsea. Offloading your guilt onto Billy by admitting you cheated on him isn't the answer. Pull yourself together.

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If Billy👃sleeps with Sally it will be wash rinse repeat of Billy👃sleeping with Sumner❄️x10. Sally sleeping with Billy👃is 100x worse than Sally sleeping with Nick. Nick is a man and Billy👃 is a slug. 

Natey Nate Nate  (Smugly Smug Smug) please shut the fuck up and go away, far far away. Audra doesn’t need anyone to stand up for her.  Natey Nate Nate has gotten himself into Audra’s bed and now he’s trying to weasel himself in being her partner in business and screw Devon over once again. 

Did you ever notice that Summer❄️X10 and Phillis stomp into a room the same way.  Here I am, deal with it.  There you have it. Summer❄️x10 doesn’t like Audra because she thinks it’s Audra’s fault for their divorce.  All the other excuses are just window dressing for that fact. 

How many secrets did Billy👃 have to deal with?  The difference is that Billy👃doesn’t have a conscience.  

Confess Adam!  Throw yourself on your sword and beg for forgiveness. Sally is never going to let this go driven by Billy👃’s doubts. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Sally sleeping with Billy👃is 100x worse than Sally sleeping with Nick. Nick is a man and Billy👃 is a slug

Billy is a slug, and Nick is a carbon based life form that could be classified under ‘man’. Yet, somehow, Billy/Sally gives me mild discomfort while Nick/Sally makes me want to launch a vomit comet. Neither is ideal, but Nick repels me on a deep, visceral level that will take even the odious Billy Abbott years to reach.

Michael, you dumb bunny. I think he walled up his dignity in Victor’s wine cellar/torture chamber/sprout spittoon (spouttoon?). And look at that - Victor is already asking him to do stuff he’s clearly not comfortable with. I wonder what exactly Michael thought it would take to climb back into the old fool’s good graces? It was never going to be anything good.

Audra is today’s hero. Summer still hasn’t articulated an actual reason for her bizarre obsession with Kyle’s business partner.

The only thing grosser than Adam and Chelsea lying early and often to their supposed loves is using their son to hide behind, knowing Sally and Billy wouldn’t dare whisper a word against Connor. Manipulative toads.


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59 minutes ago, boes said:

Oh, one more thing.  MIchael is deadtome, mostly because I can't watch his utter debasement because he wants to get back in the good graces of that Hemorrhoid in human disguise, Victor.  It's too painful to watch.

THIS. All day every day. Michael is the dumbest dumbass in dumbville. It's gross.

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So Kyle might be sleeping Audra but why do you care?  Summer❄️X10 is sleeping with Chance and Kyle can’t give 💩💩

Summer❄️x10, if you care so much about bad influences being around Harrison, then Phillis🕷️ should be at the top of the list.  The way Summer❄️x10 acts, is a direct result as how she was raised.  

Billy👃is so full of himself that he hears but he doesn’t listen.  Billy👃’s head is so far of his that he can inspect his colon for polyps. Billy👃is so upset, with Chelsea, Lily becomes the raw meat that is required to calm the savage beast. Another putz move by Billy👃.  Billy👃doesn’t even realize that Lily is his safety net. Victor shows some concern for Lily, but with Billy👃 Victor has more of an incentive to go after AC sooner than later. 

I’m betting no matter what Summer❄️x10 promises about keeping the secret if Kyle tells her about Victor being the secret invested, she will tell Chance and her mother in a hot second. 

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36 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Summer❄️x10, if you care so much about bad influences being around Harrison, then Phillis🕷️ should be at the top of the list.  The way Summer❄️x10 acts, is a direct result as how she was raised.  

but, ut, but she's Bluetooth's dotter and absolutely perfect

37 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

iVctor shows some concern for Lily, but with Billy👃 Victor has more of an incentive to go after AC sooner than later. 

I lol'd at that. Victor has two dysfunctional sons, yeah Billy is an idiot but Victor, have you looked at your family tree lately?

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Sigh, Summer and Kyle still having the same argument.

Audra, who told you had to live in GC? You could've left months ago. Or at least stayed in Paris, where Glissade is.

"Fortuitous"? No, Nikki, Victor was wrong. The word you were looking for is "evil." Victor using Jill's illness to attack her son and take over her company is the behavior of someone with no human decency.

And if that wasn't bad enough, Victor was pretty much blaming Jill for being in a condition he could exploit for his own selfish purposes. This guy.

Real talk from Nate to Audra about her Glissade ambitions vs. Victor's control,  but Ms. Charles was not trying to hear it. Oh well.

Audra told Nate he needed to stop and smell "those birds of paradise." Lol wut? I guess birds of paradise** smell like roses. 😏

Hey, it's Chance. Yo, Phillip IV, you might need to head over to the jazz lounge and pull your girlfriend off Kyle's back.

Waymint, Nate. Lily turned Chancellor into an empire? Chile please. CI was an empire before your parents were born.

Poor Chance, having to witness Billy's destructive paranoia up close. My guy, you better call your grandma on your uncle.

OMG, Summer, does the word "monster" mean something different in your imaginary world? Audra is many things but she's no more a monster than you are. O hai, nepo baby.

But Lily, clearly Jill doesn't want you to protect Chancellor from Billy or she wouldn't have given him her power as the owner. Think it through!

I can't with Summer. She actually suggested to Chance that he leave Chancellor. It's his frigging future legacy as a direct descendant of the OG Phillip Chancellor. Gah she dumb.

Sure hope Lily is savvy enough to know she's being worked by Nikki.

**Either the bird or the flower.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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6 hours ago, MollyB said:

The hospital/clinic that Connor went to should open one in GC.

No joke. And they should put it right next to the coffeehouse and hire Sharon to include a referral with each order.

6 hours ago, MollyB said:

He's got a wife that supposedly has this high end boutique whatever and he's a competent attorney. 

Lauren is an heiress to the Fenmore fortune and her retail empire includes both boutiques and full-blown stores like Macy's or Nordstrom. Michael only works because he wants to. I think Victor somehow taps into Michael's desire for a father figure.

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Ah Nikki, so you're struggling for a word to describe Vic taking advantage of someone's illness to swoop in & swipe their company out from under 'em?  I'll give ya plenty of words, hun!  How about gross or disgusting or sleazy or lowball or unsavory or corrupt or immoral or sordid or disreputable?  Has all the past boozing truly rusted your brain, Nikki?  Well, she sure is eager to get in that CEO chair in the teeny weeny office Lily squeezes herself into.

Wowza, Billy is spiraling downward fast, eh?  Lily, get out quick before the ceiling in your teeny office caves in. 

Idk, despite his stupid (but hot) looks, Chance isn't totally dumb (maybe mostly).  He has made some astute observations & he sees what a loser Billy is, but he's inexperienced in business, so what can he do?  He should call granny Jill ASAP!

Summer's Audra obsession is still baffling.  Mommie Dearest has done way worse in 2 minutes of her awful life than Audra ever has.

So Audra finally figured out she's merely a pawn in Vic's bullshit feud with JackAbbott?  Took her long enough.  And she thinks she can "handle" Vic?  Oy, what a dope.  The way she usually gets by in business is with sex -- and it NEVER ends well for her.  Like I said before, she thinks she's so smart, but she ain't.  That's why she's gotten the boot from every big company in GC.  And the tighty-tight dresses  don't have any effect on Vic, so I don't get how she'll handle him.

Slightly off-topic:  That horrible/awful Greenlee looks so awkward & uncomfortable & miscast on B&B, that I'm hoping when she craps out over there, the producers won't try and squeeze her in here.

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1 hour ago, surfgirl said:

Why the fuck would anyone in their right mind choose to live at the GCAC in Wisconsin (no disrespect to the good peeps of WI) when they're running a corporation based in Paris? Why wouldn't you live in, oh I don't know, fucking PARIS?!? Come ON show, make it make sense! 

It's gotta be the cheese curds.  Or, as Nikki calls them, the fromage en grains she uses on those extra frisky nights with Victor.

Beats the hell out of the brussels sprouts he usually insists on.

As they say, "We'll always have Genoa City".

Such a soupfixycayted family, aren't they?

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Billy: I am not a buttbiscuit! 
Chance: So what are you going to do?

Billy: I’m going to aggressively circle the drain because I’m frustrated that my girlfriend cheated on me but won’t admit it. I’mma fire the living shit out of the one person who could potentially fend off a hostile takeover. I will behave exactly like the loser everyone thinks I am while pretending everyone else is the problem. I’m going out in a blaze of buttbiscuit glory!

Chance: Good luck with that.

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Hah, Billy having a d!ck-swinging contest with Victor. Good luck with that forever, William.

Oh please, Diane and Jack. Still clutching your pearls over the possibility Victor is behind Kyle's move to Glissade? It's time to let the scales fall from your eyes.

What the what? Lily said Jill is her kids' grandmother. No, she isn't. Jill isn't Cane's mommy, she's his former stepmother. Now JG is pulling this crap in the Winters family too. 😡

Wow, Victor coolly inserted fear into Billy's head that if Billy ruins A-C, Victor is ready and willing to take it off Jill's hands. Billy looked like he was struggling not to scream.

Kyle asked Claire if she was free for dinner. Heck yeah, Kyle. Claire was already dressed for a "date."

Meanwhile, Claire played hard-to-get for about a minute until Kyle gave her a non-romantic excuse to go to Society with him. Hmm.

Fcuk off with the manspreading, Billy. No one wants to be treated to a direct view of your crotchular shortcomings, except maybe Chelsea.

Billy already making bad business decisions. A-C taking a huge financial hit to pay off Lily's CEO contract as a lovely parting gift will not please Jill

Claire put on quite the charm offensive when Diane and Jack showed up at Society. Glinda the Witch of the North should've sent her regards.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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18 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Slightly off-topic:  That horrible/awful Greenlee looks so awkward & uncomfortable & miscast on B&B, that I'm hoping when she craps out over there, the producers won't try and squeeze her in here.

Yeah, I was surprised to hear she was joining B&B. Guess she didn't want to go back to GH with her old buddy Cameron Mathison. The worst comment I saw about it is that Y&R should've hired her as a recast for Tara. No. Just no.

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This is the ultimate fuck up by Billy👃. If there are two golden rules in business. First you don’t  dismiss an employee in public especially an executive employee.  Second you don’t chew out an employee in front of other employees.  To me, as an executive, Billy👃, is lower than whale shit. Billy👃, the only reason that you were in not in jail was that you had people to cover for your crimes.  The prime fuck up was child abuse along with embezzlemen and attempted murder of Adam twice.  Billy👃actually thinks that he doesn’t have to payoff Lily’s contract 🐂💩


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Please stop with the cutesy treacle-drenched Claire bullshit. I mean, I was cringing as soon as the puppet came out. Kyle seriously needs to stop trying to start something up with the nanny.

Please stop making us listen to the old horror and his enabling wife smugly discuss how they’re entitled to own and run Chancellor. Talking about how much they respect Lily and praising her business acumen one second and then plotting how Nikki can finesse Lily out of her job is gross AF.

Speaking of gross, please stop with Billy’s manspreading. Air that Superfund site out at home, dude. I hope Lily uses him as a hand puppet. That’s the only puppet show I need to see.

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Wow, when was the last time Adam and Kyle had a nose-to-nose conversation?

Apparently Jack still doesn't know his pal Nikki is preparing to take over Chancellor. That's a big piece of the Victor puzzle for Jack to be missing.

Kyle and Adam commiserating over the trials of being both the parent of a troubled child and the son of a difficult father, was unexpected. <golf claps>

Gah, Sally, it took you long enough. I feel like you of all people should've figured out weeks ago what happened in Baltimore between Connor's parents. You are no stranger to engaging in impulsive behavior you've quickly regretted.

But I don't get Sally's anger. She seemed to be more upset Adam hadn't already confessed to cheating on her than the likelihood Adam really did cheat on her. Billy was kind of puzzled by her too.

Adam assured Jack he'll protect him from whatever Victor is trying to pull but he didn't sound entirely convincing to me. Push come to shove, I think Adam will want to score points with Victor, not risk being branded a traitor like Cole and Michael.

Sally coming in HOT! Adam was not prepared, ha ha.

Oh come on, Chelz, stop crying. At least you don't have to tell Billy you cheated on him with some random scuzzball you picked up in a dive bar. It was only Billy's worst enemy. 😈

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I find it very funny when Diane said that Victor just handed Adam his position. Doesn’t she realize that 99%, of the executive positions, were just handed out?  

Jack, Kyle is already spinning out of control by you and his mother.  So you are the ones who threw Kyle to the wolves I mean Victor.  Jack, you are the one that gave Kyle the means and opportunity for Victor to pounce. 

Adam and Chelsea should have confessed up front.  Why would the monkeys with a keyboard do that?  I guess so we can watch Chelsea looser her mind and watch Billy👃being a complete and utter selfish ass hole. Adam was wrong and I’m not defending him over Sally’s concerns. I’m just saying that Billy👃fed into Sally’s abandonment issues. 

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But I don't get Sally's anger. She seemed to be more upset Adam hadn't already confessed to cheating on her than the likelihood Adam really did cheat on her.

I’m with Sally on this one. Adam and Chelsea having spur of the moment comfort sex wouldn’t bother me half as much as the month-long lying to my face afterwards.

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12 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

I’m with Sally on this one. Adam and Chelsea having spur of the moment comfort sex wouldn’t bother me half as much as the month-long lying to my face afterwards.

It's not the crime, it's the coverup? Sigh, I think this show has run that old adage into the ground. Maybe Sally needs to want better for herself than a guy whose last name happens to be Abbott or Newman (or Forrester or Spencer).

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Kyle, the rabid, angry weasel, is pretty much a dick to everyone not named Claire. It’s such a treat to see his bouffant bristle with entitled fury, his jaw clench and his chin disappear as that shit eating smirk spreads across his dumb face.

I really hope Adam doesn’t lie to Sally again now that the truth bombs have been launched. 

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18 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I really hope Adam doesn’t lie to Sally again now that the truth bombs have been launched. 

He’s Adam so of course he lied again. Straight to her face. And then promptly got a text from chelsea that she told Billy the truth. Which means Adam just screwed himself over. 

glad that Faith told Lucy they’re too far apart in age to be friends. Of course Lucy doesn’t get it. She thinks it’s because of Cassie and that Faith is taking her anger at Daniel out on Lucy. And now previews show both sets of parents at the hospital because each of their daughters were injured. It’s unclear if they were both in the same car or if Lucy got hammered and plowed into Faith’s car.

meanwhile, ghost Cameron has informed us that Sharon hasn’t done anything to sort out her meds.

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Dear Billy Abbott;

Have you ever been dismissed from a job by something that looks like The Slender Man mated with a randy alpaca? Imagine leading a company to soaring profits and earning the respect of your peers, only to be arrogantly and publicly fired while being served up an unappetizing plate of fish sticks and tater tots. As an aside, you could perhaps share with your gentlemen readers that women are wholly unimpressed by the “my penis and testicles are so monumental that I must occupy an entire sofa and fling wide the gates of genitalia so they might breathe” gambit. Back to business, the putz who thinks he can replace me can’t get out of his own way long enough to craft a usable press release. Instead of focusing on making sure the rebranding of the company is smooth, this brain genius is planning a party to celebrate himself. Dumbass forgot to change passwords and permissions, so I know for a fact he’s commissioned a huge, naked ice sculpture of himself wearing a crown for the party. I put in my own order for a sculpture featuring a pair of buttocks that will double as a fondue dispenser. It will be emblazoned with the new logo he’s so excited about. Suck on that, clown.

Lily (Means Business)

Dear Lily;

I’m sorry that you didn’t have the foresight to go out in a blaze of glory, embezzling funds and forcing me to fire you. Believe it or not, as much as I’m a dick to people, I don’t enjoy it that much. Plus, I’m pretty fucking lazy, so you pulling some egregious shit would have gotten me 75% to where I needed to be. Minimal effort for maximum effect is my motto. I do happen to know a guy who got shitcanned by his own mother, so chin up - it could always be worse. Uh, could you cover me at the office for a couple more weeks? I have some personal vengeance to unleash on my nemesis, and it would go a long way towards getting back into my good graces. Let me know.

Dear Billy Abbott;

So I just got a text from Chelsea that you tricked her into falsely confessing? WTF, dude? I know Sally reads this column religiously, for some reason. Maybe you could admit to your devious trickery and relentless pressure here and set her mind at ease? You know you’re hurting Connor with your bullshit, right? Any future setbacks are on you. Don’t you dare come storming over to my apartment with your dollar store chivalry and pompous lectures about honesty. Blow up my spot and you get what you get. I just carpet bombed your idiot nephew with insults and can do the same to you. I’ll also stuff your nostrils full of lobster shells. Whiff that odor, Saint William Noseholes.

Adam (Smells like Buttbiscuit Spirit)

Dear Adam;

 Dude… just stop. The jig is up. All I smell is the flop sweat rolling off you in rivers as you desperately dissemble and try to keep all your lies straight. Dig up, stupid. Like, why can’t you stop? Even I eventually come to a natural stopping point with my bullshit. I’ve just engaged in some primal scream therapy, and now I’m coming to read your ass for filth, cover to cover. It would be classy to put out some hors d'oeuvres and sparkling water. See you soon!

Dear Billy Abbott;

I don’t know if you’ll get this letter, as I’m not familiar with inter dimensional messaging. Hell isn’t great, but there’s an issue of the Genoa City Blowhole on every flaming newsstand. One day I’m getting sewage swirlies from cackling demons, the next I’m trapped in Sharon Newman’s dreary cottage masquerading as a delusion. Sometimes her caveman ex drops by and crop dusts me until my incorporeal eyes water. I’m forced to spout riddles and vague hints about some revelation Sharon is supposed to have. I mean, yes, she killed me and I might have slightly deserved it, but my post-life existence is so brutally mundane now. Can you put in a word with Victor and get me a ferry back to Hades? There’s a picture of the old goat in every circle of Hell, so I know the man has pull. Thanks in advance.

Cameron K(nifed through the heart)

Dear Cameron;

Wow. It really is an honor to know the Blowhole has achieved immortality. The problem is that I have negative pull with the fossilized rectal prolapse. Having to spend time with Newmans is probably part of your punishment, tbh. Don’t write again, you pet-poisoning freak.

Dear Billy Abbott;

Are you prepared to put some respect on my name, bruh? I don’t need your advice, by the way. Just your applause. I solved the custody sitch my own self, because I’m a master negotiator. I have firmly established my bona fides as a grown ass man by taking my nanny and a hand puppet out to dinner so they could help me choose a new house. I don’t need mommy and daddy to house me, clothe me, feed me or employ me; I’m not a nepo baby like Adumb Nerdman (BURN!). Hey, you know the great thing about bringing a hand puppet to dinner is that you can carry their leftovers home inside them. Cool, right? Anyway, my mother cried like a diaper baby and begged me for a few scraps of love, but I was all “deuces, biznatch. I’m taking the grandkid and bidding you and Daddly Do-Right adieu.” Then I left the house, snuck around to the back door like a boss ninja and hit my parents’ most expensive shoes with, uh, brown shoe polish. I took a massive shit in my mother’s Louboutins and went doo doo in her Miu Mius. I pinched a loaf in the old man’s loafers. I even took a pomp poop (I call them poomps) in Aunt Traci’s sneakers to divert suspicion. The other night Adam stepped to me and told me I was lucky to have Jack for a daddy. Fuck him and fuck you too. Haterz.

Kyle (Puppet Love)

Dear Kyle;

God, what a schmuck. You are lucky to have such a forgiving father. No matter how pathetic you are, how hard you fail or how often you betray him, he’ll still tolerate you. When I unravel and obliterate Chancellor’s good name in a firestorm of incompetence, Jack will have an office and salary waiting for me. Me, the disloyal ratfuck who followed Phyllis’ red balloon down through the sewer grate and stole a literal boatload of cash from Jabot. You better get to crawling back ASAP before I steal your pity job. Real talk: I wouldn’t mess with Aunt Traci, dude. I once doodled dicks inside all the books she was taking to a signing and ended up sneezing random pages for a week. Stay frosty.


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Geez, Lucy, you could've texted Faith your apology instead of sneaking out at night to meet with her.

Ugh, it's Ghoul Cameron. Still.

(My baseless speculation: TSJ (Tucker) was kicked out in order to bring back Linden Ashby. His hasty exit likely left plenty of salary $$ on the table.)

Adam used the tried-and-true method of dealing with a question you don't want to answer: respond with more questions.

Ghoul Cameron, stop manspreading! Sharon doesn't want to see a direct outline of your rancid, worm-riddled ghoulnads. Nor does anyone else, except maybe Diane. 😉

Chelsea's truth bombs: more effective than poison. I almost felt sorry for Billy but then I got over it.

Oy, Lucy. Bringing up Cassie's death to Faith? Foul on the play, little girl.

I'm with Sharon: she's not pining after Nick. Ghoul Cameron is a whackadoodle, spouting his goofy theories. Also, since when did Sharon need his bequeathed company to be set for life financially? Sharon was already a wealthy woman. She has three jobs because she wants to look busy.

Yikes, Adam! Over at the coffeehouse, your partner-in-crime cheating just blew your fake alibi to smithereens.

Aw, po widdle Billy. After a full day of watching him deliver smackdowns left and right, the Fates finally said, "Or so you thought, William."

Well at least Chelsea had the presence of mind to warn Adam that Billy now knows about their tryst. Not sure Adam would've done Chelsea the same favor if he'd confessed to Sally.

Re the previews: drunk Billy confronting Adam in Adam's high-rise home. Hmm, wonder how far down the drop is from the balcony? I feel fairly confident Billy lacks the ability to defy gravity. Try to prove me wrong, Adam.

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Billy👃Billy👃Billy👃, you have to hear that she slept with Adam?  Why?  You know what happened so you just have to humiliate Chelsea more by having to hear that she slept with Adam.  Once again it’s more about Billy👃, than respecting Chelsea’s wishes.  It’s always about Billy👃wants.  Yes Billy👃we slept together and it was more intense than it ever was or could be with you 😂.  Is that what you wanted to hear.  Billy👃, a man that is the poster boy for infidelity, has the unmitigated right to pass judgement on one Chelsea digression, but is this more about who the digression was with.  

Adam Adam Adam your goose is cooked your bunny is boiled. You should have told the truth since you knew that Chelsea could not be relied upon to keep the secret.  


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