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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I don't think Brandi looked very good. I can't get past her eyes and brows. I don't know if she's had too much Botox or something else done, but it gives her a harsh look IMO. Agree about LeeAnne. She's gorgeous on the outside. Too bad the inside is so messed up!
  2. I am also surprised that the show has obviously taken the side of the Memendez brothers. Some of the flashback scenes of the parents are so over the top they're ridiculous. I think it would have been more interesting to show two sides of the story, featuring the characters on the defense side instead of just showing Abramson. I read the whole Dominick Dunne excerpt and really enjoyed it. I want to read one of his books now.
  3. I don't believe she had a blood clot. I had one and was in the hospital on blood thinners for two days. Vicki is so dramatic. She had "elevated" blood pressure. I wonder how high. They probably just ran a few tests and then released her when they realized she was fine. Vicki being Vicki probably secretly wished she was critically ill. Imagine all the attention she would get then... and the casseroles.
  4. I think it was more about choosing to drink. As the night wore on, they got sloshed. Those clips showing 1 am, 4 am, etc. were quite revealing. Tamra especially seemed hammered, and Kelly was rolling right along with her. I can always tell when Kelly is drunk because she says everything that comes to her mind right at that moment, and most of it is snarly and/or profane. Whatever slim filter she has is obliterated by the alcohol. The others were probably drunk too but didn't show it as much. Tamra peed her pants and then left them on the next day...? Sheesh! And for Peggy to hole up in her room and say it was one of the worst days of her life... what didn't we see? The editors must have left a lot of stuff out, because I didn't see anything that bad directed at Peggy.
  5. These shows are not good for marriages. Look at all the housewives who have divorced during the show's run. I'm guessing they already had marital issues but the show certainly didn't help. I wonder what Shannon will say on the reunion.
  6. I can't remember where I saw it, but I read an article a few weeks ago in which Amy Carlson said she was leaving Blue Bloods. She didn't give a reason. I guess I'm the only one who wasn't surprised Linda would be killed off, although the way they did it was anticlimactic. It makes me wonder if there were hard feelings there for her to not even come back for a few episodes to tie up her storyline. I liked her but understand why she left. She didn't get much screen time. I wish they would've used her more.
  7. I agree. It takes me out of the show. The monologues are the reason I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy years ago. The show is full of speeches. Same goes for Scandal. I only lasted one season. I couldn't stand it. I was pleasantly surprised by the scene with the director. I like that they didn't go the normal route of Kate coming in there, blowing everyone away with her talent and then being told she's too fat. The director knocked her right off her pity pot. I see trouble ahead for Randall and Beth. I couldn't believe it when he told her she needed to get her arms around the idea of adopting a child, like it was a done deal and she had no say. That would've really ticked me off! Sometimes the jumping back and forth between past and present gets on my nerves. I'm just getting into a story and then they switch to something else. The fire was shocking. I was expecting a car accident.
  8. Me too. Much too campy for my taste.
  9. Ok, so her blood alcohol was .045. It makes sense why it wasn't mentioned then, but any alcohol in her blood stream in the morning when she wasn't feeling well does seem to confirm that she had a drinking problem. As others have mentioned, I'm surprised she didn't have a history of medical issues related to alcoholism. Or perhaps she did and it was edited out?
  10. Holy cow! I didn't realize her blood alcohol was that high. Where did you hear this? I don't think they mentioned it on the show, but it makes a big difference. That blood alcohol alone was enough to kill her. I searched on internet and found information that anything over .40 can result in coma, respiratory failure and death. Why wasn't this mentioned on the show? I wonder if they edited it out to make her death seem more of a mystery.
  11. Enough with the medical procedures! Please! I do not want to see any of them get vaginal rujevenations or colonics! For crying out loud, is nothing private anymore? We have to hear about Vicki's problem pooping and watch them suck it out? Sheesh. I don't really care for Lydia or her husband, so I fast-forwarded through their scenes. I'm also not a fan of Peggy. The party on the boat was a disappointment. It didn't look like much fun and nothing happened. They are really milking the Tamara/Vicki meeting. Didn't they show a preview of the phone call last week too? Maybe I'm confused... There are few people to root for on this show. Shannon is also getting on my nerves. David is a wimp, but I don't blame him for not wanting to be around her. She is such a sad sack, and I dislike her victim mentality. Vicki did not make you fat, Shannon. Come on. David's barbs weren't nice though. I feel sad for the kids as I heard one of the daughters reacting to the silver spoon comment.
  12. I think she looks better here. I don't like the overly arched Botox brows that are so popular with some women, especially celebrities. It makes them look harsh and/or angry... or just fake. I get Botox sometimes but only enough to open my eyes a bit. I specify that I do not want the really high brows. I don't really like Cary's either. Hers aren't as bad as Brandi's but she still looks a little hard to me.
  13. I thought the same thing. I was underwhelmed by it. I wonder if it's because it was rehearsed before they filmed it? LeeAnn didn't seem surprised to me, and Rich didn't seem very into it. I wonder if he just gave up and asked her so she'd stop bugging him. The ring will buy him some time, but eventually she's going to want to set a date. We shall see. I also thought it was out of character for her to not want to wear the ring and crow about being engaged.
  14. It was blatant manipulation, and it seems to have worked pretty well for her.
  15. I agree. I have hard time feeling sympathy for her, because she comes across as snotty and petulant. She doesn't strike me as a warm or likable person. I don't know what kind of recovery program she is working, but if it's the 12 steps, then she needs to go back to step 1.
  16. Not for me either. People in recovery know their sobriety date, but they tend to track the time in months or years. At least that is how it is in the meetings I attend. So Kathry's saying 8 months didn't ring false to me as far as the lingo goes, but it definitely did in terms of her sobriety. I don't believe for a minute that's she sober. Landon didn't look very good and her hair looked terrible. What did she do to it? I don't think Craig and Naomi are going to make it. He didn't looked thrilled when she was describing how they are working on their relationship. I like Austen. Shep is a jerk, but what is interesting is how loved he was in season 1. If you go back and read these boards most posters really liked him. A lot changed in a few seasons. Craig talking about what a drunk Shep is amused me, since Craig can knock back quite a few himself.
  17. ITA! I didn't see any humility or self-awareness from her, which are key components of a person actively working his or her recovery. She is still defensive and snotty, even using the same "goodbye" term again with Landon. She also looked out of it to me. There was one close-up in which her eyes looked heavy, as if she was struggling to hold up her head. I agree with another poster who thinks she is on opioids. She could be taking Xanax too, as she was oddly subdued while still acting nasty. I didn't like the hair color at all. I'm not a fan of the fake-looking red. The cut was cute though. Her dress was horrible! What on earth....? Speaking of recovery, Shep also sounds like a classic alcoholic in denial. He even described his powerlessness over alcohol, which is the first step in a 12-step program. Also Cam's comment that his personality completely changes is telling. He needs help but doesn't sound like he's ready to surrender.
  18. Ben Z wasn't there either, but since he was ignored on the show I wasn't surprised.
  19. One of the problems for me is there isn't an incentive for them, just the vague notion of walking off together for whatever. I never watched Bachelor Pad, but wasn't it a contest in the Survivor mode? This seems like a better concept to me, although I guess it wasn't since they revamped the show.
  20. I think her primary motivation is to be on TV. Perhaps she thinks if she shows up enough, she'll be considered for The Bachelorette. Her baby voice drives me crazy. Do men really like that? Never mind... yes, I've heard they do. Whoops, mertensia you beat me to it. I hope Derek knows what he's doing. Taylor seems super high maintenance to me.
  21. It could have worked if it were at least the right size... maybe. How did she not know it was too small? I couldn't breathe just looking at her. She was slimmer last year. I wonder what happened.
  22. I thought he didn't look that into her in the last episode when they were Facetiming. Interesting how Angela was talking about how wounded she was as a child from not getting enough attention from her parents, and in an earlier scene her daughters were essentially telling her the same thing. Is she that clueless?
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