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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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It does look like Kyle is getting ready to give Summer one quick kick in the pants over her dictating who is going to have access to Harrison - and I realized on Friday's show that Phyllis trying to be menacing no longer works, it's like people should just laugh in her face when she tries to stare them down.

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Yesterday I just commented about Summer❄️x7 stupidity but I just got to watch Friday’s episode. 

Comments to follow: 


Phillis🕷️ just has to insert absurdity into the situation. Hi, I’m Harrison’s over protective sycophantic grandmother. Like Summer❄️x7 is not Harrison’s mother, Phillis🕷️🕷️ is not Harrison’s grandmother.  


Diane get over your jealousy of Nikki and think about what will Jack do if he looses confidence in your marriage.  I’m not saying this can happen but you being angry with him can drive him to using pills. 


Summer❄️x7 you are recovering more from that trauma than Harrison, but, I say once again the trauma you are suffering from is that there is another woman for Harrison to bond with. Summer❄️x7 where were your feelings towards Kyle when you were lying to him about your mother being alive.  Nobody else’s feeling matter but yours?  That’s another inherent trait you got from your mother. Both selfish to the bone. 


Is very apropos that Phillis🕷️🕷️ is wearing blue because she has become the Bluebird of Happiness spreading 🦄 and 🌈 throughout GC. A little self reflection here Phillis🕷️🕷️, you should have also been in a psych ward which you gave avoided for years. Besides, Summer❄️X7 has also been a victim of her psycho mother’s upbringing. 


Brava Diane Brava. Calling a spade a spade when talking about her and Phillis🕷️🕷️. Yes you both were once considered psychos in GC.  Phyllis 🕷️🕷️ Summer❄️X7 reasonable request?  Don’t you mean demand. Summer❄️x7 and you do not make reasonable requests.  Can Phillis🕷️🕷️ even exist without having an adversary. 


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11 hours ago, MollyB said:

I got the same vibe.  And Jack immediately came to mind as the 'dirty business' she could take care of.  But how would she know about the Hotel Room Drunkout and Viktor's anger at Jack?  Maybe she's fishing because she knows Viktor must have a big dance card for revenge.

And I'm so tired of this cruel story.  I wish Viktor would just take her to the swiftly running river and throw her in.  No one will be the wiser as to how and when she died if the bottom feeders do their job.

No spoiler, just spitballing...I think we're going to get a big old dose of Mrs. Jordan Doubtfire, which would explain why Victor was so opposed to Claire taking the job as Harrison's nanny.  Once Jordan is ensconced in the Abbott house, she sneaks opioids into Jack's meals. Of course, I thought a similar scenario (minus the opioids) was going to play out with Sheila on B&B disguising herself to replace her grandson's conveniently indisposed nanny, and I was pretty wrong about that.  

If this does play out, I hope Summer is totally enamored with the new nanny, and impressed by her stellar credentials (all supplied by Victor).  I hope she trusts her completely to care for HER SON, only to eventually learn that her precious grandpa put a deranged murderer in HER SON'S orbit.

***Bonus points if Phyllis and her overprotective grandma instincts sit in on the interview and unwittingly advise Summer to hire Jordan!

Edited by Snaporaz
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Ah, so Jordan's new disguise . . . won't actually be a disguise at all.  Colleen will have the hair dye stripped out completely, scape off all makeup, toss away any spanx-like figure flatterers -- and what are ya left with?  Someone who looks her age?  Eek, heavens!  Nobody would EVER recognize the elderly Jordie looking her age!

Ready, set, go for a new nanny for Harrison.  With certain approval from loony Summer, wimpy Kyle (he's too busy fixing his pomp to be bothered with anything else) & of course, overly protective granny Phyllis, who's actually more concerned with adjusting her boobs in her usual tighty-tight dress.

And then Vic can endlessly say "Oh that JackAbott", which sounds like jackrabbit, in his best Count Chocula throaty whisper, while on his way to the GC assisted living home.

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As much as I would love to see an end to the torture cell story, I can't imagine Viktor letting her out and setting her up at the Abbotts.  She'd need 24 hour surveillance and we know how well the CrackHead Security team is at that.  Her vendetta is with the Newmans so I would imagine she'd bolt first thing and hide out, dreaming up a new plan.  Since she's officially dead,  she can be anyone, anywhere.

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23 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

No spoiler, just spitballing...I think we're going to get a big old dose of Mrs. Jordan Doubtfire, which would explain why Victor was so opposed to Claire taking the job as Harrison's nanny.  Once Jordan is ensconced in the Abbott house, she sneaks opioids into Jack's meals. Of course, I thought a similar scenario (minus the opioids) was going to play out with Sheila on B&B disguising herself to replace her grandson's conveniently indisposed nanny, and I was pretty wrong about that.  

If this does play out, I hope Summer is totally enamored with the new nanny, and impressed by her stellar credentials (all supplied by Victor).  I hope she trusts her completely to care for HER SON, only to eventually learn that her precious grandpa put a deranged murderer in HER SON'S orbit.

***Bonus points if Phyllis and her overprotective grandma instincts sit in on the interview and unwittingly advise Summer to hire Jordan!

I'll have what you're smoking.......

eta__ is anyone else having trouble with their multiquote?  Either I'm having a senior moment or something is wrong.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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As a very long time watcher, I initially had issues with "Mamie The Terrible" replacing "Mamie The Wise" . Now I'm convinced it's "Mamie The Insane". Yet another Genoa City dweller in need of mental health help.  #911callsharon

Does anyone imagine a thought bubble on one of these characters ?? Watching Abby this week, I see a thought bubble filled with nothing but slowly popping soap bubbles...blip....blip....blip....

WTF IS THE CONTROVERSY WITH DOMINIC'S MUSIC RECITAL ?? The child is 33 months old...not even 3 years...barely old enough to not wander off the stage during his drum [ banging ] solo. Juilliard has NOT sent a scout to this recital. Let his grampy come, maybe snag him by his Under-roos before he exits -stage left.

Summer - you idiot, just shake your messy hair and whine that Harrison is SOOOO traumatized....when you are just SOOOO upset that Harrison is NOT traumatized and you don't have a valid reason to be all butt-hurt and collect sympathy in gallon buckets. GAH !! She makes the most ugly faces !! [Ooppss, am I allowed to say that ?? ]

Fashion Police Notice...The nasty noticable hair extensions are more fun to watch than some of the cast....Victoria - Diane - Claire -and on and on. And is the " part-in-the-middle-Minnesota-farm-gal " look really needed for Claire ?? Or will that style be eliminated when Kyle takes romantic notice ?? Like the "mousy librarian taking down her hair " ??

Yep, Diane, shrieking at your husband is the best way to ease him back down the road to sobriety. Victor Victor, The All Omnipotant And Powerful, please include the exterminatation of Diane in your Abbott revenge plans.



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Whoo was it up thread tha' suggested tha' a shot of tequila bee taken fo' every menshun of  Shummer  ash Hairy's mother ?  Afder washing this week, wif a new boddle of tequila , Ahm amos out, but still she keeeps shayin' "Ma son Ma son " an' Ah caan keeep up. Habby Muver's Day, y'all...bu'  not to Shummer. 


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On 5/10/2024 at 2:18 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

World’s Fastest Recap

Phyllis: Ten minutes ago I wanted to give Claire the benefit of the doubt. But now, I’mma revert back to original recipe asshole.

Victoria: I was telling Claire about all the dipshits in town. Can’t believe I forgot this one.

Summer: I’m going to transform into my mother. Me me me, this is all about me. Me.

Kyle: stares intently as if trying to solve a quadratic equation in his head.


Victor: What the audience desires most is sexist language and me laying hands on a woman I have trapped in a cage instead of turning her over to the law. Perhaps I will use this evil senior citizen against Jagabbott! Yougotthat?


Jack: You can see why I did what I did tho.

Diane: Nah. Bye.


Diane: Not today, Satan.

Phyllis: I can empathize with Claire. That’s why I think we should team up and bully her.

Diane: Eat a bag of shit.


Victoria: I want to spend time getting to know Claire. I want her to decide on her own future.

Victor: We don’t do that hippie bullshit around here.

Victoria: Maybe you could ask Summer to turn down her melodramatic narcissism a few notches so Claire could be Harrison’s nanny.

Victor: Nanny my fanny. That is a vocation for peasants! Stay away from Jagabbott, k? He’s an addict and, most importantly, he’s interfering with my ironclad rule over this family. Excuse me while I definitely do not terrorize a prisoner I’m holding in the wine cellar. Mwah ha ha.

Victoria: He’s going to pull some shit.


You are hilarious 😂 

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On 5/10/2024 at 9:23 PM, boes said:

"Epically demonized for living my own truth"????  Yep, one-can-short of-a-six-pack Phyllis is back and misfiring on all cylinders.  Diane shut down the conversation before Phyllis could get to what her actual plan to keep Claire away was, but I just bet it involved a fake death, a flaming ambulance and a corpse burned beyond recognition.  Because, Phyllis, we all recognize your "truth" and raise it one more of your butt-dumb schemes.

Show seemed to be signaling that Phyllis might be moving back in on Jack.  He's just dumb enough lately to let that happen.

Oh!  I would have loved to be on the scene when Phyllis, in that blue form fitting number and heels showed up at the duck pond in Chancellor Park.  This is Wisconsin.  Nobody dresses like that except when the Cheddar Cheese Queen is crowned in September, and even then, only the members of the Queen's Soft Spread and Summer Sausage Board.

If anyone on screen today needed to be admitted to the psych ward, it was Dummer.  She was practically foaming at the mouth.  She raved at Kyle about her "wishes" and her "son" and her "rights" as if she'd gone the Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception route.  She's a - maybe - welcome visitor in Harrison's life, nothing more at this point.  But the Newman in her is on full display with her "it's all MINE" attitude.  Couple that with her observing her mother ignore all boundaries, she's got to be stopped. 

What also needs to be stopped is Kyle's slow transformation into Eddie Munster,

the munsters GIF

with the high swept hairdo, the widow's peak and his strangely pale complexion.  Somebody needs to dip his head in holy water and see if it boils because I'm starting to think Victor bit him.

I hope we're not about to see what Show seems to be signaling.  It's too late in the day for octogenarian Victor to sic  septuagenarian Jordan on

 septuagenarian Jack.  You can't do a storyline like this when both the perpetrators and the victims all have to be in bed by 10 at the latest.  I speak as a member of that group.  Spike Jack's prunes, if you must, Victor, but don't forget to eat a few yourself.  It would fit wherever this story is going.

I think Phyllis will end up with Nick. I hope not though. Where is Sharon anyhow? Are they writing her out? 

On 5/11/2024 at 2:42 AM, Js Nana said:

For the life of me, I cannot recall any episode(s) that involved Summer becoming Harrison's adoptive mother, and the only place I can find a reference to Summer having adopted Harrison is in Fandom, and I'm not sure that whoever contributed that wasn't going by the show's writing, which presents that it is understood that Summer is Harrison's (adoptive) mother, rather than the stepmother, with the boundaries that kind of relationship-by-marriage implies, of a child whose mother is still living - - can anybody recall anything like Summer adopting Harrison having been written into any episode?

As far as I know Tara hasn’t relinquished her rights? So unless she did and we didn’t hear about it , Summet can’t adopt Harrison. 

On 5/11/2024 at 1:12 PM, Js Nana said:

It does look like Kyle is getting ready to give Summer one quick kick in the pants over her dictating who is going to have access to Harrison - and I realized on Friday's show that Phyllis trying to be menacing no longer works, it's like people should just laugh in her face when she tries to stare them down.

Summer is just self sabotaging herself with Harrison and Kyle like her mother always does. 

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On 5/11/2024 at 9:18 PM, Snaporaz said:

No spoiler, just spitballing...I think we're going to get a big old dose of Mrs. Jordan Doubtfire, which would explain why Victor was so opposed to Claire taking the job as Harrison's nanny.  Once Jordan is ensconced in the Abbott house, she sneaks opioids into Jack's meals. Of course, I thought a similar scenario (minus the opioids) was going to play out with Sheila on B&B disguising herself to replace her grandson's conveniently indisposed nanny, and I was pretty wrong about that.  

If this does play out, I hope Summer is totally enamored with the new nanny, and impressed by her stellar credentials (all supplied by Victor).  I hope she trusts her completely to care for HER SON, only to eventually learn that her precious grandpa put a deranged murderer in HER SON'S orbit.

***Bonus points if Phyllis and her overprotective grandma instincts sit in on the interview and unwittingly advise Summer to hire Jordan!

I could see a scenario like this with Jordan play out. 

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Ain't no way Jill would tell just Billy that she's leaving him in charge while she pops off the grid for a while without discussing it with Lily. No.way.

And it's very curious that not even 2 days after Mamie warned the kids about Jill and Billy and that they'd regret their actions that Jill does *exactly* what Mamie warned them about, LOL.

My money is that Mamie's trying to teach her family a lesson and made a deal with the devil, aka Tucker. He waylaid Jill somehow and has her 'secured' for a spell on a nice private, comfortable island with no wifi or way to communicate with the outside world and sent an AI generated video of Jill to Billy telling him he was in charge and she was off on vacation. Billy *is* the type to not look too closely when someone is giving him power/exactly what he wants so he's falling right into whatever trap Mamie/Tucker set him up for. 

If Mamie and Tucker aren't behind this and Jill DID actually make this dumb move - which I can't believe she did - then she's gonna have a lot to answer for. Devon wanting to break the merger at this point would actually have some validity/legs since Jill pulled this move without talking to any of them. 

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46 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

My money is that Mamie's trying to teach her family a lesson and made a deal with the devil, aka Tucker. He waylaid Jill somehow and has her 'secured' for a spell on a nice private, comfortable island with no wifi or way to communicate with the outside world and sent an AI generated video of Jill to Billy telling him he was in charge and she was off on vacation. Billy *is* the type to not look too closely when someone is giving him power/exactly what he wants so he's falling right into whatever trap Mamie/Tucker set him up for. 

I think Billy is lying. What I can't figure out is how he's sure no one can confirm his story directly with Jill, not even Devon. Every plane has to land eventually and sooner or later hers would be found. It's not like she's a head of state who'd have the ability to hide their movements.

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Phyllis attempting to throw her tits in everyone’s face, is not remotely interesting.

Yeah, but don't tell me that Christine isn't rubbing it in Phyllis' face that she and Danny spent the night together making window-rattling whoopee that caused the neighbors to call 911 because they thought there was an earthquake going on.

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Devon, I don't know about putting Mamie on the same level as Tucker wrt C-W. That's mainly in her head.

Hey, it's Christine. And here comes Phyllis again, preening like a high schooler trying to compete with the head cheerleader to be the quarterback's date to the prom.

FFS, Danny still hasn't left for his rock star (🙄) world tour. Kill. Me. Now.

If it's Monday, Chelsea and Adam must be acting like they're suffering more than Connor. Poor kid.

Whoa, ease up on the manspreading, Adam. Nobody wants a focused view of your crotch except Sally.

Geez, Cricket, stop lowkey bragging to Phyllis about your private adult activities with Danny. You don't need to sink to her level. Or feed Danny's ego.

Hey, it's Chloe. Meh. But kind of miraculous how she was willing to consider asking Adam to invest in her and Sally's interior design company.

Chelsea and Adam, your lips were moving but all I heard was, "Meep, meep, meep." Which in human language means, "Emmy bait, Emmy bait, Emmy bait."

Follow your instincts, Lily and Devon. You know what Billy is doing--effectively declaring himself in charge of C-W--smells like pure bovine excrement.

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58 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Yeah, but don't tell me that Christine isn't rubbing it in Phyllis' face that she and Danny spent the night together making window-rattling whoopee that caused the neighbors to call 911 because they thought there was an earthquake going on.

Well of course she is, they’re both acting like junior high school students! But Christine was just sitting there enjoying her coffee when Phyllis sashayed in throwing everything she had at Christine. Come to think of it maybe she secretly wants Christine and not Danny lol! 

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Once again the Blue Bird of happiness (caw caw), Phyllis🕷️🕷️is farting 🦄🌈 all over Christine’s parade. Hey Phyllis, self praise stinks worse than explosive diarrhea. 

Phyllis🕷️🕷️ your so darn obvious when you put your arm behind your back to Danny can get a better look at your cleavage.  Puffing out your chest doesn’t hurt either. 

Why do the monkeys with a keyboard have to continue with the PSA about OCD?  I don’t mind Adam but do they have to keep Chelsea in the spotlight with her over the top reactions. My grandson has OCD and has gone through 3 medications before the doctors found the one that works.  The monkeys with a keyboard can just as easily end this story with Connor.  

The only thing worse than watching Chelsea cry is listening to Chloe🐿️ superlative view of her importance.  

There is a very famous saying which is trust but verify.  Devon is right in making sure that Jill is onboard with this.  What is Jill’s title?  Is she just chairman of the board?  I don’t think she’s a CEO because CW already has two CEO’s in Lily and Devon so by Jill stepping down is Billy now another CEO or Chairman of the Board.  


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Lousy ep today.   The Bug was smug.   OK, Bug, ya got Danny.  Big woo.  Some prize, you could have him, Bug.  Phyllis still in that fugly tighty-tight dress that looks like something Blanche Devereaux woulda worn in The Golden Girls in 1987.  And she walks away dejected.  Why, Phyllis, why?  The Bug did ya a favor.  But as she walks away, I'm thinkin' that dress makes her walk like Carol Burnett doing Mrs. Wiggins.

Oh Phyllis, you need a makeover bad!  Ditch the pumpkin hair color & the weaves & the spanx & the tighty-tight dresses, will ya, hun?  It'd be so freeing, I promise!  Yeah, I know . . . that'll happen NEVER!

Well, Melissa Claire Egan earned her pay grade today, bawling her eyes out for what felt like an eternity.  I can't take her and that fucking crying all the time.  Can she do anything else other than cry?  I put it on mute cuz I can't stand this storyline.  It continues to be the same predictable crap from those 2, over and over and over -- ME, ME, ME WAH, WAH, WAH, ME, ME, ME, WAH, WAH, WAH.  So tiresome & boring.

Just curious -- anyone know if something is going on with Jess Walton?  Maybe she's ill or wants to retire or be on very sparingly?

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26 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Why do the monkeys with a keyboard have to continue with the PSA about OCD?  I don’t mind Adam but do they have to keep Chelsea in the spotlight with her over the top reactions. My grandson has OCD and has gone through 3 medications before the doctors found the one that works.  The monkeys with a keyboard can just as easily end this story with Connor.  

What's really bothering me is this storyline seems like a lame excuse for Melissa Claire Egan to constantly cry.  Enough already.  The kid is not dying.  Seriously, enough with the crying, Melissa.  You're going overboard with it, hun.  I mean, if I had anyone in my life who cried as much as she does, I'd think he or she should be committed.  Ah, but then this is GC, where Sharon is the busiest gal in town -- not for handing out coffee & muffins, but for her therapist recs.  OK, then.

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59 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh Phyllis, you need a makeover bad!  Ditch the pumpkin hair color & the weaves & the spanx & the tighty-tight dresses,

I detest MSt as an actress, but that woman does NOT wear spanx. She has a body that most women would kill for! I also like her hair color, but she needs a better style. When I first started watching Y&R, Phyllis had shorter, curly hair. She should go back to that,it’s a much better look for her.

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I am sorry that there are real people affected by OCD.  I'm even more sorry that children suffer with it.  But I am also sorry we viewers have to suffer through a fictional portrayal that has everything in it except for Connor tied to the railroad tracks with a speeding train approaching, with a mean coyote ready to drop a boulder on his head and Snidely Whiplash as his doctor twirling his moustache.  It's hard to imagine anything worse than Chelsea's imitation of Niagra Falls and Adam's Manspreading as if he was Moses leading his people out of Egypt.  Moses didn't say "Let My People Go Commando", Show.

EEK!!  The dreaded one, he who cannot (anymore) be named, reappeared today.  The frightened peasants of the Wisconsin hinterlands refer to him, in hushed tones, as Der Hinternkeks and today he had Lily cornered in her office.

In sonorous tones, delivered through his giant twin speaker holes, he spun her a tale of darkness, of him ascending the throne, now with the ability to squeeze Chancellor/Winters between his apocalyptic  buttcheeks.  How will Devon and Natey Nate Nate Nate fight this?  I guess they have to go nuclear and invite Der Hinternkeks to Lil' Dom's drum recital, because that'll kill everyone dead by intermission.

And more scintillating scenes of one attractive, mature woman and one wild-eyed strega squabbling yet one more time over an old piece of gristle, just what makes this show Love in the Afternoon.  They could have spent the airtime showing us Danny's colonoscopy and it would have been better viewing.


Edited by boes
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Christine looked nice today wearing lovebird blue and with some curl in her hair. Leave town with Rock Star before Phyllis flounces off and packs herself into your luggage.

Sally and Chloe reinventing their business over lattes. If they won't hit up one of Sally's BFs for money, maybe Kevin will lend them his Chipmunk head.....

Devon leading the Monday Morning Paranoia Parade. Twirl that baton & step high !!

Condolences to all those who don't have a FF button and were forced to watch the OCD death watch for Connor.





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7 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Condolences to all those who don't have a FF button and were forced to watch the OCD death watch for Connor.

Heh, I think this storyline is a prime a example of what can go wrong when the head writer is allowed to inject his personal life into the show. Hope JG's child is okay with their father using their real life OCD struggles as soap opera fodder. (The "child" is an adult now and they weren't diagnosed until they were in their 20s.)

8 hours ago, boes said:

In sonorous tones, delivered through his giant twin speaker holes, he spun her a tale of darkness, of him ascending the throne, now with the ability to squeeze Chancellor/Winters between his apocalyptic  buttcheeks.  How will Devon and Natey Nate Nate Nate fight this?  I guess they have to go nuclear and invite Der Hinternkeks to Lil' Dom's drum recital, because that'll kill everyone dead by intermission.

I was cosigning until that last bit about the drum recital. I hope I read it wrong because I'm not with ragging on little sweetie Dominic. It's not his fault who his parents and grandparents are.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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5 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I was cosigning until that last bit about the drum recital. I hope I read it wrong because I'm not with ragging on little sweetie Dominic. It's not his fault who his parents and grandparents are.

That's true.  Poor kid can't be blamed.  Now there's a storyline for the future - the 3rd generation GC support group, with Dom, Harrison, Johnnie, Katie, Connor, invisible Christian and those two kids of Kevin's and Chloe's.  Ah, the stories they could and probably would tell......

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9 hours ago, boes said:

the 3rd generation GC support group, with Dom, Harrison, Johnnie, Katie, Connor, invisible Christian and those two kids of Kevin's and Chloe's.  Ah, the stories they could and probably would tell......

For sure! Right now it's probably Aria who'll have the least insane story. There's still plenty of time though for her mommies to do some nutty stuff to wreck Aria's childhood.

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19 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Is Josh TRYING apt tank this show or does he honestly think any of this stuff is entertaining? I can only speak for myself but watching  Chelsea and Adam crying over Connor, interspersed with Phyllis attempting to throw her tits in everyone’s face, is not remotely interesting.

I didn’t watch yesterday’s show for that reason. Watching Adam and Chelsea making this about themselves and hearing it over and over is exhausting. And I’m also so tired hearing Phyllis go after Danny and go back to old and tired Cricket insults .

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11 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Christine looked nice today wearing lovebird blue and with some curl in her hair. Leave town with Rock Star before Phyllis flounces off and packs herself into your luggage.

Sally and Chloe reinventing their business over lattes. If they won't hit up one of Sally's BFs for money, maybe Kevin will lend them his Chipmunk head.....

Devon leading the Monday Morning Paranoia Parade. Twirl that baton & step high !!

Condolences to all those who don't have a FF button and were forced to watch the OCD death watch for Connor.





I’m just upset of how they crapped all over the OCD  story and made it more of a disservice and not a PSA. It shouldn’t be all about the parents but about Connor. He’s probably happy he’s at this facility than to have to hear his parents complain and cry about his OCD and how it’s all his fault. I couldn’t watch it. 

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21 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

And it's very curious that not even 2 days after Mamie warned the kids about Jill and Billy and that they'd regret their actions that Jill does *exactly* what Mamie warned them about, LOL.

Which made me think that Mamie ran right to Billy and hatched this ridiculous plot to take over The World* C-W.  It has the markings of a person who knows nothing about business (Auntie Mame) and a pushy Nepo (Billy) who both think that they can bully the rest of the kids.  No way a computer savvy, IPhone capable business woman just ups and leaves on a bucket list and doesn't tell anyone.  Boo, JG.  (I do hope Jess Walton is ok and this is just shitty writing.)

*and the two of them do remind me of Pinky and the Brain.

12 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Sally and Chloe reinventing their business over lattes

Here's a way to save some money, Sal.  Move out of the GCAC.  That's gotta be damned expensive.  (Although it sounds as if she had/has quite a bit socked away.)  Do the Wonder Twins really think anyone is going to put more money into this failing business?  WTF is it they do, anyway, that a trip to Office Depot can't?

And before I go blow the candle out on my birthday cupcake from Raley's (yup, 76 today!) I wish that MCE would go take care of her own brood and stay the hell off my screen.

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8 hours ago, MollyB said:

And before I go blow the candle out on my birthday cupcake from Raley's (yup, 76 today!) I wish that MCE would go take care of her own brood and stay the hell off my screen.

Happy Birthday, MollyB!  I hope you have a great day.

(Did you choose you name in honor of singer?)

Edited by boes
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22 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

.  But as she walks away, I'm thinkin' that dress makes her walk like Carol Burnett doing Mrs. Wiggins.

OMH--what an image in my head.  Bluetooth makes Mrs. Wiggins look smarter anfdsexier

18 hours ago, Peppermint said:

Your language lesson caused my tea to fly onto my computer screen...🐇

Most mornings that happens to me also. I NEED A WARNIG or another pot of tea.


22 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh Phyllis, you need a makeover bad!

As do Lauren and Sharon, between the tight and shiny and age inappropriate, the eyes hurt.  I've said it before but I'll say it again: they should all take a page from Diane and a find a style that works for them, not something grabbed from the closet first thing in the morning before their eyes open.


Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Daniel. Disrespect of Lily's time doesn't help your case.

So Dominic apparently is big enough now to play on monkey bars, off-camera anyway. Invisible SORAS.

Today I thought Alan sort of resembled Ernest Hemingway. Anyhoo, he had already told Tucker he wasn't licensed to practice therapy any more. Did Tucker deliberately "forget"?

When Abby and Devon were talking she sounded to me like she'd already bought Billy's claim that Jill put him in charge of C-W. Hmm. Abbott family loyalty is strong.

Lily told Daniel,  "Just because you want something it doesn't mean you're entitled to have it." That could be the theme of the whole show.

Shut up, Daniel. You weren't thinking about Lily's lifelong friendship when you boinked Heather behind her back. No lovely Princess Luisa parting gifts for you.

Audra sure spent a lot of time trying to reason with Belle about getting romantically involved with Alan. Not sure why she'd care.

So was Alan blaming Tucker for Ashley's mental break? Ehhh. Ashley's been a whackadoodle for decades.

Jill! You just took blindsiding to the next level. I take back every positive thing I've ever said about you.

Huh, I didn't realize Tessa and Daniel hadn't officially met before. Chem test?

By Jill's logic, the way to solve a traffic jam is to drop a nuke on it. Now Billy has Jill's power and control at C-W because Devon has been mean to him at work. WTAF?

Interesting walk down memory lane through Tessa & Mariah's beginning history. But kind of an iffy effort to draw a parallel to Daniel's situation with Lily and Heather IMO.

DEVON ASKED TUCKER FOR HELP!!! It must be the first sign of the Apocalypse.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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20 hours ago, boes said:

And more scintillating scenes of one attractive, mature woman and one wild-eyed strega squabbling yet one more time over an old piece of gristle, just what makes this show Love in the Afternoon.  They could have spent the airtime showing us Danny's colonoscopy and it would have been better viewing.



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1 hour ago, rcc said:

Daniel finally got a haircut. Lol

I'm surprised Heather didn't have it styled to match her own.  Heather seems the type to have them dress in matching sweaters, or wear his and her teeshirts that say "I'm with him/her".  She's going to have him in an ankle bracelet with a phone tracker soon enough.

Her favorite food is weenies and there's no bigger whiny weenie than Daniel, apparently.

Edited by boes
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I have yet to subject myself to today's shitshow, but I do want to chime in on the Connor OCD story. First of all, I am shocked and appalled that an actual organization specializing in this would actually approve of the scripts, unless they are vastly different than what we end up seeing OR JG runs ideas by them but they have no idea how it's actually going to play out on camera. Because this story line SUCKS donkey balls (no disrespect to donkeys everywhere, I love donkeys). There is OCD as a condition, yes. But they are mixing it up with serious depression and suicidal ideology, which to me are two different things. A quick trip through google and I found this article:


It clearly states that kids battling OCD can have intrusive thoughts but they don't want to actually harm themselves, they are afraid of harming themselves, at least that's how I read the above link. In any case, I think the way this story is being handled, or more aptly MIShandled, is a travesty and JG should be fired. He is taking it too far and inserting more serious mental health issues into the story and it's confusing AF. Does Connor just have OCD or is he also seriously depressed and considering harming himself? Because thats what the story line feels like right now. Instead of making viewers empathetic to this story, it's turning most of us off because it's just too much, at a time when the world around us is serious enough, and we don't need a hack show runner/writer/monkey organ grinder churning out overwrought caca about serious issues that, yanno, should be taken in as serious issues instead of the inane blathering and blubbering that Chadam are engaged in. I'm so over this right now.

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Where is Belle getting these hideous clothes? They sure as hell aren’t hanging in Ashley’s closet. And why has no one (Tucker, Alan, Audra) questioned her newfound appreciation for head bands? I guess I can forgive Alan since he hasn’t seen her in some time. But if they spent any significant time together, he’d at least know that she wouldn’t be caught dead in that floral thing she wore today. 

So Belle can’t remember Ashley’s past because Ms Abbott wants her to fail? Clearly Ms Abbott doesn’t understand that if Belle fails, Ashley’s family will likely have her committed and then ALL her alters will go away, leaving only Ashley. 

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Where is Belle getting these hideous clothes? . 

Guess she can order anything online in a second.  Actually, my first thought was that dress looked very Miami.  I didn't think it was hideous -- actually thought it looked kinda fun. 

But more importantly, that dress was something Ashley would never wear in a zillion years.  It looked strange on someone in the Midwest in still coolish mid-Spring.  And nobody commented on it, not Traci or even Audra?  Made zero sense.

I'd say it's in character for Jill to throw gas on a fire & then laugh & enjoy watching it explode furiously.  Does Mamie have anything to do with this?  My guess is no.  She's just in her own angry, embittered world.  It's awful that the writers turned her into such a sad, unpleasant character.

Daniel's haircut looked good.  But the gray beard must really piss off Phyllis -- cuz how can she pass for 40 when her son looks 50?

I'm not even getting Devon's hostility toward Billy.  It's like the hostility toward Tuck.  Makes him look small & weak & dim -- or should I say smaller & weaker & dimmer?  Abby, what is it you see in this little guy?  Oh, I forgot, she's such an idiot, she doesn't even know her mother has developed 900 personalities.

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4 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I didn't think it was hideous

It looked like something from the 80s.

On 5/12/2024 at 11:51 AM, MollyB said:

CrackHead Security

A new sobriquet for the Newman Keystone Kops security team.

3 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

It looked like something from the 80s.

All that was missing was the matching headband.

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On 5/12/2024 at 9:53 PM, Peppermint said:

bee taken fo' every menshun

Please don't let this be what I think it is, Peppermint Patty, just please don't - let me be wrong on this.

On 5/13/2024 at 10:42 AM, realitytvfan1017 said:

Kyle: stares intently as if trying to solve a quadratic equation in his head.

Actually, that's the expression he has when he's trying to decide whether he should pee now, or later.

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