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The Haves And The Have Nots - General Discussion

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Benny rolled his truck and then just climbed out and walked away without a scratch? Seat belts and airbags are helpful but they're not guaranteed against any kind of accident.

I thought Candace looked spectacular dressed all in white. And it's interesting that Oscar was dressed all in black.

David, you need to listen to your son. Your wife is straight up evil and your love won't fix her. Naive is not a good look for you.

Aw geez, Oscar must be working for David to steal all Candace's money. But if that happens I don't see how it'll solve Jim's problem since Candace will simply go into retaliation mode again and up the ante. But yikes, Oscar. Comparing a woman to a pit bull is not the way you want to go if you are sincere and not working for David.

I am amazed this show actually brought in Candace's son. The kid is adorable though. And he does look like he actually could be the progeny of Tika and the guy who plays Quincy. Good casting, TP.

What stopped her from hitting Benny over the head with that frying pan? She certainly had the opportunity and didn't know him from Adam....

I think she knew exactly who he was and that's why she didn't hit him. She doesn't need the police or CPS to see what appears to be going on there.

1) David calling in favors and getting Maggie to play secretary...uh, no. That's a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE in on a cover up and doing a favor for David.

-- Look at all the people at the law firm who will wonder who Candace is and what she's doing there. Then again we don't even know if she plans to WORK -- the whole job could be a ghost employee kind of thing where they just pay her, but she doens't work there.

-- Just because she doesn't work there doesn't mean at some later date she won't want the firm to do some dirty work for her....now you have OTHERS, by all rights, who should wonder -- who the hell is SHE?  ((But then again TP does ignore the obvious....Veronica getting Quincy out, and no one has STILL noticed that or done anything about it...Jim being able to put Wyatt in jail, etc. All these things take TOO MANY PEOPLE to pull off1) Anyway....



2) I didn't watch the whole show so I take it the cops came and quincy wasn't there.....Did I miss something? Is that DAVID's truck or another truck Benny got. Because the vehicle is REGISTERED right? SO when the police goto the registered owner is David going to say it was stolen?.....without even knowing anything about what really happened? Aren't Benny and Quincy's fingerprints on the truck? Police have he phone call from Benny as Quincy does that just get dropped because "Oh well he must have been OK because he's not here now?"


Come on TP...stop it.


3)  Did Katherine say the “she would be on the “lanai.” Uh, who in the South says the word “lanai?” Porch, back patio, deck – yes? “Lanai?” I’m not so sure even rich folks say that.....


4)  The dialogue between Oscar and Candace is so phony – people don’t talk like that with each other. It’s not conversational AT ALL.

I’m watching and thinking, “WHO talks like that? And the answer is , of course, -- no one.  He’s so in live with her he’ll wait....


5) Benny/Quincy fight and truck ax....uh, OK


6) Jim leaving Wyatt in jail yet he loves his kids – I have no words.  I just don’t know what to say about that. And doesn't Katherine KNOW where is yet? And it takes her until next week to go get him. My G-d what kind of people are these? (to paraphrase a line from a movie I can't recall)


6)  David still being David and blind regarding Veronica...I’m shaking my head.


7)  From the promos it looks like Hannah's grandson is hurt, or gets hurt or has a cold or whatever, cause she talks him to the hospital.  Now, IF he's bruised.....we now what SHOULD happen next don't we? Did I she her talk about them taking the boy away. Well, dumb as you live in the hood and you don't know CPS looks into $#!t like that?

Edited by selhars

2) I didn't watch the whole show so I take it the cops came and quincy wasn't there.....Did I miss something? Is that DAVID's truck or another truck Benny got. Because the vehicle is REGISTERED right? SO when the police goto the registered owner is David going to say it was stolen?.....without even knowing anything about what really happened? Aren't Benny and Quincy's fingerprints on the truck? Police have he phone call from Benny as Quincy does that just get dropped because "Oh well he must have been OK because he's not here now?"





How can you not watch every second of this top notch expertly written show? LOL!


It wasn't David's truck. it was a white truck that was at Benny's new tow truck business. Still, it must have been registered to who ever they towed it from... After Benny beat the hell out of Quincy and planted the meth on him and left, Quincy went and hid behind a bush. We didn't see how he got up and did that. And the cops were to stupid to walk around and look for him.  Sigh....TP logic. 




3)  Did Katherine say the “she would be on the “lanai.” Uh, who in the South says the word “lanai?” Porch, back patio, deck – yes? “Lanai?” I’m not so sure even rich folks say that.....

Yes, she said lanai. I live in the south and it's very common,  we always say lanai when we refer to a screened in porch. Of course, her's was just a big mansion patio which was not screened in so it actually wasn't a lanai. Hope that didn't confuse..

OK, on your say-so, I'll give Katherine "lanai.":):):)


But the rest of this show....ugh, please.....I'm really having a hard time right now with what Jim did to Wyatt. that's just criminal and inhumane.

It's the sort of how can a parent do that to a child story we sadly see too much of in real life. Just mind-boggling about man's inhumanity to man...and parent to child, my God....

OK, on your say-so, I'll give Katherine "lanai.":):):)


But the rest of this show....ugh, please.....I'm really having a hard time right now with what Jim did to Wyatt. that's just criminal and inhumane.

It's the sort of how can a parent do that to a child story we sadly see too much of in real life. Just mind-boggling about man's inhumanity to man...and parent to child, my God....

And this episode,Kathryn didn't even mention it to Jim at all about Wyatt. No concern at all.  Jim is on top of the world because the poll numbers are up in his favor. Epic fail. I guess we can see why Wyatt is the way he is. I feel kind of sorry for the guy.

Edited by bichonblitz

4)  The dialogue between Oscar and Candace is so phony – people don’t talk like that with each other. It’s not conversational AT ALL.

I’m watching and thinking, “WHO talks like that? And the answer is , of course, -- no one.  He’s so in live with her he’ll wait....

It's okay with me because it's typical romance novel and soap opera dialogue, not expected to be at all realistic. I think this plot line between Oscar and Candace is like something out of 1970s or 1980s, but those seem to be the eras that TP is pulling most of this show from.

I'm so over Candace and her vamp act.  It's so one note and cartoonish.  This show is fast losing me as a viewer.  I don't care about Melissa and the baby, I'm getting tired of Veronica and her brand of crazy and really, we're supposed to believe Jim can just switch a prisoner for a civilian?  I'm finding it hard to work up any interest in this show anymore.

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Sigh, I hate to admit it but that first scene with Candace and Oscar got me right in the feels. Good grief though, how convenient that she put her phone out of commission right when her kid has been rescued. Doesn't she know that she could still check her voicemail messages from another phone?

Oh brother, we've traded crazypants Celine for crazypants Melissa. Jeffrey should show up at the engagement party with Landon and proceed to make out with him right in front of everybody. Then the only person who'd be embarrassed is Veronica the evil overlord.

This whole thing with Wyatt is ridiculous. He should be allowed to get away with vehicular manslaughter because Jim wants to be governor? If Jim doesn't win, then what? Maybe Wyatt actually getting raped in prison will make them even in Jim's eyes.

If it turns out that Oscar is playing Candace to get her money I'm going to reach into the TV and strangle him with my bare hands. Not really fond of that take off on American Beauty either. Candace must be a very sound sleeper not to have woken up from the smell of all those flowers.

Now Candace is going to be the loving mother that has been searching endlessly for her little boy? I don't remember her giving one single shit. 


I can't take my eyes off of Oscar's black toupee. So distracting. 


How Kathryn could walk away from Wyatt like that just blows my mind. She is still hanging out with Jim. I thought she told him she hated him and wants a divorce. 


If I were Jeffrey, I would go to Daddy David and tell him he needs a new apartment, no big deal. I thought Jeffrey had a degree and worked as a drug counselor or something like that. Why does he never have any money, car or credit cards for himself? 


I liked Benny this episode. He was sweet with his nephew. 

Having watched the last three episodes in one go earlier: Quincy the Terminator's sister not even remotely seriously threatening Benny with that frying pan for two-odd minutes might just be the most insane thing this fakakta show's thrown at us.  Or at the very least it's fighting with the gift tax excuse for the title.  (Benny semi-deliberately crashing that pickup truck in order to set Quincy up, Jim being abducted by the Atlanta Falcons, and Wyatt's sleepaway camp in prison are all fighting for third.)


I'm going to give the show props, though, for the one retroactive explanation it actually got pretty right: Amanda's diary confirming that Professor Rapist got to her, and the fact that Katheryn was astute enough to look for independent confirmation beyond "Nine" on the event in the first place.  Flip side, Jim and her catching up to the good teacher and then her cutting his beatdown short has me curious: if a simple beatdown isn't good enough for her, what is?  Jim setting him up to go to prison?


Wyatt, meanwhile, getting the David Aceveda treatment from a prisoner who apparently shanked his cellmate just to get to him...that was probably inevitable.  Not terribly original, but inevitable.


The whole thing with lil' Quincy, Benny, Hanna, and then Candace...I can't lie: the little kid's acting (let alone "Do that," which just set my teeth to grinding like crazy) dragged this down for me.  But on its own merits it was modestly soapy, at least until we got Candace being abruptly reminded that she had a kid and was supposed to be all about him--and that's all on the show screwing it up.  Badly, even in the wake of the scenes with her and Oscar.  And Benny using his meathead powers for good was nice.  The problem is that with this show--just like, wait for it, Passions--you're always waiting to see how a vaguely good situation is ruined.  So we're likely looking at Quincy getting his kid back and/or Oscar turning out to be a plant for either Jim or David, and I'm not looking forward to either one of those.


Jeffery finally outright admitting he loves Wyatt--to his dad, no less--was nice.  Jeffery trying to tell truth to power about the Ice Queen was nicer, though the semi-random plug for David to get together with Maggie was oddly placed.  And it completely reinforced David's desire to save the woman he insanely (stupidly) still loves, which is still both the best and worst thing about this damn show.


As for Melissa...the show went ahead and had her hang a lampshade on her entire situation, which IMO does make her a little sympathetic.  If she goes fully into crazytown, though, I'm not sure if that helps or hurts her case...or, perhaps more accurately, helps or hurts Veronica's case.


EDIT: a belated nod as well to how the show's also finally addressed the whole Jeffery's Car situation, which actually was kind of sensible and atypical for TP (the car Benny bought from Erica the redshirt was actually from Candace via proxy, and the real hit-and-run-mobile had been stashed in the tow yard that she bought for Benny).

Edited by Bill C.

Hanna has some nerve calling Candace a back-biter.  All she does is back-bite Candace.


Jennifer is indeed a bad ADA. These are people with virtually unlimited resources who are highly motivated not to tell the truth and cover up their crimes. How naive is she?


OMG, Veronica set Wyatt up to get raped? Ditto sentiments upthread, it's gonna be on between the Cryers and the Harringtons. Katherine should give her the kind of beatdown she gave Candace.


Candace, what a tangled web you weaved when first you practiced to deceive. Now it might cost you your son. Meanwhile, yikes, Hanna went all in on Oscar! Good on him for being such a gentleman about it though. But she's right, Candace may not even know Oscar's last name or the possibility that he's not the rich guy he claims to be. Interesting though that Oscar was wearing white for a change.


Why would Benny want to get with a woman who insults him to his face? He's not a bad-looking guy, just a bit dim. He could probably get all the cute young women he could handle, versus some psycho older woman. Hanna's holier-than-thou influence is probably been his biggest problem.


FFS, Maggie, just show David the photos and stop being coy! He's never going to believe it anyway unless he actually catches Veronica in the act with some guy inside her. Even then he'd probably figure out a way to deny it.


Dare I say it: I still think it's a poor excuse for a soap but these various cross-plots are actually getting interesting.

  Between Veronica's trying to kill David, having Quincy attack Jeffrey-her own son- in order to "beat the gay" out of him and her having Wyatt raped in prison, if those crimes aren't incentive enough for David to dump her evil, psycho ass once and for all, then I don't know what is.


  IMO Jim is as much to blame for Wyatt's being raped as Veronica is, proving that Jim's not fit to be dog catcher, let alone Governor.

Edited by DollEyes
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Jennifer is indeed a bad ADA. These are people with virtually unlimited resources who are highly motivated not to tell the truth and cover up their crimes. How naive is she?



Well, she does have a recording of Wyatts confession. It's going to be pretty difficult for the HAVES to get around that. 


Why would Benny want to get with a woman who insults him to his face? He's not a bad-looking guy, just a bit dim. He could probably get all the cute young women he could handle, versus some psycho older woman. Hanna's holier-than-thou influence is probably been his biggest problem.


Easy, hot sex that he doesn't have to try hard to get. The man is busy , he has important things to do like running his new tow truck company and saving his abused nephew. He can't be running around town chasing tail, why not just do the old lady when she comes sniffing around once in a while!

Edited by bichonblitz
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Lawdy, lawdy.  I have moved to a whole new level of hate-watching on this show.  What is the plot? What is happening?


I am completely distracted by the cut rate amateur-ish set designers & make-up people!  WTF?


White guys hair product- Wyatt & Jim have the wet crunchy hair gel thing going on & it would embarrass David Schimmer, circa Friends.

Black women wigs!  Poor Hannah better never get near an open flame or those cheap poly wigs will send her straight into Richard Pryor fate...

Cheap false eyelashes!  Don't hear a word Candice says because I am too distracted by the eyelash glue boogers she's rocking.  

Did Catherine channel Joan Crawford with the heavy pancake make-up?  And who drew that blood red, cupid's bow in her lipstick????

The poor Public Attorney woman!  She is so odd looking that I wonder if they dragged her & her forehead straight from Area 51.


Candace's "new" properties.  Her apartment looks like a bathroom right out of a 70's gay disco!  That wallpaper!  There has to be a bowl of poppers on the coffee table!  I swear! I passed out there once!


Benny's "new" house.  Mema had a garage sale in the 90's right before she went to the home...  All that's missing is the teal & mauve printed border up by the ceiling.


Guess I need to rewind and see what actually happened with the story line!

Edited by zillabreeze

Since when does a home purchase closing involve sitting in the living room and signing a couple of peices of paper? OK, now it's all yours, enjoy! Jeez. 


Benny's house looked like grandma's come to town. I guess it's better than the hood. I just can't see him living there. 


I wonder where the Wyatt character is going. Looks like he's on his way to losing his mind just like his sister Amanda. I have to say that was pretty good acting. You could see the pain in his eyes. I hope he arranges to have something really evil happen to dear ole dad.


Candace's skin is one hot mess. My god, that actress can surely afford a good dermatologist now that she's on this top notch show. And yea, the glue on those eyelashes, so destracting.


Hell has frozen over because I'm actually starting to like Jeffrey a lot.  

STFU, Hanna. Apparently you want your grandchild to have the same kind of relationship with Candace that she has with you.

So much for the theory that those two houses Candace bought in the first half of the season were the same ones Oscar sold. (Or said he sold.) Meanwhile, how dumb is Benny? Candace could probably tell him she bought the moon for him and he'd believe her. Good on her for looking out for him though.

Seriously, David? You give a rundown of Ronnie's insane list of crimes and misdemeanors and then all you can say is, "If you don't stop..."? Weak. Look, you have fallen into a hole called the sunk cost fallacy. You need to drop kick that evil psycho bish and just accept the L.

If Jeffrey finds out about Wyatt's prison rape and decides to use that as his opportunity to try to swing Wyatt his way, I'm done. Rape is about power, not sex. Don't go there, TP.

"...from her home in a lower class part of Savannah..." Holey crap, was that extra little detail necessary? Would it have been any better if Jim's former mistress and his two outside children with her lived in a better part of town?

Ditto the comment upthread, the guy who plays Wyatt did a good job portraying a traumatized victim. He does show real acting skills when they let him do anything other than lay around.


If Jeffrey finds out about Wyatt's prison rape and decides to use that as his opportunity to try to swing Wyatt his way, I'm done. Rape is about power, not sex. Don't go there, TP.


I hope that doesn't happen either; especially since Jeffrey has emerged to become one of my favorite characters on the show. (Truth is, I really want him to hook up with Landon.) He's come a loonnng since the show first aired;  he went from a creepy and somewhat predatory, to a self-assured, loyal, out and proud gay man who can hold his own. His character development is one of the few things TP got right.  


The scene between David and Jeffrey showed an interesting role reversal among the two; just last season, David was trying to convince Jeffery to stand up to Veronica--now it seems as if his son is paying it forward asking him to do the same.


Once Katherine finds out that Veronica did to Wyatt, it is going an EPIC throwdown!



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Zilla, Zilla, Zilla you've made my day! :):) Reps!


What was in the file Ronnie gave David that he slammed on the desk??? oooh....pictures of HER OWN sex with Benny, perhaps? DAMN!


The gotcha at Jim's interview I don't even care anymore. 

1) the interview studio looked so cheap....and it's taking place IN a studio, TP's studio.

2) Maggie's "stop the interview" -- uh, not convincing.

3) Jim even DOING the interview and not making sure Celine was scuttled away before hand....I have no words.

4) The look on each person's face as they 'wondered" where the interview was headed....ugh.


I have to admit I laughed when Wyatt told Jeffrey to come to the back of the house because be didn't want people to see him...did he actually say anyone "on the block?" if those weren't the words, it was something to that effect. Given the exterior shots we've seen on the house and the grounds who the hell was going to see Jeff anyway? What "block" are they one that he would be seen. HANNAH is the only one there...we've never seen or heard of a gardener, or other staff have we. So who the hell is he so afraid of that would see Jeff come over. Lord knows no one else who's driven up to the house as been seen before hand.


This show continues to disappoint.

Edited by selhars
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Once Katherine finds out that Veronica did to Wyatt, it is going an EPIC throwdown!


 1) I hate to say it, but for all her talk...other than hitting Candace and jumping on Celine....I haven't seen this big bad Katherine that she keeps projecting to be.

Am I missing something that she's actually pulled off? She's been all talk as far as I can see.

What happened to that divorce she was talking about? when she said she didn't care anymore after Amanda died. But she's standing right there.


2) Apparently she didn't whup Celine -- cause Celine's on TV with Jim's two kids.

She hasn't destroyed Candace -- because Candace just bought two houses (so it looks)

Unless I missed it so far the professor was only beaten up in a parking lot. (But I suppose that was only yesterday in TP time right?)

RONNIE is the one who was smiling when Celine came on...why would Ronnie be out to destroy him to that extent. What's she care? So David can be top of the ticket?


3) Also Jim's outburst in the jail.....uh, for future reference,,,taking down the camera doesn't destroy what's already been recorded or won't necessarily stop audio recording.


4) HOW do these people have all this time to get SOOO much done in one day. What .....are they traveling by Star Trek transporter? 


5) We still dont' know the deal with Oscar.....so we'll see what's up with that I guess.

Edited by selhars
What was in the file Ronnie gave David that he slammed on the desk??? oooh....pictures of HER OWN sex with Benny, perhaps? DAMN!

I figured it was either divorce papers or a copy of the prenup. She knows David's not going to divorce her as long as he has lofty political aspirations so she could be calling his bluff.


RONNIE is the one who was smiling when Celine came on...why would Ronnie be out to destroy him to that extent. What's she care? So David can be top of the ticket?

Yep. But again, she has to rely on David's ambition outweighing his sense of outrage over all the evil crap she's pulled. Plus, there are too many wild cards on the loose. Jim, Jeffrey, Wyatt, Hanna, Benny, and Quincy all have campaign-ending dirt on her, and who knows what Katherine will do once she finds out Ronnie set Wyatt up to be raped.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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What happened to that divorce she was talking about? when she said she didn't care anymore after Amanda died. But she's standing right there.

This makes no sense, does it?  It has been pointed out several times that Catherine came with money.  She doesn't put in enough effort to seem as if her motive is getting Jim into office.

Maggie let me down, my goodness I wanted her to whip Veronica's ass. But I still chuckled when Veronica literally threw her "over there."

But that woman is pure evil, can't stand her. 

I have no idea what the make up department is doing to TS skin because any other time I see her on screen and not on this show, her skin looks flawless. I've seen her in a number of other projects on the big and little screens, this is the only show where I can see every blemish on her face.

I don't think Tyler Perry likes her deep down, I think he's jealous, hehe, so they're fucking around with the camera.


So was Wyatt really raped in jail? Ewww...


Celine looks like she has a son who's of elementary to maybe middle school age, is that right?  I see the older son, who's a young man but it looks like the second one is much younger. If that's the case, jeesh Jim?


Hannah gets on my  nerves sometimes, she just seems so self-righteous, but sorry, Candace needs to let her raise that baby boy. 

Edited by represent

I seriously think this is heading toward a very soapy "Who Shot Veronica?" storyline. I mean who doesn't want to kill her, or won't when they find out what she's done.


Celina (doesn't care) and Oscar (doesn't know her) are about it. I don't think ultimately David or Jeffrey will harm her. Everyone else would make the suspect list:


Candace, Hanna and Benny for letting out Quincy.


Jim, Kathryn and Wyatt for Wyatt's rape.


Quincy for turning on him.


Melissa for all the things about her family.


Maggie and Landon because they are sick of her sh*t.

Edited by Scootman
  1. I have no idea what the make up department is doing to TS skin because ... I don't think Tyler Perry likes her deep down, I think he's jealous, hehe, so they're fucking around with the camera.
  2. Hannah gets on my  nerves sometimes, she just seems so self-righteous, but sorry, Candace needs to let her raise that baby boy. 

Yes, yes. I agree, I don't think Tyler Perry has liked Tika Sumpter since that 2013 "Tyler Perry" talk show, when she correctly (and seemingly) playfully said to "You mean our show!", to which he responded pretty cattily that it was his show, he "only how he writes, directs and produces" theHAHNs. After that, there seemed to be a change in the direction of Candace's story.


Also agree, Hannah is extremely self-righteous, even though Candace would need help, I don't think Hannah intention would be to help. She wants to control. I don't know if we're supposed to like Hannah or not. My step-mother thinks Hannah is fantastic, I find Hannah insufferable. I think TP intends for her to be seen as a more loved than hated kind of character. Hannah just sucks, and don't get me started on her boot-kissing relationship with Katherine. I just don't know what to make of that.

  • Love 2



es, yes. I agree, I don't think Tyler Perry has liked Tika Sumpter since that 2013 "Tyler Perry" talk show, when she correctly (and seemingly) playfully said to "You mean our show!", to which he responded pretty cattily that it was his show, he "only how he writes, directs and produces" theHAHNs. After that, there seemed to be a change in the direction of Candace's story.

Also agree, Hannah is extremely self-righteous, even though Candace would need help, I don't think Hannah intention would be to help. She wants to control. I don't know if we're supposed to like Hannah or not. My step-mother thinks Hannah is fantastic, I find Hannah insufferable. I think TP intends for her to be seen as a more loved than hated kind of character. Hannah just sucks, and don't get me started on her boot-kissing relationship with Katherine. I just don't know what to make of that.


Yeah, I think I kinda remember seeing some of this interview. She was on it and wasn't there another star from the show there too? I run hot and cold with this show. So sometimes I'm tuned in and other times not so much. 


But I've known of TS since she was on the soap One Life to Live so, it was cool to see her on this show and in any of the movies she's appeared in and there have been some pretty good ones. OK, so it's not just me that kinda got a catty feeling from TP toward this actress. 


Now since I run hot and cold with this show, I  know that Candace was molested/raped when she was a child right?  What is the deal with how and who raised her? Was it Hannah? Does she resent her mother because she was less attentive to her and therefore never realized what happened to her daughter. Hannah just seem to me like she is pro-male and has no time for the female with the attitude even though it's her daughter. Seems like she never wanted to know, nor cared why Candace grew up to be so fucked up.  And she should care, not excuse Candace but she sure as hell should care and show more empathy. I don't see it, but then again, I've missed many episodes. 

Hannah just seems like as good of woman as she is and I do see her that way, her flaw is that she does not have the empathy for the fucked up girl as she would for the fucked up boy. Meaning if Benny was emotionally screwed up, angry and destructive like Candace she would bend over backwards to save him and give him chance after chance, but she would not do the same for a girl. Yes one of those women who are harder on women which tends to be case even though some might not want to admit it. This is how I see Hannah, and it's what rubs me the wrong way.  However, I can't tell if she would keep Candace from visiting her son if she got full custody. I'm not sure she would do that, because it would be in his best interest to have relationship with his mother but the day to day raising of him should be done by someone more stable like his grandmother.

Edited by represent
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Yes, it was one of Hanna's ex-boyfriends.

Does Hannah know? Or, just the audience, because Candace has said so to other characters.

And Candace is older than Benny right?


And who molested the Cryer kids? Jeesh, now both have been raped as adults too. No wonder the daughter finally lost her shit, and Wyatt, don't know if he'll survive either. 

Edited by represent
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Does Hannah know? Or, just the audience, because Candace has said so to other characters.

And Candace is older than Benny right?


I remember seeing a stalemate of some sort where Hannah admitted she was aware that Candace was molested, and that when Hannah found out she broke up with the molester. Candace was 5, I think.


I also believe that Ms. Sanctimony, aka Hannah, implied that Candace should move forward from the molestation and not be angry about it or something like that. Benny was in the room when they were arguing about this. I think it took him about 10 minutes to understand what they were talking about, because he is such a stoop.


I think Candace is 26 and Benny is 27, if I'm remembering correctly.

And who molested the Cryer kids?

Katheryn and Jim sent them to a church-run summer camp when they were children and both were molested at the camp by a priest. I think Wyatt tried to alert Jim but Jim was too busy screwing Celine to help them. That's one reason why it's particularly heinous that Jim sent Wyatt for a scared-straight visit to prison, intending for him only to be threatened with rape.


Katheryn and Jim sent them to a church-run summer camp when they were children and both were molested at the camp by a priest. I think Wyatt tried to alert Jim but Jim was too busy screwing Celine to help them. That's one reason why it's particularly heinous that Jim sent Wyatt for a scared-straight visit to prison, intending for him only to be threatened with rape.

Oh lord, thanks. So basically Jim hasn't paid enough for his choices but it sure seems like his children have paid and continue to.

Edited by represent
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also believe that Ms. Sanctimony, aka Hannah, implied that Candace should move forward from the molestation and not be angry about it or something like that. Benny was in the room when they were arguing about this. I think it took him about 10 minutes to understand what they were talking about, because he is such a stoop.

Oh, if this is the case, I now hate Hannah. I do not, I repeat, do not excuse Candace's self destructive behavior or her actively trying to bring any emotional harm to others, but if that was Hannah's response to her daughter on how she should deal with having the innocence of her childhood destroyed then Hannah is NOT a good mother. I don't care how much she loves Benny or her grandson, she failed her daughter. If she gets to a point where she can admit the ignorance of her ways in how to handle a child who has been sexually abused then my view of her will improve. Right now, she's full of it and I still believe that if that boyfriend had fucked with Benny she would have not only broken up with him she would have killed him. Again, she pro-male, pro-sons vs. daughters. These type of women exist and she's one of them. Hell maybe the same thing happened to her and she just brushed it off and led a decent life so she thought Candace could to without any psychological help. Maybe she was too ashamed as a mother, but that is complete neglect to cover that shit up and not seek help from the law and the medical professionals.

Edited by represent
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Given that:

1) I watch this show JUST to hate it...and 

2) I see every little thing as a BAD plot device....and

3) the acting, writing and everything about it is so bad that I can never forget any of these things and just get into the storyline...


...I can honestly say I DON'T CARE who is killed off.

Because no matter who it is....that won't change anything about numbers 1,2, and 3 above.

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I suppose the show wants us to believe that Veronica is the one who's killed, but that's too easy, isn't it?  Certainly now that we've seen Jim put out a hit on her and some of the prison staff.  I think it's probably some secondary character:  Maggie, Landon, Oscar, Quincy, or even Celine all spring to mind.  The more I see of Wyatt's storyline, the more I think he's going to THINK he's gay and Jeffrey is going to exploit it.  This will be Jeffrey's chance to have his way with Wyatt.  It's a twisted point of view but totally on point with Tyler Perry's style of writing.

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Celine's oldest son is kind of young to have a such major case of male-pattern balding.

So when your car gets towed the people at the tow yard can drive it around if they want? How does that work?

Oh man, it's raining men in Jeffrey's corner of the world. Silly fool, Wyatt's not gay and hot Landon is racked up and ready to go. Meanwhile, Ronnie will probably have Landon beat up or killed.

Yikes, I think maybe Oscar might be pulling a high tech version of a pigeon drop on Candace. He was sure fast on his feet with that $500k funds transfer.

Hanna's kids are some great liars to have been raised by such a pious woman. She's right to worry though. Will Benny be able to afford the property taxes and the monthly utility bills on such a big place? Whatever, I'm glad they're getting rid of Hanna's old house set.

Whoa! Jim's gonna take everybody out! Or try to, anyway. Ditto the comment upthread, Veronica won't be one of them.

The more I see of Wyatt's storyline, the more I think he's going to THINK he's gay and Jeffrey is going to exploit it. This will be Jeffrey's chance to have his way with Wyatt. It's a twisted point of view but totally on point with Tyler Perry's style of writing.

Ugh, yeah, I could see TP trying to spin it that way. Mixing up sexual attraction with rape is heady business though. I don't see TP as skilled enough to pull such a storyline off and hope he doesn't try to go there.


Edited because I can haz some grammar.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Whoa! Jim's gonna to take everybody out! Or try to, anyway.


Given that the last people he called to get a job done were "the Malones" -- granny and her two brutes ..... I can't wait to see who he called to get THIS -- or should I say THESE jobs done. With TP writing for all these Keystone Kops -- I have no doubt that the person who dies, may not even be any one of the INTENDED targets. Whatever.....I don't even care.


Not commenting on -- because I don't even know what to say about:

-- the Celine / Jim interview (and maggie pouring a drink into the equipment (really?),

-- the Oscar money transfer and his declaration of love,

-- the social worker/foster care case worker's questions,

-- Hannah being DUMB enough to buy Benny's dumb-ass explanation for how he got the house,

-- Jim's chocking of Veronica and David's threat to Jim,

-- or EVEN BETTER -- Quincy's sister who is Iago the his Othello (YES indeed......TP and Shakepeare in the same reference:))


Where would one even begin to comment??:):)

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So Candace wasn't on Jim's kill list.  Really? Maybe he's waiting for Oscar to get his money back first. 

If I were David I would have let Jim choke the hell out or Veronica. When is that guy gonna grow some balls?

Jeffrey was hilarious with Veronica. Landon is really good looking, a nice guy and has a real JOB!  Jeffrey needs to rethink that!

Edited by bichonblitz
So Candace wasn't on Jim's kill list.  Really?

Candace has extremely embarrassing, compromising, and public image-destroying photos and video of Jim hidden away. If anything happens to her that stuff gets released. I think at this point Jim would be satisfied just to get his most of his money back.


When is that guy gonna grow some balls?

David's balls are on loan. Most of the time Veronica keeps them safely stashed in her Birkin bag. She lets David wear them during their joint public appearances and then reclaims them.


I know everyone assumes it's either Jim or David who put Oscar onto Candace but now I'm wondering if it was Katheryn. I gotta give TP points for setting up a good mystery on the Oscar score because that guy is the definition of "too good to be true".

Edited by Joimiaroxeu


I know everyone assumes it's either Jim or David who put Oscar onto Candace but now I'm wondering if it was Katheryn. I gotta give TP points for setting up a good mystery on the Oscar score because that guy is the definition of "too good to be true".

Let's just hope the story line doesn't fizzle out and Oscar winds up to be just a horny rich guy that gets his rocks off screwing hot escorts. Or even worse, a horny rich guy who happens to fall in love with a hot escort. I wouldn't put it past TP to take what could be something and turn it in to nothing. 

I'm continuously torn on the Oscar thing.  I still want him to actually be a stand-up guy who's indeed into Candace, who gets pushed away because of her or some aspect of her life (or should that be lies).  But this show literally never rolls like that, so he inevitably will turn out to be somebody's agent or at least on the sly for himself.


Now that I've seen this week's episode: Quincy's sister needs to actually be punched in the face, which is an incredible achievement considering how Veronica's been dominating my personal love-to-hate meter for the past few months.  Between that and Jim's Kung Fu Grip on Veronica's throat, the rest of the episode by comparison was almost pedestrian...even including Benny lying his ass off (and invoking the "blessing" card) to Hanna about the towing yard and the house Candace bought for him.  As for Jim's "Whoops, we need to remind everybody why he's considered the devil on this show!" hit list...the show has apparently invoked the dreaded "Someone will die!" in one of its promos, so Terrell the prison guard and Professor Rapist had better watch their backs.  I'll be frigging amazed if anything happens to Veronica, even though she probably needs killin' more than anybody except perhaps Quincy and his sister.

I think  Jim will become reckless now that he won't run for state office.  I can't believe that witch Celine. You outed your affair with him because he did not ask you to come back to work. Kat may have known, but to have an affair for 28 years, basically for the whole marriage? In the preview he was talking to her calmly, don't know why he did not choke her. I'm glad Jim choked Veronica, some one had to, it was not going to be pantie waist David. I can't stand his character, he is an ass. I don't think he has much power, not like Jim. I am glad to see that Maggie said something to Veronica, she needs to expose the pictures. I like Hanna, but I don't. She has this attitude that I don't need anyone's help, that I can do it on my own as if she has supernatural powers. I hope Wyatt hasn't been "turned." I hope TP does not go there, but I see that as being a possibility. Maybe  he will break him in.  With Celine, I wonder if this is the deal she was talking about, Jim's extras.

This episode had me cracking up, the reporter was hilarious while giving directions to the camera man to pan over to Jim's wife, hilarious. 

And "choke a bitch" was also funny, that would be Jim choking Veronica.  Too bad that someone else is going to get the bullet that is meant for Veronica in the coming episodes.

I wonder who?

Jeffrey, good to see him standing up for himself and looks like he'll be telling ungrateful Wyatt off next week.

He also needs to open his eyes to that guy, what's his name? I think they slept together. But the guy does seem like a nice guy, he better not let him get away.

What the hell kind of bathing suit was Candace was wearing? With a figure like that why does she need a bathing suit that looks like a girdle? Is that some kind of new style in bathing suits that I'm not up on?  Again, I think TP secretly dislikes and is "jealous" of the actress.

Now with all these secrets coming to light, what exactly does Candace still have on Jim? 

Edited by represent
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OMG this show has gone completely off the rails! So now we're supposed to believe that Jim really LOVED Celine and she HURT him by going back to her husband... where is the husband? And Jim was paying her $270,000 a yr. and she's living in that dump. Hope she saved all her money. Is TP smoking crack or something?  There is no continuity anymore, not that there was ever much to begin with. Only reason I keep watching is to hopefully see Oscar give Candace the screws,  somebody kill Veronica, and Kathryn finally walk out (all nice and skinny from her workout routine, too)!. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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