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Everything posted by Chrissytd

  1. "Is that Clay Aiken?" "I think I've seen him on Tinder." "That's just wishful thinking." Did we seriously need a segment featuring the Euros watching Euros?
  2. The reunion was filmed in March, and filming of this season began in July.
  3. I didn't realize there were 2 movies titled Sunny. The one I'm referencing is the 2011 one.
  4. Bravo will be airing this episode and Episode 2, Sunday at 11AM.
  5. Would she have the money to hire another lawyer? That's what they were saying!? It sounded like titdazzle to me. They were burning the body, and setting up an alibi.
  6. Damn :(. Even with the recurrence, she was optimistic that she would pull though. RIP Diem.
  7. That's my favorite part about this franchise.
  8. During the last reunion, Kenya told a story about her boyfriend first meeting Nene. The boyfriend tried to speak Nene but she didn't know what he was trying to say so she sped off in her car. She receives a call from Kenya telling her that her boyfriend never wants to meet Nene again because she was "so nasty and so rude." Once the story was over, Nene kept repeat the phrase.
  9. I didn't know that. I live in South FL and it was news alert. Thanks for clarifying.
  10. One of the production trucks for tomorrow's Bills-Dolphins game was stolen, don't know if it will affect the broadcast.
  11. I think you're mixing the two. Charles appeared on S4 when Marlo was introduced.
  12. It's an Amazon show. You can watch the first episode for free but for the rest, you need to be an AmazonPrime member.
  13. You never know, we might get a VPR spin-off featuring Pump.
  14. For your viewing pleasure http://www.bravotv.com/vanderpump-rules/season-3/videos/tom-sandovals-full-apology-video
  15. Nothing says financial stability like being a waiter.
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