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Speculation Without Spoilers

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I can't help but feel real curious as to what might happen in the finale.


Will they exile Rick?  And people who think/feel the same way as him (or are attracted to him) go along [ie, Carol/Jessie/Sasha/Carl/Enid/Glenn & Maggie?/?]??  And rest stay in Alexandria [Deanna/Reg/their son/Michonne/Abe & Rosita/FPP/Glenn & Maggie?].  I don't include Daryl or Aaron in either group, because I think they'll be caught outside the gates when the Wolves make their move on ASZ.  But I guess they'd most likely end up in Rick's 'banished' group by default, if were to end up with one or the other, if that turns out to be the case.


I see it going one of two ways: 

1) Rick [& 'whoever else' group] are kicked out & go their own way, and the remaining ASZ is attacked by the 'Unfair Wolves', and thus getting immediate firsthand experience about all the death caused because the core ASZ'ers don't really know whats' out there and are unprepared & soft, as Rick monologue'd about at the end of Try

Or 2) nobody gets banished - at least outside the walls - but the Wolves still come knocking as the episode leads is ending.

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I was live-posting during the episode so I may have missed a scene where someone whored herself to men.


Sorry, I should have used different terminology. I did not mean to imply that Jessie was a "ho", in any way, shape, or form. I don't talk like that. I was using the term to refer solely to Rick and his swaggering bravado. I was pretty open to where this storyline would go up until this recent episode. But Rick lost me with this crap. I still love him and I hope he'll be back to normal soon, but I'm pretty irritated with him at present.

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I can't help but feel real curious as to what might happen in the finale.


I especially liked one thing you said.  I think Rick will be banished. He'll be sent packing. Who goes with him? Don't know. But I could see Rick saying that he wants Carl and Judith to stay behind the walls. And it's cause he has a plan. He knows Daryl's outside (haven't figured out Aaron's role). He also knows that sometimes Carol and Sasha and a few of the others go outside. Maybe he intends on recruiting them on the outside. (He'd have a better opportunity to do it outside, than inside if he's put or "trial" or whatever by Deanna. True, Deanna may ask if anyone want to go with Rick. But after seeing how he acted -- Mr. Crazy-Pants -- who would be that eager at that moment to go with him. But maybe one or two go.  That's okay.  My idea still works..)


Point is: Rick's going to take over!!!! He's going to get everyone he can lined up on his side. (He has Carl or maybe Carol inside, working on his behalf.)


But before he act, the shit hits the fan. Someone big and bad hits before Rick can. So, Rick winds up saving the day!!!!!!!  (of course, people still die. After all, this is TWD.)


(Let me know if you need my address so you can send me a writer's check.)

Edited by JackONeill
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I was thinking something similar, but instead of Rick being exiled to the outside, I was thinking about the trope of the hero being locked up when the shit hits the fan.  Someone will eventually remember him and will release him just in time to save the day.

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I was thinking something similar, but instead of Rick being exiled to the outside, I was thinking about the trope of the hero being locked up when the shit hits the fan. Someone will eventually remember him and will release him just in time to save the day.

if that's what happens and it ends with Rick drowning in icy waters while Jessie clings to a makeshift raft with only a whistle to call for help, I'm outta here. Edited by lulee
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Yea, it might go the way of Rick being on the outside when the Wolves come. Maybe he, Aaron, and Daryl are able to get the jump on them and save ASZ? Somehow he becomes the hero and Deanna realizes her was right all along?

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the only problem I have with that is that it seems like the same thing with Terminus. Except it was Carol who was on the outside. (I guess this means I won't be getting a writer's check.)

Edited by JackONeill
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the only problem I have with that is that it seems like the same thing with Terminus. Except it was Carol who was on the outside. (I guess this means I won't be getting a writer's check.)

Maybe there will be threats on multiple fronts - walkers and wolves - and some combination of Rick, Darryl and Aaron, and Morgan will face one while the rest of CDB and ASZ faces the other.

I'm worried about Judith. We were faked out once before with her fate, but she's lived far longer than an acorn-eating ZA baby would be expected to and her death would have a huge impact.

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I'm probably in the minority, but I just don't see Judith biting the big one. I think if they were going to do that, they would have when they teased us last season. It seems pretty sicks to keep dangling a baby's fate in front of the viewers like that. I realize this isn't a "nice" show, but since they already sort of went there, and psyched us out, I tend to think they're done going down that road. 

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I agree that it's sick to dangle her fate, but, to their credit, they haven't made an obsession of it. I know what everyone says about Judith being the hope for mankind and I get that, but from a story-telling standpoint (unless it's a movie, where you have a defined starting and ending point) it's a "problem" to have a new-born to work around, especially in world where silence really is golden.

I sometimes wonder if they sometimes ask in the writer's room: What were we thinking when we let Lori have the baby?????

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the only problem I have with that is that it seems like the same thing with Terminus. Except it was Carol who was on the outside. (I guess this means I won't be getting a writer's check.)

Oh! Don't give up hope!

Just sex up your script treatment a little.


I see this explosive high paced finale with fire and vehicles crashing and the wall being smashed open,; its ends with two people almost buried under the rubble, but still alive.

That's when one says,"You know that relationships based on extreme situations never last?"

and the other one says,"We could base it on sex?"

"Okay!" responds the first, they embrace and hold kiss as crane cameras pulls up to show entire Zone in state of destruction with the people gathering to see the kissing couple as The Walking Dead theme music plays.


Who wouldn't like Aaron and Daryl to have a moment?

. I know what everyone says about Judith being the hope for mankind and

...and then they remember she carries the genes of Lori and Shane. Then they say How much hope could she bring, really?

Edited by kikismom
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Could Rick be playing the long con, a plot that he and Carol have cooked up between them?  His unusual behavior in this episode, the selective editing around his conversations with Carol, his carefully deliberate hostility to Pete ("keep walking"), his insistent pursuit of Jessie and declaration that he's only going out on a limb for her alone, could all be interpreted as a carefully staged setup to the climax - a hammily histrionic performance that seems calculated to provoke the community's backlash.  Maybe he and Carol want him to be dramatically exiled, so he can get outside the walls and, as a notorious outcast from Alexandria, have the street cred to ingratiate himself with the Wolves, or whoever's lurking, and find out their plans.

(Quote from Foose in the Try thread; my response seemed more suited to Speculation.)


I would love it if Rick-on-the-crazy-train did turn out to be some sort of con. I've thought from the beginning that Rick might be faking his interest in Jessie for some reason that we haven't yet been clued in on. I just find it impossible to believe that he genuinely became instantly obsessed with her to the point of murder (of Pete) and the possible exile of the CDB family (including his own children). I thought maybe Rick and Deanna have been working together from the outset. She brought the group in because she knows something or other is going on in Alexandria, and she enlisted Rick to help ferret it out. So his antics are basically an act to help bring whatever evil lurks there to the surface....


Of course, nothing that interesting is probably going to happen.

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I agree that it's sick to dangle her fate, but, to their credit, they haven't made an obsession of it. I know what everyone says about Judith being the hope for mankind and I get that, but from a story-telling standpoint (unless it's a movie, where you have a defined starting and ending point) it's a "problem" to have a new-born to work around, especially in world where silence really is golden.

I sometimes wonder if they sometimes ask in the writer's room: What were we thinking when we let Lori have the baby?????


Compared to many of this show's longstanding problems, I don't think Judith has been that much of a burden in storytelling. And now they're in a town where a crying baby doesn't really have much of an impact. It would be much more of a problem if the show decided they could never have any babies or small children in the world ever again.

I'm worried about Judith. We were faked out once before with her fate, but she's lived far longer than an acorn-eating ZA baby would be expected to and her death would have a huge impact.


I'm not sure it would at this point. Carl, Michonne and Rick have barely interacted with her for most of the recent episodes. They might be sad, but it would have little emotional weight, because she's been MIA since Alexandria, minus Rick taking her to the party. And at this point I don't even believe Rick would care if she died. After all he's got a new Lori and new babies to make.

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That does seem likely to me, as a possibility.  Rick gets banished, and a couple people go along, then they meet up with Daryl/Aaron to save the ASZ/CDB (or as many who don't die) from the marauding Wolves.  But first, I have a feeling he'll have to save D & A themselves from the Wolves, after they get caught.


I am not advocating the killing off of Judith, but if they did, and Rick knew it with all certainty she was actually deceased (unlike the escape from the prison).... you think he's done gone crazy nowadays, just wait til that happens!  Especially if its because they banished him and didn't let him take Judith (& Carl) along and she died while in ASZ's 'care'.  That would make for some melodrama.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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So, I just got to thinking........ 


Am I just forgetting something obvious, or was it ever determined or explained in-show what happened to the raping a-holes that made Terminus turn out to be the cannibals they were?  Did the Terminus gang get the upper hand on and then eat them??


Or did the marauders get tired of the Terminus victims and move on?  And if so..... could that possibly be these Wolves??

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Here's something I thought of today :

What if that was Chekhov's baby monitor?


  1. I can see the a shot of the baby monitor and Judith sleeping...and a creepy arm in the dark reaching into her crib and---
  2.  I can see a power failure (hinted at already) during the finale and the monitor goes dead  and---


In either scenario, baby Judith is not in her crib. Now if she is missing during the hiatus that is too similar to the end of season 3.

Maybe Nicholas holds Judith hostage? At gunpoint?

Maybe walkers get in?

None of this has any relation to anything in any published form. I'm just playing with ideas because I can't get the baby monitor out of my head once it was established.

and yeah, it would make people cry and get mad!

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I am not advocating the killing off of Judith, but if they did, and Rick knew it with all certainty she was actually deceased (unlike the escape from the prison).... you think he's done gone crazy nowadays, just wait til that happens!  Especially if its because they banished him and didn't let him take Judith (& Carl) along and she died while in ASZ's 'care'.  That would make for some melodrama.


My general reaction would be, "So NOW you care about Judith?" 

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My current speculation is while people are focussed on the iniquity of the Rickhead and what to do about him, Drunky Pete is going to fatally assault a family member and that poor soul will turn and bite someone.

Edited by yuggapukka
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So, I just got to thinking........ 


Am I just forgetting something obvious, or was it ever determined or explained in-show what happened to the raping a-holes that made Terminus turn out to be the cannibals they were?  Did the Terminus gang get the upper hand on and then eat them??


Or did the marauders get tired of the Terminus victims and move on?  And if so..... could that possibly be these Wolves??

I believe they were in another box car in Terminus. The guy that Glenn insisted on releasing when they were trying to escape was one of the original raping a-holes who took over Terminus. I assume they're all dead.

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Martin 2.0?

Yeah, she can't be held hostage! She can't go missing! She can't be almost smothered! She can't be almost stabbed!

Yikes, for a 7 month old she has been through the mill, hasn't she lol.


Maybe Oblivia sits on her.

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My current speculation is while people are focussed on the iniquity of the Rickhead and what to do about him, Drunky Pete is going to fatally iassault a family member and that poor soul will turn and bite someone.


Oooh.  Decent spec.  Or if not a family member, then one of CDB or one of the few decent ASZ'rs.

I believe they were in another box car in Terminus. The guy that Glenn insisted on releasing when they were trying to escape was one of the original raping a-holes who took over Terminus. I assume they're all dead.


Ah, thanks.  I figured I was probably missing something, but couldn't remember.

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Has this been floated on this thread--could the Wolves be purposefully be herding walkers toward ASZ?


Yup. A few of us had posited that the walkers are being herded there. Although there's more going on, too, because it doesn't explain the mutilated bodies that Dary and Aaron found. And just where are those limbless heads anyway? Outside of Shirewilt, CDB found a whole truckload of them. I wonder if this new batch is going to end up at the front gate in the finale.

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I would be glad to see someone herding walkers as a means of attack - only because I THOUGHT it was happening in season 4, but it was only crazy Lizzie trying to feed her friends. 





Yeah, she can't be held hostage! She can't go missing! She can't be almost smothered! She can't be almost stabbed!

Yikes, for a 7 month old she has been through the mill, hasn't she lol.

Maybe Oblivia sits on her.


I know! Poor thing. 


At this point, I think it's most likely she'll jump out the window, after hearing Deanna's family listening to Aiden's "run mix" over and over. 

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Yeah, she can't be held hostage! She can't go missing! She can't be almost smothered! She can't be almost stabbed!

Yikes, for a 7 month old she has been through the mill, hasn't she lol.


Maybe Oblivia sits on her.

That, or Oblivia gets tired of waiting on Sasha to get that hog haunch.

Terminus v3.0, anybody?

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That, or Oblivia gets tired of waiting on Sasha to get that hog haunch.

Terminus v3.0, anybody?

I wouldn't mind a closer shot of the meat in that freezer. Just to see if any of it had, you know, tattoos.

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My current speculation is while people are focussed on the iniquity of the Rickhead and what to do about him, Drunky Pete is going to fatally assault a family member and that poor soul will turn and bite someone.

I really like this one!


I seriously doubt anything will ever happen to Judith solely because she is a named baby character on a television show. I also think the baby monitor thing was a way to show tv watchers that she is still there without having to film with a baby.

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My current speculation is while people are focussed on the iniquity of the Rickhead and what to do about him, Drunky Pete is going to fatally assault a family member and that poor soul will turn and bite someone.

I like that. I nominate the seldom-seen teenage son Ron. He walks in on drunk Pete who, in a rage, accidentally knocks Ron down the stairs or impaled through the damn owl sculpture or something. While Pete continues to rage and others cower or freak out, Ron turns and wreaks havoc, killing several ASZ long-timers before being put down by one of those feral CDB folks.

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My current speculation is while people are focussed on the iniquity of the Rickhead and what to do about him, Drunky Pete is going to fatally assault a family member and that poor soul will turn and bite someone.



Oooh.  Decent spec.  Or if not a family member, then one of CDB or one of the few decent ASZ'rs.


 I also think the baby monitor thing was a way to show tv watchers that she is still there without having to film with a baby.

Sigh,I know you're right.

But I'll be so disappointed by the waste of an opportunity to have the kid get ultimately get failed by a modern tech device after surviving everything else!


We could combine this.


While the adults are all playing 12 Angry Men, we see Mr. and Mrs. Oldpeople are playing with Judith in their rocking chairs on the porch (porches equal doom).


Every so often the angry scenes in  the kangaroo court are contrasted  with brief, charming shots of Judith being dandled on the knee of her honorary grandpa,


being kissed and cuddled by the grandma, being tickled and hugged, baby laughing at the funny faces grandma makes, waving her chubby arms as grandma's


face falls off, being twisted in a tug of war between desperate grandpa and batshit walker grandma, big blue eyes widening as grandma bites grandpa, blood


spraying over the screen breaking the fourth wall,..

Edited by kikismom
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Sigh,I know you're right.

But I'll be so disappointed by the waste of an opportunity to have the kid get ultimately get failed by a modern tech device after surviving everything else!


We could combine this.


While the adults are all playing 12 Angry Men, we see Mr. and Mrs. Oldpeople are playing with Judith in their rocking chairs on the porch (porches equal doom).


Every so often the angry scenes in  the kangaroo court are contrasted  with brief, charming shots of Judith being dandled on the knee of her honorary grandpa,


being kissed and cuddled by the grandma, being tickled and hugged, baby laughing at the funny faces grandma makes, waving her chubby arms as grandma's


face falls off, being twisted in a tug of war between desperate grandpa and batshit walker grandma, big blue eyes widening as grandma bites grandpa, blood


spraying over the screen breaking the fourth wall,..



kikismom - you know, I hear there are decaffeinated brands of coffee which are just as tasty as the regular kind....

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I seriously doubt anything will ever happen to Judith solely because she is a named baby character on a television show. I also think the baby monitor thing was a way to show tv watchers that she is still there without having to film with a baby.


Chandler Riggs said on Talking Dead that they got new Judiths at some point this season. Maybe they're finally aging her up.

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Gene Wilder shows up as a doctor from Bavaria. He disappears into one of the basements. After a month or two, he reappears, but . . . wait. He has built a monster from all the spare body parts he'd collected on the way. On the forehead of the monster is a . . . W.


The prim and proper citizens shriek in horror. They grab pitchforks and torches.


And it's then [cue the music] that Genie Wilder and the monster start to dance. Even Daryl starts to kick up his heels. (He remembers Merle singing "Putting on the Ritz" to him when he was a baby.)


Rick, hair all wild, walks up to Gene Wilder and says in that fake, but-oh-so-menacing southern accent: "We can't have this going on here. Do you know what I mean?"


And then, Gene Wilder motions for someone to enter the scene.  It's Cleavon Little. "I'm the new sheriff around these parts. Now, excuse me, while I whip this out."

Edited by JackONeill
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Chandler Riggs said on Talking Dead that they got new Judiths at some point this season. Maybe they're finally aging her up.


Actually that likely means they are trying to keep her age consistent. Most babies change visibly in just a few months at that age.

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Gene Wilder shows up as a doctor from Bavaria. He disappears into one of the basements. After a month or two, he reappears, but . . . wait. He has built a monster from all the spare body parts he'd collected on the way. On the forehead of the monster is a . . . W.


The prim and proper citizens shriek in horror. They grab pitchforks and torches.


And it's then [cue the music] that Genie Wilder and the monster start to dance. Even Daryl starts to kick up his heels. (He remembers Merle singing "Putting on the Ritz" to him when he was a baby.)


Rick, hair all wild, walks up to Gene Wilder and says in that fake, but-oh-so-menacing southern accent: "We can't have this going on here. Do you know what I mean?"


And then, Gene Wilder motions for someone to enter the scene.  It's Cleavon Little. "I'm the new sheriff around these parts. Now, excuse me, while I whip this out."

"Pardon me boy, is this the Alexandria Station?"

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Gene Wilder shows up as a doctor from Bavaria. He disappears into one of the basements. After a month or two, he reappears, but . . . wait. He has built a monster from all the spare body parts he'd collected on the way. On the forehead of the monster is a . . . W.


The prim and proper citizens shriek in horror. They grab pitchforks and torches.


And it's then [cue the music] that Genie Wilder and the monster start to dance. Even Daryl starts to kick up his heels. (He remembers Merle singing "Putting on the Ritz" to him when he was a baby.)


Rick, hair all wild, walks up to Gene Wilder and says in that fake, but-oh-so-menacing southern accent: "We can't have this going on here. Do you know what I mean?"


And then, Gene Wilder motions for someone to enter the scene.  It's Cleavon Little. "I'm the new sheriff around these parts. Now, excuse me, while I whip this out."

Nice try - but without Madeleine Kahn, I'm afraid I just can't buy it.

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Nice try - but without Madeleine Kahn, I'm afraid I just can't buy it.

How about...Carl and Enid are hiding in the woods as a herd of walkers almost passes by...until a voice comes ringing out of the hollow tree:

"OHHHHH! Sweet mystery of life at last I've found youuuuu"

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Oompa Loompa, doo-pa-dee do,

I've got a special message for you.

Oompa Loompa, doom-pa-dee de,

If you are wise you'l listen to me.


What do you get when you build up a wall?
One not up to spec, not even at all?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?

We really like the look of it!


Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee-da
If you get eaten, you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee-do

Edited by morgankobi
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There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be


(Meanwhile, as the cast sings, Rick glowers. "We're going to take over this place." And Daryl adds, "And when we do, there won't be no more singing. . . unless it's Beth. Bless her heart."

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