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The Haves And The Have Nots - General Discussion

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I'm not sure shopping channels are a viewing quality upgrade, but I'll grant the basic point.  :)


I will say, that from the promos, you couldn't tell whether Maggie wanted David....OR was testing him to see if he had the same weakness Jim had with the ladies...which would jeopardize the campaign. ONE philanderer per campaign she could handle but not two. Also I really don't want to see David DUMB enough -- and WEAK enough -- to fall for her.



Maggie pretty much put a full court press on David in this episode, right down to moving into the hotel room next to his and declaring that, if he was going to have an affair, he "should have one with someone who has just as much to lose if it gets out."  David, to his credit, was pretty melodramatically firm about loving his wife even if he wasn't with her at the moment--to the point where he went "Don't make me jump across this desk!" to Jim when he insulted her.  I'm still of a mind that if David goes ahead and sleeps with Maggie it gives Veronica an ironclad justification to be an even bigger bitch than usual, and that's the one reason I don't want him to go there...but considering that a seemingly underlying thread of the show is that men are weak (Jim, Professor Rapist in a way, Wyatt, and Jeffrey) it may just be a matter of time.


Ok, so Amanda must be in another phase of her "mental illness." The phase where giving questionable strangers your bestie/roommate's info, then readily agreeing when he invites himself in. Meanwhile, the kindly gentleman who looks after the place has suddenly disappeared. Hmm. I gotta say, I completely forgot that Candace was in law school. 


I won't get too much into Benny, because most of that belongs in the "So Damn Ignorant" thread. But could TP have given him even ONE day to pretend like he was actually recovering from being basically in a coma for a week? And since when did sweet Benny become so smart mouthed? Will we get to see Big Tony again? A relationship develop with him and Benny before Hannah tells about his kidney harvesting plan? Will Benny give him one anyway?


If I was Kathryn, Jim would have bout one mo' time to talk out the side of his mouth to me like that before he ended up on the wrong side of a black sedan. Kathryn running out to the front lawn of the manse hollering for Wyatt was a treat though. That front entry/porch kills me every time I see it. They just step out the door and into the driveway? Hannah has a grander entryway than that!


Bill C., I too don't want David to succumb to Maggie. Let's keep him in the right (at least when it comes to Veronica). I dislike her too much to have her be justified in anything. 


Once again, Celine makes a pop up appearance, this time actually doing some work! At least this time she stirred the story a little bit by dropping the nugget about Jim taking care of all of his kids. 


I still don't buy Mama Rose as a real tough guy. 

Edited by sunsheyen

Benny. I think we all pretty much know the brain dead thing is just ridiculous. I hate you, Tyler Perry.


Now to the realities. He woke up without any kind of rasp in his voice after being comatose with tubes and no moisture in his throat for a week? He woke up talking in full sentences, full comprehension? He couldn't open his eyes and was brain dead, but knew the pretty girl in purple was singing to him and Hannah was snotting and prayer oiling all over him (ok, that was funny, TP)? 


All that was annoying, they could have at least had him groggy for the first day or whatever, but this took the cake. They had this fool up and walking down the hall an hour or two after coming out of a coma? With the doctor supporting him? I don't know of any liability insurance in the world that would have a hospital doing that. He must have had a catheter, monitors etc. He wasn't even pushing an IV pole like anyone else would have been. Come on. Now you strolling down the hall, walking off to take a piss, and trying to kick it to Darlene from a hospital bed. 


I did get a laugh out of the fact that he acknowledged that they couldn't afford FWFMCE. 

  • Love 1

I want to say there are cases where people in comas have claimed to have heard people at their bedsides and whatnot, and it's kind of a soap cliche, so that one I'll let slide.  Benny being able to move around that well after a week and a half in a coma, though...let alone the voice...


Since we now know Candace isn't with child, whose pregnancy test did Jim find at Candace's apartment? Does this mean Amanda really is pregnant or is that plot just going to be dropped?


Candace said to Jim in last night's episode she faked the pregnancy, which implies she faked the test, which leads to me wondering how the hell you fake a home pregnancy test.  The bitch of it is that we probably still can't rule out Amanda being pregnant; it'd be a total dogpile move, in fairness, but with this show it'd fit right in for the crazy armed girl to be pregnant by her rapist (and thus grant more room for diatribes).

Didn't Jim give Celine a check for 10k not long ago? She kept pestering him about getting paid....Wasn't that it? So does she have a kid by Jim and that's why he keeps giving her loot outside of her regular paycheck??


Mama Rose makes me laugh....can't take her seriously....Nice to see Candy squirm for real....The whole Benny coming out of a coma and acting brand new is a complete joke, and I just can't suspend reality enough to get down with it....I also have a feeling that Bryan (detective guy) and the little girl's grandfather are gonna be fighting over Hannah...


Wyatt is an idiot....So is his sister - who invites the likes of Quincy into their home and you don't know him from Adam? I thought she was gonna pull her gun out on him and shoot him...


What was that promo for next week with Veronica lying in bed talking to somebody on the phone??? I hope David isn't stupid enough to sleep with Maggie.....But I enjoyed him getting in Jim's face talking about his wife.....


Candace said to Jim in last night's episode she faked the pregnancy, which implies she faked the test, which leads to me wondering how the hell you fake a home pregnancy test.  The bitch of it is that we probably still can't rule out Amanda being pregnant; it'd be a total dogpile move, in fairness, but with this show it'd fit right in for the crazy armed girl to be pregnant by her rapist (and thus grant more room for diatribes).

I recall Jim finding the test and questioning Candace, and it seem like she just kind of rolled with it since he brought it up. She seemed to play it kind of surprised at first, so I dont think it was an intentionally faked pregnancy test. I totally am sure that TP would have her pregnant by the rapist, although I'm not sure where a baby would fit in the storyline, unless they wrote in a miscarriage or adoption (anticipating a years long run in which the baby comes into town, almost has an affair with Wyatt, then is revealed in a dramatic, but extremely drawn out fashion).

Another cryptic remark from Celine to Jim about some unspoken child. Hmmm. Watch out for those falling anvils.


Anybody wanna bet that Benny will be getting a new hush money truck courtesy of the Cryers? It'll probably have one of those big bows on it too.


Since when does the target of a restraining order have to sign it? Surely that can't be legal but then neither are kidnapping, torture, and extortion.


Ruh, roh. Bet Candace's ex the convict now has Amanda's gun.


He seems legit.

That meme is exactly what I was thinking of when I watched that scene.


Will Benny give him one anyway?

I can't see how the doctors would allow that any time soon if ever given what Benny's just been through healthwise. Plus, it's still not known whether his kidneys would be compatible. Tony might get the moral slapdown of finding out that the kidney he was willing to kill his kid for is worthless to him.


Nice to see Candy squirm for real

Yeah but if she gets out of this alive, payback's probably going to be the biatch to end all biatches.

Veronica really bluffed ole rapey Quincy, huh? I thought she was going to pull a gun on him for sure.

Is Candace going to be the next brain dead miracle?

Don't tell me Jeffrey is going to have sex with that annoying ass girl. Is he a virgin? I feel like I remember that coming up at some point.

It's interesting to see Jim being proactive and doing some of his own dirty work instead of the vague threats and having David handle everything. Will he get repaid by having Amanda pull a gun on him?

Benny has quite a different personality from before the coma. I wonder if that will be part of his storyline (if he gets one of significance)' especially considering that he could barely talk to the girl from church before and never sassed his mama. I'm ready to see him get some balls. Did anyone else completely forget that he found out Tony was his father?

I think this is still good silly fun.


Not quite sure how Candace gets out of this with her brains intact, but I'm sure she's not dead. Maybe one of the henchmen (or henchwoman) was sweet on her and used a blank?


As much as I loathe Veronica's character recently, I'm glad she wasn't raped by Quincy, the least intimidating convict evah. He has now been chased out of the house by tHannah, Amanda and Veronica. No one is really scared of him, but Veronica was a little shaken up at the end.

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Look at Hannah sitting there with her two mens. Too bad one of them is stabbing her in the back.


Ditto the comment upthread that being in a coma did wonders for Benny's personality. Wonder why Hannah didn't tell him that the sperm donor had been trying to snatch his kidneys?


Interesting that Veronica would fix Jeffrey up with someone who looks so much like Candace.


Will he get repaid by having Amanda pull a gun on him?

One can only hope. But I still don't understand why Amanda wants to kill Wyatt too.

After escaping her kidnappers, Candace asks Warlock for help; Jeffrey is seduced by Melissa.


I'm undecided as to whether or not Melissa's epic full court press on Jeffrey was intentional or unintentional comedy gold, although it may well have been the funniest thing the show's done in a very long time.  (Sorry, Amanda.)  That said, the hilarity and irony of the semi-closeted gay man being the first character in something like twelve episodes to get any sex was punctuated by Jeffrey running to Landon--who played counselor for him in a sensible, if occasionally preachy, way--and his own veiled admission that the only way he was able to do the deed with Melissa was by thinking of Wyatt.


Amanda, meanwhile...I kind of hope she wings Jim or Katheryn (or Wyatt, which might serve as karma recycling), just to illustrate that they ignored the signs until it was literally too late.


Candace and Quincy the Terminator getting caught up with current events via Warlock in Thug Central was odd, but it had to happen.  Let alone Candace convincing Warlock to get some guys to kidnap Jim, which continues the escalation of their feud.  The thing is that I'm still kind of over her in general, so screw her.


And Veronica having that classic soap opera misunderstanding moment with him at the end of the episode aside, David truly is too good for her smugly coiffed self.  But I still don't want him to surrender to Maggie's charms until he gives up on her and takes the ring off.

What I liked about this episode, was that there were some outdoor shots.


That being said, I must say, this show gets progressively worse each episode. Some of the younger actors have such limited range that it can be difficult to get into their story. I want to support this show because frankly it features a number of Black actors who probably weren't working much before this show, but wow..


The scenes with the Overgroomed-Gangtas were humorous (I'm sure it was all unintentional, of course). Poor one-note Quincy has no allies, it seems. I don't know if its the direction or the actor, but Quincy's overcool demeanor, head-cocked-to-the-left, heavily-veiled eyes, toothpick-in the mouth, low-mumbling talking is just comical.  


Candace/Tika Sumpter seems to be getting the shaft though... it seems like since Tika Sumpter "corrected" Tyler Perry on The Tyler Perry talk show last year that her role is getting less and less deliciously evil and more ridiculous and unlikeable. TP seemed pretty annoyed when she said THATHN is "*our* show" after he was over-congratualating himself about how wonderful his show is. I certainly hope I am reading too much into this.


Tika Sumpter wasn't wrong; although TP is the brains behind it, it took a team effort to bring the show into prominence. All of the talented people in the cast and crew contributed in some way. Its always great when people think as a team when working on a project, not as individuals jockeying for control.


I'm not liking the new direction the actor playing Benny is taking the character... Benny is coming off as a glib, smart-alec, jerk. I am curious to know who thought that would make the character more interesting. The acting was bland before, but I suspected he was supposed to be a fail to Candace, now it makes me wonder why saintly Hannah would dote on such an asshole and hate on Candace so much.


That aside, I do think it was weird that Candace would be able to get a cab to stop for, pick her up and take her to an unsavory neighborhood given that she wasn't wearing any shoes.




Did I miss something? Last episode Candace was shot in the head and left for dead. This episode she comes to life, picks herself up , makes it back to her apartment without a DROP of blood on her at all and she appears to not be hurt in any way. I knew TP wouldn't let her die but couldn't he at least of had her crawl to the highway with blood all matted in her hair and all over her face.  Maybe try to make us believe the bullet only grazed her because the "hit man" couldn't shoot his way out of a paper bag? The only reason I ever started watching this crap is because I love me some Dukes of Hazzard Jim and Peter Parros (David) is hot as hell. I wonder what these actors really think when they sit around those round table readings and see the scripts for the first time. Oh, yeah, a fat paycheck is what they see!

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I think the preview might have indicated that Mama Fratelli was just supposed to scare her but now they have to take real steps with someone else. I was just mad that her hair was only slightly tousled and makeup was completely intact after this multi day ordeal yet as soon as she was talking about Benny ( I think that's when it was) her tears left tracks in her foundation.

Jeffery getting laid out about unprotected sex was a good touch. Did it seem to anyone else like he was kind of offering/hopeful that the campaign guy (forgot his name) would have sex with him?

I had to loop back on Veronica's "Biiiiiitch!" Too funny. I do enjoy those little moments when she lets her 'hood' side out.


Veronica hired a debutante hooker to seduce Jeff? Bet the girl's gonna turn up pregnant too, all ready to start planning her shotgun wedding. It's an interesting turn of events for Jeffery since not that long ago he was planning to seduce an unwilling straight man.


What did Amanda call Jim, Elmo? Homo?


I like Landon. Nothing but real talk from that guy, plus he's gorgeous.


Whoa, that's a serious case of fivehead on the hospital billing chick. In fact, it might be six- or sevenhead.


Jim, David, and Veronica were in law school together. Just adds to my belief that Jim and Ronnie had a fling back in day and David and Katheryn have no idea.


OMG, Veronica is now having the worst morning ever! Bravo, TP, that was a classic soap opera moment.


Re the previews, so is Jim some kind local crime godfather or something?


I certainly hope I am reading too much into this.

If so I'm right there with you because I've been thinking the same thing. During rough contract negotiations the regular soaps have been know to write characters into corners as a sort of threat. TP might have been sending Tikka a message. Or not.


a fat paycheck is what they see!

Wonder how fat those paychecks really are. The show seems to done on the cheap and most of the actors aren't really marquee names.


I had to loop back on Veronica's "Biiiiiitch!" Too funny.


Yeah, it was a Key & Peele moment.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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What did Amanda call Jim, Elmo? Homo?


Just Moe, as in the "Eeny meeny miny..." thing she was doing right before she ran into him.


And I wonder...if it does turn out that Jim and Veronica had a fling back in the day, would that be enough of a catalyst for David to go running to Maggie?  Or would there have to be an additional extenuating circumstance?

Since nobody's mentioned it, is Hannah going to figure out that Byron works for Jim, and has been for all this time?  I did enjoy grieving grandpa trying to slip Hannah the tongue on her porch.  Doesn't he know she's a good Christian woman?


Veronica is going to change the name of the hotel to Heartbreak Hotel, will her current misunderstandings drive her back to addiction?  I'd love to see a strung out Veronica in Thugville.

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I usually like Veronica's fashion choices but that dress she had on was too short, both for her age and for her status as the wife of a relatively major political candidate. And geez, those gigantic SUVs. What do both David and Ronnie separately need all that room for? Seems wasteful, even if they are wealthy.


I am completely over Veronica running around calling everybody "boy". She's several decades too young for everybody to be letting her get away that nonsense. Meanwhile, wow, Ronnie. Could you have sex with a woman again, and again, and again until it becomes you? What a stupid notion of how sexuality works. But I'm glad David isn't so naive and actually supports Jeffery. I'm starting to feel sorry for Jeffery after the way his mother bullies him.


Benny's behavior when he was talking to Candace on the phone was kind of weird, just like when he'd talk to that nurse at the hospital. It's like he regresses back to being a kid or something, yet he doesn't seem to have amnesia. It's interesting to see the actor switch back and forth between the two behavior styles.


How does Jim get to decide who somebody can talk to? I'll bet the fake detective is going to have a change of heart and help Hannah.


Is there a wardrobe person on this show or do the actors wear their own clothes? I can't imagine why any professional costumer would have put Amanda in that skort which appeared to be a couple of sizes too small. Amanda has a good body and she's rich so there's no need for her to dress like she's on the stroll.


So a newly released convict can just roll up to a judge's house in broad daylight? Yeah right. The Cryer estate must not have any security at all. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, I like how Celine does housework while wearing six-inch heels.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I saw some scenes last night fort he first time in three weeks...thoughts:


I am completely over Veronica running around calling everybody "boy"


I was over that the first time. Like every most everything else it's overdone.


I'm starting to feel sorry for Jeffery after the way his mother bullies him.


I'm done with that...Jeff is in his early to mid 20'a -- knows he has his Dad's support, and still acts like a frigging baby. I'm done.


Benny's behavior when he was talking to Candace on the phone was kind of weird,


It's clear the coma and 'brain death caused some damage. Benny's behavior is clearly juvenile. the giggling, and slight body movements when he's excited. Even the very subtle tone in his voice when he told Hannah and Candace he loved them, it was was child-like, IF you know what to look for. No doubt it will be noticed as it either gets worse...or gets more -- obvious.


How does Jim get to decide who somebody can talk to? I'll bet the fake detective is going to have a change of heart and help Hannah.


My issue with that scene was just the obvious 'coincidence' of Hannah calling while the detective was there with Jim, AND that Celine just 'happened' to come out say "Mr. Cryer." and that Hannah heard it. Why didn't the detective just play off the call and not answer it right then. Dumb....I was like "really?"



So a newly released convict can just roll up to a judge's house in broad daylight? Yeah right. The Cryer estate must not have any security at all. Unbelievable.


I know.


how Celine does housework while wearing six-inch heels.


She's such a non factor I can't even use brain power to think about all the things that make no sense when it comes to her. 

Edited by selhars

"I DID IT AND I HATED IT!!"  as said by Jeffery with all the passion of a five-year-old in mid tantrum has broken my funny bone.  I think if he were standing he would have stamped his feet to complete the scene.  The whole scene between him and Veronica was so weird. 


I really do not know why I watch this show.  It just too ridiculous. 





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I really wish David would get over Veronica and tell her to kiss his ass. Why does he love her so much? She is the most miserable, stone cold bitch I have ever seen. Never a smile, a laugh or softness in her eyes. I wish David would loosen up and go get his freak on with blondie what's her name!

I'm not familiar with this (Mrs. David) actress but she is fantastic!. I would like to see what other roles she has played. 

I am getting past hate watching to just hating this show. Jim's fake "roughing up" the young guy...holding his head all awkwardly;  stupid ass Jeffery still being cowed by his mother. Why is Jeffery still doing what she says? Jim has already brought a car/suspect forward, so what is Veronica going to say about bringing out Jeffery's car that will protect her from tampering with evidence/obstruction? One thing I can't stand is a punk, and that is what TP is making Jeffery, and in many ways, David, out to be. He needs to go and finish those last 3 credits in college and get his own job, own apartment, own car away from his mother. All that "boy" and talking hateful outside?  I know if I was Landon, she would have gotten cussed straight the fuck out on those hotel stairs. There are always campaigns you can work for and this one aint worth being disrespected by Veronica. He is an expendable character, why not have SOMEONE who stands up to Veronica to at least provide some balance?


I didn't realize how terrible and gapped open Amanda's skort was until she ran around the car. Their front porch that opens directly into the driveway will never not be funny to me! 


I must admit, I was hoping for some real drama when Veronica threatened to drive off the bridge and Jeffery unbuckled. She almost seemed unhinged enough to do it. I know they wouldn't have died, but that would have been a great scene!


I also don't know why I keep doing this to myself.

The scene with Jeff and Veronica? ? Seriously what grown ass man answers to his momma about the first time he got laid? I truly expected her to ask more intimate questions because this shit is just that absurd. "Did you suck her toes?" , "did you bite her butt cheek?".

I don't know about you guys but I think Tyler was trying to tellearn me something with that scene. Was this a conversation taken from a page in his life? Just asking.

What kind of house do you have where the maid has to come outside and close the door behind her to see who's calling? And then leave you on the stoop while she goes back in the damn house! Things like that irk me.

I grew up in the projects and I know a thug or three...NONE of them speak the way Quincy does. They kind of just, I dunno SPEAK!And the last house they would drive up to would be a judges house to pick up his crazy ass daughter. Maybe she's not crazy, perhaps she's special needs. I'm not sure TP knows what to do w Amanda.

Edited by Brooklynista
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why not have SOMEONE who stands up to Veronica to at least provide some balance?

I think Candy is going to come back around, especially when she finds out Veronica's part in getting Quincy released. He seems to be the one person who scares Candace.


I'm not sure TP knows what to do w Amanda.

IMO, Amanda is a walking plot device waiting to happen, just like Wyatt and Celine.


I truly expected her to ask more intimate questions because this shit is just that absurd.

Note that she didn't ask if he used protection. I will be flabbergasted if the girl doesn't turn up pregnant so Veronica can justify arranging a hasty wedding. I guess the concept of being on the down-low doesn't register with her.

TP gathered up a bunch of hot button current topics, but threw them all out there at once instead of developing the story gradually. We have gotten drug addiction, rape, mental illness, homosexuality, brain death/right to life. None of them really felt in any way real to me...like to make me think. They are just ticking things off a list but where do you go once these are resolved. Benny is already awake, Amanda is about to peak and be done which will probably end up with the rape addressed and wrapped up as one story. Wyatt is all of a sudden sober, not fiending at all during this incredibly stressful time. They even threw in clergy molestation as an afterthought. Damn! 



At some point Jeffery has to stand up. 

Now that I think about it, that is what will make me leave this show. If they don't allow Jeffery to grow and be a man and be himself, and stop pouting all the goddamn time, that will be it for me. 

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First it was Candace walking around intimidating everyone and now it's veronica.  I hate weak people and Jeffrey is just too weak to exist.  I can't take it. He would have all the support in the world if he just stood up to her.


This show is not the same with Candace's part being so diminished.  I miss her.

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I am getting past hate watching to just hating this show.

Sing it.  It was kind of fun-campy, but now it's just stupid, lazy writing.  No wonder the epi is called "Again and Again"- that's how many times each line of dialogue was repeated!


Do these idiots need an audiologist??? Everytime someone says something, the other says "What?" and the lines are repeated.  If I were inclined, I would count the actual original dialog and find that there is probably less than 10 minutes out of 60.


TP is such a closeted, self loathing gay that it is wrecking the show.  All things Jeffrey are so poorly written and obviously preachy that is defies cruduality.  I fully expect Jeffrey to be hauled off to a "Christian Straighten 'Em Out Camp" just any minute.

  • Love 4

I'm wondering if something more will be made of Jeffrey's admissions of not using a condom with sorority girl? Sorority girl seemed pretty loosey goosey with those few drinks in her.

The only thing Tyler hasn't thrown at the wall yet is HIV. I'm sure it's coming. In TP land it will be Jeffrey's punishment for not listening to his mother and be straight in the first place.

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Okay, I'm going to need TP to give Jeffery a new spine so he can finally stand up to Veronica and tell her where to kiss.  If that annoying sorority girl ends up his "beard"  instead of having him hook up with Landon, I will be totally done with this show.


I totally don't like he's where he's going with Jeffery; first season, he was creepy and predatory toward Wyatt, now he's weak. I do take comfort that Landon is a fairly strong gay character--although he can be a bit thirsty towards Jeffery at times, but I like him.

Edited by sereion
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If that annoying sorority girl ends up his "beard"  instead of having him hook up with Landon

I think odds are good that both things will happen: Jeffrey will marry the girl to please mommy and establish the image she wants him to present, and he will also be on the down-low with a man. Not sure it'll be Landon though because he doesn't seem like the type who'd go along with being someone's "dirty" secret.

  • Love 2

I think odds are good that both things will happen: Jeffrey will marry the girl to please mommy and establish the image she wants him to present, and he will also be on the down-low with a man. Not sure it'll be Landon though because he doesn't seem like the type who'd go along with being someone's "dirty" secret.

Maybe he will finally capture Wyatt. Remember him sniffing the tshirt!?!?? That's what got me hooked. That and stolen snuggles while Wyatt was asleep. Of course everyone will find out.

Then, because it's Tyler Perry, Wyatt will turn back to drugs because of his gay shame while hooking up with lots of women to prove he's straight and Jeffery is a wily seducer.

You're welcome, TP. Send me some royalty money.

  • Love 5
Isn't Jeffrey some sort of counselor at Ronnie's rehab clinic? (the reason why him and Wyatt are friends in the first place?) Then why can't he get counseling for himself for what he's going through? Isn't there somebody on staff he could confide in that won't snitch to Ronnie?



He would tell Jeffery what I would tell Jeffery.  Get out of your momma's house and get a goddam job!  Grow the eff up and be a man!  There's a reason you have no self esteem, your actions are awful!


I realize Veronica is holding Jeffery's car over his head, which could hurt Jeffery's crush Wyatt, but still Jeffery, it's hard to root for a guy in his twenties who's constantly being bossed by his mother.

  • Love 2

Finally got around to watching this episode.  The best part of it, hands down, was Amanda's skort and leggings...and it was kind of downhill from there.


The thing is that the opening scene, which picked up directly with Veronica and company in the hotel hallway...it actually pissed me off.  I didn't realize that the show would fully realize my comment about men being weak and go full-tilt with it; seriously, nobody really put up any resistance or even half an argument against Veronica?  (Okay, maybe Landon for all of twenty seconds.)  At a point where just about any kind of resistance would have made the resister look good--even if it had still bounced off Veronica's armor of bitchery--they instead chose to make everybody look weak next to her.  Even David.  And then they compounded it with Veronica and Jeffery's car ride from hell, with him declaring "I had sex and I hated it!" and her sounding for two seconds like she was about to admit that she had been into girls before losing her virginity and having sex "again, and again, and again--until it becomes you."  Fuck all of you, Veronica Harrington.  This level of all-suckers-bow-down bitchery didn't/doesn't work with Candace, IMHO, and it really doesn't work with your soul-crushing ass.


Speaking of Candace, though: I'm still undecided whether Jim's now-revealed plan to scare her out of town via the "botched" murder attempt versus actually killing her was smart or terminally stupid.  OTOH, it probably gives him that one remaining tattered shred of a soul.  And Candace actually seeming to care that Amanda and Quincy (who at least seemed less like a Terminator in this episode, though without his toque he looked like a black gangsta Toad) had been talking/flirting, after all her bitchery, didn't ring true with me either.  She's always been all about herself, and Quincy and that damn invisible child are a threat to that; show, you're going to have to work harder to make me believe she cares about Amanda now.  Though that kind of applies to...everybody...at this point, if at varying levels.  Amanda needs to just show up at dinner one night all death-tatted up and start popping suckers in the head.

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OWN's website calls this episode 34 of season 1 for whatever insane reason, while TV Guide calls this episode 8 of season 2.  Considering the bonkers production schedules of most of Tyler Perry's shows, either could easily be correct--but, at this point, the hell with it.


Amanda leaves the estate with Quincy; Candace hides out at Jeffery's place.


Going off a recap, since I haven't seen this yet, I'm just going to say: that was the answer to the big Candace question?


Yeah! The skort was back!!! Gawd- that has to be the most unflattering outfit worn in the history of television.  Of course, it is befitting for an actress clearly destined for an armload of Emmys!

OK - so not only is the budget so low that TP can't afford a thesaurus.  There is only ONE blade on the hairdressers clippers!  EVERY SINGLE black man has the EXACT same haircut!  Most have the same shape of beard.  I acually rewound to double check and I was right.  Exact same lines cut into every dude.  The only one that is a bit different is the bad guy- it's longer and curlier.  Jeez!  how does someone not notice?  Naturally, it's the same cut that TP wears.

Edited by zillabreeze
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There is only ONE blade on the hairdressers clippers!  EVERY SINGLE black man has the EXACT same haircut!  Most have the same shape of beard.  I acually rewound to double check and I was right.  Exact same lines cut into every dude.  The only one that is a bit different is the bad guy- it's longer and curlier.  Jeez!  how does someone not notice?  Naturally, it's the same cut that TP wears.


Zillabreeze, this is exactly what I think when watching the show. I thought I was the only person who felt that way. It is actually quite creepy.


The other thing I noticed is that most of them have the same body type as well.


Yeah, if Celine is not Jim's baby mama, I would be very surprised.

The "six to eight weeks" that Amanda said about the boyfriend just adds more to my suspicion that she is pregnant. We will see, I guess.

I didn't hate this episode as much as the last one, but again, everything was too drawn out. Why did Wyatt and Celine have to go back and forth for 8 minutes then Kathryn and Celine for another eternity about the fact that Amanda left, and Celine didn't know with whom?

I did enjoy the Jeffery, Candace, fast tailed gal scene. He actually didn't act like a scaredy cat, just more bemused, even though he didn't really shut her down. At first I thought Candace would play along as the jealous girlfriend, but when she said, " with a woman?" I had to laugh, because the girl didn't pick up on it. But who would really just hang out at a one night stand's house if they woke up and see them gone? I would maybe peep in the cabinets, but then I would hightail it out of there. Who leaves someone in their house? I would find it really weird, and maybe start to think we weren't even at their own place.

Glad that I didn't have to see insufferable Veronica and hear her call anyone "boy" tonight. I'm just waiting for the day she does it to David.

Why do we never see Jim and David down at the courthouse anymore? They didn't quit being judges to run. And according to Landon, they haven't yet officially announced the campaign (unless I misunderstood), although I thought they HAD announced it, which is why they attended the funeral.

And who is this creepy intern down at campaign headquarters? Is this they guy who Jim "roughed up" in the basement with the Fratellis? What is his purpose? Any speculation, guys?

ETA: How could I forget Hannah's rant about Big Tony? "He IS a player, a dog, a liar, and a dog!" And Benny's "You were playing her?" and getting ready to go fuck up Quincy. He really came back to life real turnt up, huh?

Edited by sunsheyen
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