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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, tessaray said:

Devon especially should know that kids can't have too many loving adults in their lives. I assume his attitude is about punishing Tucker because he can?

I hope this is leading somewhere meaningful, like Dominic needing a bone marrow transplant and Tucker turning out to be the only match. Or even Devon himself in needing it.

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More musings from today's Y&R:

Wonder if Summer has some crow left over from that plate of it she had to eat because of Claire? Looks like Abby's going to get served too when she finds out what Tucker opted not tell her about her mommy.

This cutesy push me-pull you thing Audra and Nate have going on has gotten tiresome to me. Hey you two, poop or get off the pot!

Ehh, a black pleather skirt in the springtime. Fashion don't, Audra. Not even in the Upper Midwest.

Meanwhile, I liked Belle's blouse. She dresses better than Ashley, IMO.

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How is Auntie M part of the family?  Who is she related to by blood.  Wasn’t Auntie M the trusted housekeeper of the Abbotts?  Auntie M only has a small stake in CW but she thinks she wheels a lot of power because she thinks she has a big stake in the company.  I’m glad that they are calling Auntie M out that she is the problem.

I firmly believe that Audra uses her sexuality to keep Tucker in line.  Audra drops her cloths in order to get what she wants. I still believe it’s Audra’s plan to overthrow Tucker. 

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Idk, the Mamie thing made me sad cuz I saw the obvious contrast in age between her and the youngins in that group -- particularly without Billy there.  There were all young enough to be her grandchildren. 

Sure, they were right about her, but they were ganging up on her.  I didn't like it.  Nate is a slick character & I don't trust him one bit.  He looked like a total hornball, meeting with Audra -- he was way too obvious what he's after.

Mamie's behavior has become so focused & intense & toxic, to the point of being really strange, & more importantly, extremely distracting to the good of the company.  If she were my elder relative, I'd be worried if other issues are going on with her, such as Dementia or Alzheimer's.

Devon had such an odd look on his mug at the meeting, like he was almost laughing at Mamie's ranting.  Creepy weirdo.  Abby, you're totally clueless about everything, aren't you, hun?

I'm bored with all of Ashley's personalities -- except Original Recipe Ashley.  Maybe Josh could have a contest to suggest a new Ashley personality of the week -- or day?  What's he's coming up with stinks . . .

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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

How is Auntie M part of the family?  

Mamie was Neil's wife Dru's, aunt.  Mamie and Dru's mother were sisters, Mamie Johnson and Lillie Belle Barber.  Lillie Belle Barber and her husband Walter had two daughters, Drucilla who married Neil Winters and Olivia who married Nate Hastings Sr.

While Mamie was working as the Abbott family housekeeper, Drucilla came to town, a runaway and her aunt Mamie took her in.  I think that, unknown to Dru at the time, her sister Olivia was dating Nate Hastings who was a detective in Genoa City.

Dru married Neil Winters and had Lily.  Neil's half-brother Malcolm is actually Lily's biological dad but she didn't know it for years and neither did Neil.  Dru met Devon at a youth center, troubled teenage runaway and eventually she and Neil adopted him.

Olivia married Nate Hastings Sr., she became a doctor and they had Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate, the man with the inability to keep his hands off the buttons on his suitcoat.

Dru and Olivia's folks came to town at some point, didn't stay long and went off screen and soon died.  Olivia left town, Dru died, Mamie left the Abbott's employment and eventually everyone came back together in a one room office to run this combined company, Chancellor/Winters, whose purpose for existence has never been adequately explained.

I don't know what's going on with Mamie but I devoutly hope this doesn't end up being another story about mental illness or incapacity.  We're overflowing right now with buzzwords, much more and I'm going on the fritz like an impaired pinball machine.

I mean, come ON, Show, isn't Sharon busy enough treating everyone already?  She's got cappucinos to make and a tech company to run!

Oh yeah.  Devon can shut if with his holier-than-thou attitude to Tucker.  It's pretty rich that Devon is cutting him out of Dom's life and accusing him of using things like this kiddie concert to "insert" himself into Dom's life.

Wasn't that exactly what Devon did to Abby and the absent Chance when he reneged on his role as sperm donor and decided to make himself co-daddy, no matter how they felt about it?  I'm really sick of his sour saint routine, which he only maintain by determinedly ignoring his own behavior, past and present.

ETA- I can't believe I said "Nathan" was Lily's real dad when it was the delectable Malcolm, Neil's half brother.  Sorry for the mixup.

Edited by boes
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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Mamie's behavior has become so focused & intense & toxic, to the point of being really strange, & more importantly, extremely distracting to the good of the company.  If she were my elder relative, I'd be worried if other issues are going on with her, such as Dementia or Alzheimer's.

That seems to be the most common theory among the soap forums. Looks like every key Y&R family is going to have some kind of mental illness to deal with.

9 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Devon had such an odd look on his mug at the meeting, like he was almost laughing at Mamie's ranting. 

Again, mileage varies because that wasn't what I saw at all. Devon seemed genuinely puzzled by Mamie's behavior to me. Since he's not actually biologically related to her I think he feels less automatic deference to her than Lily and Nate do. Maybe he'll be the one who figures out Mamie (perhaps) has a medical issue.

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16 hours ago, tessaray said:

Do the Y&R showrunners watch GH on their breaks?

Y&R has almost always copied/ripped off GH stories imo. I'm sure other soaps are probably guilty of that too but Y&R is the one I have most frame of reference for. Not every or even most storylines of course, but since (re)watching some eps of GH on YouTube I've noticed a particular pattern. GH kills off BJ (Barbara Jean), years later Y&R also kills off Cassie via car accident. More years go by and GH copies themselves and kills Jake Webber so that Josslyn Jax can have his kidneys, Y&R follows suit, and kills Delia so that Connor can get her corneas. 

Although GH has since rectoned Jake's death away and more or less fixed things in that regard. Y&R leaves poor Deila(and Colleen) dead, leaving us with Kyle(😒), and forever damning Adam in the process. But then TPTB have the stroke of genius to bring back baby Cleve....because there were so many fans that wanted her back out of all the next gen legacy kids that Y&R has bumped off over the years......

I don't know what the show expects me to make of Devon blocking Tucker from Dom because I'm not rooting for that hypocritical cheating ass. At all. Billy is the only character that calls him out right now, and it's over petty business shit. Nothing to do with how awful Devon is as a person and as a son(not that he'd have room to talk). So I can't begrudgingly cheer him on either. Geez what a mess.

If TPTB brought Mamie on to punish those of us who wanted Dru back for so many years....I'll just say mission accomplished. They win. Can she go now? If she's not well that's all the more reason for her to leave so she can get help.

I don't get why Nate is salivating over Audra now when he had a better chance of nailing her when she was crushing on him and actively conspiring to drive a wedge between him Elena when she first got to town. Victoria's ice cooch was obviously not worth the trouble. Not that I think Audra(or Nate) is some catch either, but she's a step above Vic for sure. 

In speaking of Victoria, is no one really gonna bring up that Summer's dismissal of Cleve is partly her earned comeuppance for how she's acted towards Adam for over a decade yet? Nobody? Not even newly thawed towards his brother Nick? What a missed opportunity. 

On 5/7/2024 at 10:33 PM, surfgirl said:
On 5/7/2024 at 10:23 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Wait a minute, didn't they bring Amanda back?

She's hanging out with whatshername - Elena - yeah that's the name.

Somewhat unrelated rant, but I truly regret being hard on Brytni Sharpy/Elena...😭 even without knowing how much worse it would get. Knowing just makes it sting that I didn't appreciate her character more. It goes without saying that I'd take her & Amanda over any of the newcomers introduced in the last year or two. Flaws and all. At least they have actual jobs that they qualify for, require real work(Elena especially), and not sitting around in public, a cafe or a hotel suite. Or going to pointless, unrealistic board meetings spewing hollow buzzwords about business and family. 

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9 hours ago, boes said:

Oh yeah.  Devon can shut if with his holier-than-thou attitude to Tucker. 

Darvon doesn't realize that the more people who love his son, the better off he will be.  Grandparents, cousins, friends can make all the difference in a child's life,  Get over yourself,  If you can't let go of the past fine, but think about Dom's well being.

10 hours ago, boes said:

Mamie was Neil's wife Dru's, aunt.  Mamie and Dru's mother were sisters, Mamie Johnson and Lillie Belle Barber.  Lillie Belle Barber and her husband Walter had two daughters, Drucilla who married Neil Winters and Olivia who married Nate Hastings Sr.

While Mamie was working as the Abbott family housekeeper, Drucilla came to town, a runaway and her aunt Mamie took her in.  I think that, unknown to Dru at the time, her sister Olivia was dating Nate Hastings who was a detective in Genoa City.

Dru married Neil Winters and had Lily.  Neil's half-brother Nathan is actually Lily's biological dad but she didn't know it for years and neither did Neil.  Dru met Devon at a youth center, troubled teenage runaway and eventually she and Neil adopted him.

Olivia married Nate Hastings Sr., she became a doctor and they had Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate, the man with the inability to keep his hands off the buttons on his suitcoat.

Dru and Olivia's folks came to town at some point, didn't stay long and went off screen and soon died.  Olivia left town, Dru died, Mamie left the Abbott's employment and eventually everyone came back together in a one room office to run this combined company, Chancellor/Winters, whose purpose for existence has never been adequately explained.

I don't know what's going on with Mamie but I devoutly hope this doesn't end up being another story about mental illness or incapacity.  We're overflowing right now with buzzwords, much more and I'm going on the fritz like an impaired pinball machine.

I mean, come ON, Show, isn't Sharon busy enough treating everyone already?  She's got cappucinos to make and a tech company to run!

Oh yeah.  Devon can shut if with his holier-than-thou attitude to Tucker.  It's pretty rich that Devon is cutting him out of Dom's life and accusing him of using things like this kiddie concert to "insert" himself into Dom's life.

Wasn't that exactly what Devon did to Abby and the absent Chance when he reneged on his role as sperm donor and decided to make himself co-daddy, no matter how they felt about it?  I'm really sick of his sour saint routine, which he only maintain by determinedly ignoring his own behavior, past and present.

Will there be a pop quiz?  If so I'm sure I'd fail as my head is spinning.

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3 hours ago, Skarzero said:

If TPTB brought Mamie on to punish those of us who wanted Dru back for so many years....I'll just say mission accomplished. They win. Can she go now? If she's not well that's all the more reason for her to leave so she can get help.

Yeah, that scene from yesterday was pretty terrible and yet I was cheering on the three dumbskateers for standing up to their bully of an aunt. Mamie needs to go, like now. Just because she owns shares in CW does not mean she can tell them how to run the business. She really is both tiresome and meddlesome. Enough already with the machinations to oust Jill, and the gruesome threesome were spot on, it is Mamie's fault that they've been saddled with both Billy and now Chance. And who just calls a meeting like that as a shareholder? I call bullshit. I wish Lily had stopped the meeting before it began and ushered Mamie to the door. Bye!

Audra, go to Paris already, just, GO.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Since he's not actually biologically related to her I think he feels less automatic deference to her than Lily and Nate do.

Pretty soon she will demand Devon leave because he's not 'family'.  She implied also that the principles in the company didn't have the knowledge or experience to run the company.  Where did you get your expertise, Miss High and Mighty?  Jill tossed you a million dollars and suddenly you are a corporate expert? Go back to where you were, althtough I bet your 'family' there is just as fed up with your meddling as we are.  Shoo, now.

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Ok, here’s a new drinking game.  Every time Idiot Dumber says “my son”, we all take a shot of tequila.  He’s not your damn son, you bombastic a-hole.  You’re not even his step mom.  I would love it if Kyle jumps on Claire, making her the step mama.  Better yet, if Harry Sons bio mom comes back to kick Dumber to the gutter she crawled out of. 

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Chancellor Park! Long time no see.

It's a rough day when I have to agree with Victor. Jack's whole argument was that he may juggled a lit firecracker but hey, it didn't explode in his face so no harm, no foul. Flipping idiot.

And then dummkopf Kyle parroted Jack's defensive "it's all good now" position. Yoda says, "The force stupidity is strong with this one."

Phyllis defending Claire to Summer was also goofy IMO. At best I would've expected her to remain non-committal. At worst she would've supported Summer's view that Claire is permanently suspect.

Summer, your continuing to call Harrison YOUR son makes ME sick. Shut. Up!

Uh, oh, Kyle's gonna be in big trouble with Summer. She'll probably ban Harrison from going to Chancellor Park now since Claire might be there.

Sure, Vikki, Claire is family. So is Adam. What's this "can't we all just get along stuff"? Hypocrisy, thy name is Victoria Newman.

Be careful what you wish for, Jordan. The fact that Victor hasn't killed you likely means he has something worse in store.

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On 5/8/2024 at 2:35 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yep. The main ability Victor seems to have is making money. Has he changed the world with anything like Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, or Google? No. I think he's mostly bought other companies which do what the real giants do except on a smaller scale. NE is a hodgepodge of other people's actual work.

Who is even working at NE these days?  Victoria & Nikki are on leave and Victor hangs out in his livingroom, basement, and back alleys.  Prime time for Adam to take over.

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7 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Victoria's ice cooch

Great band name! 😏

13 hours ago, luv2lurk said:

I am wondering if Victor would consent to Aunt Mamie joining Jordan in the cell.  

So Mamie and Jordan could join forces? Heh, I bet Victor would soon regret that decision. Mamie is unbothered by facts and reality, and Jordan has unparalleled singular focus on whatever her current evil goal is. Yikes.

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After today's show I felt like JG is just working off a basic outline:

Claire acts like the perfect doting daughter while Victoria treats Claire as if unicorns and rainbows fly out her butt.

Diane reads Jack the riot act and he continues to insist that since things turned okay with the pills he took, mox nix.

Jack is determined to make Victor see things his way on the rescuing Nikki front but Victor isn't having it. He assures Jack that if Jack doesn't back off the next time there will be serious consequences.

Claire and Harrison periodically reignite their mutual joy in each other's company while not everyone looking on feels the danger-free love.

Summer tries to explain her concerns about Claire being around Harrison to Phyllis or Kyle or whoever but she mostly seems borderline hysterical.

Jordan ain't gone yet and Victor's chair in front of her wine cellar jail is still comfy for him.

Wash, rinse, and repeat until the audience loses track of "normal" time because most of the characters don't change clothes for weeks.  😱

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Is it a reflection of Summer❄️x7’s leather jacket, or did she once again turn green from jealousy?  Phillis🕷️, why didn’t you tell Summer❄️x7 it’s Kyle’s decision to make and that Claire/Eve is welcome to interact with Harrison.  


Summer❄️x7 weren’t you your mother’s willing accomplice and have been conditioned, from birth, to back your mother up on all her nefarious deeds.  I guess you can or won’t give Claire/Eve the benefit of the doubt that Auntie Jordan’s world was all she knows and bought into her 🐂 💩.  


Am I in the Twilight Zone?  Did Phyllis🕷️ actually sound reasonable in talking to Summer❄️x7 about Claire/Eve.  Phillis🕷️then blew it when she sided with Summer❄️X7 when she wanted Claire/Eve out of Harrison’s life.  


Every time I hear Summer❄️x7 call Harrison my son, I cringe. Over my dead body Summer❄️x7? Isn’t that a bit much because it’s quite obvious that Harrison will keep asking to see Claire/Eve and there is a possible budding romance between Kyle and Claire/Eve.  Summer❄️x7, I would bet the house that Phillis🕷️ does something nefarious before Claire/Eve would. 


I’m so in favor of Tara returning and demanding that Summer❄️X7 stays away from Harrison.  


Claire/Eve says she’s a free bird but I when did her court ordered treatment end?  Also, why does Claire/Eve need to be a nanny?  As a Newman, should she be installed as temporary CEO, of NM, while Nikki is in rehab?


Edited by Waldo13
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Phyllis might want to have her dotter checked for brain worms.  It would explain so much.

21 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Mamie's behavior has become so focused & intense & toxic, to the point of being really strange, & more importantly, extremely distracting to the good of the company.  If she were my elder relative, I'd be worried if other issues are going on with her, such as Dementia or Alzheimer's.

My problem with Mamie is that this is not who she ever was.  If you're going to bring a character back after 20+ years, the character should at the very least somewhat resemble who they were when they left.  Cole, for example, is the same guy he was when he and Victoria were married.  Mamie was wise and kind and sensible, more of a mother figure to Dru, Olivia, Jack, Ashley, and Tracy than their own mothers.  This version of Mamie is unrecognizable.  I suppose Jill buying her off to get her away from John may have made her bitter, regretting the life she could have had if she had seen where a relationship with John would have taken her, but she didn't have to take Jill's money.

I thought when she first came back that she had some terminal illness and was desperate to secure some kind of legacy for her family, but they kind of already have that on their own.  

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I don't get Jack -- it's like he was poking the bear.  What did he think he was gonna accomplish by going up to Vic?  They're both stubborn mules, stuck in their way of thinking, with POV's rarely, if ever, changing. 

Except this time, I agree with Vic.  Look, the second he saw Nikki at GCAC and the state she was in, he shoulda called Vic.  He handled that whole thing all wrong.  That he can't see how badly he handled it?  Utter fool.  And Diane is right to be mad as hell at his nothing-to-see-here bullshit attitude -- that it all ended well, so he was right to do what he did.  Fuck no, asshole.

OK, we all know what an idiot Kyle is, but Diane associating his dumbass opinion on Jack's actions with him criticizing her work?  No, Diane.  Sorry, hun, but you're showing your lack of confidence, cuz you're clearly unqualified for a job you stole from your son.  And Diane -- leave Jack or stay, I don't give a shit, but you'd be doing Jack a favor by taking off, cuz you are no bargain.

Oh Summer, Summer, Summer, when Phyllis, the biggest fucking loon in GC, gives you a pitying look & speaks to you in a quietly condescending way (unlike I've ever seen her do) -- that ain't good.  Is it a race to see who's gonna get committed first  . . . Summer or Ashley & her 8 million personalities?  Or will it be Mamie?

Hey Sharon, how about developing an app for your therapist recs?  The GC residents should keep you quite busy!

Man, more of this sick shit with Jordie.  Seriously, WTF with this?  Hey, Colleen, you really wanna play this sick shit?  Really?

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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh Summer, Summer, Summer, when Phyllis, the biggest fucking loon in GC, gives you a pitying look & speaks to you in a quietly condescending way (unlike I've ever seen her do) -- that ain't good. 

Oh, that was hard to watch.  Phyllis even remotely circling a sane response to pretty much anything should set off fire alarms, set flocks of panicked birds flying erratically and cause widespread crop circles throughout Wisconsin dairyland.  I think it might be connected to the End Times.  But nonetheless, she was more right than wrong.

I'd be worried but I'm sure by next week she'll have slipped and hit her head on a dumpster and be back to her usual self.  It really doesn't mean much in the long run since Phyllis raised her darling Dummer to be a hysterical drama junkie just like herself.

Diane, trying to talk seriously to that lunkhead of a son is a fool's errand, on the best of days.  Kid Pomp is actually still mad because Jack, in one of his lesser moments, made Diane CEO instead of Kid Pomp, even though Diane did her best to force Jack to give the job to their idiot child.  In his infinite illogic, perhaps conditioned by his overuse of conditioner, he now blames her for believing him when he said SHE should have the job.

Faking her own death must be looking better and better these days.

Truth be told, they could lock all the CEO's, COO's, CFO's, and their loved ones in Victor's cell and nobody top side would notice a bit of difference.

Edited by boes
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On 5/7/2024 at 8:46 PM, Js Nana said:

is there a sink in that cell, though, because I can't recall seeing one.

I paid really close attention to Auntie Jordan's scenes in today's show and there is, in fact, one of those stainless steel combo sink and toilet that they have in prisons nowadays in her cell, so she hasn't been forced to "hold it in" for all this time, or designate one corner of her cell as the toilet.

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On 5/9/2024 at 12:43 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

the Mamie thing made me sad cuz

. . . cuz she can't even guilt trip Lily, Devon and Nate into going along with those really, really crazy schemes of hers - it's like in her head, she's badder-assed version of TGVN, another character it's hard to find believable anymore.

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The poster upthread who rightly mentioned that this version of Mamie runs contrary to the one who nurtured the Abbot children is spot on.  I think if the actress (or the director, writer, etc. who gave her the cues) had played Mamie as anything but an unhinged, bitter  woman ... the character and this storyline  would  be more palatable.  Maybe.

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11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Phyllis might want to have her dotter checked for brain worms.  It would explain so much.

My problem with Mamie is that this is not who she ever was.  If you're going to bring a character back after 20+ years, the character should at the very least somewhat resemble who they were when they left.  Cole, for example, is the same guy he was when he and Victoria were married.  Mamie was wise and kind and sensible, more of a mother figure to Dru, Olivia, Jack, Ashley, and Tracy than their own mothers.  This version of Mamie is unrecognizable.  I suppose Jill buying her off to get her away from John may have made her bitter, regretting the life she could have had if she had seen where a relationship with John would have taken her, but she didn't have to take Jill's money.

I thought when she first came back that she had some terminal illness and was desperate to secure some kind of legacy for her family, but they kind of already have that on their own.  

Proves again these writers don’t know these characters. I don’t believe the Mamie I know about would be bitter for 20+ years and act like this and alienate herself from her own family.

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If Phyllis looked at me like I was a nutbar, I’d immediately check myself into some kind of facility to get my shit straight. Holy smokes.

I’ve said before that I have no issue with Summer parenting Harrison, and there’s no reason that relationship has to end just because she’s not married to his father. Stepparents and other non-biological parental figures aren’t disposable or second rate. Unfortunately, Summer has made her only vaguely redeeming quality obsessive, toxic and assholish enough to get her crazy mother’s side eye.

Victor is a creep. I can’t stand Jordan, but he’s acting like a serial killer.

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16 hours ago, Sake614 said:

best moment of the show: Phyllis’ face when Summer was talking about how crazy you have to be to try and kill 5 people lol!

and Dummer yammering on about how she doesn't want an (attempted) murderer near 'her son'.  Uh, Dummer, honey, you are sitting across from an an actual murderer and not having a problem letting her interact with Hairy.


8 hours ago, Js Nana said:

so she hasn't been forced to "hold it in" for all this time, or designate one corner of her cell as the toilet.

Still think she should fling her poo on the leather throne.


1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Victor is a creep. I can’t stand Jordan, but he’s acting like a serial killer.

This dungeon torture/taunting is starting to give me bad vibes like I had when Deedee died.  I may have to quit the show...again.  There's enough felonies Jordan has racked up to keep her in solitary/death row for the rest of her life.  What Viktor is doing is cruel and unusual punishment which he has no right or authority to do.  The whole story is disgusting and certainly not Love in the Afternoon.

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World’s Fastest Recap

Phyllis: Ten minutes ago I wanted to give Claire the benefit of the doubt. But now, I’mma revert back to original recipe asshole.

Victoria: I was telling Claire about all the dipshits in town. Can’t believe I forgot this one.

Summer: I’m going to transform into my mother. Me me me, this is all about me. Me.

Kyle: stares intently as if trying to solve a quadratic equation in his head.


Victor: What the audience desires most is sexist language and me laying hands on a woman I have trapped in a cage instead of turning her over to the law. Perhaps I will use this evil senior citizen against Jagabbott! Yougotthat?


Jack: You can see why I did what I did tho.

Diane: Nah. Bye.


Diane: Not today, Satan.

Phyllis: I can empathize with Claire. That’s why I think we should team up and bully her.

Diane: Eat a bag of shit.


Victoria: I want to spend time getting to know Claire. I want her to decide on her own future.

Victor: We don’t do that hippie bullshit around here.

Victoria: Maybe you could ask Summer to turn down her melodramatic narcissism a few notches so Claire could be Harrison’s nanny.

Victor: Nanny my fanny. That is a vocation for peasants! Stay away from Jagabbott, k? He’s an addict and, most importantly, he’s interfering with my ironclad rule over this family. Excuse me while I definitely do not terrorize a prisoner I’m holding in the wine cellar. Mwah ha ha.

Victoria: He’s going to pull some shit.


Edited by NinjaPenguins
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I loved how Phyllis introduced herself to Claire, trying to be soooo intimidating, as Harrison's "very protective" grandmother -- and by the blank look on Claire's face, she had no impact whatsoever.  Yup, just like her failed attempt at shit-stirring with Diane laid a big goose egg.  Womp.  Womp.

Guess she realized quick, that joining up with loony Summer to savage Claire would give her at least something (anything) to do.  Meh.  Be gone, asshole, you have no powers here now that you've used up playing AARP groupie to has-been/never-were wannabe musicians.

Btw, has dumbbell Chance seen Summer's hissy-fit/tantrums about Claire yet?  Is Chance that dumb, he'll still wanna be around her if he does?  Idk . . .

OK, I might be alone here, but I got a vibe btw Vic & Jordie.  Could either of them be thinkin' of hooking up?  I know, yuck, ick, feh, gross!  Sorry for mentioning it, but I have no idea where this is going & he seems to be taking such pleasure in this creepy shit.

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, I might be alone here, but I got a vibe btw Vic & Jordie.  Could either of them be thinkin' of hooking up?  I know, yuck, ick, feh, gross!  Sorry for mentioning it, but I have no idea where this is going & he seems to be taking such pleasure in this creepy shit.

Off to wine cellar jail with you for putting that out in the universe. You know JG is probably thinking that right now.

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Gah, how long is this argument between Diane and Jack going to continue? They're saying the same things over and over and over.

Harrison is so messy. He flitted around between Claire, Summer, and Phyllis like a little playboy. It's in his Abbott man genes, lol.

Phyllis acting lowkey ominous as she introduced herself to Claire. Oh boy. Hope Red is ready to take on Victoria too, not that Claire would necessarily need the help.

Jordan. I know you're desperate but what dirty work could Victor need you to do for him? Enough to put Nikki and the rest of his family back at risk? Nah.

So Victor is making prisoner Jordan subsist on a 100% vodka diet. Gotta appreciate the symmetry of it compared to the vodka IV Jordan had Nikki on back in Oregon.

Ha, ha, Vikki and Cole. You thought you were going to use Victor as your ace card to play against Summer. But Victor came back at you sideways due to his old and new animosities toward Jack. D'oh!

Wait, what? Summer said she and Kyle had negotiated joint custody of Harrison. How is Summer more important than Harrison's biological mother?

Phyllis trying to pull Diane onto the same side of the Claire situation. Guess she didn't count on Diane not wanting to be a jealous nutbag today.

Be nice if someone asked Claire if she even wants to work at Newman Enterprises.

Hmm, hope Victor isn't planning to sic Jordan on the Abbotts--or Jack in particular. Victoria said Victor was up to something and then the next shot was of Jordan. It felt like foreshadowing.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Btw, has dumbbell Chance seen Summer's hissy-fit/tantrums about Claire yet?  Is Chance that dumb, he'll still wanna be around her if he does?  Idk . . .

Spumor has it the actor who plays Chance has been let go, based on his name no longer appearing in the closing credits. I rarely watch the closing credits so I got nothing but shrugs on the matter.

3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, I might be alone here, but I got a vibe btw Vic & Jordie.  Could either of them be thinkin' of hooking up? 

Even as horrible as both of them are, I wouldn't wish that on either of them. If I want to see the undead and the need-to-be-dead have secksay times, I'll go back and rewatch True Blood.

4 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

World’s Fastest Recap

Welcome back! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

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3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

s Chance that dumb, h

That's rhetorical, amirite?

3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, I might be alone here, but I got a vibe btw Vic & Jordie.  Could either of them be thinkin' of hooking up?  I know, yuck, ick, feh, gross!  Sorry for mentioning it, but I have no idea where this is going & he seems to be taking such pleasure in this creepy shit

I just threw up in my mouth a little.  Warn a girl before hand😆

eta:  Still NOT buying Claire's ingénue at all. Too gushy and trying to get Victoria back to NE. 

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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8 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Unfortunately, Summer has made her only vaguely redeeming quality obsessive, toxic and assholish enough to get her crazy mother’s side eye.

Phyllis should have reminded Summer that Harrison is alive, but Summer killed Chelsea's unborn baby with her irresponsible driving!  Claire hasn't killed anyone as far as we know.

Edited by Denize
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50 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, what? Summer said she and Kyle had negotiated joint custody of Harrison. How is Summer more important than Harrison's biological mother?

In Summer❄️x7’s mind it’s joint custody but it’s really joint parenting. The only way Summer❄️x7 would have custody if Tara signed away her parental rights to Harrison and allowed Sumner❄️x7 to adopt Harrison. Kyle is Harrison’s father therefore he’s the one with custodial right and Tara has parental rights and can reunite with Harrison if and when she gets out of jail.  A step parent has no legal right unless Harrison was adopted. The divorce really ended any say Summer❄️x7 has in Harrison’s upbringing no matter what she thinks. 

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"Epically demonized for living my own truth"????  Yep, one-can-short of-a-six-pack Phyllis is back and misfiring on all cylinders.  Diane shut down the conversation before Phyllis could get to what her actual plan to keep Claire away was, but I just bet it involved a fake death, a flaming ambulance and a corpse burned beyond recognition.  Because, Phyllis, we all recognize your "truth" and raise it one more of your butt-dumb schemes.

Show seemed to be signaling that Phyllis might be moving back in on Jack.  He's just dumb enough lately to let that happen.

Oh!  I would have loved to be on the scene when Phyllis, in that blue form fitting number and heels showed up at the duck pond in Chancellor Park.  This is Wisconsin.  Nobody dresses like that except when the Cheddar Cheese Queen is crowned in September, and even then, only the members of the Queen's Soft Spread and Summer Sausage Board.

If anyone on screen today needed to be admitted to the psych ward, it was Dummer.  She was practically foaming at the mouth.  She raved at Kyle about her "wishes" and her "son" and her "rights" as if she'd gone the Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception route.  She's a - maybe - welcome visitor in Harrison's life, nothing more at this point.  But the Newman in her is on full display with her "it's all MINE" attitude.  Couple that with her observing her mother ignore all boundaries, she's got to be stopped. 

What also needs to be stopped is Kyle's slow transformation into Eddie Munster,

the munsters GIF

with the high swept hairdo, the widow's peak and his strangely pale complexion.  Somebody needs to dip his head in holy water and see if it boils because I'm starting to think Victor bit him.

I hope we're not about to see what Show seems to be signaling.  It's too late in the day for octogenarian Victor to sic  septuagenarian Jordan on

 septuagenarian Jack.  You can't do a storyline like this when both the perpetrators and the victims all have to be in bed by 10 at the latest.  I speak as a member of that group.  Spike Jack's prunes, if you must, Victor, but don't forget to eat a few yourself.  It would fit wherever this story is going.

Edited by boes
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13 hours ago, MollyB said:

Still think she should fling her poo on the leather throne.

But before His Imperial Majesty, TGVN, Emperor of the Entire Universe, including Uranus, and the Boss of Us All, including his family, comes down, and then, when he does come down, she won't tell him what she's done and lets him sit in it.

13 hours ago, MollyB said:

he has no right or authority

But he is His Imperial Majesty, TGVN, Emperor of the Entire Universe, including Uranus, and Boss of Us All, including his family - bow down, bow down I say, before his glorious presence, or suffer the ugly consequences of having to kiss him on the mouth!

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On 5/9/2024 at 2:08 AM, boes said:

the man with the inability to keep his hands off the buttons on his suitcoat.

Now, now, boes, people do have their fetishes, so let's be understanding - some people have a foot fetish - podophilia, Nate's got a button fetish - buttonophilia (I made that one up, can ya' tell?)

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On 5/9/2024 at 2:28 PM, MollyB said:

Go back to where you were, althtough I bet your 'family' there is just as fed up with your meddling as we are.

Those relatives probably buy her a plane ticket out of town when they realize they're at the point of thinking of ways to make her demise look like an accident; a ticket which she then cashes in for a bus ticket so she can keep the difference.

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, what? Summer said she and Kyle had negotiated joint custody of Harrison. How is Summer more important than Harrison's biological mother?

For the life of me, I cannot recall any episode(s) that involved Summer becoming Harrison's adoptive mother, and the only place I can find a reference to Summer having adopted Harrison is in Fandom, and I'm not sure that whoever contributed that wasn't going by the show's writing, which presents that it is understood that Summer is Harrison's (adoptive) mother, rather than the stepmother, with the boundaries that kind of relationship-by-marriage implies, of a child whose mother is still living - - can anybody recall anything like Summer adopting Harrison having been written into any episode?

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Oooh, oooh, oooh, something just popped into my insomnia-ridden head; what if the presently anonymous dead woman found in the storage room with Claire turns out to be - wait for it, wait for it - Tara Locke . . . funny how that thought seemed so stupendously important when it popped into my head, but now it's more of a "Yeah, so what if it is."

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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, what? Summer said she and Kyle had negotiated joint custody of Harrison.

Not in front of a judge, for sure.  Tara would have a say, even if she is in prison.  And the judge would have told Dummer she has no. nada. none. 'rights' at all to make any decisions about Hairyson.  And also tell her to stop calling him 'my son.


18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It felt like foreshadowing

I got the same vibe.  And Jack immediately came to mind as the 'dirty business' she could take care of.  But how would she know about the Hotel Room Drunkout and Viktor's anger at Jack?  Maybe she's fishing because she knows Viktor must have a big dance card for revenge.

And I'm so tired of this cruel story.  I wish Viktor would just take her to the swiftly running river and throw her in.  No one will be the wiser as to how and when she died if the bottom feeders do their job.

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