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Everything posted by halgia

  1. It was Zoe who said that – we just rewatched that in our Firefly rewatch! :) [Also, I think one of them was about making clothes out of your skin, or something fun like that.]
  2. Yeah, I think the Hillary-and-Meg stuff didn't work that well this episode, but I liked the main plot, and Warren was good. ("I need to work on my wink timing....") This is the first episode I've watched since I saw TravisNelson76 pointing out that Hillary is like a younger version of Amy Santiago from Brooklyn 99, and I completely saw that here. They're the same person. I hadn't realized their age gap was so big, but Malin Akerman was born in 78 and Natalie Morales in 85.
  3. halgia

    Ms. Marvel

    Yeah, I liked #2 fine (luckily digital copies don't sell out!). As I said earlier, this is the first comic I've ever read issue-by-issue, but I have high hopes that once it really gets going it'll be great.
  4. Good point (Tara/Curious5) about the phone probably being bugged, and that being what the judge signed off on. That makes total sense; I thought it was just Raylan being a dick to Boyd on general principle. And yeah, I didn't know this but according to Wikipedia prosecutors can just decide to charge someone as an adult, so they wouldn't have had to call out the judge on that one. That said, if Kendal gets convicted as an adult I will be officially MAD AT RAYLAN.
  5. I guess it's true that Dany is as obsessed with getting what she thinks is her birthright as Stannis is. Going around freeing slaves is going to put you in a better place in my book than going around shadow-assassinating your brother, though. Also, good point that not recognizing the war doesn't really make sense since the original Aegon only took the 7K by war himself.
  6. My favorite Sansa little-moment on the show, by far: http://i.imgur.com/QlOUntt.jpg (From Arrested Westeros, but the AD reference isn't that important, just the sentiment.)
  7. (I haven't rewatched it yet, but here's the spot to talk about it when you do!)
  8. Love seeing Farley get expanded out a little more, and of course delighted to see Bob Ducca pop up again.
  9. Weren't they three out of four in a row, though? ...looking back at it, maybe not. But it felt like a lot. :)
  10. Also: I don't really want to get into a full discussion of the Colbert stuff, but I thought this bears mentioning. Obviously the joke was made with good intentions and the whole "cancel it" thing is misguided, and I don't think anyone actually wants that (at least the person who started it doesn't). But, there is something to be said for: (from here, which is worth reading) Unrelatedly: I like that the last two canon submissions have both been Important Episodes that aren't in themselves necessarily that great. (Not to put a major gay rights landmark on the same plane as a bunch of fart jokes, but, well, kind of doing that.) More fun for me than the run of reality canon submissions, which kind of reinforced for me that no, I don't think I really need to be watching all the reality that y'all are watching and I'm not.
  11. I didn't love this episode; I thought the resolution to the mystery was waaaay too telegraphed, and though the drunk Sherlock bit was funny it just dragged. I think I liked Hound of the Baskervilles more than this one, though I haven't rewatched it since it aired so I'm not sure. It was kind of Scooby-Dooish, but I at least remember a few of the visuals, so that's a good sign for it.
  12. Yeah, definitely. Are they doing something we don't know about to keep the walkers away? (That fence is way less sturdy than the prison one.) Are walkers just not attracted to hipsters? Or was it just so bad at the prison because they kept bringing cars in and out and Lizzie kept feeding them? I was thinking that there aren't that many of them so they're not that loud / don't draw very many, but that doesn't jive with how every time the main characters hide out in a house for a night a bunch of walkers show up.
  13. Hey y'all (said in Tami Taylor voice): I renamed this to General Discussion, since we're trying to have the Small Talk threads be for off-topic introducing yourself and whatnot, and every single post in this thread is actually about the show. I made another Small Talk thread with nothing in it if you want to do that kind of thing. If you want to keep talking about how this show is the best ever, keep on it. If you want to start a new conversation about something else, go ahead and start a new thread. :)
  14. Nobody's the perfect choice, but I'd say Joffrey is almost unambiguously the worst out of the current contenders (Stannis, Joffrey, Dany). In terms of his claim based on lineage, he has none. By the law of the land Stannis is the rightful king if you recognize the war, Dany if you don't. In terms of whether he'd be a good ruler: has he made a single good decision, ever? He lets his grandfather manipulate stuff for personal gain, occasionally intervening to make things worse, and doesn't show any concern ever for regular people. Dany actually cares about the welfare of people other than herself, though she's had some growing pains. Stannis is all about law / ethics and would probably be a non-terrible though definitely non-great ruler; in his obsession with getting the kingship that he feels he's due (and he actually is due), he's definitely done some bad things, but it's not like Joffrey is any better.
  15. Are there t-ball bats that aren't those cheapo plastic ones? I don't see anyone taking out a walker with one of those.
  16. Playing along with the game time, I got the first whole bunch of them, including the first several that people missed, and I was like "oh, hey, the first game that I'm definitely better at than them!" Then I missed like fifteen in a row and took that back. :(
  17. Well, it's the Radisson so you know it's pretty good. Yeah, my first thought was better. Switching it, at least until we have an episode of the actual show. :)
  18. Hey Sabs, starting threads is easy and you should totally do it. :) Just go to the main page for the Rizzoli & Isles forum and hit "Start topic". If you want to do one specifically about the finale, hit the little "use episode format" checkbox, and then you can enter season 4, episode 16, title "You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone" - and just start saying whatever you feel like talking about. Anyone can also start threads for general discussion of season 4 as a whole, what they want to see / don't want to see in season 5, discussion of specific characters as a whole, whatever.... Obviously in the season 5 wish list thread there'll be some discussion of things about season 4, and that's totally fine. But the goal is to have discussion of different topics spread out, so that when someone new comes to the forum they don't have to dig through a giant thread of everything-about-Rizzoli-and-Isles-ever, and if someone wants to reply to something someone said a while ago there's not pages and pages of intervening posts about independent things.
  19. We should clarify: we're expecting answers to (sometimes) be based on books knowledge, but avoiding any significant spoilers of things that haven't happened on the show yet, right?
  20. Yeah! I don't normally watch this show, but I might pop in just to see what Greg Proops is doing.
  21. I thought that the show did a really good job of making me at least care about the new characters / new team, with just enough of the old characters (and letting them pop up once in a while). What it didn't do a great job of was keeping any depth to the old characters. In season 3, for example, I kind of liked J.D., in that obviously he was kind of terrible but you had sympathy for why he ended up that way / some hope that he could recover from it. In season 4 he became just a caricature.
  22. Yeah, for me there's no question that the pseudo-cable format benefitted the show. Season 2 is pretty much universally panned, and it's been too long since I watched season 1 so I don't really remember, but I definitely believe that there was some stuff in there that could have been trimmed down.
  23. Honestly, I had to look it up... :\
  24. This is worse than those lost Shakespeare plays.
  25. Do you know if this is going to be on one/both of the podcasts / for sale / something? I want to listen to this more than basically anything else ever. (I did get to go to a plain-old Welcome to Night Vale live show a few days ago, which was delightful.)
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