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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Are you on medication? :-)  

Not to the best of your knowledge. :)

This aspect of his strategy drives me nuts!  He would still get my vote to win because he is actually playing the damn game.   


ETA:  One of the pleasures is to know what the HGs are thinking and watch them play out their plan.

The $64,000 Question: is Derrick trying to snow America, or drizzle on Production?

Yes he has done both at times; personally, however, I think Derrick's primary focus is on the latter. Consider the following:

1. Derrick is a card-carrying, feed-watching superfan of BB.

2. As such, that means he's almost certainly haunted the same fan sites as us - PreTV, HW, TWoP, Joker's, FoRT, etc. - searching for additional info on the show. *

3. Regardless of the differing characteristics of each individual forum, the actual discussions taking place on them tend to be strikingly similar - virtually identical, at times, depending on what's happening on a given season.

4. One of the recurrent discussions I for one have seen pop up on multiple forums is the question of Production interference in each season - what kind, how much, and what resultant impact on the Game. I'm sure y'all have seen the same as well, especially since AG took over the Production reins.

5. Here's the kicker: I'd be reasonably certain Derrick has seen them, too.

6. The DR is not just the HG's sole communication to the outside world - it is also a communication conduit to Production as well - even more so, as America only sees the final edit cut Production chooses to air.


We have a superfan making it into the House - an environment where he already knows Production has no problem whatsoever taking information gleaned from the "confidential" DR sessions, and using that info in one of two primary fashions:

A. To drum up drama, drum up excitement - whatever, so long as it also drums up ratings.

B. To attempt to steer the course of the Game, especially if the current course threatens a Production pet (HI FRANK!!! Hi RESET!!!). Which is an advantage if you are the pet, a disadvantage otherwise.

Given this environment, in this season - if you are (a) a superfan playing the game and (b) your last name is not Grande - why wouldn't you lie in the DR? It's sad America is catching a lot of lies by virtue of being the last set of ears downstream, but Big Brother *is* watching - and listening.

* Sidebar: I wonder how many times one of us may have read his posts, or carried on a discussion with him? Hmmm....

  • Love 5

This all goes along with my general point regarding Derrick in that while I agree that he has played by far the best game this season, he has not played a particularly great game. I don't know if I'd even put him on Hayden's level. Certainly not on Maggie's level and I don't think Maggie is on the level of my all-time triumvirate (Jun, Will and Dan) He often does stuff that logically SHOULD backfire on him but hasn't for whatever reason (mostly because these houseguests are particularly stupid). And yes, I also agree with the idea that Frankie is coming on strong for playing the best overall game in the house. Derrick will likely still win, but I just don't think he's showed any outstanding talent - he just is less dumb than a group of particularly dumb contestants. 


EDITED TO ADD: By the way, I understand that "these houseguests are so dumb" is something we say EVERY year, as obviously they tend to mostly cast dummies on this show, but that casting tendency got a lot worse when Grodner took over and has only gotten worse and worse every year, so I think I legitimately can claim that this particular group of houseguests are dumber than the BB norm. My brother is a Derrick fan and he's pulling for him big time, but even he has eventually come to admit "Yeah, these houseguests are going out of their way to help him to the detriment of their own game for no apparent reason." 

Agreed....Sometimes when I am watching (and I have watched since season 1)...I really don't think that some contestants even understand how much they are helping another...I often times wonder if they come out and watch the show as we've seen it and think man...I was stupid.

  • Love 2

Sorry guys that this is off topic, and it won't affect Big Brother tomorrow night, but if anyone here also watches Hell's Kitchen and knows the answer to this, please post - the President's speech to the nation tomorrow night is at 9 PM EST. Hell's Kitchen premiere is 2 hours...so does Fox interrupt or just not show the President's address? I asked on the HK thread, but no replies. Thanks.


Back to BB. I just keep going back and forth re Derrick winning. I guess if I was on the jury I would have to vote for him because he has played the best game and manipulated everyone without them even realizing it, but the question is will the jury realize that. I know Donny does, but don't most of them think Frankie is the mastermind? And if somehow Frankie is the one who gets evicted tomorrow night, what does he tell the jury? I wonder if he would tell everyone to vote for Caleb or Cody, just to not give it to Derrick? I'm being overly optimistic here thinking Frankie won't be in final 2. :)



MENSA test for Victoria


1 How do you turn on or off a light?

2 What is the name of the fluid that runs over a dam?

3 What is a little annoying black thing with wings flying around called?

4 How many fingers are on your RIGHT hand?

5 Which part of your anatomy perceives smell?

6 How do you flush a toilet?

7 Which end of a pencil is used to write with?

8 Which end of a fork does a person grip before taking a bite?

9 When launching a canoe, which side should be upright?


My Gawd she is dumber than dirt!!!!!!

  • Love 5

Nashville, I get what you are saying, there are others who share your take, as well.  


I know production manipulates. I have trouble believing that they would purposely ruin someone's game by telling/suggesting to another HG something that would foil it.  And the to the extent that Derrick has chosen to hide his entire game from them/us.  Hold back some details, sure but everything?  Some of the best players were candid in the DR.  Dan and Dr Will leap to mind, immediately.  They both shared enough for us to know them and enjoy their game and I am sure they tempered what they said, that is just smart.  They got us on their side by aligning with the us as viewers. 


Derricks good bye message to Donny, for example, was a blatant lie.  Usually HGs are honest at that point because they are thinking ahead to the game well played vote and apologize for having to ______.   


After game interviews will be telling, if the interviewer has been paying attention (not Rob C) and not a CBS puppet (Jeff).  I am curious what his answer will be because someone will definitely ask. There are way too many complaining about this for it not to be included.


***I am way too trusting in general, so there is that. *** 


AND there will be many who step forward and cite HGs and seasons complete with dialog!  


I don't retain details from reality TV shows.  Hell, I don't know where my youngest son is half of the time.  Okay, I threw that last one in for dramatic effect; he is a commercial pilot.  


I have defended Derricks game even though I am frustrated with it.  Well, I defended up until this recent nonsense with Victoria surfaced last night.  That is a hair brained plan (no pun intended).  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

MENSA test for Victoria


1 How do you turn on or off a light?

2 What is the name of the fluid that runs over a dam?

3 What is a little annoying black thing with wings flying around called?

4 How many fingers are on your RIGHT hand?

5 Which part of your anatomy perceives smell?

6 How do you flush a toilet?

7 Which end of a pencil is used to write with?

8 Which end of a fork does a person grip before taking a bite?

9 When launching a canoe, which side should be upright?


My Gawd she is dumber than dirt!!!!!!

Sure about that? :)

1. You don't. You turn on or off a switch. The switch turns the light on/off.

2. None, if the dam is working properly.

3. During football season? A Raven. I hate Baltimore. GO TITANS!!!

4. Four, plus a thumb. Possibly fewer,allowing for accidents.

5. Your nose, definitely. Also your tongue, if the smell is strong enough.

6. Your own? With your hands. In public? Footwork may come into play.

7. The sharp end.

8. Neither, if you're eating soup.

9. Both the left side AND the right side should preferably be oriented skyward.

Never assume there's only ONE answer to a question. ;>

  • Love 15

If BB is chess, everyone but Derrick is playing checkers.


As far as his end game goes, I think Derrick is getting distracted by his desire to go down in the annals of BB history.  Last night was all about his desire to have a Dan's funeral moment.  He better get it back together because no matter what happens his win will always have an asterisk next to it.


* played with idiots





Do you know what is funny about this?  I think its a reference to a Rhianna song and didn't Rhianna's brother tweet that he was glad he wasn't like Ariana Grande's brother or something like that. 

Edited by ParadoxLost

Are you on medication? :-)  This aspect of his strategy drives me nuts!  He would still get my vote to win because he is actually playing the damn game.   


ETA:  One of the pleasures is to know what the HGs are thinking and watch them play out their plan.

I firmly believe that the reason he is playing like this, is because he has only one goal, and that's not being a "popular" HG, nor fame seeker, but to win that money for him and his family. He wants the cash. That's it. And getting the money involves him playing the game hook, line and sinker. No Mr. I tell you how I'm doing it, no Mr. I care about ratings, nope. He wants the win because he wants the money. Nothing else. He doesn't want a Hollywood career, he's a cop, and I think he likes his occupation.

  • Love 7

Do you know what is funny about this? I think its a reference to a Rhianna song and didn't Rhianna's brother tweet that he was glad he wasn't like Ariana Grande's brother or something like that.

Yep all those things are true! From what I have seen, it's something he's been saying awhile which is just so obnoxious. Also, untrue, because you can slap as much glitter on him as you want, but as the saying goes, you cannot polish a turd.

  • Love 2


Do you know what is funny about this?  I think its a reference to a Rhianna song and didn't Rhianna's brother tweet that he was glad he wasn't like Ariana Grande's brother or something like that.

Yep, it's a reference to 'shine bright like a diamond' in her song Diamonds.

Edited by duskyliterati


Do you know what is funny about this?  I think its a reference to a Rhianna song and didn't Rhianna's brother tweet that he was glad he wasn't like Ariana Grande's brother or something like that.



Yep, it's a reference to 'shine bright light a diamond' in her song Diamonds.


This pleases me greatly.

  • Love 2

Yep all those things are true! From what I have seen, it's something he's been saying awhile which is just so obnoxious. Also, untrue, because you can slap as much glitter on him as you want, but as the saying goes, you cannot polish a turd.

You know the funny thing about that white speck on top of a mound of chicken shit?

That white speck is chicken shit, too.

  • Love 2

I firmly believe that the reason he is playing like this, is because he has only one goal, and that's not being a "popular" HG, nor fame seeker, but to win that money for him and his family. He wants the cash. That's it. And getting the money involves him playing the game hook, line and sinker. No Mr. I tell you how I'm doing it, no Mr. I care about ratings, nope. He wants the win because he wants the money. Nothing else. He doesn't want a Hollywood career, he's a cop, and I think he likes his occupation.


I don't think its that clear cut.  I think winning is his primary goal but not at the exclusion of everything else. 


He's talked directly to the feeds about making Tshirts, worried that America didn't like him, and pointed out that they are boring to the feedsters too many times in situations where its not about the game.  I think being popular is in the back of his mind and its periodically slipping out and interfering with or informing his strategy. 


He was almost giddy last night about his plan to use Vic against Frankie and that was all about creating an epic moment.  Maybe he's judged Victoria that well that he knew it wasn't a risk; but so much of what he was asking Victoria to do was crazy.   I can't reconcile the Derrick that puts everyone in a room and makes them hash things out so he can keep his hands clean to the Derrick who pitches a plan that only makes sense if they are allowed to make deals to split the money at the end making the other HG willing to self sabotage.


If he knows these people are this dumb, why is he trying so hard.

I'm wondering if they did this after seeing Frankie snuggle up to Jordan's dog on Sunday.  This way it makes him likeable again.

Yep. Mmm, same here because as much as I can't stand Frankie, seeing his reaction, sitting on the floor with Izzy, really softens my reaction to him. I'm an animal lover and a sucker for another animal lover and I was surprised that Derrick didn't get all gushy too, especially after his speech regarding the love for his pugs.

  • Love 2

If he knows these people are this dumb, why is he trying so hard.

When a worker thinks of a job, he generally thinks of how to do it in terms of the tool(s) with which he is familiar. A surgeon may be able to make a scalpel sing like a Stradivarius - but (a) some jobs require a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel, and (b) being great with a scalpel doesn't mean you can swing a sledgehammer worth a damn.

Derrick's success until now has been his ability to hide his machinations behind the movements of others, and thus escape direct culpability. At this phase of the game, though, these tactics are much more difficult to employ simply because he's almost run out of people to hide behind. A different level of subtlety is required.

Incidentally, this was the heart of my earlier chess endgame allegory. :). The same circumstances apply.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4
​Do you know what is funny about this?  I think its a reference to a Rhianna song and didn't Rhianna's brother tweet that he was glad he wasn't like Ariana Grande's brother or something like that.

​Maybe Frankie was trying to throw some shade back at Rhianna's brother. Whatever, Miss Thang Grande's got a ways to go before she reaches Rihanna's level of celebrity. Wonder how long it'll be before she drops her last name and starts going just by Ariana. You know, like Cher, Madonna, Beyonce, and oh yeah, Rihanna.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 1

Yeah, there's no way that this is "just a job" to Derrick. He's a lot better at moving on past his disappointments than, say, Frankie (who isn't?), but his realization that America at the very least is bored by them but more likely actively dislikes them clearly has had a negative effect on him. Remember how freaked out he was when the production staff cheered for Donny and he realized that they likely made that task winnable by just one person specifically to help Donny? He was able to move past it the next day, but he was very freaked out at the realization that they are likely not America's favorites (especially since he's smart enough to know that's the case, unlike his oblivious fellow houseguests). 


He's very much image obsessed, hence his freak-outs whenever someone dares to impugn his carefully carved out image as the decent family man who is just trying to keep food in his kid's mouth. Also, recall his conversation with Nicole the other day when he was desperately trying to get her to compare him to Dan. You know, in that sort of sad "Yeah, I guess you could say that what I did was something Dan would do, right?" "I guess." "So you would say that I am playing like Dan then?" "Uhh...okay." Nicole even pointed it out in her eviction interview, how she didn't really think it was an apt comparison but he so clearly wanted to hear it that she decided to go with it. 


Similarly, his lying to production is in that same mold. It can't be for strategic purposes, because production sees what he's doing. He can't fool them. Maggie famously did the opposite of whatever production told her to do, which was very smart, but she didn't lie to them, because what's the point? They know what you're doing! They see everything you're doing! Thus, the only benefit he gets is that he hopes he can control his image and how he is seen if he refuses to give them material that he thinks might make him look bad. 


The guy's a big Big Brother fan and he wants to be seen as a great player and he has a lot of great skills so he definitely has the ability to one of the game's top players. However, his moves haven't been so great this year. He basically had the same strategy most guys have - build an all-male alliance. He just happened to do it during a season where all-male alliances were given a tremendous advantage. Then one of his dumb alliance members added two women to it (which Derrick never would have done) and it worked out perfectly. He's done well with the advantages given him, but hell, so have morons like Caleb and Cody. Doesn't make them great players. 

  • Love 8

Vic and Frankie are having "the" conversation about Derrick right now.  Only reading the updates so I don't know how its coming across live but Victoria is speaking truth but thinks she's lying.


Frankie is being supportive  What's next  "Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!" [Ghostbusters]


This is going to rob me of my boos.  Damn it, Derrick you ruin everything!


Frankie also believes that Derrick can't win against Caleb, Cody or him so its all unnecessary.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Vic and Frankie are having "the" conversation about Derrick right now. Only reading the updates so I don't know how its coming across live but Victoria is speaking truth but thinks she's lying.

Frankie is being supportive What's next "Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!" [Ghostbusters]

This is going to rob me of my boos. Damn it, Derrick you ruin everything!

Frankie also believes that Derrick can't win against Caleb, Cody or him so its all unnecessary.

Well I guess with anything it reinforces it?

Brian Cronin your posts are always so thoughtful. I love them. You have Derrick down pat IMO!


Derrick says the dog was given to them because they are boring.


Any time something happens, they get alcohol or the button or the dog, Derrick says it's because they're boring. It's hilarious.


I firmly believe that the reason he is playing like this, is because he has only one goal, and that's not being a "popular" HG, nor fame seeker, but to win that money for him and his family. He wants the cash. That's it. And getting the money involves him playing the game hook, line and sinker. No Mr. I tell you how I'm doing it, no Mr. I care about ratings, nope. He wants the win because he wants the money. Nothing else. He doesn't want a Hollywood career, he's a cop, and I think he likes his occupation.


A couple others have said this already but I just wanted to agree with them, I really think Derrick is actually very concerned with being a BB star. It's why he lies in DR, lies when talking directly to us on the feeds, etc. I think Derrick's desire to be loved by the BB fandom is at odds with the way he knows he has to play to win.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Well I guess with anything it reinforces it?


I guess.  But at this point the only thing I'm interested in is if Derrick makes F2 will his speech (which at this point Derrick must be planning on a Dan's funeral level reaction) be met with the jurors having already figured it out on eviction or WTF is he talking about and disbelief.


It would be funny if whichever of the detonators are jury scoff and debate after the questions over whether Derrick is trying make up a strategy reason to win and its a lie.


With these people I'm starting to think it might take their families to convince them of what is going on  Not just Donny talking to them in jury instead of BB house.

Edited by ParadoxLost

On feeds now: 

Wow.  Derriks plan worked or so it seems.  Vic pulled it off, Frankie broke the news to Derrick that she hates him.  And Derrick reinforces that everyone in the jury house hates him now!  Since I am just reading I don't know if someone with the feeds picked up on facial expression and tone to say otherwise.  In print I think they pulled if off. 


If you did, Derrick.  Bravo!  

Jury house footage tomorrow. Thank goodness. Only reason to even care really.


Hmmm...so Dan Gheesling returns tomorrow.  Should be interesting.


Wonder if he's going to host something or if it's just a taped interview or what.


He'll probably talk like Rachel did earlier in the season. I'm sure he'll say Derrick is a mastermind. Ew.

  • Love 2

To me it doesn't matter if Frankie believes the story or not. Either way, he's very likely going home tomorrow or he's winning his way to the finale. He's an underdog in any scenario to win but I think he could possibly surprise and actually beat Derrick with jury votes. We get a jury update tomorrow, guess we'll see the vibe of the group then.  If Frankie is not gone tomorrow I want to see the Derrick and Frankie showdown because that will be good TV. CBS is probably mad about that twist now.


ETA: If there is no eviction and the week plays over, wonder if it's a double evict for F3? Because with the finale the 24th how will they fit it all in? I'm not sure on the dates and how the work. If Cody or Victoria wins HOH, I think Frankie and Caleb get put up. That way no matter who won veto you got one out. I don't think Derrick can play HOH. 

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 1

I wonder just how much $$ Dan has made over the years from BB. Besides his 'prize' money. He appeared on Big Brother Canada too. Does the dude even coach at that school anymore?


ETA: interesting that we haven't seen him on The Amazing Race, like....UGH...Rachel...*shudder* or Jeff....

Edited by housecat

Yes, on other sites feeders say it all went as planned!  They seemed to think Frankie bought it.  We shall see.  Said Vic did a good job.    


I think the problem is that in Derrick's mind this is a big move he can sell to the jury.  To Frankie it didn't really change his game in any way. So although it went as planned its not going to have the impact Derrick was looking for.  It didn't hurt him either.  Shrug.

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