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Everything posted by Falafel

  1. Not sure this counts as "in the media," but I have been following Chad on Snapchat and... eek. I was Team Chad during the show, but do NOT ruin it by following him on Snapchat. All he does is eat protein, workout, lay in bed and rent DVDs. Oh, and he always has a stack of single dollar bills around for some reason. He seems to enjoy putting on his sunglasses (indoors, at night), smoking a cigarette and throwing singles into the air for Snapchat with club music playing. He is SUCH a weirdo. I still think Alex is a douche but... Chad is a huge douche too. There are no winners here. Watching Chad's snaps has started to make me feel, I don't know, sad or uncomfortable or something, so I think I'm going to need to unfollow him.
  2. Just finished the episode. I cannot believe out of all the characters on the show, they killed Poussey. Who is there to root for now? She was easily my favorite. This season was bleak as fuck and now the best character is gone. I still have to watch the finale because I might as well, but at this point, it seems unlikely I will be watching season five. Geez. edit: I was not spoiled, although I knew this episode made people cry. I also knew someone was going to die. Poussey is my absolutely fave, but I didn't cry. Mostly my jaw dropped and I said "What the fuck?" to myself. I'm kind of angry that in a season this depressing, they went all out and made it worse. I get it, prison is horrible and the show falsely made prison seem sort of fun, but god, this wasn't really the show I signed up for. As the season went, the episodes got sadder and more angering. Like I said, I'll see how the finale goes, but there's not going to be a van hitting Vee and making it all better, and there's not going to be a lake wherever can be free and get over their shit. I don't think there's any turning back from the direction things have gone in, and it's depressing as shit.
  3. I can't risk seeing any spoilers, but I need to express this: Christina Brucato was so freaking good as a young version of Lolly. I spent her first scene trying to figure out if they just put a wig and make-up on Lori Petty, and then I spent the subsequent scenes trying to figure out if they dubbed over Lori Petty's voice somehow. By the end I concluded, no Christina Brucato just really smashed it. Her mannerisms, the way she talked, everything, was so spot on. It makes you wonder about the choice with Maria's flashbacks where they had her playing a girl in Catholic school, which really didn't help me buy into that flashback. As far as flashbacks on this show go, Lolly's was the most believable one -- both because of the actress and the story itself. It's hard-breaking to see and I definitely had to take a moment to look at myself as the well-off person who comes into a newly gentrified area and is bothered by the people I see around that clearly suffer from mental illness. Having that story set in Seattle felt exactly right, and seeing how she was just dumped into prison when she needed help and wasn't actually dangerous is sad. I don't want to talk about the rest of the episode -- that final scene was the bleakest this show has had and I really wasn't prepared for it -- but Lolly's story was great. (Although I'm still wondering when someone will notice a guard disappeared because, you know, Lolly helped murder him.)
  4. I had to catch-up because I was too scared of spoilers finding me and I watched two episodes back-to-back -- I must be a sadist. I can't say there's much going on that is interesting anymore now that the Chad Bear can't be poked. The producers know it too, which is why they did that dumb manipulation with the In Touch magazine. Oh, an issue of In Touch, an American gossip magazine, just happened to appear in the house the Bachelorette contestants were staying at, in Argentina? Got it. Anyway, James Taylor is getting on my nerves a little bit, but I think he is exactly right: Jordan Rodgers thinks he's a celebrity -- and on what is probably a related note: I don't think Jordan is into JoJo at all. I don't think he has said a single thing that doesn't sound like he's interviewing for a job. I feel like there hasn't been one bit of emotional honestly from him, and zero body language that he is doing anything other than trying to win over JoJo. Meanwhile, she is clearly head over heels for him. I wonder if Jordan will be disappointed when she picks him because it means he can't be the next Bachelor? I heard he uses a "celebrity" dating app that requires you to be approved. I guess being the brother of someone famous counts, but Jordan is clearly working on making his own credentials! I do think JoJo is extremely attracted to Luke. They were fully clothed making out on a bench, but for some reason, it felt incredibly explicit to be watching. It felt as if they might as well have been banging, honestly. But in the end, she's picking Jordan. Alex is the douchiest douche to ever douche. As if I wasn't Team Chad before, now I can see why Chad was irritable. Heh. Remember last season when a bunch of the dates were based around Ben, where is from, what he did growing up, things he liked? JoJo is a blank slate. It's weird because in the very first episode with the parade of guys meeting her, I thought she had some great quips. But she has been a letdown as Bachelorette. We know nothing about her, and it leads me to believe that maybe she just isn't interesting.
  5. I actually thought the exact opposite. I thought he actually seemed to act like the show wasn't just a game or a contest and JoJo was a real person he needed to get to know. He did intentionally do things to get a rise out of the guys, like going back for extra one-on-one time, but I never got the sense he didn't view JoJo as a real person. He was delusional for thinking he could just kiss her whenever he wanted, but this show sets up weird standards in that regard anyway. And I agree that the group dates are what he signed up for, but Chad didn't actually refuse to do any of the stuff he was asked to do. He merely voiced the idea that he wanted to go on a one-on-one date instead. For the guys to get so offended by that comment reminded me of the bizarre reaction everyone had to Jubilee last season: *Gasp*, she suggested she was nervous about the date and joked she didn't want to go? How deeply offensive! People on this show just get outraged about dumb things and I didn't think Chad's comment about not wanting to go on a 12-on-1 was a big deal. Meh.
  6. Thanks! The only example that comes to mind is when he called JoJo "naggy" which I do think is sort of an inherently sexist phrase -- (why can't men ever be naggy? Why is a woman naggy when she is assertive, but a man is just simply assertive?) But I don't think someone is a sexist just because they use the word. And Chad, as much as the guys were outraged, was very clearly making a joke. I think you could also potentially try to read into his comments that JoJo "needs a real man" as something, but really, in the end, he didn't say anything to prove the allegations of misogyny. I'm sure he could be, or maybe he isn't, but if he really presented himself as a misogynist, I wouldn't have been able to get on his side.
  7. Well, put me down for someone who is sad to see Chad leave. I knew that Alex was getting the rose, but is the show really going to be about JoJo "falling" in "love" with these guys now? Ugh, I can't even bear the thought. The thing is, I know that Chad is a jerk, but I still rooted for him. Why? Well, two main reasons: All the others guy suck. Chad's big nemesis for much of the two episodes was Evan, and while Evan may not be the worst guy in the house, he's pretty creepy and lame. "Daddy got a kiss from JoJo!" That's really what you want to tell your children, weirdo? And sorry, the "story" (not a story) he told at the sex stories show was incredibly rude and shitty. So when Chad wanted to kick his ass, I can't say I blamed him. Up to that point, the worst thing Chad actually did to him was interrupt his time with JoJo, which hello, is normal on this show. Also, Evan, just because you cried when Chad interrupted your time with JoJo doesn't mean it was that serious. Alex is even worse -- dude was obsessed with Chad and all I really know about Alex is that he is short and he hates Chad. Oh, and Alex thinks a rose signifies that you are the best bachelor in America, which is why Chad doesn't deserve one: LOL, loser. Chad continued to make very reasonable points! You guys don't know her. You shouldn't be in love with her. Going on a date with one woman and 12 dudes is weird. And yeah, maybe you shouldn't tell sex stories to strangers. The guys may not like Chad, but they should probably just have left him alone. Like, I have no doubt Chad was rude and acted like he was better than everyone and no one appreciated it -- but they did go out of their way to tell him they didn't like him and they did seem to instigate, which really wasn't helpful. I recall someone asking Chad a question and he responded, and Grant inserted himself and said "Another two-word answer. That's cool." What's it to you, dude? If you don't like talking to Chad, then don't talk to Chad! Ok, a point of concession: I could've done without Chad threatening to hunt Jordan down -- but did anyone else find that exchange very strangely and suspiciously edited? The show barely even showed Jordan say anything, and suddenly Chad flipped out and threatened to find him? It made absolutely no sense. My conspiracy theory: Jordan did say something more that pissed Chad off, but the viewers also would've been offended or off-put by it, so they edited it out, so that Jordan can continue to be End Game Fairy Tale Romance. For the record, I don't like Jordan. I don't believe in "Right Reasons" but I do think he is just on the show because he thinks he deserves to be famous, which is douchey. JoJo clearly likes him a lot, but I think he'd rather be the next Bachelor. So, in conclusion, I think Chad probably does have issues with anger and violence and he's probably a misogynist and, who knows, maybe he's abusive. The thing is, we saw the first two but we really didn't actually see much of the latter two. And when we saw the first two, it was in response to a bunch of equally unlikable douchey idiots. So it was hard to be too down on Chad, who provided great entertainment value and for some reason fascinated me. If he had stopped threatening guys -- (he could've argued all he wanted, but he needed to stop threatening physical harm) -- I really think he could've lasted a bit longer. I think JoJo was attracted to him and intrigued by his confident, no-nonsense bad boy attitude. But he really, in the end, came off sounding like a crazy person to her, which was perfectly valid. Now, we're stuck with the likes of Alex and Evan. Someone help us. At least Daniel, who is a fucking weirdo, should give us some creepy, awkward fodder in the future. (How good was his Trump/Hitler > Mussolini > Bush comparison though?)
  8. Chad is a total tool but god I love him. I do think the show really beat the horse to death, but honestly, Chad was the best thing about the show this week. I know he's an asshole and I think we'll see it more in coming weeks, but I can also see how his confidence and his aloof mysteriousness would be attractive for a woman. I'm a lesbian and even I was thinking, "I get it." I think he lost a lot of cool points when he told Alex he would knock his teeth out, but otherwise seemed to make some reasonable points. Like how dumb it was for the guys to be saying they love her. (The nagging comment though, even if a joke, makes me think he's as misogynist as the "she needs a real man" talk would have you suspect. But I'm waiting until he 'roid rages to hate him.) Line that made me laugh out loud: "It was like if the Care Bears, like, surrounded you and told you they were gonna kick your ass." Alex though... For as bad as Chad looked, Alex looked worse. Dude was obsessed with Chad and would Not. Stop. Talking. about him. His interrogation of Chad after he walked JoJo in was insane. I have to say, despite his douchiness, Chad again had a point. What exactly did Alex expect Chad to say? What was the purpose of the interrogation? Why did he think he entitled to a play-by-play? Alex is the one that gave Chad most of his power in the episode and did come off looking a bit Napolean complexy. I'm convinced Chad was still eating at the rose ceremony just because of all the comments -- he knew it got under everyone's skin. The guy who looks like Jim from The Office just seems boring. He's nice enough, but there nothing there. No spark, no chemistry, just politely enjoying a romantic, unexpected getaway in San Francisco, as two strangers would do. I was shocked JoJo cried at James' poem, but I don't see James going that far. Not to be a dick, but I think JoJo is too shallow to pick him in the end. The farmer guy (I still don't know all their names) is the frontrunner to me.
  9. I think JoJo is going to be a good Bachelorette. She seems comfortable with herself, she has funny little quips, and the men seem to genuinely be interested in her. (Has a house of contestants ever remarked on how hot their Bachelor/Bachelorette is this much? I feel like in Des' season, which is the only Bachelorette I can remember watching, the guys were just hamming it up for the camera and most of them weren't into her, sadly.) Anyway, Caila would've been awful at this. She just didn't have much to say and despite being beautiful, still was just too young and insecure-seeming. The producers made the right call. Jordan seems like a smarmy douche and I hate him already. I'm already suspecting he is there to be famous and be the next Bachelor, but we'll see. Derek looks exactly like John Krasinski (Jim from The Office), who is the ultimate nice, normal guy. I guess that why I liked him off the bat. Daniel is this year's producer's choice where JoJo will keep him around a while so he can keep being weird and giving them material to work with. That conversation with JoJo was the most awkward thing ever -- there's no way she felt OK about that. "I've never been to Texas because I'm from Canada." Oh. "Have not been following the internet the past couple months?" Uh. I figured he would stay even before he jumped in the pool naked for no reason. Chad I thought seemed like an asshole even before the previews of him freaking out, so that's fun that they apparently cast a violent sociopath. I was actually thinking about how on the Bachelor, they manage to find all these insane, emotionally-damaged women who have no self awareness and it creates great drama. But it seems a lot harder to do with men -- you just don't get the same types of characters. I think Chad encompasses why -- the line between annoying and dangerous is a little different. Sheesh. Do you think they intentionally bring in a couple unattractive guys to make the first round easy? I won't name names, but there were a couple guys where I was wondering what the producers were thinking, quite frankly. I'm convinced that's the only reason St. Nick stayed. But I was surprised Peter left, he was attractive enough, and a choice of hers did surprise me based on looks.
  10. I suspect they have to test the sabotages because some of them, if not calibrated properly, could force someone to lose. i.e. they forced someone to grate a huge wedge of cheese before they could continue. They definitely need to test that make sure it wouldn't take forever because I've never seen a sabotage prevent someone from finishing their dishes. One guy didn't plate his dishes after he was forced to stop cooking for 5 minutes, but he didn't plate his stuff because he didn't manage his time properly. I'd just be curious what the rules are because I watched another episode last night where a guy was planning to cut up apples and peaches for a pancake breakfast, but his knives were replaced with tin foil, so instead he used bananas and made bananas foster. In his interview, he claimed he got chocolate and bananas "just in case" but it pretty obvious those interviews are a) done after the show ends b) are guided to narrate the show and aren't really meant to give us true insight into what the contestants were doing. So who knows. But if they auction the right to foce someone to use coffee creamers for all their milk, do they have to re-do anything where they used milk? In one episode, they had to make sandwiches or something, and some guy took ALL THE BREAD in the pantry. How is that allowed? I'd do it every time. Oh we have to make omelets? *takes all eggs* Despite the craziness with the sabotages, my least favorite part of this show is actually the judging. Sometimes a judge will eliminate someone for not actually making the dish they were asked. Other times they'll eliminate someone just because it was the dish they enjoyed the least, even if the other dishes weren't what was assigned. Personally, I think Chef Tila picks up on the craziness in some of this dishes better than Chef Antonia, which I like, because you'd hope a judge could tell if you made your paella with pepper-flavored jelly beans or whatever it is. But I wish the judging were more consistent. I'd like a three-judge panel, but I realize this isn't a serious cooking showed like Chopped and that's not really the point of it. (It was fascinating to see someone who won Chopped come on Cut-Throat Kitchen and go out first. Some of these people may be great chefs, but their sabotage strategy absolutely sucks.)
  11. Question about how this show works. Sometimes I go in Netflix and just watch a few in a row, but sometimes the decision-making confuses me. Like there was this one episode where the sabotage was having to cook with a little camp torch thing and so the contestant was unable to cook her shrimp completely. But the dish was nachos -- she could've still had a passable dish without it. So why serve raw shrimp instead of none at all? Are their rules about changing your dish after the sabotage, or are their rules that you must have a protein in certain dishes? Sometimes I just feel like they keep their plan no matter what sabotage they have and it doesn't make sense to me.
  12. What season is your favorite and why? Do you think the show changes as the seasons progress? I'd ask no specific plot spoilers, except in tags. I ask all this because I am about halfway through season two and I've just gotten so bored. There are no twists or turns. All of Frank's plans come to pass and he always wins. No one has any inkling of what Frank is all about. What really has me questioning whether or not to jump ship was that storyline, if you can even call it that, with Lucas Goodwin. I have read, without getting into spoilers, that season three moves away from the "breaking the fourth wall" thing and it lets us be more in the dark about what happens, so we'll be more surprised, I guess so we don't have a repeat of . Do the storylines themselves become less predictable? Does anyone catch onto Frank? I am trying to decide if I should jump past season two and try again at season three or four, give up entirely. This show moves too slow for everything to be so obvious so far in advance. There's also a general likability question -- do we end up with anyone to root for? Frank is a sociopath. Claire seems like an actual human with feelings, but she just chooses to be shitty. Doug is evil. The only characters I rooted for, Lucas and Zoe, were bumbling idiots who couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag. I can't believe I feel this way, but Try some more, or this show just isn't for me?
  13. Hi! You accused DangerousMinds of being incapable of remembering if they watched it on Netflix or not. It was available in 2014 and then removed in the US temporarily before being added back again. :)
  14. Incorrect. Metastasis is definitely available on Netflix in the U.S. I'm a subscriber and I'm looking at it right now. All 62 episodes are listed under "season one." I haven't watched it but I've jumped around out of curiosity. They use a school bus instead of an RV. In Felina, it's just pouring rain -- no snow -- because he's in South America, not New Hampshire. The gang are not Nazis. Etc. Not sure if this is considered a spoiler since the show is the exact same, but one minor but notable difference in the final is
  15. In the gnocchi episode, what was with that judge who said it looked amateurish for Bobby to have chopped basil and sprinkled it over the top? He said something like, "I haven't seen anyone who does that anymore" or something. That seemed really douchey to me -- is that valid criticism or was that guy a hack who doesn't know what he is talking about? I suspect that douchey judge picked the challenger's dish to win because he thought it was Bobby's and he thought the challenger committed the "amateurish" sin of sprinkling chopped basil over the dish. Sometimes I don't know about the judges Food Network uses on their shows.
  16. Full disclosure, I have watched this show on and off and have missed very large chunks of it (I don't know what happened to Cece or why she isn't on the show anymore)... However, I think the trangender theory is popular because it seems like without it, we should've seen Charles before. I think Marlene (who apparently has lied and trolled about stuff in the past anyway) said we have seen Charles' face before. I guess it's possible Charles is just someone else by a different name, but there wouldn't be much of a plot twist if it turned out that Wren's name is really Charles or something. I wouldn't mind the transgender theory, but it seems a little outlandish, even for this show. As a side note, I think it's a little dumb that Spencer sees some child letter blocks while locked in the dollhouse, finds they spell Charles if moved around, and now it's assured that this guy's name is Charles. Does that seem kind of weak to anyone else? I don't know why anyone would take that as a clear piece of confirmation on A's name. I get that the show is treating it as such and have been clear that Charles is A -- I just think it's a dumb way to divulge his name.
  17. Theories I've seen that are popular on other forums center around the idea that Charles was Jason and Ali's brother, but he had issues and was sent away while very young (some speculate he broke Alison's arm, as was discussed during the trial). While he was gone, he underwent gender reassignment surgery and became Cece Drake, and Cece is "Big A." Here's one such example that I've read. Despite what Marlene King says, I'm convinced everything has just always been made up as they go along, and they don't actually care about continuity, so who knows. Haha.
  18. I've never seen this show and I watched it because I wanted to watch a comedy and not a crime show, which is all the other channels had. This show sucks. Punch lines that revolve around misogyny and jerky male characters treating women like objects is not my idea of a good time. "Burski" was a disgusting asshole to Leslie, and the fact that he filled out a form for the doctor and didn't have anything to add to "significant other" and felt sad doesn't somehow make him not gross. Leslie having everyone touch her ass to show Burski what he is missing was a rather bizarre way for her to show she didn't appreciate the way he objectified her. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this show is written by all men. I will never make the mistake of watching again.
  19. I still want to know what it is. Last season, someone on Twitter asked Carrie what a specific song playing in an episode was and she looked it up in the music library and responded. Maybe try her on Twitter?
  20. Wait, really? I find that surprising because it has always seemed like the show tried to pretend Mark never existed. Aside from obviously never mentioning him once he left, Michael Schur in an episode of the Writer's Room was talking about Jerry being told his mother was adopted, and Schur referred to Mark simply as "a character." Has anyone heard Mark would've done in season 4?
  21. I did think that Mark and Leslie were supposed to have a long-game love interest, like there would be chemistry and we'd see her make him become a better person and they'd date other people and eventually he'd come around and they'd end up together. I guess that's a good point that the tone of the show changed in season 2. Leslie was a character I think we were supposed to pity a little but be endeared by her naive enthusiasm. One they made her into the character she became, we'd have to question why she'd even let herself pine pine over a guy that was such a jerk to her. It simply wouldn't fit with who Leslie became. I have a hard time believe Schneider left the show by choice. I know he hasn't spoken positively of his experience and has expressed no desire to return, but I think that's what happens when a) you get fired b) it's plain to see it wasn't working out and they wouldn't want you back anyway. I just think the actor was a bad choice for a sitcom and the casting was poor.
  22. Apprentice UK > Celebrity Apprentice Lord Sugar > Donald Trump No product placements > a TV show that's one giant ad I don't even watch the American Apprentice franchise anymore. The Apprentice UK stays consistently awesome and the tasks are incredibly interesting and varied. I'm not sure when I stopped watching the USA Apprentice, but every single task was a marketing or advertising task for a real product and the episode was an ad for that product. The British version of the show has some marketing, but it also goes so far beyond that.
  23. This show is just so unfunny now. Please, put it out of its misery. The Johnny Karate stuff is just dumb and we had an entire episode of it? They are out of ideas. The only semi-amusing line from this doubleheader was Leslie's about "the high-stakes world of banner-making." I will forever long for season four, which is when this show peaked.
  24. This show is really just so awful now. They've run out of things to do with the shows initial concept (town government) and have resorted to jumping into the future and taking each character off in all these random directions. This show isn't funny anymore and it just kind of sucks.
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