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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I really noticed her swollen lip in some of the close-ups. It looks like her top lip is too close to her nose. Why do women do this? For crying out loud. You’re 23 years old. At least wait until you’re older and you actually could benefit from cosmetic work. I think they’re keeping Mara around because she’s the oldest one there. They’re milking that story. It’s clear she is too aggressive for Clayton. He’s not into her at all. As others noted, she does have a speech-style similar to Gloria from Sopranos. I didn’t realize she wasn’t Italian. Who is the woman that said she’s falling in love with Clayton and he said he was excited about it? Was that Rachel? Is she the pilot? I can’t keep them straight. Clayton’s height and build is the only thing remotely attractive about him IMO. His face, swirly hair and wimpy demeanor don’t do it for me at all. I’m longing for the old days of Brad. He was much more my speed!
  2. Sondra was a 19 year-old virgin when 50 year-old Hef met her. He took advantage of a naive young woman. He’s scum.
  3. Yes, I was thinking Paris or Rome. The women squeal like pigs no matter what place is named though. I’ve noticed it on previous seasons. He could say Akron, OH and they’d scream. (No offense to anyone from there. It was just the first place that came to mind.) Was it me or did Clayton get a frozen look when Teddi said she was a virgin? The lady on Millionaire Matchmaker would tell Mara she’s giving off a masculine, aggressive energy and that’s why Clayton isn’t into her. That “I’ve been cute and flirty and whatever” speech sounded desperate. Clayton’s eyes were glazing over.
  4. I was looking up something on the internet and came across this. Just.. wow. She wonders why people are talking about her looks? Give me a break! It looks like two different people. I noticed on the Bachelor she looked different, but not as much as in this photo. Maybe it’s just been “Instragrammed” to make her look like a Kardashian. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS805US805&hl=en-US&sxsrf=APq-WBs6cldt0UpWSi5FCqsYb5sR9A5zpg:1644947925820&q=kaitlyn+bristowe+age&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLSz9U3qEpKr0zLVuIGsQ2Nk5Nzk4y0-AJSi4rz84IzU1LLEyuLFzGKZidb6Rek5hfkpAIpkJxVYnrqIlaR7MTMkpzKPIWkoszikvzyVAWgMAAlEZBdWgAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwip3qrGpIL2AhXBl2oFHQmyAwQQxA16BAgXEA4&biw=1366&bih=909&dpr=2#imgrc=70tGOJGKJ9UeLM
  5. Maybe that factored into her multiple marriages. She seemed to make some quick decisions.
  6. I think they look a lot alike. I was getting them mixed up. The different hairstyles helped me tell them apart. I read the book and really liked it. Agree the place is creepy. I don’t know why anyone would want to live there, but both women have issues from recent trauma. Edward is seeking vulnerable women he can manipulate. He is is super-controlling! Yikes! Those questions the women have to answer and no privacy. I don’t care if the place was free. I wouldn’t live there. And there are no building codes about safety? That staircase with no banister…
  7. Here’s a story about how she was “discovered” and a picture of her as the Labatt’s beer girl. She was so cute! https://legendsrevealed.com/sports/2015/07/20/did-pamela-anderson-get-her-big-break-while-being-spotted-at-a-canadian-football-game/ This link shows all her Playboy covers so you can really see how her look changed over the years. Some images NSFW. https://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2015/12/04/Pamela-Andersons-Playboy-covers/1591449257374/ And for two seasons as the Tool Time Girl on Home Improvement, which she did before Baywatch. I had forgotten about it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/115234880015
  8. Ah! I remember her on Star Search! She was gorgeous. Yes. I immediately thought of the Britney Spears umbrella incident. I remember the early photos of Pam, before she got the breast implants. She was at a sports event and captured on the big screen. She was so pretty. I don’t think she needed the bleached hair, implants or the ultra thin eyebrows, but I understand these things made her stand out more. I never liked pencil eyebrows. Yikes! They just don’t look good to me. I think she looked best on her first Playboy cover, before she changed her look. I had a boyfriend that loved her. He saved all her photos and I remember looking at them with him. I know that sounds weird, but I was young.
  9. It is so weird that she disappeared! Is she a friend of or main cast member? I can’t remember.
  10. I was thinking the same thing, because when he was standing next to the other actress he wasn’t much taller. She must be tall. I looked up Alan Ritchson’s height and he’s 6’2, but Reacher is supposed to be 6’5”. They keep making comments about his size so they are trying to make him appear bigger than he really is. He’s definitely a better fit than Tom Cruise though. Rosie is so tiny she almost looks child-sized next to him. By other actress, I meant Maria Sten. It says she’s 5’10 so it makes sense.
  11. What I got from that scene was two things: 1. He didn’t want to have the conversation on camera. 2. Jen was a little drunk and he was sober, so there was a disconnect there too. He may have been thinking it would be better to talk when she’s not drinking. I know he didn’t say any of this, but this was my impression. I understand he agreed to do the show, but I don’t blame him for not wanting to have that talk with her in that moment. Other husbands have done the same thing. I remember Shane doing it last season or maybe it was the one before? I think Noella is one and done. She’s just too much. The stack thing was just stupid. She looks desperate for air time.
  12. Who is Bobbie Brown? I recognize the name but can’t place her. I’m too lazy to search. Is she the makeup person? One thing they did really well is the red Baywatch swimsuit. They got the tailored fit just right. I wish they showed more of Pam on the series including someone playing David Hasselhoff, but I guess that would get them off track from the main storyline about the stolen tape. I think Seth Rogen and Nick Offerman are both doing a great job in the supporting roles as the slimy opportunists. Still not convinced Sebastian Stan was the right choice for Tommy Lee, but I’m coming up short on who would’ve a been better choice. I wasn’t really a Motley Crue fan but do remember how popular they were for a time. I remember Tommy as taller, thinner, more sculpted in the face and generally better-looking and with some raw sex appeal, although he wasn’t my type. This episode highlighted the affection between Tom and Pam instead of just the sex. Tommy was tender and sweet to her when she was having the miscarriage. I understand why he didn’t feel as violated by the tape getting out, but I agree with Pam. It’s much worse for a woman. There’s a double standard. It doesn’t matter that she posed nude. That was a professional shoot that was technical and planned, not the incredibly intimate and personal act of her having sex with her husband. I can’t begin to imagine how humiliating it must have been for her to walk up and see her coworkers watching that tape.
  13. Her mouth looks odd, slightly lopsided. It looks like too much filler. Perhaps she never adjusted to it and that’s why it has affected her speech. During some periods it almost sounds like she has a retainer in. (I wear one at night and don’t talk normally when it’s in. It gives me a slight lisp.) She looks odd sometimes when she’s talking and also when she smiles widely. She really screwed up the lower half of her face. I hope it isn’t permanent. Filler can last a lot longer than they tell you. It travels to other parts of the face. Steve does sound like his teeth are clinched. It’s a combination teeth-clench and squeak. Very distracting! I don’t understand why John’s brother wasn’t at his funeral. The producer guy is hot but it seemed too convenient to have him like Carrie. But on the other hand, all the men go crazy over Carrie. That’s a holdover from SATC. I must have missed something. I don’t remember what happened to Carrie’s other apartment.
  14. I just watched the latest episode. I believe there were a lot of drugs around as it makes sense. I didn’t realize Hef’s secretary killed herself though or that she was going to go to prison. It was sad.
  15. I remember seeing music montages of her coming out of the water or being in the pool. It was ridiculous. It was essentially a music video of just close-ups of Pam Anderson’s body. They did them quite frequently IIRC.
  16. My only hope for a next season would be if Samantha returns. They left the door open so who knows? Maybe they will recast the part. I don’t like Carrie’s hair pulled back. It isn’t flattering to her IMO. When she has her hair down, is that all her hair or is she wearing a wig or extensions? I couldn’t stand the Miranda storyline and was hoping Che would dump her. It would’ve served her right after how she treated Steve. I don’t know what happened to Charlotte. She turned into a caricature. I don’t care about Rock. I don’t like Brady. Actually, I’m struggling to find someone to like on this series. I guess I’ll go with Nya but she’s not one of the main characters. Season grade: D
  17. Lily James looks a lot like Pam from a distance, but she’s not as pretty or as busty as Pam was during the series. She’s doing a good job of capturing Pam’s essence though. I agree about Sebastian. He looks shorter and a little heavier than Tommy Lee and lacking in sex appeal. I remember hearing about the tape but didn’t realize the guy broke into their house. Yikes. Just read this article about all the makeup and prosthetics it took to turn Lily James into Pamela Anderson. I didn’t realize she was wearing a fake forehead and chest piece! They did a good job. https://stylecaster.com/beauty/pam-and-tommy-lily-james/ This article says Pam Anderson is upset about the series. https://www.etonline.com/pamela-anderson-finds-pam-tommy-series-very-painful-source-says-178144
  18. What has happened to her face? She didn’t look good. Is it the HDTV or did she do something else to herself? I don’t know if it’s the weird swirly hair, the tears on the first show, the soul-baring about his body images…. or maybe all of it. But Clayton is coming across as wimpy to me. I prefer a stronger bachelor like Brad. But I’m also old so maybe that’s the problem. Clayton could be my son. Yikes. Interesting that Nicole Eggert was on because there was talk about her on the RHOC boards. A few people thought the Nicole on that show was Nicole Eggert, but it isn’t. I’ll admit to only half watching this show as I do other things, but so far I’m not seeing much chemistry between Clayton and anyone. That hasn’t stopped him from kissing them though! Usually the aggressive women get cut but given how placid Clayton seems to be, maybe Shenae-whatever—her-name- is has a shot.
  19. I haven’t been able to find it. It’s not offered on my cable. It says I have to have a Roku device and account. I guess I’ll wait until it’s more widely distributed.
  20. RH thanks for posting this. It was interesting! I wonder who owns Playboy now. They are really trying to distance themselves from the HH legacy. I didn’t realize Holly was 42. She looks great.
  21. I think Hef having a 15 year-old girl up in his bedroom speaks volumes. I have nothing positive to say about the guy. He used women, especially young women. He wouldn’t have anything to do with a woman over 30 in most cases. He even joked about it. In the books the sex is described. It was really gross. I’ll spare you the details but there’s one part that says they would chant things like, “Do it to her, daddy!” when he was with one of the women and sick stuff like that. They all had sex with Hef, and that includes Kendra. She may not want acknowledge it, but no way did he let girlfriends live with him and not have sex with him. According to the books, there were certain nights they were “on” and others they were off. The number one girlfriend was first and did the most. She also got to actually sleep with Hef, whereas the others just showed up for the sex show and then left. But it was mostly a performance for Hef. None of them women enjoyed it. The only positive from what they described is it didn’t take that long. They also said he’d given them quaaludes before and he’d take Viagra. (Interestingly, the book says it was usually gay porn showing on the TV in the room.) The women got an “allowance” for living with him and all their plastic surgery, hair appointments, nails and some clothes paid for. So in essence, they were escorts or hookers, not girlfriends. The way it’s described in the books, it was like a job for most of them. It was all to make Hef look like a stud, going around with a bevy of 20-something blondes. More like a harem really. IIRC, Bridget was married when she became one of the girlfriends. There was talk on the forums about it. I think it was TVOP then. She remained married but separated for the time she was on GND. He met Kendra when she was really young, maybe 18. She was in bad shape practically living on the street, so perhaps he did save her life. And of course, Pamela became a star partly due to Playboy, so it makes sense that she doesn’t want to say anything negative about him. Holly glossed over a lot of her role in this. She went after Hef. She wanted fame and all the attention she got. She wasn’t a victim here, at least not at first. And like they said, she could’ve left whenever she wanted. He didn’t keep them prisoners. He paid their expenses, so she would’ve had to find a way to provide for herself. But she chose that road. The other thing she left out is she REALLY wanted to be a Playmate of the month. It was a big deal for her, and he strung her along for years saying no. Then when he finally relented, he put the other two on the cover with her and tied it into the show. So he threw Holly a few crumbs, but that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to be the star. Perhaps she used her number one girlfriend position to her advantage, and that alienated some of the other women. It would make sense. She makes it sound like she was the victim of a bunch of mean girls. What was her role in it? She also wanted to be married and have children with him, but he kept putting her off. So she is ret-conning some of what happened IMO. In terms of what the male friends saw.. well of course. They wouldn’t necessarily see how Hef treated the women when he was alone with them. Men can be totally different with guys than with women. His male friends not seeing anything doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. One thing that startled me: the butler said Hef drank 25-30 Cokes a day. And ate a bunch of candy. I think it was M&Ms. Wow! I mean, 30 regular Cokes a day? All that sugar! That’s just unbelievable. What is it, maybe 100 calories per soda? That’s a low estimate, but that would mean he got around 3500 calories a day just from soda! The one older ex-girlfriend, the blonde. I can’t remember her name. I don’t know what kind of surgery she had but she doesn’t look good at all. Her face looks unnatural.
  22. Does anyone know how I can watch this? I Googled and it says I have to have Roku account. Any other way?
  23. I read Holly’s and Izabella’s books. I’ve always thought he was a misogynist. I didn’t understand why he was lionized so much in the press. But I also think many of these women used him too. They got something from him, so perhaps it was a mutually beneficial relationship for awhile. He was definitely in the power seat though. It doesn’t look like Kendra Wilkinson, Barbi Benton, Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy are on camera for this show, so they must not have wanted to participate. Also his ex-wife, Kimberly, isn’t talking.
  24. Poor Beverly. Wasn’t she also one of the women drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby? I think she actually got away before much happened because she realized he’d drugged her. I saw her talk about it in an interview. I don’t want to believe this about Chris Noth. I enjoyed him on L&O and as Mr. Big on SATC. Sigh. It seems like the Miranda storyline is more about Cynthia’s personal experience than it is faithful to the character of Miranda. And that’s a shame.
  25. Yep. Heather seems really into appearance and status, having all the trappings of wealth. She reminds me of an aunt of mine who’d get really haughty when she was on a binge. She’s talk about her money, beautiful house, custom-made furniture, etc. Heather does it too and doesn’t even need to be drunk, so she doesn’t have that excuse. Terry is right there with her so I guess they are ideally matched. I can’t figure out what happened to Nicole’s nose but it looks strange to me. Is it the dip, the nostrils or the slight turned-up tip? Meanwhile, Noella’s was shaved down to a tiny little thing. This is assuming she had it done. Maybe she didn’t. Emily looked ok in the scenes but in one of the TH’s, her eyes are barely visible even with the fake lashes. Is it because of all the filler in her face or something else? The scene with Shannon, Emily and Gina laughing and having fun was one of the more enjoyable parts of the show. I don’t understand why TPTB decided to make Heather the focus this season. Didn’t they learn anything from train wreck Braunwyn?
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